Build Madness

Chapter 829 Immortal Sword and Jerusalem Artichoke

On the way to the north.

Ge Xiaotian had just finished dealing with the matter of his TV series being harmonized by him, and the little star Tong Ying sent a private communication invitation.

The two parties had dinner together last night, and seeing that the relationship between the other party and Teddy did not seem to be fake, considering the difficulty of long-distance relationships, Ge Xiaotian asked his secretary to make a new personnel arrangement for Wangjing Tiancheng Real Estate overnight.

A new backbone was found to be the general manager of Wangjing Tiancheng, and Tong Ying, the former general manager, was transferred to Fengdu Tiancheng to work in administrative management.

In fact, Tong Ying also held this position in Wangjing, but Shuai Bo was the chairman of Beihe, and no one in Wangjing was in charge, so he was promoted to the position of general manager.

Now if you want to enjoy the blessings of everyone, you have to be willing to give up. Downgrading to one level is considered an encouragement. Anyway, Fengdu Tiancheng has no supervisor, so it will be returned to her in the future.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, and hung up the communication.

The big boss didn't answer, Tong Ying naturally didn't dare to call a second time.

Li Xiuxiu, who was sitting next to her, sighed, "Xiao Er, you have changed."


"The whole body is full of scheming!"

"What does it have to do with scheming when I handle employees?"

"Tsk tsk!"

Sister Xiu held the SG pad in her hand and flashed a piece of news, "You harmonized so many TV series, is it for the sake of Paladin?"


Ge Xiaotian leaned over, just in time to see the Lord of Worshiping the Moon learning how to put his fingers together, "The land we are in is round!"

'What the hell, why does it feel weird? '

Afterwards, the handsome guy with a flying sword, the young and beautiful girl, and the wine sword fairy who "comes with the sword and rides the wind, slays demons between heaven and earth"...

"Legend of Sword and Fairy, September 3rd, premiere on SG platform!" '

"Speaking of my conscience, it's really not because of the ratings. I thought this show had aired a long time ago, but I never expected that they just finished filming now!"


"Really, don't you remember that handsome bald guy we met in Daxing City last year?"

"I have a little impression... Oh, I remembered, the big bald man with better calligraphy than acting, now wearing a shawl, looks more domineering than before."

"Worshiping the Moon Sect Master, you can pretend to be real when you play Thor. It's just been filming for nearly a year..."

Ge Xiaotian connected to the internal database, searched for video resources, "How about I accompany you to watch Fairy Sword?"

"Is there you in there?"


"How about we film a TV series for fun?"


After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, his eyes turned, "Actually, it's also possible, but you must shoot ancient costumes!"

"No, it's uncomfortable to wear a bellyband..."

"You don't have to wear..."

"Mud plays Kai..."


Tianyu's fairy sword is completely different from another time and space.

For example, it borrows the ancient city of Qingshan, Qianshan Taixu Temple, Tianzhu Xuanwu Pass, Huasheng Temple in Central Plains under construction, Qixiufang in Magic Capital, Sanxian Mountain in Penglai, Loulan Kingdom in the desert, etc., many magnificent architectural attractions, and a series of AR virtual technology .

It can be said that the scenes and special effects produced by combining reality and virtual technology completely crush any current super blockbuster, allowing the audience to "see it as it is", and there is no sense of "falseness" of fighting spirit into clouds and forty-meter swords at all. .

The plot uses a single narrative method instead of multi-line narrative like Shenlong Cultivation. The advantage is that it is concise and clear. People can probably remember the whole story from the beginning to the end, and it is also convenient to enter overseas markets after translation. Most foreigners can understand it, but the shortcomings...cannot create a majestic worldview.

However, this is only Xianyi, followed by Xianer 2, Xian 3, Xian 4, Xian 5, etc., from the human world to the ghost world (Fengdu), from the demon world (rubber plantation) to the demon world (desert), from the illusion (sea) to The universe can slowly follow Tiancheng's industry to shoot, and then connect the whole series to form the world of Xianxia.

