Build Madness

Chapter 830 High-speed Road Crossing Industrial Park

"Jishan Village is located in the northwest of Shijiazhuang. The distance between the two sides is not too far, but the mountain hinders traffic, forcing people to go in the opposite direction. If something happens, they can only follow the mountain road to a small county town farther west, so it is planned to go to Xishan. .”

"And this mountain that hinders people's travel is the Taihang Mountain."

"The Taihang Mountains cross the north and the south, cut off the Beihe and the west mountains, and extend to the Nanhe territory. According to the trend of the mountains, the north end bypasses the capital city, goes straight to Shanhaiguan, and the south end ends at the corner of the mother river. The 'wall' on the west side of the North China Plain."

Outside Jishan Village.

After introducing the surrounding situation through the GIS system on Road 11, it called out the west expressway, "The Taihang Tunnel passes through the east side of Jishan Village. Due to the steep mountain, it is not possible to set up and down crossings along the way. It is of no help to Jishan Village. Six villages and thirteen stockades have benefited, so they can only be relocated collectively."


Ge Xiaotian swung the binoculars, looked around, and looked back at the specially invited village head of Jishan Village, "Uncle, how many people are there in our village?"

"Forty-five households, three hundred and ninety-six people."

"Hey, there are about nine people in each household, and the incense is very strong."

"What's the matter with Wangsheng, the whole family is crowded together. Last year, three people were struck dead by lightning, two people were electrocuted, six children were washed away by floods on their way to school, and a few fell to their death while walking at night..."

"Then it's even more necessary to move."

"The younger ones went out to work, and their children boarded in the newly built Hope Primary School. The lonely old people and women who stayed in single households kept talking all day long. Let's go, what are the roots here, the ancestors bless..."

"Can't Ge Caishen protect them?"


"Move, one house for one family, food for one year, women enter the factory, and the elderly arrange easy work according to age."

"I... can't command them."

"Do you need instructions? Take them to the industrial park to have a look. Living in a building with heating, gas, and earning jobs is better than farming in a ravine, especially children. Who doesn't want to go to a better school? "

"That's what the comrades at the Limin Activity Center preached, but they don't believe it... To put it bluntly, they're still old-fashioned!" The village chief said, feeling angry.


Ge Xiaotian was amused, "I Ge Laoer said it myself, they still don't believe it?"

"You are here, they will definitely believe you."

Ever since Ge Xiaotian's portrait was hung in classrooms or school corridors, few people don't know Ge Xiaotian.

Even if you don't know it, you know the inspirational story of Ge Er Cripple who is physically disabled...

Of course, Ge Xiaotian didn't know that his reputation was so loud, most of it came from inspirational stories.


A convoy came from outside the village, and the vehicle was the caravan of the big man on TV, which immediately attracted the villagers to watch.

When the village chief brought back the news that "Ge Lao Er himself said that he must move", no one pushed back and forth as before, but hurried home to pack things.

If you offend Ge Laoer, maybe your man will be driven back tomorrow, and it will be a trivial matter to be scolded by then. If you can't find a job in the future, and your children can't go to school, then it will be troublesome...

In less than two hours, everything was packed.

Beihe Tianbo Group arranged for two twin-rotor tandem helicopters developed based on the Mi-26, one for passenger transport and one for cargo, to go back and forth three times. At five o'clock in the afternoon, a natural village just disappeared...

When they arrive at the industrial park, they will join the relocated villagers from other natural villages and form an 'administrative community', led by the 'village officials' assigned this year.

This is the development plan formulated by the superiors according to the high-speed road all the way to the west, and the executor must be Tian Cheng.

It's just that the content is more complicated, such as how to deal with the farmland and homestead after the natural village disappears, such as who will share the housing expenses distributed by Tianfen, such as social security, medical care, education after entering the new community...

Therefore, after Tiancheng proposed the 'All the Way to the West Project', the superiors discussed with the local government for a long time, and only now did they begin to implement the 'New Community in the Industrial Park' plan.

