Build Madness

Chapter 824: Airship Transportation, Interviewer

After the popularity of airplanes, airships were almost forgotten by people.

But in fact, many countries and research institutions, including some universities, have not given up on "airships", and even secretly triggered a "war preparations race" in the new century.

According to public information:

The "space ship" disc-shaped airship designed by England has a payload of 400 tons, while the current largest transport aircraft in the world, An 225, has a payload of only 250 tons.

North America will certainly not lag behind, the enhanced version of the 'Walrus' has a load of more than 600 tons.

France, which has the most experience in airships, even launched the helium-filled "Hercules" airship, with a load of up to 900 tons.

It can be said that modern heavy-duty airships based on traditional airship technology, adding fixed-wing, rotorcraft technology, and hovercraft technology are completely killers for all-terrain transportation.

Strong load capacity, long battery life, simple and reliable control, less dependence on ground infrastructure...

And the cost is only 40% of sea freight.

You must know that air freight is the most expensive, followed by automobile freight, then railway freight, and ocean freight.

If airships are commercialized, most railways in mountainous areas will lose their meaning.

As for cities and bustling areas... forget it, it's too big.

For a long time, due to personnel constraints, the Tiancheng Aerospace Department has almost ignored the airship project, because its own goal is 'stars and oceans', and mainly focuses on aerospace.

But the sudden appearance of the 'Shark Yanjia' pushed Tian Cheng to the throne of the most airship technology.

The 101 research room of Tiancheng Electric Industry, as well as the other 100 research rooms, have also aroused many speculations.


July 1st.

The first round of the regular season of the Sancha Cup is in full swing. Boss Ge, incarnate as a coach, is on the sidelines directing the Tiancheng Machinery team that has finally made it out of the knockout round...

At the same time, related reports swept the world.

Tiancheng Electric Industry announced that it has successfully developed a shark Yanjia with a load of 10,000 tons...

Someone's bragging didn't hold it right, coupled with the load of "10,000 tons", it was even more obvious that Ge Lao Er was fooling people.

Therefore, when Tianmao Group announced the purchase of 30 million tons of wheat in Heilong and planned to arrange 200 shark Yanjias to transport the wheat to Dongshan to alleviate the food problem, the price of wheat increased instead of falling.

Learn from the words of the president of the four major grain merchants ADM: Ge Laoer is nothing more than trying to use this news to lower the price of wheat, how can we do what he wants.

Therefore, that afternoon, the price of wheat broke through the 60 cents mark, and the price per ton in the futures market was as high as 1,300 red notes.

the next day.

Enterprises such as Ruyi Textile, Weiqiao Cotton Spinning, and Splendid Huaxia successively announced their investment invitation information for the purchase of cotton.

Cotton spot and futures prices skyrocketed at the same time...

Tianmao Group announced to the outside world that its new cotton will be launched soon. Cotton merchants at home and abroad are welcome to come to Huaxia Dongshan Zaoshi New City to participate in the first cotton exhibition of Mother Star.

The four major grain merchants have already waged war with Tianmao, Huaxia Grain, and Huaxia Grain Storage, which is involved in the agricultural trade war, and resolutely implement a strategy of suppressing any profitable business of Tiancheng.

Otherwise, if Tianmao has funds, the agricultural trade war will continue.

'We must let Tianmao's cotton rot! '

Therefore, the four major grain merchants joined forces with North American cotton merchants and South American cotton merchants to lower cotton prices and sell new cotton.

Cotton spot and futures, starting to fall...


Boss Ge is obviously not expected to be a coach. Not only did Tiancheng Machinery have an upset, he was kicked 0-3 in the first game, and in the second game on the 4th, he took off his shirt to show off his muscles to the opponent's coach, Boss Wan Shi Therefore, amidst the screams of countless girls, Boss Ge Da was kicked out of the stadium by a red card from the cold-faced referee...


Weicheng Tiancheng Office.

Ge Xiaotian sighed while blowing the cold wind:

"What the hell weather, it's too hot."

"Is this the reason for you to be sent off the pitch?"

"I'm smart, right? Not only can I make entertainment news, but I can also come back to rest."


Dao Shishi shrugged and took out the file folder, "Boss, after 50 million tons of aged grains were replaced with our own wheat, it was officially tested and allowed to be listed for trading, and now it has been sold to Yihai through the hands of farmers. Kerry thirty-seven million tons."

"Is that what it sells for?"

"The other three major grain merchants are also buying, and they eat the rest. Moreover, with the help of Nanyang Agriculture, we filled more than 2,000 grain depots with 60 million tons of wheat, and one third of them were also sold."

"5,000 tons, add 2,000 tons, 70 million tons, earn 1,000 yuan per ton... 70 billion?"

"You hire farmers to play a show and spend 5 billion to purchase old grain from Nanyang Agriculture Fengyi International. Affected by the price, you can only earn 500 yuan per ton. In general, if we sell all the stored grain, you can earn about 550 yuan Billion."

"Sure enough... the richer you are, the richer you are."

"In addition, the price of cotton has fallen. Ruyi Textile, Weiqiao Cotton Industry, and Jinxiu Huaxia are all speeding up their acquisitions. If we operate properly, we can control the cotton market in the next three years. By then, we will have the final say on the price of cotton fabrics, and it will be even more expensive." earn."

"The four major grain merchants are locked up, but the American cotton merchants will not..."

"What if cotton diseases break out in the Americas? For example, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, cotton aphids, cotton bollworm, etc. The reduction in production leads to bankruptcy of farmers, and no one grows cotton, resulting in a shortage of cotton, but we control most of the parent planet. cotton……"

"It makes sense!"

