Build Madness

Chapter 831 Holden: Brother, sell me a boat ticket!

The system personnel are all born for fighting, and the monks are eager for their boss to do things. Now they want to launch satellites, and they are more active than real estate development.

On the 11th day, Daqin informed Longtian Technology, Weihua Technology, Daqin Bingfeng, Okhotsk Shipyard, Heilong Tiancheng Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, etc., to prepare a series of equipment needed for the technical secondary school parade, and added a sentence at the end: The boss said to play big.

Later, many important leaders, executives of cooperative enterprises, and celebrities in various fields were invited to participate in this event.

Wait until the evening to make a detailed plan.

Ge Xiaotian heard that Dao 11 said there was no problem, so he didn't bother to look through the specific plan, and was about to sign at the end, but when he saw the words 'Comprehensive Sports Center', he changed the venue to 'Photovoltaic Smart Elevated'.

After a new round of construction, the viaduct has circled Jinxiuchuan University City for a week, and VIPs and reporters can sit on the top floor of the organ tower and inspect the military training team.

Very stylish, very formal, and very solemn.


"Yes boss, you are a genius!"

"How do I feel, are you a little excited?"

"The boss's satisfaction is the greatest recognition of my business ability. I must be very excited."

"If your senior brothers had your awareness, they wouldn't be living in Africa, the polar regions, or Neobras."

Ge Xiaotian sighed with emotion, and after breakfast, he came to the residential area of ​​the industrial park.

This place and other industrial parks did not adopt the Xingyuewan model in the early stage, but imitated affordable housing.

The storey height is 16, with three units in a single building. Each unit has two elevators and four households. The left and right sides are 90 square meters each, and the middle two households are each 60 square meters. It seems small, but Tiancheng has canceled the shared sharing.

In addition, this is a free house. Residents have no property rights and can only live in it. They cannot be traded, mortgaged, or rented out.

If you want to own your own house, you can buy Xingyue Bay, which is located in the central area of ​​the industrial park, through Tiancheng Real Estate.

After all, Tiancheng is an enterprise and needs to make money in order to benefit more people.

The villagers of Jishan Village who moved here the day before yesterday have already made arrangements.

Allocating housing, food, and employment...

On the temporary apron in the distance, several helicopters are coming and going, transporting farmers in other areas.

Ge Xiaotian watched for a long time, turned on the GIS system, and was about to check the drainage and water supply facilities of the industrial park when he suddenly received a Horton communication.

The old man is very busy this year.

Busy fighting for the patriarch of the DuPont family, busy integrating the Horton consortium, busy laying security for South America, busy helping NT real estate projects in North America, busy transporting many goods that have been included in the entity list in North America...

It is said that in order to recuperate his exhausted body and mind, this guy ordered 50 tons of brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquids of different flavors from Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The phone connects.

"How is Brother Huo?"

Unexpectedly, Holden said anxiously, "Brother, sell me some tickets!"

"Boat ticket?"

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

What ticket?

Zheng He's voyages?

Zheng He's voyage to the West was indeed held this year, but North America cut off the Maldives 6 route, and he had a fight with Montenegro, so he couldn't hire security guards for the church in Europe. Considering the pirates who ran rampant in the Red Sea, even the United Fleet of the mother planet dared to rob, Zheng He and the fleet didn't dare to run there, but wandered around East Asia twice.

If you want to reproduce the style of the year, it is estimated that you have to wait for the opening of the Kra Isthmus Canal, that is, in 2004.

At that time, the situation on the mother star will undergo a major change.

"Old Huo, it's not like you don't know that the project is over."

"it's over?!"

Holden paused, becoming even more anxious, "Brother, we are a life-and-death friendship, the boat is so big, you have to spare twenty tickets for me no matter what... No, only ten tickets, so I will send the money over , let’s stick to the market price. Wait for me, I’ll fly tonight!”

beep beep...