With the new community, there is no need to pave roads in remote mountain villages like this, which is enough to save a lot of money.

As for farming...

It is far faster and more convenient to lift the equipment over by helicopter, plant it mechanized, and then transport it out than building mountain roads.

And when the shark airship is successfully imitated, the project cost in Dashanli will be lower in the future.

Ge Xiaotian didn't pay much attention to this aspect. In the All the Way West project, this is just a very inconspicuous link. There are conscientious and strong men around. As long as it is handled properly, there will definitely be no problems.

Moreover, the 'new gathering place' is very suitable for China's future development. Just imagine, the Limin Activity Center not only improves the lives of farmers, but also provides many jobs. More and more people will stay in the countryside in the future.

Every household is hospitalized, living conditions and medical conditions have improved, and the life expectancy of the elderly has increased. Many young people have separated after marriage and can only run to build yards on their own land.

Although the higher-ups have explicitly ordered that the base land is not allowed to be converted into homesteads, few people have followed this rule these days. When there are too many people doing it, the law does not punish the public, and a large number of farmlands disappear. In addition, factories are built, communities are built, and farmland is returned to forests. ...Where will I go to get food in the future?

Launching a new gathering place or a new community now is almost a 'contemporary success, benefit for the future'.

"For the relocation project of Jishan Village, Tiancheng spent a total of about six million red notes, and his superiors helped subsidize half of it, and transferred nearly 3,000 mu of farmland and two hills to Tianmao."

"A remote village needs 3 million, 10 needs 30 million, and 100 needs 300 million..."

Ge Xiaotian did some calculations, "It's okay to have a thousand seats, and you can lose money with 10,000 seats. If you have 100,000 seats... it will be a bit difficult."

"If you think too much, the total number of natural villages that need to be relocated for the whole road to the west project is only four to five thousand, and eventually five hundred "industrial park new communities" will be formed. Proceeds, drizzle."

"If the earnings are lower than expected ... you have to know."



Two days later, the convoy bypassed the Taihang Mountains and arrived at the Taihang Tunnel Construction Site, which is only 70 miles away from Jishan Village.

The tunnel is about 30 kilometers long. Tiancheng International Holdings invited nearly 100 tunnel experts from home and abroad to conduct research on the project, and determined the construction plan as "two tunnels and one track", with an upward and downward distance of 150 meters and three emergency rescue areas in the middle. .

As for the Luliang Mountain section on the loess high slope to the north, due to the different geology and landforms from Taihang, most of them are yellow mud and there are many space compartments. The construction plan is to use the "TBM giant roadheader" to construct the pipeline.

The construction of the two tunnels has started at multiple points, and it is planned to complete the docking in May next year, and communicate with the Beihe and Xishan sections of the westward expressway that have been paved.

Ge Xiaotian is not a tunnel expert. For the projects he doesn't understand, except to scan them with market drawings, verify the quality of the projects, and understand the construction safety, he will give full authority to a chief engineer dug from Huaxia No. 1 Construction.

Afterwards, he led the crowd to the "up and down crossing" about ten miles away from the tunnel.

Because Tiancheng invests in a westward expressway, which is different from the existing expressway rules of the mother star, it adopts the 5+2 model, that is, there are two freight lanes, three express lanes, one emergency lane, and one hedging lane in one direction, and the design of the crossing. , also differs from regular 'tollbooths'.

It can be said that it is a "high-speed management office" that integrates service areas, toll stations, freight stations, and passenger stations.

Get off the highway.

You can turn right to enter the service area, after the break, take the roundabout to the expressway.

You can turn left to enter the passenger station or freight station, load passengers or goods, and take the roundabout to the expressway.

You can also go straight to the toll booth. The Tiancheng transportation fleet has a dedicated lane, and the rest use the smart card to take the ETC lane or the artificial lane.

