Build Madness

Chapter 832 NT Group's Last Round of Financing

Bright Sword hasn't come out yet, even if there is, Horton doesn't understand the "Spirit of Bright Sword", but he understands what Ge Xiaotian means:

Tian Cheng dug a hole, and he was responsible for driving Wa Dao into it.

It's just that if he does this, in order to avoid causing Wajima's suspicion afterwards, he can't put pressure on Wajima through Xiaobu in the name of the Horton Foundation and the DuPont family.

However, North America already blocked the Sino-Ocean Group, so that Wajima would also block it, and it would be feasible to find a few marginalized congressmen and raise it at the North American meeting.

Horton made a few calls and arranged for Wajima on the spot.

Looking back, the two were about to chat about NT real estate, and Horton received a communication from the current helm of the DuPont family.


"Horton, are you in China?"

"Yes, I'm here to visit Mr. Ge."

"Can I have a little chat with him?"

"Please wait."

Horton looked at Ge Xiaotian, saw the latter nodded, paused for more than ten seconds, pretended to return from the outside, and said: "Mr. Ge, my uncle wants to talk to you."

"It's a great honor!"

Ge Xiaotian took the communicator, "Hello."

"Hello, Ge, last time I asked Holden to bring you a gift, do you still like it?"

"Thank you, very nice."

Holden has the right to speak within the family, which has prompted DuPont to also have business contacts with Tiancheng, such as purchasing nylon, resin, chemicals, cheap military parts, drinking water purification equipment, etc. from Tiancheng.

Last year, the other party entrusted Horton to present him with a tie clip, made of pure gold, which looks particularly delicate, and it is said to be the helm of the DuPont family's second start. He spent a lot of money to hire famous craftsmen to make it, which is very precious.

Ge Xiaotian was not stingy, and gave the other party a pair of silver chopsticks that he used to hold X a long time ago, and cited the Chinese allusion of "golden bowl and silver chopsticks" to describe the close relationship between the two parties.

It's just that he rarely wears a suit now, and even on big occasions, he wears it more casually, let alone using a tie and tie clips.

"Ge, I like the gift you gave me very much. Now I have learned how to use it, especially when eating noodles. It is so convenient."

"You are great, some of the overseas people I met before could not use chopsticks after learning for two years..."

The two sides have some courtesy.

Daoming, who is at the helm of the DuPont family, made the call, "Ge, I heard that your company built a city in the desert?"

"As far as the current scale is concerned, it is a little far away from the city, so it can only be regarded as a small town."

"It's really great to be able to develop in the desert and produce results."

"Yes, Tian Cheng is omnipotent!"

"Extraordinary power!"

The other party sighed, "I don't know how many residents there are now?"

"If you include the staff, there will be 5,000 people by the end of this year. Next year, Tiancheng will relocate about 50,000 people from Dongshan, and the number will double in two years."

"Can you let me know about the real estate that your company invests in there?"

"Of course, we built fifteen staff dormitories and three underground commercial areas in the first half of this year, and started building ordinary buildings in the second half of the year to accommodate the people who moved there. Next year we will develop Xingyue Bay and set up an oasis villa area. "

"Oasis Villa? It must be very beautiful."

"Yes, combining multiple elements such as beaches, deserts, green spaces, and wetlands, and connecting the airport and the metropolis with ground-effect aircraft and buried subways, it will become the most beautiful landscape in the desert."

"I don't know what the price is?"

"A high-quality project, including all supporting facilities, plus unique security and fire services, exclusive means of transportation, super-class emergency shelters, and intelligent home life, 100,000 Franklin per square meter." Ge Xiaotian knew that the other party was affected by 2012 , follow the crowd to buy high-altitude buildings, and simply open their mouths.

Anyway, this oasis sold to DuPont is unified at this price, which is not considered cheating, and can also attract other rich overseas.

"Very good price."

“Excellent value for money.”

"Can you sell me two sets?"

"Each set is 500 square meters, and the yard is extra calculated."

"no problem."

"Pleasant cooperation."

After the exchange, Ge Xiaotian returned the communicator to Horton.

The latter chatted with the other party for a few words, and said happily:

"My uncle even gave me a set."

"You won't just be bribed by him, will you?"

"Ha ha."

Horton smiled and shook his head, "My name is DuPont. Even if I crush all the properties of the DuPont family and leave my uncle with nothing, my uncle will win in the end, because the Horton consortium will be the next one in the near future. A new DuPont."

"As far as the family is concerned, your uncle is a qualified leader."

"It's a pity that I'm too timid. If I were me, what I have to do now is to unite with Morgan to squeeze the arms market in Texas. Otherwise, the other party will unite with Rockefeller to enter Eastern Europe and take down Iraq. Our arms market in Eastern Europe will become very serious." passive."

