Build Madness

Chapter 826

August 2nd.

Jifu Yaoqiang Airport.


A seagull-shaped Huaxia United flight manufactured by Tiancheng Electric Industry returned from the other side of the ocean.

It landed safely and connected to the station terminal. The huge Boeing 747 next to it is like a beauty and the beast under its magnificent body.

But for the former president of ADM, this is definitely the most comfortable flight he has ever taken in his life.

Stable, noiseless, wide soft chairs, first-class service, completely unaware of the discomfort of taking off and landing of ordinary flights...

To be honest, it was hard for him to believe that this was produced by Huaxia itself.

But at the tail of the plane, Tiancheng's logo is so eye-catching.

"Hey, teacher, where are you going?"

'Hey, friend, where are you going? '

The former president of ADM had just stepped out of the airport when he met a man in a blue uniform with a work badge on his chest.

He didn't understand the first sentence, but he understood the translation of the smart card Pokemon in the other party's hand.

This is Dongshan taxi.

The former president of ADM took out the new version of the smart card that he bought specially, connected to Huaxia Zifeng Network, selected the area where he was located, and then called up the translator:

"Hello, friend, I want to find a place to live."

'Hello, fellow, I want to find a hotel to rest. '

My brother smiled slightly, "Where did you buy this machine? It's not popular for us to call fellow villagers, and it's easy to be misunderstood as a devil entering the village. Now it's popular for us to call 'teacher', shi, tongue out."

"I can't buy licensed products in North America. This is the Japanese version."

"No wonder, you'd better go to the card issuing center to change to the Huaxia version, otherwise you won't be able to enter many places."


"Convenience service is exclusive to Huaxia. You are a foreigner, so you definitely cannot enter, but if you switch to the Huaxia version, you can use the convenience facilities after paying a certain fee."

"Are you going to exchange for a refund?"

"No refund, but more money."

"So dark? I bought the Japanese version of the smart card, which is eight times the price of the Huaxia version. If I change to the Huaxia version, I will have to pay more..."

"Because you are a foreigner."


After some exchanges, my brother met too many foreigners, so I didn't feel much.

But the former president of ADM felt weird when he heard the translated authentic New York dialect, and at the same time, he also lost a little bit of the "foreign land" romance.

With emotion in my heart, I looked out of the window, and a Limin activity center appeared in front of me.

"Fellow, where are we going?"

"Foreign guests like you, we usually send them to Huangtai Four Star, which is the closest to the airport. If you don't mind me, Huangtai Four Star cooperates with Tianwei Catering, and there are staff who specialize in receiving overseas people. Of course, if you If you want, I can also take you to Jinxiuchuan, where there are Guyue Hotel, Sofitel Hotel, Grand Hyatt Hotel under Huangtai Four Stars, and if you are short of money, you can also choose a black hotel."

"I want to go there." The former president of ADM pointed to the Limin Activity Center under the expressway.

"This is a detour. Although we are only a thousand meters away from there, we are still fifteen kilometers away from the next crossing."

"It's okay, let's go there. I'm very interested in Huaxia's Limin Activity Center."

"Okay, but my car has a passenger line requirement, so I can't go to the countryside. When you get to the crossing, you need to take the bus by yourself."


The elder brother took the former president of ADM to the bus station very responsibly.

When the taxi leaves, the latter takes out the smart card and follows the voice prompts to recharge, swipe the card, enter the station, and queue up...

Not long after, a strange car with a bull's head logo and full of steel smell drove into the dedicated passage with its whistle on.


The leaf door was folded, and a gust of cool air came oncoming.

'Welcome to take the No. 320 Intercity Civilization. For long-distance passengers, please walk backward...'

The former president of ADM walked into the compartment and felt that it was far more spacious than the bus.

Moreover, the interior decoration is luxurious, the window design is reasonable, and the seat is also a steel frame structure, which looks particularly solid.

At this time, the flight attendant suddenly shouted to the former president of ADM, "This teacher, wear a mask!"


"Required, no mask, no ride."

"But I don't know where to buy it."

"I have it here, twenty red notes each."

"So expensive?"

"Who told you not to receive the free one?"

"Where do you get it?"

"Limin Activity Center."


I'm going to the Limin Activity Center.

The former president of ADM had no choice but to wear a mask and put it on, but he was very curious about it. He looked at the old man next to him, pointed to the mask and asked, "Old man, why is this?"

"Influenza drills, offenders will be fined first and then quarantined."


"That's right, that little bastard is crazy, so he did this. I completely changed my problems of spitting and two packs of cigarettes a day."