After exiting the toll booth, you arrive at the industrial park, but there are no roads around the industrial park. If you want to go to another industrial park or other cities, you need to return to the expressway.

This mode is only implemented in remote areas, which is roughly equivalent to 'open branches and leaves'.

All the way to the west is the trunk of the tree, the branched branches are the industrial park, and every household is the leaves.

In this way, in the all the way to the west project, there is no need to connect provincial roads, county roads, and villages, which can save a lot of money for the superiors.

It is also very convenient to lay electricity, network, gas, and tap water. It can be connected to various industrial parks by directly laying along the road to the west along the expressway.

But if the villagers want to travel far, they either take a high-speed shuttle bus or buy a car by themselves.

Ge Xiaotian prefers green travel in his heart, but in fact...

Sell ​​your own car.

It has also become the largest automobile manufacturer and seller in China.

The director of the operation department here led the crowd out of the toll booth, "For the sake of the image of the industrial park, public parks, fitness squares, and commercial facilities are mainly set up around the upper and lower crossings."

"When traveling between vehicles, we must pay attention to safety issues."

"Yes, boss, we will set up green belts, isolation fences, pedestrian bridges, and 24-hour monitoring without dead ends around."


"After that, there will be administrative offices, projects for the benefit of the people..."

The supervisor came to the map sign of the industrial park and continued to introduce: "The community is laid out in the shape of a character. The residents in the east side of the community are mainly textile workers, the residents in the west side are mainly workshop operators, and the residents in the south side are mainly service personnel. And in the industrial park Ten miles away, we also set up new villages according to agriculture, breeding, and fishery, and farmers who want to continue to engage in farming work will all be arranged there."


Ge Xiaotian nodded, and looked at the pure blue factory buildings next to him, "Taihang Precision Instrument Manufacturing Factory?"

"It has just been built, and only two or three sets of equipment have been arranged for the time being, for the young farmers who have just moved to study. If they want to put it into production, they still need to wait until the highway all the way to the west is opened."

"Go, go in and have a look."

The industrial park was built from scratch, with a lot of waste waiting to be built. Except for the small high-rise buildings in the shape of "Pin" that look very rich, the cement roads in other places have not been paved, and they are particularly scattered.

But the newly relocated villagers have a completely new mental outlook.

Especially the youths and girls who stayed in the countryside, after putting on overalls, they are no longer like the peasants in Jishan Village, who have "spring" behind their ears every time they have dirty hair and face. ('Spring': no ​​bath for a long time, bacterial dirt sticks to the skin surface.)

Come to the factory.

An intern of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School is teaching hundreds of new employees of the same age how to operate lathes, drilling machines, boring machines, milling machines, planing and slotting machines and so on.

These days, after graduating from junior high school or high school, there are not a few young people who return to the countryside and get married immediately.

Ge Xiaotian even saw a girl who was only sixteen years old, hiding in a corner and nursing a child...

And this part of the staff can't go to Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and they don't have time, let alone self-discipline, so they go to night school to work hard.

The only way is to force the other party's parents to work in Tiancheng to study in the factory, and then train the 'Tiancheng corporate culture'.


Inside the plant.

More than a dozen gold-level Tianwei and several brilliant-level secretaries walked in, stunned the technical secondary school interns who were teaching, and also bluffed the students who had just learned about Tiancheng's professional level.

"Old...boss?!" The intern greeted quickly.

"How did you learn?"

Ge Xiaotian walked to a small boring machine, and found that the teaching tool was an octagonal nut, the inner thread of which had been ground off, and could be put on the index finger when it was taken off.

"Back to the boss, the new trainees who choose to operate machine tools have a high interest in learning and are very serious."

"Be sure to pay attention to protection and personal safety."


"What are you going to do?" Ge Xiaotian put the octagonal nut back on the boring machine.

"Make a ring."


