Build Madness

Chapter 827 Uncle Fu, what do you think?

The deputy leader was really shocked.

Not to mention how outrageous it is for the president of ADM, one of the four major grain merchants, to run into Tiancheng for an interview. Now that the other party is here, you want to drive him away?

Well, it's a big deal!

The deputy leader kept in mind the deputy director's instructions, as long as Ge Laoer didn't take Pete to fish for sharks, he could say anything.

"Well, I really should drink two cups. I heard that the 'Bei Dacang' invested by Tiancheng is good. Try it today?"

"That's a good idea... Eleven, go and carry two boxes."


two boxes?

I'm afraid it's not two bottles that will knock me down!

The deputy leader hurriedly stopped, "One bottle, just one bottle!"

"One bottle per person?"


President Pete was ignored, but he didn't feel much.

Tiancheng International Holdings ranks among the top 50 of the mother star, but its industries are only distributed in the sub-region. If it enters the world, from what he has seen, it is definitely a "business empire" that is about to rise.

Different from the four major grain merchants, different from Soft Micro Internet, and different from the famous consortiums in North America, because Tiancheng is involved in all walks of life, can rely on its own resources to achieve self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency, and can rely on its own weapons to protect its own assets. The key is... everything The young man in front of him has the final say. ,

Therefore, it is a 'business empire', not a 'business tycoon'.

And the president of Tianmao he applied for is almost equivalent to the captain of the supply ship of the aircraft carrier. As a former enemy, it is already very good that the other party can receive him, so how can he easily hand over the position to himself.

"Mr. Ge, I need two minutes."


Ge Xiaotian looked at the deputy leader, "Uncle Fu, what do you think?"


Your family's recruitment has something to do with me?

The deputy leader was slightly taken aback, thinking that the guy in front of him wanted to avoid suspicion, so he immediately got up and said, "Oh, I'm addicted to cigarettes, I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

"It's okay, just smoke here, try my Neo No. 13 cigar..."


Pete didn't care about these details, summed up his remarks, and quickly said:

"Although Tianmao got the right to price soybeans and corn, this is only temporary, because compared with non-genetically modified soybeans, genetically modified soybeans have unparalleled advantages, such as high yield, disease resistance, and short growth cycle. The cost of the small-scale peasant economy is lower, and in order to solve the problem of food and clothing, the sub-region mainly grows wheat and rice, and the soybean production cannot increase. When the new round of soybeans is launched next year, the advantages of Tianmao will disappear.”

"Also, ADM's main business is oil extraction, edible oil production, and additive manufacturing. In the grain market, Bunge, one of the four major grain merchants, is the largest flour supplier on the mother planet. The wheat on ADM's hands cannot be sold. The price will be cut soon, and it will eventually be cheaper for Bunge. Although Tianmao has made a lot of money in the wheat farmers' trade war, harvested wildly in the futures market, and almost drained ADM's blood, but the biggest beneficiary of eating ADM is Bunge .”

"At that time, Bunge's strength will skyrocket, break the balance of the four major grain merchants, and become the only one. Even if Huaxia can solve the food problem, what about seeds? Fertilizers? Pesticides? I know that Tianmao is laying these and renting farmers The farmland in our hands is transitioning from smallholder economy to corporate management, but we need time, and Bunge will not give us this opportunity."

"In addition, I know the root cause of the internal fighting among the four major grain merchants."

"France took the lead in engaging in the European Union. Louis Dreyfus, one of the four major grain merchants, aggressively expanded in the European region, squeezing the other three grain markets, forcing North American ADM, North American Bunge, and North American Cargill to jointly resist, but ADM has long been ready to enter Huaxia Grain Market, at this critical moment, Tianmao suddenly broke out... It's like ABC fighting D, A went to the toilet halfway, but was dragged into the grove by F..."


Funny old guy.

Ge Xiaotian showed a smile.

"Mr. Ge, I have a way to make Tianmao the biggest beneficiary of this agricultural trade war. I have the ability to keep the pricing power of soybeans and corn during my tenure. Star Cotton Market."