Ge Xiaotian stared blankly at the satellite phone.

What the hell?

Ten tickets?

The Zheng He Treasure Ship has long gone to the Okhotsk Shipyard for maintenance. Now that you buy ten tickets, do you want me to transfer it back?

Is it enough for travel expenses?

At this time, the accompanying secretary in charge of finance reported, "Boss, Nanyang Development Bank called and informed that the Horton Group has remitted 5 billion Franklin to the overseas account of Tiancheng International Holdings."


Ge Xiaotian was confused, and looked at Dao Shishi, "Is there a bulk commodity transaction with Horton Group recently?"

"There are a few items, but the total trade volume between the two sides is at most a billion Franklin, far less than five billion."

The financial secretary reminded: "Boss, the purpose of the remittance given by Horton is to buy ten boat tickets."

"Huh? Ten? Five billion? Why is the ticket so expensive? The spaceship leading to the space station only has 80 million Franklin seats. This 500 million Franklin ticket is probably not the most expensive ticket in history, silly X Only then... wait!"

Thinking of the most expensive ferry ticket in history, Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of 2012 and his factory in the Himalayas simulated by AR.

Now half a year has passed...



Ge Xiaotian quickly opened the GIS system and called up the 'Mount Everest Project'.

If you want to deceive the satellite, the factory must not be small, almost covering a valley.

The realization of AR technology through laser beams requires terrifying electricity.

At the beginning, the staff built more than 300 wind power towers in the northern foothills of the Himalayas that rely on the southwest monsoon to operate, and laid a large number of solar photovoltaic panels on the sunny side.

The power is abundant, but only one factory building is projected, and the location is remote, and the excess power cannot be supplied to the mainland. The staff have to continue to improve the factory building, simulating super gantry cranes and movable mechanical vehicles...

As the northern hemisphere ushers in autumn and winter, the southwest monsoon shifts, the intensity of sunlight weakens, some wind power towers and solar photovoltaic panels lose their function, and the electricity is not enough.

In order to support the huge project, the staff had to continue to build wind power towers and lay solar photovoltaic panels...

This group of people seems to be trapped in an endless loop, relying on the clone of the town center and the explosive system resources to make this false project bigger and bigger...

Today, even if you use your own commercial satellite to take pictures of the sub-region, you can clearly see a super-large "shipyard" at the northern foot of Mount Everest, as well as three weird giant ships with their heads exposed, and a non-stop lifting ship. Kilometer elevator...


After seeing the current situation over there, Ge Xiaotian couldn't help crying and laughing, and couldn't help lighting a cigarette.

To be honest, he didn't engage in this thing to sell boat tickets.

There are no boats, just sell a ticket for wool.

The reason why people are arranged to do this is to experiment with AR technology and improve the 'electronic fog', and to make movies...

Dao Shishi, who was sitting next to him, also reacted when he saw the content on the screen, "Isn't it? Holden believed it?"

"Ghost knows what's going on in his head."

"It is estimated that he was fooled by the master."


Yes, there are two masters and a Taoist priest around Holden, instilling strange ideas all day long, so it's no wonder that he is not brain-dead.

Ge Xiaotian suddenly had the urge to cover his face and laugh. Just as he was about to ask the bank for a refund, he immediately thought of North American Fisheries, North American Disney, North American Tourist Hotel, etc. Those rich people who invest in Neobras also have masters and priests...

Before the idea came to fruition, the financial secretary reported: "Boss, North American Fisheries remitted 2 billion Franklins to Tiancheng International Holdings through Nanyang Development Bank."

"Boss, North American Tourist Hotel..."

'I'm the biggest liar ever...'

Ge Xiaotian picked up the satellite phone and contacted Holden. The other party should not have boarded the plane, so he answered it in seconds.

"Boss Ge, I've arrived at the airport..."

"Stop coming, fake!"

"What fake?"

"Think about it, it's the end of the world, a boat ticket is 500 million, why do I need money?"

