Build Madness

Chapter 833 The Kind Batur

Batur was born in a nomadic family. Due to his many younger brothers and sisters, his parents were busy taking care of the livestock. He was resolute and courageous since he was a child. Therefore, he could look after babies at the age of three, herd sheep at the age of four, ride a horse at the age of six, and Just someone to say dear...

A few years ago, the surrounding nomadic families were notified and came to settle in Zuoqi one after another. They no longer wandered in the grasslands as before, but followed the changes of the seasons and divided the grasslands for regular grazing. Batur's family was no exception.

Therefore, Batur has the opportunity to go to school.

In the first half of the year, a major event happened in the school.

The houses that used to stand on tiptoe of bricks, tiles and stones have become tall concrete buildings. The dormitory has changed from wooden beds to bunk beds for six people. The school has also changed from Zuoqi No. 3 Primary School to Yinchuan No. 22 Hope Primary School. .

Not only that, Batur also got two sets of blue and red school uniforms, a set of pencil cases with pencils, erasers, compasses, and rulers, a learning simulator called Smart Card, and a red scarf of good quality .

The textbooks have changed, the content has changed, and the way of learning is also different from before.

For example, 24×38+38×26.

In the past, it was calculated separately, and it took half a day to calculate with pen and paper.

Now becomes:

38x (24+26)





Even if 38x24+12x24+24, the algorithm becomes:





Or: 18×24+36×38





No need for pen and paper, you can calculate the result by silently reading in your heart for two or three seconds.

Batur felt that he was infinitely smarter.

Yesterday was Mid-Autumn Festival.

Batur heard about this festival for the first time. The new big sister teacher, who is only eleven years older than him, also made moon cakes for everyone.

It is also the first time for Batur to eat moon cakes, with five kernels, bean paste, egg yolk, and meat floss...

I ate five of them!

Moreover, yesterday afternoon the school organized a very lively Mid-Autumn Festival party, and distributed a set of electronic desk cards and a pack of 24 mooncakes to everyone for everyone to take back and share with their families.

Batuer's home is in the pasture, so it is inconvenient to go back and forth. Fortunately, when winter comes, the pasture withers, and the old Batu returns to "Gacha" (meaning the village) with his belongings, and entrusts the clansmen living in the city to take the pony Take him to the Zuoqi Horse Market for trusteeship, and when the National Day is off, he can ride the pony home.

When the new teacher heard about it, he was specifically allowed to go home two days early, but doubled his homework.

However, Batur is still very happy.

Riding a pony out of Zuoqi City, flying over the creek, passing through the rocky forest, galloping on the wilderness home...


Seeing that there was still half an hour to go home, a group of gray shadows suddenly appeared in the distance.

Batur had seen wolves, but never so many wolves!

Big and small, there are almost thirteen of them!

Batur panicked.

Glancing at a long line of huge cars coming in the distance, they rushed past involuntarily.


There was a young man in the car who seemed to see him, and Batur quickly waved his whip for help...

But Batur immediately thought that to fight wolves, you need a powerful weapon. The opponent only has a car and is still standing on the roof. In all likelihood, it will become food for the wolves.

He quickly turned around, hoping to lure the wolves away.


At this moment, a humanoid machine seen in textbooks surpassed itself with tail flames, drew an arc in front and returned again.

"Little friend, I am the most capable robot on the mother planet. My name is Toutie. Nice to meet you."


There was no time to react, the two sides passed each other, and Batur turned around and saw the robot bumping headfirst into Gray Wolf's forehead.

The latter didn't even make a sound, and was directly knocked into the air, with several teeth broken out...

The robot ran out, overtook itself again, then returned, followed the same pattern, bumping into more than a dozen gray wolves in turn, and finally, with a 'swollen nose and swollen face' expression, said in a naive voice: "Am I good at fighting?!"


Batur was amused by its appearance, but he didn't know how to talk to the robot in the book, "You, hello."

"Oh, I'm hurt, I can't move, I need to ride your pony back to recharge."


