Build Madness

Chapter 825: Boss Ge's Show Begins

Weicheng Tiancheng Office.

After listening to Cao Yan's narration, Ge Xiaotian showed a 'noncommittal' expression:

"We are all adults, so we must think rationally. This case was indeed caused by Mr. Zhao, but the buyer got himself under the car, not only had nothing to do with Mr. Zhao, but also cheated the driver of the muck truck. Moreover, he had cancer and wanted to commit suicide. , can also become Mr. Zhao's defense. Even if the high court favors the weak, and finally decides to pursue Mr. Zhao's secondary responsibility, at most he will pay some money, and Mr. Zhao is short of money? It is difficult for his family members to pay for their lives. .”

"Now the whole mother planet knows that Tiancheng's Law Department is very powerful, if Mr. Ge is willing to take action..."

"Do you know Mr. Zhao?"

"I don't understand."

Ge Xiaotian got up and printed a copy of the materials, put it in front of Cao Yan, "Look at it first."

The latter picked up the paper and saw the number of companies Mr. Zhao secretly controlled, his face changed, "Is this too much?"

"Keep watching"

When he found out the identity of Zhao's father, Cao Yan was dumbfounded.

For ordinary people, Father Zhao is simply an unshakable existence.

"I thought behind him was..."

"Go on."

"This... so many children from rich families take jobs and buy shares?"

"Look again."

"Zhao's mother is the major shareholder of Sujiang Commercial Bank?"

"Do you know Teddy?"

"I know, Dongshan Xiaobawang, no one dares to provoke him."

"Mr. Zhao is in Jiangsu, compared with Teddy in Dongshan"


Seeing his silence, Ge Xiaotian picked up the tea bowl, clasped the lid of the cup, took a sip, and put on a 'bewildered smile', "The most important thing is that Mr. Zhao is my nephew."


"His Mi Erliu, Tianba Dongba Tua, and Golden Sand Warbler are all gifts from me... for his birthday."


"Yu Qing, his father and I are close friends, and we are considered a family. Yu Li, he uses my sandstone cement for all his projects, so he can be regarded as a close partner."

Cao Yan sucked in a breath of cold air.

"So, why should I deal with Young Master Zhao? Wouldn't it be more beneficial for Tian Cheng's development to cooperate with him and his father?"


"Young man, listen to my advice, keep yourself safe, live a down-to-earth life, and don't get involved in this kind of thing."

Cao Yan remained silent again for a long time, then stood up expressionlessly, "Mr. Ge, thank you for your hospitality, it's getting late, I should go back."

Ge Xiaotian raised his eyebrows secretly, and snapped his fingers, "If you can convince the family of the buyer not to pursue this matter..."

The security personnel brought half a million cash in due course.

"These are yours."


Seeing the red bricks, Cao Yan was stunned, and laughed at himself, "Thank you Mr. Ge for your kindness."

"Oh? It seems that you are resolutely resisting to the end?"

"It's not resistance."

Cao Yan looked sad, "In my heart, there is a very righteous Ge Baiyi, and now, he has disappeared."


Ge Xiaotian laughed and snapped his fingers, and the security personnel brought the second half a million yuan, "Are you excited?"


Cao Yan took a deep breath, "Farewell."


Ge Xiaotian casually piled up the scene and asked someone to fetch another one million, "These are all yours."

Cao Yan didn't respond, and stretched out his hand to open the door...


Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands and said with relief: "The very righteous Ge Baiyi has indeed disappeared, because I am Ge Wanwan now, boy, what do you want to do?"


"Tell me your wish, and I can help you realize it."


Cao Yan is not stupid. Combined with the previous conversation between the two of them and the influence behind Mr. Zhao, he instantly understood that someone was testing him, "Mr. Ge is willing to help?"

"No, I won't make a move, everything depends on you."

"But...we don't have that much ability, and I hope Mr. Ge can make a point or two and help us find a way."


Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "The way to read it in reverse is to deal with the law. If you want to deal with Mr. Zhao, you have to go through legal procedures."

"what do you mean?"

"There is a major violation of the Chengji Center, Mr. Zhao is also involved in black, pornography and bribery. Collect more evidence. As long as it is true, it is not a problem to bring Mr. Zhao to justice."

"But... there are still many children who take positions in his company and participate in shares. Who should we ask for justice?"

