Build Madness

Chapter 834 The Situation of the Strong Man and the Truth

Tiancheng is developing rapidly, and the number of newly established departments is doubling almost every month.

In order to ensure the fairness of the competition within the company and to supervise the grassroots and top management personnel, Ge Xiaotian assigned a strong and selfless man to the middle management post.

Director Tian Cheng of ALSZQ is one of them. (county-level administrators)

But when he heard that he was going to plant grass, the supervisor subconsciously smiled.

What's so good about managing?

Not to mention running around, I have to count the industrial development status passed down from various "sumu" (townships) every day. I am busy from morning to night, which is more difficult than the newly emerging 997 on the Internet.

And look at the brothers who move bricks, plant grass, and mine...

The high-intensity six-hour working system is indeed very hard and tiring for employees, but for a strong man like myself, it is simply a benefit.

24 hours minus 6 hours of work, minus 8 hours of healthy sleep, a full 10 hours for playing games.

It's all right now, I'm going to plant grass, and when I'm done with work, I can go online and participate in 3D martial arts siege battles...

"Boss, I'm going right away!" After the supervisor finished speaking, he turned his head and walked out.


Ge Xiaotian always felt that something was wrong, "Wait!"

"Boss, don't worry, I'm good at planting grass. I don't need a knife to pluck the grass. I can do it with my hands (hao). It's faster than a tractor and saves fuel..."

"Why are you telling me about the talk show?"

"No, I just want to prove myself!"


Ge Xiaotian looked at Dao Shishi, "How do you feel, he prefers to grow grass?"

"Boss, you're overthinking. He was just hit and couldn't accept the fact that he was arranged to plant grass." Dao Shishi secretly gestured to Zuo Banner's supervisor.

At this moment, Unit 1, which crawled out of the trunk after charging, suddenly raised its hand and said, "Boss, I know the truth!"

"It's your shit!" Dao Shixi kicked him out.

Machine No. 1 got up, showing aggrieved expression...

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, let Dao Shiyi go aside, greeted Gachada, Batur and others in the room, touched the head of No. 1 machine, and got into tua.

"Say it."

"There are pictures and truth..."


Zaoshi New Town.

After the completion of the steel structure of the Planetary Stadium, the construction process of dismantling the brackets, laying photovoltaic panels, and welding decorations has been completed one after another.

At present, muck is being transported around to build nebula-shaped roads between venues.

Next to the dump truck.

Three strong men waved their shovels and flattened the piles of muck. One of them said:

"How long are you off work?"

"fifteen minutes."

"Nice, after finishing this pile, you can still catch up with today's gang battle."

Fifteen minutes later, the bell for the fourth shift rang, the management personnel handed over their work, and the grassroots personnel rushed to the cafeteria...

The three brawny men packed their meals and didn't eat in the cafeteria. Instead, they carried their food and went straight to the dormitory with their big feet.

Turn on one set of SG desktops for each person, log in to the Shenlong account, and start 3D martial arts.

Three people, each with chicken legs in their mouths, steamed buns in one hand, and frantically pressing the gossip shift key with the other...

It looks very skilled.

It lasted for a full ten hours, more diligent than professional players.


Xuecheng District, Zaoshi New Town

After a year of intensive construction, the modern film and television city jointly invested by Tiancheng Holdings and Jifu Chamber of Commerce has gradually improved many facilities.

There are playgrounds, shooting locations, office lofts, hotel dormitories, trams...

On a construction site in the northwest corner.

A middle-level manager is giving a lecture.

Standing in front of him are twenty basic managers and nearly a thousand employees.

"Have you completed today's work goals?"

"Guarantee no problem!"

"Okay, go online quickly after dinner. Tonight, our gang must win Sanchakou, and Liu Xiu's plan to return to Qingzhou will be eliminated!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let the boss hear you."

Ge Xiaotian: "???"


Xiaohu Town Cement Component Factory.

Several brick kilns in Nanwa were dismantled one after another, and a cement component factory was set up in a unified manner. Later, affected by the subway project, it was changed to produce tunnel tiles, and Tiancheng’s logistics department transferred the cement component business here.

A drying area.

Several strong men either operated machinery or carried it with bare hands, and loaded a large amount of cement-made guardrails onto the car.

One of them looked at the time, "It's time to get off work, after dinner, go online on time!"



Numerous manufacturing plants...

Black Dragon Graphite Mine...

Northwest desert town...

Various large construction sites...

Neobras Farm...

Neobras Tree Farm...

Sakha (Yakutia) Subglacial Gold Mine...

Amur Quarry...

Okhotsk Shipyard...

Antarctic underground coal mines...

Underground gold mines in Antarctica...

Montenegro Odyssey Gold Mine, Rare Earth Mine...

Many gold mines, copper mines, rare earth mines in South Africa...

Countless strong men leave work on time and go online on time...

"It's a bit too much. I'm exhausted, running around, not to let everyone live a good life. I never thought that this group of people would be addicted to games!"

"Yes, boss, it's too much!" Machine No. 1 nodded heavily.

"Help me open SG, I will play online."


"Forget it, help me contact Seng Yi."

next moment.


"The atmosphere in the company is very bad recently!"

"You mean?"

"The farmer is addicted to games, thinking about getting off work early all day long, and he has no enthusiasm and enthusiasm for working hard like before."

"The game was developed by your order."

"That's for the outside world, can you blame me?"

"No, it's you who made it possible for a strong man to play games, such as... the little bully learning machine."


