Build Madness

Chapter 823 Yanjia: Optical Levitation and Graphene

Weicheng Kite International Plaza.

Boss Ge made his debut, attracting thousands of people to watch.

There are also countless reporters, or shoulder-mounted cameras, or holding recording pens, or rubbing the gossip shift key to record first-hand interview materials.


What the hell is Yanjia?

"Mr. Ge, what are you talking about... Mechanism?"

Tiancheng's steel structure technology originated from the ancient Chinese mechanism technique, which has long been known both at home and abroad. There are even foreigners who go to the Chinese countryside to quietly buy documents related to mechanism technique.

It's a pity, except for buying... the second brother Guan who rides a motorcycle rides thousands of miles alone, Xiao Heyue who rides a bicycle chases Han Xin, and Hulao Guan Mahjong lacks one...

The real Chinese antiquities, but none of them were bought.

After all, Tian Cheng searched everywhere for interesting things such as comic books a long time ago, how could he leave good things to outsiders.

Hearing the reporter's question, Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly and motioned for the security guard to bring over the oversized SG pad that looks like an advertising light box at a bus stop.

The audience: "???"

"Don't be surprised, it's called mobile office."


"Strictly speaking, Mechanism is a branch extended from engineering. The original intention is to use certain materials to make and assemble them into mechanical components that undertake the functions of starting and braking."

Ge Xiaotian used the extremely standard "The Times is Calling", operated the page through the air, and called up the pictures that had been prepared for the "Cultural Invasion".

Audience: "..."

Did you accompany your eldest nephew to watch Ottoman Bewitched?

"In ancient times, mechanism techniques included machine guns, traps, animal traps, trebuchets, etc. In modern times, mechanism techniques included bearings, connecting rods, folding furniture, and many weapons."

"In other words, Mechanism is an in-depth application of physics. Most of the products are war-oriented. The ancestors are Gongshuban and Mohist Mozi. You can refer to the idiom 'stick to the old rules', and you can also enter 3D martial arts games to participate in popular science teaching."

"And Yanjia is a bit mysterious, or magical."

"Yanjia was born earlier than organs. It originated in the Shennong Xuanyuan period. It mainly uses wooden materials to imitate creatures, or make advanced props to meet the needs of daily life."

"Some places call it 'Yanshu', some places call it 'Wooden Armor Technique', but most of the people who practice this technique are called 'Yanshi'."

"Leaving aside the ancient cultural relics that have not been declassified until now, only according to the literature records, Yanjia can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty, that is, around 1000 BC."

"Lie Ziyun:

King Mu of Zhou went hunting in Kunlun Mountains, and met a mysterious craftsman——Yanshi in Bashu area on his way back.

Standing beside Yanshi at that time was a strange figure whose whole body was covered with wood grain and color.

King Mu of Zhou asked, "Who is that?"

Yanshi replied calmly: "This is not a real person, but a wooden armor artist made by me."

King Mu of Zhou couldn't help being surprised. Looking carefully, he found that the wooden armor man was too lifelike. No matter how he advanced, retreated, raised his head, or lowered his head, he seemed to be a real person.

When King Mu of Zhou asked him to sing, he could do it in perfect rhythm, and if he asked him to dance, it could be changed in ever-changing ways.

King Mu of Zhou was so amazed that he ordered his concubines to watch the performance.

Just when the performance was about to end, the wooden armor artist blinked and seduced King Zhou Mu's beautiful concubine.

King Mu of Zhou couldn't help being furious, and reprimanded Yanshi: "I thought it was really a wooden armor man, but it turned out that he just found a real person to paste wooden skins on, trying to use it as a miracle to deceive the emperor?"

In order to clear up the suspicion, Yanshi dismantled the Mujiaren on the spot.

King Zhou Mu looked again, and it turned out that it was really made of wood, leather armor, glue paint and other materials.

Yanshi pieced together these parts again, and the Mujia people came to life again. "

"Later, the Yanjia was lost, until six hundred years later, Gongshuban invented the "organ man" driven by wires, and Mozi, the ancestor of the Mohist family, also invented the mechanism flying kite that can fly for three days, and the mechanism house that can move freely , but the miraculous 'Yan Jia' has never been reproduced."

"With the advancement of science, we have mastered more unprecedented technologies, and finally unveiled the mystery of Yanjia."

"Tiancheng Electric Industry's research found that the ancient Yanjia was powered by mysterious energy and mainly controlled by magnetic tenons. It pursued flexibility, lightness, lifelikeness, and did not require power."

"For example, the wooden cow and horse that are well known but cannot be restored, and the flying kite that does not land for three days."

"However, since ancient times there were no new materials that are as vast as the sea, wood chips can only be used to make it light. Therefore, Yanjia is also called 'wooden armor'."

"What is mysterious energy, mana? Magic power? Ability? We don't know, because this is the end of the age, there are no practitioners in the East, and there are no magicians in the West..."

"Wait, Mr. Ge, what do you mean, there really were cultivators and magicians in ancient times?"

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. But I can tell you responsibly that 90% of scientists will study 'theology' in their later years, because they have touched the origin of the world, and I... have also touched it."

Looking at Ge Erer, who had a holy face, a solemn expression, and a kind priest appearance, the Huaxia reporter almost laughed.

God damn the origin of the world, in China, who doesn't know that you, Ge Laoer, believe in the great ancestor on the red note...