"There is justice in the world."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "I believe in the High Law and the High Procuratorate."

"Okay... okay."

"You are all interns. You don't have much money in your pocket. You need funds to collect evidence. You take the two million and use it as operating expenses."

"It doesn't take that much, does it?"

"Huaxia doesn't have private detectives. Even if you report to the security office, the security officers are willing to help you, but they don't have an investigation order, and they don't have the right to investigate Mr. Zhao. If you want to obtain evidence, you can only rely on yourself. The problem is, can you sneak into Mr. Zhao's subsidiary company?" Internal? Can you get Mr. Zhao's financial statements? Can you keep an eye on Mr. Zhao's every move?"


"As the saying goes, it's easy to do things with money, use the money to buy Longtian's security consumer equipment, and manage relationships... Understand?"



Ge Xiaotian signaled the security guards to find a larger travel backpack, put two million red notes in it, and helped Cao Yan carry it on his back. Finally, he patted his back, "Come on!"


Wait for the other party to leave.

Dao Shishi called out the monitor, "Boss, your drama ability has improved a lot. This scene can be inserted into the TV series 'In the Name of the Masses' almost without editing."

"No, 'In the name of the masses', due to the high-level confrontation between the president and Zhao's father, the story about Mr. Zhao still needs to be presented separately. While the TV series is hotly released, a movie with the same IP will be released. This is called a derivative work."

"You don't need a script either?"

"Isn't Mr. Zhao a script? What happened to me today, isn't it a script? In addition, there are house buyers getting into the bottom of the car... By the way, you must educate the masses about science. Don't worry about what happens, otherwise it will be cheaper." Not only criminals, but also others.”

"Then I'll notify Tianyu to arrange a director."

"Well, remember to ask our people to help Cao Yan and the others secretly. For example, after going through untold hardships, they finally sneaked into Mr. Zhao's financial department. Find the relevant information. For example, spying on Mr. Zhao secretly. When he was about to be discovered, someone suddenly smashed Mr. Zhao’s car to attract the attention of the other party. For example, when house buyers jointly protested and faced threats from ruthless gangs, it happened that A few 'chivalrous men' who like to play 3D martial arts passed by, and beat the ruthless people to the point of crying."

"Isn't it too fake?"

"Do you want to make a movie? It's too true...but it's not a trial."


"Also, the name of the movie: Big Shot."

"Good name!"

"Strive for a release during the 11th Golden Week."



It will take a while for Cao Yan to deal with Mr. Zhao.

However, his own intelligence department has long been secretly observing Mr. Zhao, and already has a lot of 'dry goods' in his hands.

The reason why there is no way to deal with the other party is that they just want to wait for Chengji Center to hand over the house as a whole, and then make a big incident.

As the saying goes: If you beat a snake, you will not die, but you will be harmed by others.

With Father Zhao as the great god, if the father and son cannot be brought in to eat peanuts together, the two sides should not turn against each other.

And Cao Yan is one of them.

The upright little man has gone through untold hardships to defeat the evil big man, what a positive energy...

Ge Xiaotian was so happy that he brought a summer delicacy - fried golden cicada.

Well, they are also called cicada pupae and cicada monkeys, and Dongshan dialect is "what to climb".

These were not caught from riverbanks or woods, but the first batch of desert products shipped from the Northwest.

Others include greenhouse locusts (grasshoppers) and greenhouse silkworm chrysalis. After the spicy crayfish, they have once again enriched the menu of Lei Ge BBQ.

Ge Xiaotian opened a bottle of ice-cold code, and he was eating one bite at a time. The accompanying secretary came to report:

"Boss, after ADM's wheat holdings exceeded 150 million tons, it showed signs of being overwhelmed. Instead, it sold wheat and repurchased soybeans and corn. In the futures market, the increase in wheat prices has declined, and soybeans and corn have stopped falling."

"It's not that they can't bear it, it's that they have no money, 150 million tons, minus Nanyang wheat, Montenegro wheat, and South African wheat, we just let them spend 100 billion red notes..."

Speaking of this, Ge Xiaotian laughed, asked the secretary to pause, and called the general manager of finance.

"Leader, is Franklin still missing?"

"They were quick to throw it away, and we were quick to accept it. It's just this red note?"

"Didn't you say it before? National debt."