Batur dismounted quickly, intending to pick up the robot, but found that the propeller blades popped out one after another from the top and back of the robot's head, and it easily flew onto the horse's back.

The foal is docile and seems curious about what's on its back.



The robot ran off on the pony.

He even put down the track on his feet, wrapped the horse's belly from below, and relied on his own power to lift the pony into the air, and disappeared at the foot of the mountain in the blink of an eye...

There is also BGM vaguely.

"White dragon horse, hooves facing west..."

Batur: "???"


Just then, the convoy drove over.

"Kid, are you not hurt?"

"No, but my horse was... snatched away." Batur muttered to himself before recovering from his confusion.

"It's okay, it will be returned to you."

Ge Xiaotian had left the No. 1 machine in Weicheng a long time ago, but he never expected that the other party would chase it back.

However, the speed of the robot is indeed faster than Tianwei and the convoy, which is considered a good thing.


"Call my brother."

"Oh, big brother, when will he bring my pony back?"

"Wait until you finish collecting the Western Scriptures?"


"Just kidding, I'll be back soon."


Batur stared at the place where the robot and Pegasus disappeared, and continued to be in a daze. His appearance was simple and honest, and he looked really cute.

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his head, walked to Tianwei who was dealing with wolves, "Why are there wolves here?"

"This year it was hot early and cold early. It should be the prairie gray wolf that followed the animals that migrated southward due to the influence of the northern cold current."

"Contact the Tianwei security here, strengthen the patrol around the gathering place, and don't kill them all, so as not to destroy the ecology."


At this time.

Suddenly there was a burst of BGM in the air...

"Tu'er, listen, this is the sound of Tua's engine... We are back from being surprised!"

"Through hardships year after year through the Eastern Xia, tens of thousands of miles of wind, frost, rain and snow everywhere, brought a real surprise, return to my Huaxia..."

"Put this in the trunk!"

Ge Xiaotian watched the robot put down the frightened pony, and directly cut off its power supply with the highest authority.

Let this guy be outside, I'm afraid the world will be messed up.

"Why did you make this thing?"

Dao Shishi subconsciously replied, "As you wish."



"Stay here and help my father-in-law grow grass."


Lao Li's 10,000-head cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, donkeys and other farms are getting bigger and bigger, and the number is approaching triple digits.

This year's agricultural trade war, our main targets are soybeans and cotton. The price of soybean meal is unstable, but the price of meat in the industry remains unchanged.

In order to prevent Lao Li’s industry from reducing profits due to feed problems, Tiancheng International Holdings asked Tianwei Catering to store frozen meat in advance, and at the same time took wasteland in the grasslands and laid pastures.

This year alone in the ALSZQ area, 3,000 hectares were planted.

Spread the system farmland and sprinkle grass seeds. High-quality grass is like leeks, which are harvested one crop after another...

Moreover, it can also supply Yancheng Happy Island and Xiangjiang Sea Racecourse.

Dao Shishi didn't want to stay here and plant grass, "Boss, I'm praising you. Robots are omnipotent, and you are also omnipotent. If you don't follow you, who can you follow?"

"It makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian was just joking, cultivators planting grass is a waste of human resources, it is better to go to Africa to dig diamonds.

And next to him, the half-child who found the little pony came over happily, "Big brother, auntie..."

Li Xiuxiu's face darkened, and she forced a smile, "Call my sister."


Batur felt so difficult...

"Big brother, big sister, uncles, thank you, my home is in the south, about 30 minutes away from here. It's getting dark now, if you want to go to the nearest city, Zuoqi, it will take at least two hours, why don't you come to my home to rest first Night?"


In the new century, there are no real nomads on the grasslands. Now the nomads are divided into areas according to the pastures. Basically, where is the spring, where is the summer, and where is the autumn? up.

Just like Batur, it belongs to Zuoqi City and is led by Chaogetu Sumu (similar to a township). Although his family is a nomad, he will stay in Ao Nutu in the south in winter.