After Pete finished speaking, he raised his chest confidently, like a soldier being paraded, with high morale.

Ge Xiaotian was smoking a cigarette, thinking carefully.

The other party is right, the cost of the small-scale farming economy is completely inferior to that of American farms, and the output of genetically modified soybeans is even more crushing than that of non-genetically modified soybeans.

If the cost of soybean planting in China is 1.8 red notes, America is only 0.3 red notes, and the two sides are fighting an agricultural trade war, and their own side has no ability to resist.

This year, Tianmao was able to win the pricing power of soybeans and corns, thanks entirely to diverting the other party’s attention with wheat and cotton. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness, the curve was roundabout, and when the other party was rushing to buy wheat and lacked funds, it happened to be long soybean futures. Catch up with the American farm fire, the price of soybeans soared, and they were sold to Louis Dreyfus before the forced liquidation...

I know that the four major grain merchants are fighting among themselves, but I don’t know that ABC is playing D. Now it seems that Louis Dreyfus bought soybean futures from himself to control the European grain and oil market.

But next year will not be so lucky.

After all, Tianmao is not the banker, nor is it the rule maker of the game.

The other is wheat.

Tianmao will not repurchase wheat, but will continue to export it.

If Bunge gets unsalable wheat from ADM with lower prices, it will reduce the export volume of Tianmao, and it will also create a stronger enemy for itself.

"Tell me about your plan."

"Mr. Ge, if I were to be the president of Tianmao, the first thing I would do would be to acquire 'Yihai Kerry', then reorganize the oil extraction equipment, reorganize the company that manufactures edible oil and additives, and take down Huaxia's edible oil and additive market."

"good idea!"

"In the wheat market, I will invest in Nanyang Wilmar International and strive to hold 50% of the shares. Let them become the shield of Tianmao, attract Bunge's attention, lead them to the rice market, and fight a farmer's trade war to the death. , and then Tianmao took the opportunity to snatch Bangji’s flour market, and when Bangji finally defeated Nanyang Wilmar International and took over the rice market, they would find that their main business for survival was lost.”

"Then, we 'use our own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses'?"

"Yes, I have to sigh that the Chinese language is profound and profound, and one sentence can explain so much of my nonsense."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, knowing that this person in front of him used this method to break through the Chinese soybean, corn, grain and oil markets one after another, but now he reversed his thinking and targeted the four major grain merchants.

"How to deal with Cargill?"

"Among the four major grain merchants, Cargill should be the strongest in terms of strength. They are mainly engaged in feed, sugar, juice, dairy, and meat. If it were any other company, Cargill would definitely be a hopeless existence, but within the Tiancheng industrial chain However, dealing with Cargill is the easiest, just like dealing with Coke, do not sell its products, or even threaten the other party, let the other party help us deal with Bunge, or... the two parties have reached a cooperation, through some operations, swallowing up Cargill's market share, and only You agree that I can be a lobbyist for both parties."

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help stretching out his thumb, "President Pete has a lot of research on Chinese culture."

"Yes, my father likes Huaxia, and I have been familiar with Huaxia since I was a child."

"However, you have to understand that once you join Tianmao, you will never go back."

The reason why Pete ran to Huaxia was not because he was optimistic about Tiancheng, but because... he couldn't survive.

Just imagine.

Soybean futures fell first (ADM sold soybeans),

After the rise (Huaxia farmers and Tianmao rushed to buy),

Fall again (Chinese farmers sell soybeans),

Skyrocketing (decreased soybean production in the Americas)...

If the futures market was controlled by dealers, players would definitely not lose too much, but all of this was secretly manipulated by Tian Cheng, causing players to line up and jump off the building almost at a loss...

As one of the dealers, how many people want to kill the president of ADM?

If it wasn't for the other party running fast, I'm afraid he would have been passive and 'jumped himself off the building' long ago.