The actors are all newcomers trained by Tianyu, they can play and sing, but they are all part-time jobs...

All in all, the TV series only cost 750,000.

After all, Tianyu is a big stage, and it's good that it doesn't charge for packaging and publicity, so how can it pay wages and participation fees?

Costumes and props are borrowed from Sister Xiu's splendid Huaxia ancient cultural products.

Frame, go out to shoot, borrow Tianle tourism resources.

Produced, dubbed, invited students in schools who want to exercise...

But the final work can surpass hundreds of millions of movies.

This is the power of the industrial chain.

In the future, when 3D martial arts games and the world are mature, the production cost will drop again and again. Even amateurs can use the smart card to spend very little money to purchase the materials stored in the game and make wonderful movies.

At that time, Tianyu International will be the number one material supplier of the mother star, like the top of the science and technology alliance, and can become a giant by only charging patent fees.



When the convoy reached the junction of the Beihe River and the Nanhe River, a torrential rain poured down.

Dao Shiyi, who was in another car, sent a communication through the car radio: "Boss, the Zhanghe Forest Farm is ahead, we need to go there to shelter from the rain."

"Is the road easy to go?"

"The newly built provincial road, direct access."

"That's good."

In 2002, even without Tiancheng, Huaxia was booming. In many places, civil engineering was overhauled, and provincial and national roads were laid. In the North China Plain, you can basically reach the towns you want to go through these roads.

As for the village... I guess it will take a few years.

And what Tiancheng has to do is to take advantage of these roads to settle the activity center for the benefit of the people, and then rely on the industrial chain to drive regional development.

Ge Xiaotian asked Li Xiuxiu to play while holding the SG pad that was playing the sixth episode of Xianjian, turned on the GIS system, and called out the industries in the area.

The forest farm mainly grows tangerines, the Zhanghe River breeds large white shrimps, and the surrounding farmland remains the same.

The presence of rivers means that the 'river system' can be connected, and there are several brand-new screw, screw cap, and micro-motor production and assembly factories located between the villages.

When the convoy entered the forest farm, two forestry leaders in green rubber suits braved the heavy rain to greet them.

After the two parties exchanged polite greetings, the accompanying secretary took out two boxes of small gifts from other cars.

That is, the alternative bitcoin that I have invested in: Five Star Moutai.

"Mr. Ge, aren't you embarrassing us?"

"Haha, it's raining and I'm a little cold, so take it out and drink by yourself to warm up."

"That's a good thing." The two young leaders were relieved immediately.

Now it is not like before, with big data, if you dare to reach out, you can solve it in minutes...

Ge Xiaotian chuckled, can he drink two boxes by himself?

If you can't drink it, you will definitely stay.

And for this kind of thing, especially with his involvement, the superior will definitely not care.

The condition of the forest farm was mediocre, the briquettes were wet by the heavy rain, and there was no dry firewood outside. Seeing this, Dao Shishi moved the stove out of the car and cooked two dishes himself after turning on the electricity.

A few people sat together, chatting about forest farms, fisheries, and local interesting things...

The next day, the rain was over and the sky was clear, and everything was completely new.

Ge Xiaotian got up early and dragged Li Xiuxiu, who was addicted to Xianxia, ​​out for a run.

Generally speaking, the industries here are developing well, and they can make progress together with Tiancheng.

What he cares about is whether the crossings and industrial parks set up in remote areas along the Westward Expressway can grow rapidly as planned.

Although full of confidence, who can guarantee that farmers who have never even seen a 'mobile phone' can get used to the smart card? Or can be familiar with mechanical operation?

Therefore, the convoy dragged a main town center that can be folded into a small container after being upgraded to level five.

When we get there, we will try our best to build a 'system university', and strive to cram the knowledge of the corresponding industry into the farmers' minds in the shortest possible time...

"Can you run faster?" Sister Xiu stayed up late last night to watch TV dramas. Now she just wants to go back to catch up on sleep and watch someone fall behind, urging.

"Why am I running so fast? Let's do aerobic exercise, hey hey hey!"