"If you don't have money, how can you build a ship?"


"Brother Ge, wait for me!"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the hung up satellite phone with a dazed face again, and felt... What Horton said made sense.

How to build a ship without money?

That's right, instead of boarding the ship and paying money, it's raising funds to build the ship...


Big trouble.


In fact, the masters and Taoists around Horton did not fool Horton.

Holden believes in 2012 for a number of reasons.

Half a year ago, the North American military department and the aerospace department conducted various discussions on Longtian Technology's entrustment of Tiancheng Electric Industry to build 'Noah'.

It is a fact that the climate of the mother planet is warming and the water level is rising.

In recent years, the crustal movement has been frequent, and earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes have occurred in many regions. This is also a fact.

In addition, from October last year to August this year, the parent star suffered a total of 27 meteorite attacks, ranging from a few cubic meters to nearly a thousand cubic meters. Although they were all destroyed in the atmosphere, no one can guarantee whether there will be a bigger one. .

With the current level of science and technology in various countries, there is no way to deal with these extrasolar "meteors" with speeds as high as Mach 40 or 50. Because of the influence of atmospheric pressure, the fastest guide egg is only Mach 20. Even relying on prediction, it cannot be completed. intercept.

What's more, when the meteor strikes, because the speed is too fast, countries can't react at all...

North America decided to create an 'emergency facility'.

But the plan has not yet been implemented, and the aerial photos and project plans have been leaked for unknown reasons.

to this end:

Sweden drafted the 'Civilization Survival Plan', expanded the 'Stockholm Refuge', Ice Bear built the 'Floating Ark' building in Chelyabinsk, Ural region, Wajima developed the 'Refuge Capsule', Norway established the 'Mother Planet Seed Bank'... …

This is no longer a question of believing or not, but of doing or not.

On the other hand, China, which has "already taken action".

On the one hand, building super ships at the northern foot of Mount Everest, and on the other hand, vigorously developing mountainous areas...

As Horton sees now.

Cut off a mountain, build factories, build communities, and relocate residents based on the 'big mountain' with an altitude of 500 to 600 meters...

Flying all the way, the parallel twin-rotor helicopters in the air are like a swarm of dragonflies, carrying tens of thousands of people with children and children, rushing to the "new gathering place" that can't be seen at a glance...

(What Horton saw was the Taihang Mountain Industrial Park. There is an expressway heading west, so there is no need to lay other roads. Considering mountain torrents and mudslides, the industrial park is located on some hilltops, and the new farmland is terraced.)

"Still telling me it's fake!"

Holden was furious, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He treats Ge Laoer... In Huaxia's words, he compares his heart with his heart. He never expected that at this time, the other party would still lie to him!

Take a picture and post a log to save someone from defaulting.

click click click...

A few more videos...

“SG is so convenient!”


Although Horton is not as well-known as Bill and the stock king, he is a top-notch boss in the business world.

After the log was uploaded, it immediately attracted rich people who knew Holden's worth and status.

Seeing that Tian Cheng moved his business to the top of the mountain, many people who were full and had nothing to do, pulled out the real inside story of Tian Cheng's development in the desert.

Because... the desert is high in altitude!

That is the third step of China's geology and landforms!

The most important thing is that someone simulated the ecological map of the desert through the "Tianchuang Host".

If the sea level of the mother star rises and floods all the plains, the desert can rely on its own characteristics of sand particles that can filter seawater to form freshwater oases. In this way, the desert will become a 'plain', and the mountains created by Tiancheng will become islands...

Great brains!

As a result, many people are more convinced of the 'boat ticket' circulating in private.

But the problem is, what should I do if I can't afford the boat ticket?

Then move up!

Isn't there an old saying in China: People go to high places, but water flows to low places!


Taihang Lingjiu Peak Tiancheng Industrial Park.

Ge Xiaotian and Horton sat opposite each other, both a little speechless.