The four major grain merchants went to Huaxia to buy wheat in a big way, and they definitely didn't have so many red notes on hand.

Therefore, the four major grain merchants paid Franklin the same amount to Teddy's godmother, and then received a note-type red banknote in foreign exchange.

In other words, they mortgaged Franklin to Huaxia Bank, and Huaxia Bank helped them pay for the purchase of wheat.

The money goes into Tianrong, and Tianrong buys government bonds.

In this way, Tiancheng does not need to use its own Franklin, and the general manager of finance can also stabilize the financial market.

Most importantly, as China's economy takes off, Tiancheng will eventually get rid of 'Franklin' and force the members of the chamber of commerce and overseas partners to use red notes or work points as the settlement unit.

In other words, Tiancheng does not need to import equipment and technology from overseas, Franklin is dispensable in Tiancheng's industrial chain, but Tiancheng exports equipment and technology, and can require the buyer to use red banknotes for settlement, otherwise it will not sell.

In addition, his own industry is in China, and more and more red notes are used. In the future, he must keep the red notes and go to Franklin.

North America is definitely not reconciled. Unless it disintegrates like a bear, the two sides will inevitably have to fight in the end...

Of course, this is a long time ago.

Ge Xiaotian chatted with the general manager of finance about the agricultural trade war, and the two sides said "happy cooperation" to each other, ending this whim and just right communication.

Looking back at the secretary:

"Continue to sell wheat, each time the guaranteed price is lower than ADM, or a penny of the four major grains, until the price returns to before the price rise. Since ADM chooses to sell wheat and recycle soybean corn, then we should take out Neobras Farm Soybean, sold a wave."

"According to the operation of wheat?"

"The farmers performed well. This time, let's change the method and change it to... Miscellaneous grains are delicious. Wowotou, dried taro, and millet porridge are paired with various soy products. They are nutritious and healthy. Everyone is rushing to buy soybeans and corn. , go home and store it."

"It's not because of the good performance, it's because of the salary."

"Why do you care so much? Everyone just wants to make money. The rush to buy soybeans and corn will inevitably drive up spot and futures prices, but ADM will repurchase them, and they will go back to the old path of buying wheat."

"Then do we still need to suppress the price of soybeans and corn?"

"Sure, without soybean meal, shall we still eat pork in the future? Wait until soybeans and corn rise to a certain height, or the soybeans stored in Neobras for three seasons are sold out, and notify the farmers that miscellaneous grains are unpalatable, and eating too much soybean products will aggravate the kidneys. Burden, easy kidney stones, so farmers have sold the soybeans and corn they had piled up."

"North America has more soybeans than we do, so I'm afraid it won't be as effective as wheat."

"The temperature has risen rapidly this year, resulting in dry weather and dry conditions. Several farms in South America and North America were on fire, burning millions of hectares of soybeans. Holden Fire \u0026 Security launched the 'Agricultural Fire Insurance', which is very popular."

The secretary blinked, "Why don't I know?"

"It hasn't happened yet, you sure don't know."


"Of course, remember to strengthen the agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fire-fighting facilities in the North... This time I made a lot of money. Although all of it was used to buy national bonds, Montenegro and South Africa will remit a sum of money from Standard Chartered Bank to build a batch of agricultural fire-fighting aircraft. , it can be used for fire fighting, and it can also be used to eliminate pests.”

History has many amazing coincidences.

When the four major grain merchants entered Huaxia, the production of Huaxia's crops decreased by 10% year after year from 1999 to 2003, and the output of wheat dropped from 550 million tons to 420 million tons.

Although there are factors of returning farmland to forests, wheat seeds are more productive than before, and the yield per mu in 2002 is almost 1.5 times that of 1998.

Ge Xiaotian got up and turned on the super-large SG pad, and practiced in the simulator for a while when the price of wheat increased and the price of wheat was thrown away.

In this way, the four major grain merchants cannot sell grain, and inflation may occur in North America.

Or, the four major grain merchants used aged grains to make ethanol, resulting in a sharp drop in the price of ethanol.

Ge Xiaotian hopes it is the latter, because his family needs endless ethanol.

However, if he didn't open it, he might be dragged out and killed by Wan Lao before the price of ethanol dropped significantly.

Because in addition to strategic grain storage, Huaxia has no wheat and no soybeans...