"Tui! Rogue!"


The two ran to the Zhang River, and the village on the opposite bank was looming.

Ge Xiaotian took off the smart card tied to his arm, turned on the camera function, and pulled in the camera.

The alternative telescope clearly showed that the entire village across the street owed him money.

Well, the clock-like plan has already covered here, but farmers want to build a suite and use SG equipment, a total of 50,000 to 60,000 red notes, and few households can afford it.

The best option is to mortgage the farmland and lease it to the Limin Activity Center, and then take an interest-free loan to build a house, buy SG equipment, and buy agricultural machinery...

It seems that Tiancheng is at a loss, but it is precisely this way that Tianmao has obtained a large amount of farmland, integrated it, implemented mechanized planting, performed missions, and made a big killing in the futures market, winning this agricultural trade war.

Otherwise... you can't win at all.

Ge Xiaotian observed for a moment, "Go, go and have breakfast."

"Is it too far away?"

"I'll carry you on my back."


The small village is not big, and because it is far away from the township, the Limin Activity Center deliberately placed a small "market" here, which is roughly equivalent to a simple basketball hall.

However, although the space is small, it has all the internal organs. It supplies melons, fruits and vegetables, beverages, breakfast, daily necessities, hardware and electrical materials in different areas...

It is more than N grades higher than the original Gejia Village Damao Store.

The store manager in charge of this 'market' is a local aunt who knows what Boss Ge looks like, but definitely does not know the literary youth wearing a wig...

During the meal, I listened to the chatter of the farmers, basically whether the heavy rain last night washed away the farmland and overwhelmed the corn...

According to Ge Xiaotian's rough count, about one-third of the farmers eat breakfast inside and outside the market.

This is already a great improvement. If everyone comes to eat, nutrition is one aspect, habit is one aspect, and whether making money is another aspect. The important thing is to save firewood and straw, and use the excess as feed, which can also reduce the consumption of soybean meal. need.

On the premise of not opening up, it is a bit whimsical to expect the Neo Brass Farm to supply the entire China. And laying solar...the cost is astronomical.

Therefore, it can only be saved at present.

"Let's go?" Li Xiuxiu suddenly whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"Didn't you notice that they were secretly looking at us?"


Ge Xiaotian looked around and knew that it was a stranger who came to the village, everyone reacted naturally, immediately laughed and said loudly: "Is my wife beautiful?"

the masses:"……"

"You guys are envious!"

the masses:"……"

Li Xiuxiu's face turned red, and she hummed softly, "Be careful they beat you!"

"Don't be afraid, they all owe me money."


After breakfast, the two returned to the forest farm.

Passing the Zhanghe River, I happened to see more than a dozen wooden ships lined up in a long snake formation, coming from east to west.

It is filled with steel pipes and wires, and the operator is only a middle-aged man.

"Where is this going?" Ge Xiaotian used the smart card to search for the other party's work number, and asked in the name of the big boss.

"Back to the boss, these steel products are shipped to Anyang next door, where gas pipelines are being laid."

"So fast?"

"As early as two months ago, the main pipeline was connected, but it was troublesome to count users. It is only now that the number of gas meters and pipeline installation work are determined."

"Thanks for your hard work!"

There is a time limit for the transportation post, Ge Xiaotian did not delay the other party's work, waved goodbye, and returned to the forest farm.

Two small forestry leaders brought some local specialties, and one of them saw the master returning, "Mr. Ge, we don't have any good things here, I hope you don't dislike them."

"Hey, is this Jerusalem artichoke?"

"Yes, a batch of red-skinned ones were planted on the edge of the forest this year. They are refreshing and crisp, and they taste good in cold salad or stir-fry."

"I'll try it."

Ge Xiaotian pulled one, washed off the dirt, peeled and took a bite, "My old family's white artichoke is just crispy and has no taste. This one is slightly sweet, it tastes like cucumber, and it tastes like an apple... Eleven, do you have any?" material?"