"Seeing that you are well-mannered, you are not young, you are dressed in good quality, and you use the Japanese version of the smart card. You must be an executive overseas. Why did you come to our country?"


"Travel? Where are you going?"

"The nearest Limin activity center."

"A place to live?"

"not yet."

"It's better to go to my home, Tianle Travel Certified Homestay, clean and comfortable, 24-hour hot water, internet and TV, and breakfast included."


"I only charge you 200 red notes."

"So expensive?"

"Is it expensive? It's only 20 Franklins, which is great value for money. And, it's the same price for foreigners, and it's the same everywhere you go."


half an hour later.

The old man led the former president of ADM, who was not familiar with his place of life, to the card issuing center to replace the smart card, and then went home to inspect the house.

Although Tiancheng can't afford village-to-village connections, the farmers followed the Limin Activity Center to make a fortune, and many villages have already mobilized farmers to donate money and raise funds to lay cement roads.

Coupled with the rural greening created by the task system, the characteristic industries created by young village officials, and the surrounding buildings of the Limin Activity Center...

This scene made the former president of ADM seem like a lifetime away.

The reason why he insisted on coming here is that when he ran to Huaxia to create Yihai Kerry ten years ago, he visited this place closest to the airport in order to find out the "small farm economy" and to formulate a plan to enter the Huaxia grain market. .

Back then, the village was dilapidated, with mud-tiled houses and rammed-earth walls everywhere. People dressed completely differently from what they are now, with army green trousers, cotton coats, towels on their heads, and baskets in their hands...

The dirt streets are full of potholes, the country roads are full of sheep dung, and the villages are surrounded by wheat fields. Countless farmers are driving oxen and donkeys, dragging stones and mills to crush wheat, and there are many laborers swinging wooden shovels to raise wheat grains...

There is no mechanical harvesting, no mechanical threshing, and no machinery to crush the straw for feed, because farmers have to burn pots or use guillotines to chop up and feed cattle.

But now everything has changed.

Cement roads, neon lights, advertising light boxes, BRT stations, surveillance equipment everywhere, combine harvesters parked on the side of the road for maintenance, new corn threshers...

What runs on the road is no longer ox carts and horse-drawn carts, but pickup trucks, bread, electric vehicles, agricultural tricycles...

The rammed-earth walls are turned into iron fences, the mud-tiled houses are turned into small suites, every household is paved with concrete floors, and birds are singing and flowers are fragrant inside and outside the courtyard...

The former president of ADM remembered the villa he had just sold.

At this time.

The old man pushed open the unlocked fence door, "The guest room was originally reserved for my son and daughter-in-law when they return home, but they are busy with work in the city and can't come back once a year. Change it to a B\u0026B. Don’t worry, I open one almost a month, there are few people living there, and I clean it frequently, so it’s absolutely clean and hygienic.”

"Very nice, I like it here."

"as long as you are happy."

The old man took out his smart card, "You register, 200 a day, hot water breakfast included, electricity bills at your own expense, stay as long as you want, and pay when you leave."

"Aren't you afraid that I won't give you money?"

"The mother river in the north is being dredged. If you live for a week and run away, according to your body... it will probably take half a year."


What does dredging have to do with whether I give money or not?


The former president of ADM immediately realized that he was not short of money. After registration, he directly transferred the one-week accommodation fee, "Mr., I want to go out for a walk. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

"You have changed to the Huaxia version of the smart card, as long as you don't violate the law, there is nothing to pay attention to... Oh, don't go to the farmland, the corn is being fertilized automatically and the insects are automatically exterminated. If you go, you will probably be sprayed in the face by the plane. "


The two of them were talking, when puffs of smoke suddenly rose from the neighbor's house...

The face of the former president of ADM changed, "No, it's on fire."

Before the words fell, in the direction of the airport, a helicopter approached from far to near, arrived at the sky above the fire, poked out the nozzle, and sneered out balls of foam...

At the same time, two orange-red figures quickly slid down with the help of a helicopter hanging ladder, and landed in the neighbor's yard. They turned on their portable equipment to detect, "There is no one inside!"

"Check the source of the fire."

"The firecrackers spontaneously ignited and were extinguished. Except for a quilt, there was nothing lost."

"Close the team!"

After witnessing all of this, the former president of ADM asked curiously: "It must be very expensive for such a quick fee?"

"Huh? It's free for us."


The former president of ADM was stunned, "When my car spontaneously ignited, Holden Fire and Security paid me 50,000 Franklin."