"Mr. Ge, I believe that I can spend a very happy old age in Tianmao."

Ge Xiaotian nodded and didn't respond, but looked at the deputy leader who was oblivious to what was going on in front of him and only focused on smoking cigars, "Uncle Fu, what do you think?"


The latter was confused, 'What does this have to do with me? ’, "Oh my god, this is an internal matter of Tiancheng Enterprise, you can make up your own mind."

"Since the leader agrees, then it's settled?"


"Welcome Mr. Peter to join Tiancheng International Holdings and serve as President and CEO of Tianmao Group."

The corporate structure is different, and the division of positions and rights is also different. Like a high-ranking CEO, Tiancheng is just an honor, not even a salary. Like the general manager of the company, this is Tiancheng's head of the company. Like the company secretary, this is Ge Da. Boss eyeliner...

The president is the "big boss" throne specially set up for Tianmao, Tianrong, Tianwei Catering, Tiancheng Electric Industry, etc., a super group that is still attached to Tiancheng International Holdings.

For example, Tianhao, Tianbo, and Tianwang, which were independent from Tiancheng International Holdings, adopted a 'chairman' who was at the same level as Boss Ge Da.

The president can decide the development direction of Tianmao, and the CEO can decide the daily operation of Tianmao.

In other words, Boss Ge handed over the Tianmao Group to Pete completely.

The latter's hands trembled slightly, but his expression was serious, "For the empire!"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, didn't understand what he meant, and looked back at the deputy leader, who was cheering for Boss Wanshi's team, while the opponent... the Tianxie team led by three goals without Xia Jiba's command.

"Black game! Perfect black game!"

"Yes boss, this World Cup is too fake, we should boycott the World Cup and vigorously promote the Sancha Cup!" Pete nodded heavily.


Start shooting now?

Ge Xiaotian was a little skeptical that this guy could sit on the president of ADM because it was photographed...


August 5th.

In the news section that few people pay attention to and is very inconspicuous, it suddenly broke that the president of ADM joined Tianmao Group and served as the president and CEO.

The parent planet has a population of 6 billion, but only a few hundred people know about it, which determines the food problem of one-third of the population of the parent planet.

ADM was the first to respond, suing Pete for violating business laws and leaking ADM secrets through its headquarters in North America and Yihai Kerry in China.

Tianmao Group responded with practical actions, withdrawing 27 billion red notes from the futures market, indicating that ADM would acquire Yihai Kerry.

ADM coincided with a shortage of funds. When he was hesitating, Tianmao Group borrowed 1 billion Franklin from Citibank, Nanyang Development Bank, and Tianrong International respectively, and secretly took 60% of the shares of Wilmar International, a subsidiary of Nanyang Agriculture, and successfully took over Nanyang, and relying on the relationship and strength of Chia Tai International, Nanyang Agriculture, Taimei AS Group, and Nanyue Footwear, strongly drove out the market share of the four major grain merchants in Nanyang and launched an attack on the rice market.

The huge move caused huge waves in the grain market of the home planet. Bunge, whose main business is flour, hastily withdrew its capital from the European region.

You must know that most of Taiwan Province, Japan Island, Nanbangzi, and Southeast Asian countries need the supply of Bunge flour. If this business is taken away by Wilmar International, Bunge will lose the sub-regional market.

Therefore, after the wheat agricultural trade war, Wilmar International, which is controlled by Tianmao, and Bunge, one of the four major grain merchants, set off a rice agricultural trade war again.

At the same time, ADM, holding a large amount of wheat, did not sell the wheat to Bunge as Pete thought, but packaged and sold Yihai Kerry to Tianmao Group. Flour, take advantage of Bunge and Wilmar International's fight in Nanyang to snatch Bunge's flour market in North America.

In addition, Pete has reached a cooperation with Cargill, which is mainly engaged in fruit juice emulsion, to jointly invest in multiple brands with green, health, nutrition, ecology, and health preservation as selling points, and to launch an attack on Louis Dreyfus in Europe...