This is a pure animal husbandry gacha (similar to a village or street) with 300 permanent residents.

When the convoy arrived at Ao Nutu, the sky had completely darkened, but from far to near, you could still see countless lit courtyards.

Well, there are no yurts, maybe yurts are only used when nomads go out.

Surrounded by wind power towers, solar photovoltaic panel clusters, and a unified garbage disposal station...

Except for the large yard, which is used to raise livestock, it is no different from the plain village.

After all, Beidi has almost completed the clockwork plan. If it is not in place, Li Shu, who will succeed Daxiang, may be relegated to Daxiang...

When the convoy arrived outside Gacha, Gachada (equivalent to the village head) led two militiamen with long biubiu in their arms to 'greet' them.

Seeing the Tiancheng logo, Gachada quickly lowered his hands, and the two militiamen understood, and directly stuffed the long biubiu into the pile of cow dung next to it...


Wow, wow...

The three of them shouted and clapped at the same time.

In the silent night, there was a sound of sheep bleating.


Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, and signaled the accompanying staff to remove a large number of goods entrusted by Yinchuan Tiancheng from the vehicle behind, and quickly stepped forward, "It's been a hard journey!"

Gachada: "???"

"Oh, wrong, this is your line."


The two sides looked at each other, and the atmosphere instantly became more relaxed and happy.

Tiancheng is an enterprise, not an official representative, so there is no need to be so formal.

And Ge Xiaotian is also concerned about the grassland contracted this year, which will be distributed to the herdsmen to take care of it, and whether there are any problems during the period.

While chatting, the two sides went to Batur's house.

Gachada: "Now Gacha has fifty agricultural four-wheelers, which can plow, sow seeds, and mow grass, but it is still a bit small for such a large pasture."

Ge Xiaotian: "In another season, the herdsmen get income from planting grass, and they can almost buy a car alone. At that time, the herdsmen will contract the grassland by themselves, and Tiancheng will order the fodder. It is better to teach them to fish than to teach them to fish."

"Mr. Ge still thinks about the long-term."

"The other thing is, it's good to settle down. You don't need to run around. If you need anything, you can call it right away. It's better to expand the farm. With machinery, harvesting grass and transporting grass are not a problem."

"What Mr. Ge said is that this is also a task given by the superior."

Come to Batur's house.

Old Batur was an authentic herdsman, with a weathered face and cracked hands, but his body was not tall and majestic, on the contrary, he was a little thin.

He has a dull personality and few words, but he is very enthusiastic. Seeing people come to the house, he happily took out a lot of various kinds of food, sharpened his knife, and asked his wife to catch a lamb...

Little Batur was happier when he got home. He tied up the pony, mixed the fodder, excitedly took out his schoolbag, took out the Mid-Autumn Festival electronic card issued by the school and a box of 24 moon cakes, and shared them with his mother and old Batur.

Ge Xiaotian watched all this quietly, and found that the old Batuer did not refuse the mooncakes like he did in the investigation in the Altai area, but happily asked the little Batuer to kill the sheep, and sat with his wife to eat the mooncakes and play with them. Electronic desk card...

Yes, times have changed.

Now that people are busy making money and life has improved, why not eat something delicious?

(The reason for not eating moon cakes can be found in the history of moon cakes. However, it is difficult to tell whether the truth is true or not. In reality, some herdsmen eat it, while others do not.)

Moreover, the new gathering places tend to be commercial in nature, and the festivals have also begun to be commercialized. Even if the herdsmen do not have the Mid-Autumn Festival, even if they reject mooncakes as rumored in another time and space, but under the subtle influence of the trend of the times and culture, habits become natural, and eventually they will Join the carnival of traditional festivals, and even start making mare's milk mooncakes, cheese mooncakes, and mutton mooncakes in order to make money...

"I feel that our Gacha only breeds and grows grass, and it is difficult to develop."

"Mr. Ge has any good suggestions?"