"500,000 red notes?!"

The old man was stunned, murmured for a long time, and sighed: "You guys are really rich."


"It's better for us in Huaxia."


After the firefighting plane left, the former president of ADM bid farewell to the old man and went to the Limin Activity Center.

Passing by the grain store, I saw dozens of trailers being loaded, and couldn't help but stepped forward to watch.

The tall rectangular warehouse is full of scattered wheat, and looking around the grain store, there are a total of thirty warehouses, and trailers are parked at the door of each.

At this moment, the workers are packing with the help of equipment, and loading the bags of wheat on the trailer through the conveyor belt...

The ex-president of ADM was not concerned with loading trucks, but these warehouses were full of wheat!

According to his thinking, the four major grain merchants are buying wildly, almost controlling two-thirds of the wheat storage capacity of the mother planet. Before the new wheat is launched next year, the four major grain merchants have the right to set prices for wheat, which is why the price of wheat remains high. .

After all, if you don't buy it now, you will definitely buy it again if you run out of grain in two months, and if next year's Huaxia wheat production is greatly reduced due to special reasons...the four major grain merchants can make a lot of money.


With so much wheat stored in just one township, how many grain stores are there in North China, which has already broken through 5,000 benefiting people's activity centers?

This shows that Huaxia does not need to import wheat, and will even export wheat.

And the wheat purchased by the four major grain merchants at a high price will soon be passively depreciated.

Moreover, some time ago, the four major grain merchants collectively sold soybeans and corn at low prices. Now American soybean production has been severely reduced due to fires, causing prices to skyrocket...

No matter how big a company is, it can't afford to play like this.

The former president of ADM was a little desperate, but he was relieved when he thought that he had resigned.

"It's God's will to trick people, it's not my fault."

Leaving the grain store, the former president of ADM secretly took a look at the grain and oil store under Yihai Kerry which was placed here.

The warehouse is full of wheat, but since Yihai Kerry’s main business is oil extraction and cooking oil production, the price of soybeans and corn has skyrocketed, but the spot is controlled by Tianmao. Yihai Kerry’s raw materials for oil extraction and cooking oil have been cut off. .

More seriously.

The war between the four major grain merchants and Tianmao is tantamount to opposing Tiancheng. All stores, supermarkets, restaurants, and farming in the latter’s industry have removed all Yihai Kerry’s products, and all of them are jointly invested by Tianliang, Huaxia Grain, and Huaxia Grain Storage. of Lu Hua.

The former president of ADM knew about this and put pressure on Huaxia through Xiaobu. However, because North America included Longtian Technology in the entity list and restricted Sino-Ocean Group, Huaxia gave a very firm reply and demanded that the sanctions against Longtian Technology be lifted first. , and then lift the blockade on the Sino-Ocean Group, otherwise the same way will be returned to him.

North America dare to open the market to Longtian Technology?

I'm afraid that the streets will be full of SG tomorrow...

Therefore, Xiaobu can't do anything about the agricultural trade war.

"I thought about using the industrial chain to attack the Huaxia grain market, but I never expected that the Tiancheng industrial chain is even stronger..."

The former president of ADM strolled in the Limin Activity Center and looked closely at all walks of life. The more he looked, the more frightened he became, because it was obviously not a company, but a 'system'.

Just like the Huaxia 'communes' that his father described to him when he came to China ten years ago, that is, the planned economy, it's just that this computer that uses the 'smart card' and coordinates all these eliminates the disadvantages encountered at that time, making it a more advanced 'New regime'.

Of course, Tiancheng is still an enterprise, so... Ge Xiaotian has the final say on everything, which is more conducive to the advancement of this 'system' to a higher level.


The former president of ADM was convinced.

Find a seat, sit down, write a cover letter...


An important opponent came to Huaxia and went to the Limin Activity Center to "surreptitiously observe". Ge Xiaotian must have received a report.

But he didn't know that President Pete had resigned, he only thought that the other party was looking for a breakthrough.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian contacted his superiors and borrowed the local grain reserves to create an illusion of 'we have wheat' to the other party.

What I never expected was that the next day I received a 100,000-word job application from the other party, including an analysis of the current market, an outlook on the future grain market, a description of personal abilities, and setting goals for Tianmao. letter.

The point is, the writing is not bad...

However, Tianmao has no president. It belongs to a consortium consisting of Tianliang, Tiannong, animal and plant breeding bases, plastic greenhouse planting bases, scattered Limin activity centers, several large farms at home and abroad, and countless experimental fields. The sub-regional arrangement master is responsible for taking care of things related to the system, the sub-regional arrangement manager and secretary are responsible for the operation of the branch, and he is responsible for major decisions.