No matter how the former is explained, the latter cannot be persuaded, but there is really no ticket in hand.

The latter is... Suddenly received news that NT real estate is on fire!

Just now, thousands of mountain villa projects were obtained in an instant, and each of them made a lot of money, and the number of projects is still rising...

Why are you running up the hill?

Horton looked around the industrial park, the sea of ​​clouds is misty, so high...

'The whole world knows it, but you are still lying to me! '


Ge Xiaotian also received news from NT Real Estate...

Franklin is expected to make a profit of 5 billion in the next quarter. According to the investment share, Tiancheng can get 2.6 billion.

'Fuck! '

This is so...

But Ge Xiaotian thinks more long-term, the rich and powerful move to the mountains, how to travel?

Either a helicopter, or road repairs...

These two are Tian Cheng's strengths.

Moreover, at this time, even if '2012' is false, it is estimated that the investors Holden and the stock king Laoba will insist that it is true.

Ge Xiaotian is a little timid...

Want to be the biggest liar ever?

But then again.

What can I do if I cheat them?

Besides, there are still ten years.

The big deal is to build a spaceship and send them to space collectively...

As for whether he can come back, it is not his own consideration.

Anyway, Tiancheng's things have always been like this.

"Ahem, old Huo, what, I'll sell you the boat ticket."

Holden's resentment still persisted, thinking that Lao Ge was going to refuse again, and just about to speak, he immediately came back to his senses, "Good brother!"

"Hit two ribs!"


"It's getting late, you've been flying all day, go back and rest first, let's have a good chat tomorrow."

"no problem."

After sending Horton away, Ge Xiaotian wiped off the cold sweat on his back, walked into Tua, and answered the channel one communication.

"If you build a ship in the AR projection, can it float in the sea?"

"In the deep sea, it is definitely possible, but we can't make it that big, more than 3,000 meters, and we need new materials."

"Think of it as a spaceship, can it go into space?"

"That's even more impossible. Not to mention volume and materials, just the fuel needed to break through the first cosmic speed is a big problem."

"Another way of thinking, disassemble it, transport it to space in batches, and complete the assembly outside the star. Can it be done?"

"space station?"

"Is this what the space station does?"

"Space stations are divided into two types: single-module space stations and multi-module space stations. A single-module space station is launched into orbit by a space vehicle at one time, and a multi-module space station is sent to orbit by space vehicles in batches, and the modules are assembled in space. made."

"That's it! Assemble it many times, and I can realize the ark I blown."

"However, boss, although all living facilities can be built for the space station, the space station does not have the ability to return to Earth."

"I never wanted it to come back..."


"That's it. Let's try to assemble one first, so that the rich people who buy the ticket can feel at ease. After all, when disaster strikes, staying in space is far safer than floating at sea."

"Boat ticket?"

"Haven't you watched the news recently?"

"I was busy making optical cores and equipment for mass production of optical cores, and did not pay attention to outside news."

"Your boss has the potential to become the biggest liar ever."



the next day.

Many well-known scientists, geologists, and ecologists on the parent planet successively proved that 2012 is false, but they were quickly submerged in more pseudo-scientist speculations...

However, in order to avoid causing panic, these news were only circulated in a relatively small circle.

Had breakfast.

Ge Xiaotian discussed with Horton about the blockade of Sino-Ocean Group.

"The Bering Sea is on the verge of breaking out. If the gun goes off, North America will probably order Wajima to block Sino-Ocean Group's routes in Wahai. At that time, I will import nearly 300 million tons of iron ore, tens of millions of cubic meters of wood, and rare earths from Ice Bear every year." , food, and building materials will all be affected.”

"Ge, what do you want to do?"

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. You find a way to operate it. Taking advantage of the fact that Okhotsk is frozen in winter and my fleet has less business, put pressure on Wajima to detain my transport ship."


"There is a spirit called 'Bright Sword'."

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