"Now the herdsmen have little money in their pockets, so it is better for Gacha to use the collective system to raise funds like herdsmen, invest in yurt tourism projects, or run some factories. It is only two hours away from the ALS ground effect transportation transfer station. When you need transportation, please contact us directly. A ground-effect transport aircraft can completely realize trade with the outside world."

"As long as Mr. Ge supports it, we will definitely be happy to do it."

"Let's set up a yurt for tourism first. If you have clothes at home, you should trim them and prepare grassland-style food. They must be clean and hygienic. When a group of tourists come, let's show the enthusiasm of the prairie, hold activities, and hold bonfire dinners. Definitely fire."


"There are more tourists, and the cost of eating and drinking has increased. Let's invest in a food processing factory in the name of the collective... In this way, we will expand the breeding, and the number of furs left will also increase. We will build another preliminary leather processing factory in Gacha, semi-finished products. Every time a certain amount is accumulated, it will be shipped out.”


"Others, you can figure it out collectively. Remember, unity is strength!"

"Food is coming!"

After chatting for a long time, the old Batur and the young Batur came in carrying a golden roasted whole lamb, while Batu's wife carried the brazier into the house with tongs.

Old Batur held the knife upside down and handed it to Ge Xiaotian with a silly smile, "I heard from little Batur that I encountered wolves on the way here, thank you."

"You're welcome, sit down and talk."

Ge Xiaotian also went to the grassland to develop real estate in another time and space, but the times were different, and the human touch was also different. He could see that although the man in front of him was affected by his communication skills, what he wanted to express could not be described in words, but his heart was indeed sincere.

Perhaps there are few people in contact with nomads outside, and the language ability has deteriorated, but the simplicity has been retained.

Gachada said: "Old Batur's song is very good."

"It's so late, and it's not in the prairie, disturbing other people's rest, I'll listen to it tomorrow, and today we'll chat...uh, chat."

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, looked around, saw that there were no electrical appliances in the house, and knew that the development here was late, and if he wanted to reach the level of the remote area of ​​Dongshan, he still needed to wait for the completion of the highway all the way to the west, and then develop for a year.

But this is already very good, at least I don’t have to worry about food and clothing, and I can get a deposit at the end of the year. (Some herdsmen help Tiancheng take care of the pastures and eat, but the salary is due annually.)

"How many sheep does my brother have at home?"

"Two hundred and seventy-one, and there are more than 30 waiting to be born. There are also five old horses, two foals, three young horses, and five small dogs..."


This is no longer as simple as being rich, but a real rich man!

Of course, Zuoqi, the nearest city, needs to gallop for two and a half to three hours, and sheep may not be able to be transported there.

But when it was transported to Zuoqi, Zuoqi was surrounded by pastures, and there was no shortage of cattle, sheep and camels, and they could not be sold at a good price.

Ge Xiaotian looked around again, "Two sheep for one SG TV, or not?"

"It can be changed."

"Two sheep for a smart card, or not?"

"Definitely change."

"Twenty sheep for one tractor, or not?"

"It has to be changed."

"That's all there is to it!"

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands, motioned for Eleven to come over, and whispered in his ear: "Remove the supervisor of this area, and plant grass on the spot."

"Boss, it's not that the supervisor didn't expect it, it's that the westward expressway has not been completed, the Zigbee network can't be laid out, and the herdsmen can't use these devices even if they get them."

"First build large-scale base stations in Gacha and pastures, and make regional networks, so that herdsmen can exchange experience in breeding, planting grass, and development, learn from each other, and promote each other. The living standards of herdsmen have also improved, and they no longer need to buy electrical appliances and machinery. Besides browsing the web and reading novels when connected to the host server, what can they do with the rest of their time? Especially when they are grazing outside.”

"What can you do?"

"Play a 3D martial arts game, a sheep can change a costume!"

You are so dark!

Dao Shishi almost spat out the kumiss, "It makes sense, this regional director should indeed be allowed to plant grass."

At this time.

A burly man came to the door, "Boss, I am the supervisor of this area."

Ge Xiaotian and Dao Shixi said, "Go and plant grass!"


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