But overseas reporters believed it.

There are multiple 'spirits' on the mother planet, and believers account for two-thirds of the total population.

So many people believe in gods, the power of gods must come from mysterious energy.

Moreover, the rapid rise of new companies such as Tiancheng and Longtian was due to the employment of local priests and masters.

The Horton Consortium has 'Superman', the Butterfly Club has 'NT New Humanity', Montenegro Odyssey has 'Templar', Wajima New Technology has 'Extraordinary Ninja', and the African Union has 'Tribal Wizard' ...

Although it's a bit disrespectful, the Pope is not a fake, right?

Countless overseas journalists have written down hagana and mysterious energy, and passed the first-hand information to their respective companies as quickly as possible.

"With the power of current technology, there are countless materials that can replace wood chips. The 'new energy' made of electrical equipment can also replace mysterious energy. Moreover, we can also add additional integrated circuits, remote control, and more cutting-edge technologies..."

"The shark airship is the modern Yanjia!"

Ge Xiaotian's promotion of "mysterious power" is enough, and it is replaced with the materials prepared for "cultural invasion", showing the cross-section of the shark airship.

"First off topic."

"In the early 17th century, Kepler used the pressure of sunlight to explain why the tail of a comet was facing away from the sun.

In the 18th century, Aurora pointed out the existence of "light pressure", which means that some kind of pressure can be produced on the object illuminated by it.

In the middle of the 19th century, Maxwell calculated from the electromagnetic theory: the pressure generated by light incident on a black body (an object that completely absorbs light) is: p=S/c. S in the formula is the value of the Poynting vector of light, and c is the speed of light.

At the beginning of the 20th century, ice bear physicist Lebedev measured the light pressure value: the light pressure of sunlight incident on the black body on the ground is p=5×10 N/m. "

"Thus the 'Electromagnetic Theory of Light' and the 'Quantum Theory of Light' were born."

"Nowadays, everything as small as the 'light pressure windmill' at the science exhibition, as large as the 'solar sail spaceship' is inseparable from the 'light pressure'.

"The solar sail is regarded by scientists as the only spacecraft that may carry humans to the outer solar system."

"What does it have to do with the shark airship?"

"The research of No. 101 laboratory of Tiancheng Electric Industry shows that the graphene balls in the vacuum tube produce photoelectric effect under the light, eject electrons, push the graphene balls to move, and finally overcome the gravity levitation, showing the phenomenon of light levitation."

"In other words, the light pressure makes the electrons inside the graphene balls in the vacuum tube push the graphene balls to move, creating a kind of buoyancy, which is called light levitation."

"In the same way, we can also combine graphene and glass fibers to make devices such as acoustic levitation, electric levitation, and particle beam levitation."

"For example: magnetic levitation is used as the start-up stage, acoustic levitation is used to control the direction, air levitation is used to stabilize light levitation, electric levitation is used for acceleration, particle beam levitation is used for re-acceleration, and we can reach the outer space by breaking away from the gravitational force of the parent star... gone."

"As a result, graphene has become a new energy source that can replace space fuel and provide us with a steady stream of power."

"Of course, it takes 20,000 years to leave the solar system. We can't guarantee whether we can come back after leaving the parent star."

The reporters at the scene were collectively confused: "..."

Silence for a long time.

A blonde girl asked, "Mr. Ge, what do you mean, the shark airship is not a 'hydrogen balloon' or 'hot air balloon' type of air vehicle?"

"Of course, with the strength of our Tiancheng Electric Industry, we can easily make a 'balloon airship' with a size of 2,000 meters. But the shark airship has made us study for more than two years. Its internal filling is not gas , but a high-hardness vacuum tube made of glass fiber, that is, a container containing graphene spheres, like an external metal fence, which is not a protective facility, but a 'grating', which is a type of optical device, also called a cylinder Light gratings. Together, they are equivalent to 'engines', which not only make the shark airship float, but also provide a steady stream of power for the propeller blades distributed in the front, rear, left, and right."

"Mr. Ge, does this mean that Tiancheng Electric Industry can produce the 'suspension car' in science fiction films?"

"It is indeed possible, but the current cost... is about the same as a space shuttle, which is 20 billion Franklins. It is completely impossible to commercialize, and we need to keep the technology secret. Besides, isn't magnetic levitation good? Why choose more expensive light? Levitation?"


"Mr. Ge, combined with what you said, does it mean that it can enter outer space?"

"Yes, that's right! Graphene is one of the strongest materials known on the parent star. Not only does it have good toughness, it can also be bent. The theoretical Young's modulus reaches 1.0TPa, and its inherent tensile strength is 130GPa. Although Graphite paper composed of graphene flakes will have many holes and appear very brittle, but functionalized graphene obtained through oxidation, and then graphite paper made of functionalized graphene will be extremely strong and tough, and it is currently the best aerospace paper. Materials. The shark hull is made of graphene paper, based on these, as long as we have enough acceleration, we can easily break through the ionosphere and outer atmosphere, enter space, and become a 'space battleship'."


The overseas reporters at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay, and looked up at the 'Shark Yanjia' in the air.

Is this a space battleship? !

Dao Shishi quietly reminded: "Boss, it's over."

"I'm sorry, I haven't blown it for a long time, and I didn't catch it all of a sudden..."

Overseas reporter: "..."

Are you coaxing us to play? !

"Well, it's getting late, let's watch the game."

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