"Boss, it's called ghost ginger. Its scientific name is Jerusalem artichoke. It is produced in North America. It was introduced into Europe in the 17th century. It was introduced to China. It is sown in spring and harvested in autumn. Its output is like sweet potatoes. It has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxification, diuresis and defecation, and resisting cancer. It can also improve diabetes. Glycolipids, and it is very rich in vitamins, it can be regarded as an excellent health product in health food."

"Then expand the planting..."

"It's very adaptable to soil and can be grown in deserts."


Ge Xiaotian's eyes lit up, "So, there are so many desert products?"

"It can be used as food to reduce the demand for other crops."


Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "Why don't you two leaders go to the desert to plant Jerusalem artichoke?"

the latter:"……"

I provoke you!


The two small leaders belong to the official staff. Although staying here seems to have no future, there are family homes for forestry and agriculture, and the treatment is good. They will definitely not go to the desert to grow Jerusalem artichoke.

But the local people can be mobilized to develop in the desert...

When the convoy left the forest farm, the 'pilot projects', 'joint investment', 'industrial planning and deployment', 'food development and packaging' related to Jerusalem artichoke started successively...

This is called efficiency.

At the same time, several major events happened on the home planet.

The Las Vegas pirates who were in the Bering Sea sank a North American cruiser. North America was furious and accused the Ice Bear of retaliating for the sinking of the submarine. The latter was very disdainful...

Because with the secret help of Tiancheng Electric Industry, Ice Bear simulated the cause of the accident based on the blown-up bow of the peace-powered submarine, and the culprit pointed directly at the depleted uranium mines in North America.

After all, ordinary weapons can't blow up the bow of a submarine, and it's made by Ice Bear, so it's a solid thief.

North America certainly does not admit that the two sides are confronting and conducting exercises in the Bering Sea, and the number of fighter planes flying over the Bering Sea every day can exceed double digits.

Of course, North America also wants to do something, because Tiancheng has built three largest offshore oil production platforms on the mother planet in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which has greatly affected the oil market in North America.

For this reason, the third detachment of Tiancheng's Offshore Oil Protection Brigade went to Okhotsk, and with the help of a ground-effect transport plane, loaded Tiancheng's third small aircraft with Panda fighters purchased from Montenegro...

North America:? ? ?

Montenegro: They detain our aircraft carrier, and they must show 'sincerity' if they want to deliver the goods.

North America: Have you paid it?

Montenegro: Handed in.

North America: Then you go to Dry Ice Bear!

Montenegro: Good boss!

Entering the new century, the other little brothers became disobedient, and the North American thief Shu Tan who was always shouting in Heishan, no longer pursued the other party for selling the eliminated third-generation machine panda to Tian Cheng.

In fact, the Panda Fighter adopted three and a half generations of technology, so it should be called Giant Panda Fighter. Tian Cheng exchanged it from Ice Bear for Su Sansan's technology, and threw it to the Nine...

As for the fight against the ice bear in Montenegro, it was a real fight, not a play on the spot. Playing with a skilled guide in the Black Sea was like setting off fireworks. You couldn't hit the ice bear, but you could break the ice bear's face...

Therefore, North America listed Montenegro as the third most important partner, and Ice Bear also began to hand over the ship maintenance business to Tiancheng...

There is no way, Brother Xiong can't afford to repair it, so he can only exchange it with resources.


September 5th.

The motorcade of Tiancheng going to the countryside for postgraduate entrance examination left the main road and headed towards remote areas.

The road is no longer an asphalt road, but a small dirt road without even cinders.

Coupled with the rainy autumn, the mountains in the north, and the muddy ditch, even if Tua raised the chassis and replaced the track, the team's journey was very slow.

At noon, everyone came to a mountain nest.

In the distance, the smoke is curling up, surrounded by mountains, and a river is winding...

"Good mountain, good water, good... place!"

Ge Xiaotian thought of the old Gejia Village.

"Boss, the Taihang Tunnel is about seventy-five miles away from here. Let's take a look here first, or go straight there?"

"Take a day off first."

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