Therefore, this time Ge Xiaotian led the agricultural trade war, which once again demonstrated Boss Ge's ability to operate the market.

Of course, if it doesn't hang up, it will definitely fail this time.

And then, the home planet has a lot of arable land and a lot of crops. Although they use aged grains to cover up the cheating, they must not be cheating in the future, otherwise it is really impossible to explain where the sudden extra wheat came from.

"If you want to maintain the leading edge, you still need to look at the North Dacang plan."

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and decided to meet the other party.

The four major grain merchants are not well-known among the people. Except for leaders who care about people's livelihood issues, few people know what the four major grain merchants are called, let alone who their presidents are.

However, the four major grain merchants control the grain of the parent planet, which can influence the stability of an area.

As the president of one of the four major grain merchants, running in Huaxia will definitely receive special attention.

When Ge Xiaotian informed the other party to come for an 'interview', the deputy leader of Huaxia Grain Storage also came.


In fact, when the president of ADM came to China, he was most worried about the deputy director.

In case Ge Erlian took Pete to fish for sharks, it would be a big deal.

After all, I just got angry with North America once, and if the other party uses this as an excuse to talk about it, I will not care at all.

But the deputy director didn't want to deal with Ge Laoer.


A few months ago, I sold Chenhualiang to Tianmao in exchange for an aircraft carrier and corresponding frigate. I thought it would be a lot of money, but I never expected that the 200 red notes per ton of Chenhualiang would be turned into Chenliang. The second child was sold to the four major grain merchants at prices ranging from 800 to 1350 red notes.

It's not about qi, it's just diaphragm response.

Now the deputy director finally understands Lao Yu's feelings, and also understands why Lao Yu doesn't want to stay in Jingang, and has to find a job in an unnatural place.

Afraid of being cheated!

Acquaintances are better!

It's a pity that the Jingang million-ton terminal has been fooled into the hands of Tianbo Group, and even the land is half-price, or half-sell and half-free...

And ran to the southern capital...

Recalling the scene when Lao Yu found out that Ge Laoer was also in Nandu, the deputy director couldn't help laughing.

'It's no wonder I'm willing to meet Ge Laoer, it turns out that my mood is exactly the same as mine now. '

The deputy director immediately notified Huaxia Grain Storage to keep an eye on Ge Lao Er as much as possible, so as not to be a fool.


Tianmao purchased aged grain from Huaxia Grain, which had nothing to do with grain storage. Logically speaking, the leader of the grain storage didn't have much opinion of Ge Laoer.

But Tianmao bought more than 2,000 grain depots and found many problems...

Anyway, the deputy leader is now the head of grain storage.

Therefore, he didn't want to deal with Ge Laoer, he was afraid that he would go in to accompany the leader of the grain storage, and he might even eat peanuts and go to the real "Fengdu"...

Because of this, Ge Laoer borrowed grain from the grain store, and he agreed without thinking about it.

However, now the deputy director told him to go and live with Ge Lao Er...

The deputy leader only felt his scalp tingling.

If you have anything to do, just tell the other party directly, why do you want me to watch it? Can I watch it?


President Pete came to the Weicheng office and saw Boss Ge who was sitting in the lobby watching football on a large SG TV.

Very handsome and very young.

It's hard to imagine that the person in front of him is about to control the food in the sub-region, and it's also hard to imagine that the other party is at the helm of the strongest enterprise in the sub-region.

"Mr. Ge."

"Interview, right? Sit down and introduce yourself first."


At this time, the deputy leader of the grain storage walked in with a smile.

"Oh my god, I'm here to see you!"


Who are you?

Ge Xiaotian knew the name of the grain storage master, but he had never met him before. Seeing the enthusiasm of the other party was like his second uncle Ge Shunfeng, he was a little confused.

"I'm your Uncle Fu, don't you remember?"

The secretary hurriedly walked to Ge Xiaotian's side and introduced him with his ear.

Ge Xiaotian will definitely not refuse this kind of 'uncle', "Uncle Fu, hey, look at my memory, sit down quickly."

President Pete knows the current head of grain storage, he looks very friendly, and see Ge Lao Er's reaction...


No wonder Tianmao can grow bigger and stronger!

"What are you?" The deputy leader asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Oh, he's going for an interview."


"It's okay, Uncle Fu, I'll kick him out, we'll have two drinks at noon today."

Deputy leader: "..."

Pete: "..."

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