"Oh? Ira?"

Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment. He thought that North America had suffered a great loss from Harden's hands and would postpone the Iraq war. He never expected that there is a plan now, "When?"

"They have swayed the parliament and sent a 'nuclear' investigation team to Iraq through the joint meeting of the home planet. We failed to block it, and it is estimated that the fight will start early next year. After all, I have helped DuPont develop too many arms markets in the past two years. Texas Stanley and Rockefeller lost a lot of markets, and with the oil market down, they couldn't wait to shuffle the cards and get us out of the game."

Ge Xiaotian understood that it should be that Montenegro sold its arms wantonly, causing the other party to lose the arms market. The other party suspected DuPont's actions and decided to carry out a large-scale cleansing of Iraq.

Of course, the most important thing is oil, otherwise North America would not always stare at the oil production platform in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk because of two or three pirate ships.

"It's good to fight. You can shift your focus on the Bering Sea to Eastern Europe. As for your family's business, why not take the opportunity to win the South American market."

"I think so too. After the delivery of the two aircraft carriers ordered by Brazil and Agen, the Holden consortium took the opportunity to develop several downstream agents there."

"come on!"

Ge Xiaotian shrugged, being armed means that there will be troubles, and then changed the subject.

"NT's real estate business volume has skyrocketed, and NT Group's tide has also risen. Under its subsidiaries, NT Construction, which is in charge of Tiancheng, NT Finance, which is in charge of Morgan, and NT Commercial, NT Catering, NT Hotel Management, and NT Heavy Machinery, which are in charge of the Horton Consortium, all need to carry out new projects. round of financing."


"I plan to send 20,000 employees there first, and then invest an additional 5 billion in Franklin."

"so much?"

"It's boring without it."


Ge Xiaotian also has his own helplessness.

Franklin, who previously earned money from the stock market and futures market, can arrange multiple offshore companies to invest overseas in batches, and then use Tiancheng to deploy overseas companies, such as Montenegro Odyssey, to buy them at a low price, and finally transfer these funds through foreign trade. Summarized to Tiancheng.

But in North America, this approach is somewhat unworkable.

NT real estate income, advance receipts from selling boat tickets, and other business income may total more than 30 billion Franklin.

In the early stage, several billion can be borrowed from the Nanyang Development Bank to transfer deposits, and the subsequent cumulative amount will increase. North America will definitely not allow these funds to flow out.

The DuPont family has a good relationship with the Morgan consortium, so they can ask for help, but Tian Cheng has an indirect interest relationship with them, and when it comes to the interests of North America, the other party will definitely not stand with Tian Cheng like Horton.

Therefore, the money earned there can only be exchanged for resources or broken up into parts.

For example, purchasing gold, purchasing rare metals, purchasing precision instruments and high-tech that we do not have.

For example, arrange for employees to go there, improve benefits, and bring money back.

Horton didn't know what Ge Xiaotian was thinking, seeing that Tiancheng increased investment, he immediately contacted the stock market leader Lao Ba, the person in charge of Morgan, and the partner of the Horton consortium...

After a day-long video conference, NT Group's final round of financing before listing was announced.

Tiancheng International Holdings added 5 billion Franklin, and its shareholding ratio was reduced from 60% to 33.1%.

The Morgan consortium invested 15 billion in Franklin, increasing its shareholding ratio from 10% to 31.3%.

The Buffett Club added 7 billion Franklin, and its shareholding ratio increased from 10% to 16.7%.

The Horton consortium added an additional 6 billion to Franklin, reducing its shareholding ratio from 20% to 18.9%.

The NT Group's total assets have increased from 22 billion Franklin to 55 billion, and it will directly enter the "parent star multinational company" after listing.

It can also be seen from this that the Morgan consortium really does not want Tian Cheng to control NT.

According to what the other party thinks, Horton and the stockholder Laoba are both their people. Together they absolutely crush Tiancheng and hold 33.1%, and they have the absolute right to speak at the shareholders' meeting.

In this regard, Ge Xiaotian frowned during the video conference, but he didn't care...

As long as Morgan is happy.

after the meeting.

Ge Xiaotian and Holden talked about the North American industry in detail.

"Old Huo, how do I treat you?"

"Except for the boat ticket, it has been very good."


Tickets are deceiving!

Ge Xiaotian really wanted to yell at the old guy, but he sighed and held back, "Well, in the video conference just now, I left you a fortune."


"Think about it, the rich have moved to the mountainous areas, and the roads in the mountainous areas are difficult to navigate. In the future, they will definitely need to purchase a large number of helicopters or build roads."


"I vacated this area of ​​business. I didn't integrate it into NT Group. I just wanted to give you full authority."