You know, in this agricultural trade war, the higher-ups are watching him operate.

"How many gas stations has my second uncle integrated in the Northeast?"

"Because every batch of integration is sold to CNOOC, not only is there no shortage of funds, but it is like a snowball. Now, except for the southern part of Liao Province, it has almost won the township gas station market in Heilong and Kyrgyzstan provinces."

"Now in July, if the Limin Activity Center is laid, there should be time to reclaim wasteland, expand the land, and open a new round of North Dacang. Before the cold snap hits in October, a batch of summer wheat can be harvested forcibly."

Dao Shiyi understood what it meant, it was nothing more than using the system farmland to create miracles, but the secretary was here, so he couldn't say clearly, "Coincidentally, Tianliang happened to develop a batch of high-yield wheat seeds suitable for alpine regions, that is, Tianliang 105, if in the northeast To promote, before the arrival of winter this year, at least 50 million tons of wheat will be put into storage, which will allow the Northland to support a bumper harvest in the North China Plain next year."

"If it doesn't work, just order a batch from Montenegro."


The Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus Group has become a comprehensive giant and has also started research on agriculture.

The alpine wheat created by the other party accounts for one-tenth of the total output of the mother planet this year alone.

As a result, it jumped into the ranks of the "big food country" in one fell swoop, which encouraged the four small countries, Bulgaria, Saiwei, Crowe, and Sloven, who took the initiative to join in, and the cohesion of Montenegro Odyssey caught up with the "batuo era" of the Southern Union.

"As for soybeans and corn..."

Ge Xiaotian flipped through the materials at hand, "Tianwei Catering's frozen meat storage capacity is enough to support the Northland for five years. Counting the small-scale farming, it can also supply the South. Next year, we will give up soybeans and grow corn in Neobras. Besides, we will grow it." Three seasons of soybeans, it's time to change crops."

"Good boss!"

"Go ahead, let me know."

Ge Xiaotian signaled the secretary to go get busy, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, chatted with Dao Shishi:

"In this way, we will continue to cooperate with our superiors in advocating 'saving food is everyone's responsibility'. As long as we resist, we can regain China's food pricing power."

"Boss, in fact, we can start the 'explosive production capacity' mode like Montenegro, and we will sell whoever buys it. Anyway, we have no shortage of crops..."

"I'm afraid of being sliced ​​and studied."

"Huh? You didn't say that before."

"Before? What did I say before?"



In July, the grain market was a bit dramatic.

The four major grain merchants who bought wheat in a big way may be overwhelmed, and they sold it crazily when the price of wheat was at its highest point...

Small countries that once couldn't afford food can't even afford it now.

Enterprises that once sold grain must not dare to buy it now.

This leads to...

'There is a price but no market'.

The price of wheat remains high, and no one cares about it.

The nonsense is that the four major grain merchants actually started to repurchase soybeans and corn that had been sold at low prices before.

However, due to the miscellaneous grains eaten by Yin Ge's second child in North China, farmers rushed to buy soybeans and corn, and the four major grain merchants did not buy back much.

The end result is that the price of wheat remains high, and the price of soybeans and corn has doubled...

However, the four major grains are still optimistic about the trend of the farmers' market.

Because ABCD controls the wheat market, until September, the summer crops will be harvested, and the Americas, as the largest supplier of soybeans and corns, will also control soybeans and corns.

In this way, although it is contrary to the previous plan to control the market at a low price, it is finally under control.


As time entered August, farmers in North China suddenly sold soybeans and corn.


Miscellaneous grains are unpalatable!

The Tiancheng Grain Depot, which was originally empty, was filled with soybeans and corn stored by farmers in just three days.

Tiancheng sold it at a high price, and farmers sold it back at a low price...

The president of ADM was so angry that he almost lifted the table, directly contacted the person in charge of Yihai Kerry, and finally asked Dongshi Manager Huang: "Are they crazy?"

"It's kind of like, after they sold it, they were all laughing."


Immediately, the president of ADM received a shocking news.

Spontaneous combustion occurred in many American farms, and the disaster spread to several states. This year's soybean and corn production has been severely reduced...

The news broke out that the futures prices of soybeans and corn were directly pushed to the highest point in history.

"This world is crazy..."

The president of ADM finalized a resignation document, and then bought a plane ticket, "China is so big, I'm going to have a look."

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