"Hey hey..."

"You've done a good job this time, you've positioned your role correctly, obviously I'm upright, but you really made me look like the black hand behind the scenes...

"But, you are my boss, I work for you..."

"Stop talking, eat and eat!"

Just as the two were about to pick up the dishes, an accompanying Tianwei security came in.

"Boss, there is a young man who wants to see you. He has been chasing you from Jinxiuchuan to Fengdu, and then to Weicheng. It has been more than half a month."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"You are so busy. There are thousands of reporters who make an appointment to see you every day. If you report all of them one by one, I'm afraid I will go digging mines."


Ge Xiaotian got up and poured a glass of boiled water, "What kind of young man?"

"Twenty-four-five, he is an intern reporter who just graduated from Jifu University. He is innocent and has no problem. But he wants to see you and doesn't make an appointment. He just chases you wherever you go, and asks you from time to time. time."

"It's very persistent...let him in."

Not long after, a young man in a white shirt, black trousers and tie walked in.

Although he was sweating profusely, his walking posture was upright and his appearance was relatively upright.

As soon as you meet, you will feel good.

'Is a promising young man. '

Ge Xiaotian didn't wait for the other party to speak, took the chopsticks, and asked while eating, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Uh... no."

"Sit down and eat together."

"Thank you, Boss Ge."

A Tian Wei, who was holding a lunch box and hadn't finished his lunch, quickly brought a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and notified the cafeteria to add another dish.

"Mr. Ge, my name is Cao Yan, an intern reporter for the Southern Metropolis Evening News."

"Actually, there are many intern journalists in my secondary school and Jinxiuchuan University, and there are countless interns in other industries, but I don't have much memory except the one who dared to fool my wife into buying insurance."


No matter how well prepared Cao Yan was, he was a little bit stuck when he first met what to eat, and then when the interviewer took the initiative to reveal that his wife had been fooled.

Just when he didn't know how to respond, he saw Tianwei walking over with a plate of stir-fried cabbage, and said hastily:

"I'm used to watching the life of the rich in TV and movies. I always thought that Mr. Ge would eat sea cucumbers every meal with more than a dozen dishes and a bottle of high-quality red wine. I never expected that I happened to meet Mr. Ge for lunch today. There was only one person on the table. Meat and vegetables, a plate of pickles, and four or five steamed buns."

"You don't understand that."

Ge Xiaotian broke off the miscellaneous corn buns, stuffed them in his mouth and chewed them, "If modern people travel to ancient times, what do you think is the biggest trouble?"

"There shouldn't be any trouble, right?"

"First of all, you are a walking 'poison man'. Secondly, you can't eat anything. Even if you eat a corn pancake, you will suffer from the decline of your stomach's digestion ability because you are used to rice and noodles. It's night Don't chew too much peanuts, see if you will have a stomachache in the middle of the night."

"Is this the same as what you eat now?"

"I'm getting used to the life of ancient people, waiting to cross over."


"Haha, just kidding, I call it health preservation. According to scientific research, whole grains contain far more microelements than supplements, and they are easier for the body to absorb. This is why I am so handsome."


Sure enough, Ge Laoer is a joke.

Cao Yan really wanted to scratch his head, find a place to smooth his thoughts, so as not to be led astray by this guy.

"By the way, what do you need from me?"

"Mr. Ge, I want to interview you."

"Aren't you interviewing now? There are many reporters looking for me, but you are the first one to eat home-cooked meals with me. Isn't this all first-hand news?"


"Remember to describe my simple painting style of eating and wiping clean, and then lament that I have a thorough understanding of 'saving food, everyone is responsible'."


Seeing that Ge Xiaotian was about to get up, Cao Yan quickly asked the purpose of his trip, "Mr. Ge, what do you think of Chengji Center's Mr. Zhao forcing the buyer to death?"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, and looked at Dao Shishi, "Why don't I know?"

"Boss, it happened at the end of May. The buyer was a typist from a small company. To get married, he bought a house in Chengji Center. The registered area was 45 square meters, and the sales area was 120 square meters. Mr. Zhao's sales office gave away a balcony of 10 square meters. But in mid-May, the home buyer was found to have cancer, and the home buyer took out a loan to buy the house, but the house was not sold and could not be resold, so they had to negotiate with the sales office for a refund."

"Isn't there a regulation in this regard? Refunds are available for major illnesses."

"Yes, but the buyer bought a 120-square-meter house, Mr. Zhao only refunded the registered area of ​​45 square meters, and deducted 5% liquidated damages and related handling fees. In the end, the buyer only got 30,000 yuan."

"How much down payment did he pay?"



"House buyers don't have the money to pay the huge medical expenses, and they are reluctant to be hospitalized. On the way back, they got under the muck truck at the construction site of the fifth phase of Chengji Center and disappeared."

"Should be held accountable?"

"Few people know about this. After all, Chengji Center has many people participating in the stock, including Mrs. Jifu."

Cao Yan suddenly said: "My roommate is a lawyer. He is stunned and doesn't know Mr. Zhao's connections. He accepted the entrustment of the family of the house buyer to help them seek justice. Later, he was not only fired by the law firm, but also received many threatening text messages. , now I can only live in the Jinxiu Chuanhei Hotel, and I dare not go back to Jifu. I want to help him, but I am afraid of being fired from the newspaper, so I dare not use the resources of the newspaper, so I can only interview you."

"Is there any use for interviewing me? What result does the victim's family want?"

"A life pays for a life."

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