"Form a road and bridge company?"

"Well, the old rules, I will provide personnel, equipment, and materials, and you will be responsible for operations and business."

"Materials are hard to handle. The Sino-Ocean Group is blocked there, so I'm afraid they won't be able to ship them."

"As long as you find a way to get Wajima to trouble me, I can lift the blockade of the Sino-Ocean Group."

"Actually, I can help Sino-Ocean Group get rid of it through the DuPont family."

"That's not necessary. In the eyes of outsiders, we are just a cooperative relationship, not close enough to influence the international situation."


"The other thing is helicopters. Remember you bought a lot of land in Canada last year?"

"Yes, you were hit hard by the mysterious fleet at that time, I thought we'd go there and start anew."

"Now that it is used, North America will not allow Tiancheng Electric Industrial's helicopters to be sold in North America. Why not integrate your Holden General Motors in Canada to form Holden General Aircraft..."

"In Canada?"


"Import and export are a bit troublesome."

"But you can get Canadian support."


"I will not invest cash in Luqiao Company. I will invest 5 billion Franklin in the aircraft factory. People will produce technology, and you will still be in charge of operations and business."

"no problem."

The two discussed the details for half a night...

Back at his residence, Ge Xiaotian contacted Mr. Wang, the stockholder, and handed over all the follow-up income of NT real estate and the advance payment for the subsequent sale of boat tickets to the other party for operation.

With a large amount of funds, the stock king of this era may be able to completely shake off Soros.

Of course, the two are essentially different.

One is an investment master and the other is a speculator.

two days later.

Horton returned to North America, and Ge Xiaotian went to other industrial parks for research.

All in all, the 2012 lie brought Tian Cheng a sum of money that he could not spend temporarily overseas, and also brought consequences that he might not be able to afford.

But ten years later, who can say for sure.

Perhaps, Tian Cheng sailed to the sea of ​​stars long ago...


The research convoy went west along the highway and spent more than half a month inspecting the industrial parks along the way, leaving behind thousands of 'universities' to speed up the absorption of new technologies by factory students and farmers.

September 25th.

The convoy entered the EEDS plateau, rested in Yinchuan for a day, and came to the foot of Helan Mountain.

Ge Xiaotian was lying on the roof of the car, pillowing on sister Xiu's thigh, facing the high sky and wide landscape, he felt emotional, "The sky is blue, the land is vast, there is no grass, no cattle and sheep..."

There is indeed no grassland, cattle and sheep, and the surrounding area is full of gravel and clay. The overall color of the land is also dark red, and the mountains are even darker. Except for the blue sky, which can make people feel relaxed, the rest of the place is depressing, just like facing the "ghost mountain" '.

And as he got closer, this feeling became more and more intense, even worse than facing Fengdu.


Land is cheap!

It is very suitable for the placement of super large ground effect transport transfer stations.

Dao Shishi stood on the hood of tua and helped to introduce:

"The surrounding geology is full of faults, which belong to the strong earthquake zone. There is a canyon in front of it that spans 2,000 meters and is 500 meters deep, with cliffs on both sides. It is the most difficult area for high-speed construction all the way west.

Because manpower or helicopters cannot drive hundreds of tons of pilot cables for bridge construction, we originally planned to apply for a rocket to tow the pilot cables. Later, we got a shark airship and are currently preparing to re-apply to use airships to hang the pilot cables. "

Ge Xiaotian took a telescope to check, "What kind of airship do you use? It took so long to prepare, and the money was spent. Do you want to return it? Just use a rocket."

"Then don't apply for the transfer of the shark airship?"

"It's too troublesome to fly over here. Besides, that thing stays in Daqingshan as a tourist attraction, and it can make a lot of money every day."

"All right."

"When will it launch?"

"The infrastructure is being installed, and when the bridge erecting machine arrives, one will be tested in the middle of next month."

"Remember to remind me to come to the site to supervise the work."


Since there was no bridge, the convoy continued to detour to the ALS on the west side of Helan Mountain.

There is the first super-large ground-effect transportation transfer station on the mother star, which is the end of the westward expressway and the end of this investigation.

Halfway through the journey, Ge Xiaotian suddenly sat up, straightened his binoculars and looked at the barren skyline.

A half-grown man rode a pony and led a group of gray goats running towards this side.

That whip-wielding posture, that bumpy little body, and that little red face, roaring and screaming, looked really cheerful.


Ge Xiaotian always felt that something was weird.

Riding a horse and leading a sheep?

Shouldn't it be riding a horse and chasing sheep?

"This kid is a master!"

Before the words fell, Ge Xiaotian saw the 'grey goat' behind him, and his expression changed:

"Damn it, hurry up and save people, there are wolves!"

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