As a result, the six major grain merchants on the mother star, ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Louis Dreyfus, Nanyang Wilmar International, and Huaxia Trading, started the era of melee.

The code names are: A, B, C, D, E, T.


The agricultural trade war is in full swing, and the people in North China are stunned to find out...

The once well-known edible oil brands, such as Jinyulong, Huhuaji, and even Luhua, have all disappeared, replaced by edible oils that are distinguished by type, production method and grade, such as first-grade pressed peanut oil, second-grade pressed peanut oil, and peanut blend oil, first grade corn oil, second grade soybean oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil...

The once well-known fruit milk, except code and farmer's mineral water, has all disappeared, replaced by concentrated plant essence nutrient solution, plant fiber vitamins, malt syrup, fruit vinegar...

The once well-known brands of flour, noodles, and whole grains have been replaced by high-gluten flour, medium-gluten flour, high-quality flour, gluten-free flour, or sugar-free noodles, salted egg noodles...

However, on the outside of the packaging bag, there are eight big characters of "produced by Tianmao, the conscience of heaven and earth" and eight red characters of "everyone is responsible for saving food".


Without the overseas commission, under the premise that the production cost and profit remain unchanged, the selling price of some products controlled by ADM has dropped to only two-thirds of the previous one.

The direct impact is that...

"What soybean oil do you eat, isn't peanut oil fragrant?"


Summer goes to autumn, and the high temperature gradually dissipates.

The suburb on the north side of Bianliang, Nanhe River, in Taozhuang Village near the Mother River.

Ge Xiaotian was holding a cattail fan, lying on his back in the rocking chair, swaying and gnawing on the desert watermelon.

Next to him, Bureau Sun, who has been transferred here for two years, is teasing his one-and-a-half-year-old son.

Well, the eldest sister-in-law of the Sun family gave birth, and the infertile old couple finally had a child.

When he heard that Ge was planning to go to the countryside of Nanhe for research, Li Xiuxiu came here enthusiastically, and at the moment she was learning from Mrs. Sun the 'cross-stitch' which became popular sometime.

On the mother river in the distance, there are many bridging equipment, spanning the 500-meter-wide shoal, and dozens of multi-legged excavators, walking on the "shoes" like hovercraft, walking in the yellow sandy mud like a swamp, Clean up the river.

This kind of sandy mud will not collapse when you step on it, but if you step on it for a long time, or stomp a few times, it will soon 'sink' in. If you bury your knees, it is basically difficult to pull it out.

The horror of the mother river is here.

Cleaning up this kind of river is far more time-consuming and laborious than cleaning up mud, because some places look soft, but in fact they can't be dug by excavators at all, and they need to be made into 'tofu cubes' with a cutting machine.

This bridge does not belong to all the way to the west. It was invested by the Bianliang government and built by Tiancheng Bridge, but the cleaning of the river is related to the 'new canal'.

"At that time, the river bed will drop and the river water will become clear. We can transform the quaint Bianliang into a 'Northern Water Town'. In winter, the river will freeze and the whole city will become an ice skating rink."

"Haha, it depends on whether the next leader dares to do this."

"It's definitely fine."

Director Sun's coming to Bianliang belongs to "firefighting". Now that his meritorious deeds have been completed, his position has been promoted again and again, and he is about to go to Ulu City in northern Xinjiang.

At the beginning, Mr. Du went crazy, and the deputy leader became a full-time member in one year, and this year there is just a deputy leader position vacant...

At this time, a secretary came up.

"Boss, President Pete of Tianmao won the pricing power of soybean meal and grain and oil this year. He is going to make a feint and enter the dairy juice industry on the surface. In fact, he will fight for the control of the flour market."

"Very good. It's not useless to keep him. Temporarily cancel the plan to use him to fish for sharks, and see if he can bring more benefits to Tian Cheng in the future."

"Good boss."

"However, you have to tell him that if it doesn't work, Pete Jr. and his wife will go fishing for sharks in the Bering Sea."


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