"Our family has a lot of discarded nuts, copper, steel, iron, silver... The newly formed factory training department distributed these things to practice with us. In order to increase the interest of the students, I thought, Transform it into all kinds of rings, and set it with a diamond... It can also be given to your little daughter-in-law."

"Hey, you're pretty smart, that's right, let's move up a level."

"thank you boss."

"You give me a ring first."


The interns of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School stayed at the school for two years, from theory to practice, they all stayed in the 'system university', not to mention making small objects, even operating machine tools with bare hands to make tanks was no problem.

Not long after, a shiny steel ring appeared in front of everyone.

The intern rummaged through his standard tool bag, and just about to inlay the zircon, Ge Xiaotian ordered Tianwei to pull out a bean-sized diamond from Tua's compartment.

"Set it on."


After a while.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the diamond ring, and with Li Xiuxiu's expectant eyes, looked around at hundreds of new students, "Isn't it beautiful?"


"Whoever of you can pass the training first, it will be his!"

With a bang, the scene erupted.

Li Xiuxiu's face darkened: Since you used it as a reward, why did you look at my mother so affectionately just now? !


After leaving the precision instrument factory, everyone came to the textile factory.

The small boss who accepted the investment from Ruyi Textile rushed to make friends with him excitedly.

"Mr. Ge, I finally see you."

"Haha, I also want to thank this...boss Lu for coming to my industrial park to develop."

"Without your help and the investment of Boss Wanshi, how could I be the boss."

"Don't worry, there will definitely be some money in the future."

"I just trust Mr. Ge."

"Ha ha……"

Ge Xiaotian walked into the factory happily and found that the textile machinery was already in place.

Dao Eleven attached to the ear canal: "The main brain building used, level four."

"Can it be upgraded?"

"One plant needs five photoelectric cores."

"Forget it for now."

It is very troublesome to make photoelectric cores. In the past three months, Daoyi and the others have only produced 90 of them. Even the system function buildings have not been fully upgraded. Like the system buildings used by the outside world, they can only wait for the mass production of photoelectric cores.

Moreover, the employment problem needs to be solved at this stage, and it cannot be fully automated and intelligent for the time being, otherwise, where will there be jobs.

Ge Xiaotian strolled around the textile factory, and found that most of the middle-aged women here, very few young people, but... there are still many people with children.

"Arrange nurseries for each industrial park as soon as possible."

"There are not enough interns in technical secondary schools."

"The expansion of enrollment includes not only babysitters, but also personnel corresponding to other service facilities in the industrial park. The province's development is too fast, and human resources cannot keep up."

"You need to communicate with the Ministry of Education. Now Tiancheng Technical Secondary School has an annual enrollment plan of 12,000, which is definitely one of the best among other schools."

"Is our family an ordinary school?"

"No, it's a technical high school."


Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, September 7th, "Is this year's military training over?"

"There is a military parade during National Day, and then a week off."

"Make it more formal, focus on showing the spiritual outlook of students in the new era, and then report the job requirements of the industrial park. I also have reasons to ask the Ministry of Education for an enrollment plan."

"Our family has always been very formal, otherwise there wouldn't be so many satellites watching in the sky."

"Still watching?"

"The oil protection brigade rushed to the Bering Sea, and the number of satellites in the sky increased instead of decreasing."

"Staring all day, it doesn't matter if boys go to the toilet, what about girls?"


"It is necessary to frighten them."

"How scared?"

"For this military parade, let's light up the laser weapons."

"Tian Cheng has no weapons."

"Oh, yes, this is... a photoelectric contour instrument for measuring celestial bodies, also known as: star distance measuring instrument, which can measure the radius of the local galaxy group, or the distance to other galaxies."


"Hey? That's right. During the measurement, a satellite strayed into the beam orbit and was accidentally destroyed. Not only do we not need to pay, but we can also use this as an excuse, like the satellite owner asking to interfere with our measurement, causing our losses R\u0026D expenses."


"I'm such a genius!"


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