"Of course, this is a secondary factor. The main reason is...boss, you should know that the only function of the mastermind is 'war'. In other words, we are born for war. You use the mastermind to start a company, engage in construction, and monks to do management and Research can match the function of the mastermind, and the arms can be used for security and sports, and can also match the mastermind’s definition of personnel, but it requires technology, farmers with physical strength... Take a look at the introduction of the mastermind.”

"When the bell in the town center rings, we will take up the sword without hesitation, and rush to the invaders without hesitation...all for victory!"

"That's right, in fact, they hide in their bones a loyalty and enthusiasm for fighting that other masterminds cannot match, and everything is for victory!"

"Makes sense."

"But so far, we haven't won a single battle."


"Games are different, you can fight and kill, you can indulge yourself in it, and you can experience the thrill of victory. In the past, comprehension games were a bit deviated from reality, and now 3D martial arts have many siege methods... They seem to be in Helping the boss conquer the city and plunder the land also makes them immersed in it, and it is difficult to extricate themselves."


"However, it will definitely not work if this continues. It will affect the atmosphere of the company. We must win a battle-level victory as soon as possible, so that they can feel the crisis and leave the virtual game."

"You fooled me into fighting again."

"No, boss, I have a hunch that the mastermind will force us to participate in the battle soon, and upgrade the town center to level 6 on the condition of victory."



"This is troublesome."


Ge Xiaotian finished the communication with Seng Yi, sat in tua and thought for a while, opened the system map, moved to the center of No. 1 town, and tried to ring the alarm.


The strong men in the game all went offline in an instant, returned to their posts as quickly as possible, and worked hard like chicken blood...

Some didn't even have time to get dressed...

"Sure enough, Seng Yi didn't lie to me."

Machine No. 1: "..."

Are you stupid? !

Ringing the alarm bell means fighting. Can they not speed up their work and provide resources for the fighters?

"We have to ring the alarm bell!" Ge Xiaotian seemed to have found a solution.

Machine No. 1 kindly reminded: "Boss, do you know the princes of Fenghuo Opera?"


"And the story of the wolf coming?"

"Makes sense."

"So, we should really launch a campaign."

"Battle... Let's see how Holden operates, when Wajima seizes our transport ship."

Ge Xiaotian thought about returning to the house, walking halfway, the supervisor of Zuoqi Tiancheng seemed to understand the reason why he was arranged to plant grass.

"Boss, listen to my explanation."


"Old Batur is not dull and silent, but... There are seven members of the family, only little Batur can speak Mandarin, and old Batur also learned from little Batur during summer and winter vacations."

"The smart card was not installed, not because there is no Zigbee network, nor because I didn't expect to buy it, but because the old smart card was transferred overseas. Huaxia uses a new signal receiver and a smart card with a touch screen display. The sales are so hot that the production capacity is insufficient. Temporarily unable to supply all the way to the West Expressway Industrial Park and surrounding industries.”

"In addition, the number of 50 tractors arranged here is actually sufficient, and the reason for not increasing the number is to use the imbalance between 'tiredness' and 'salary' to stimulate the enthusiasm of the herdsmen to start their own businesses, prompting them to purchase machinery, contract pastures, and speed up the production process. local development."

Ge Xiaotian nodded, "You did a good job, we just met, I just wanted to surprise you."


"I'm very relieved to hand over this property to you."

"I'm not going to plant grass anymore?"

"You are a big supervisor, what kind of grass are you planting? What a waste of human resources, work hard!"


Ge Xiaotian patted him on the shoulder, knowing that this was due to the characteristics of the system personnel. If an employee wanted to plant grass, he would never explain it to him.

Of course, employees all want to be managers, and they all want to be promoted and raise their salaries. They will not give up their management posts in order to free up time for playing games like a strong man.

The best solution is to replace the strong man with the employees, but the problem is that the strong man has the skills given by the system, but the employees need to learn...

"Contradictions... Let's fight!"


the next day.

The convoy left Gacha, crossed the left flag, and went straight to the ALS ground effect transportation transfer station.

There are still more than a dozen miles away, and through the open wasteland, a strange large plane 34 meters above the ground can be seen from a distance, dragging a tail that distorts the line of sight, rushing towards the looming buildings in the north.

A moment later, another plane roared past...

As it approaches, a sci-fi airport appears in front of us.

The 300-meter-high control tower, the 100-meter-high warehouse plant, the 50-meter-high passenger terminal and freight station, densely packed fuel storage pumps, countless mid-to-high-rise buildings...

However, if you want to enter this area, you must accept the green clothes inspection.

The ALS ground effect transportation transfer station has six security checkpoints in different directions, each about fifteen miles away from the transfer station.

The security checkpoint is like a military base, with all kinds of photoelectric military equipment donated by Daqin Bingfeng. It should be one of the places with the highest security level in China, and it is managed by the Grassland Army.

Pass through the security checkpoint and come to the only entrance about five miles away from the airport, and you have to be carefully checked by armed security officers.

Then enter the airport and accept Tianwei security check.

Every security check requires not only a smart card, but also proof documents provided by the place of residence, an immigration application issued by the place of residence, or a travel pass provided by Tianle Travel.

very strict.

Because, the desert-type ground effect transport aircraft is unique to Huaxia.

Its principle...

The first is the wing-to-ground effect. Because the wings are very close to the ground, it is easy to form airflow blockage, which increases the lift of the wing, which is also called the ground effect.

This is the technology Tian Cheng obtained from Ice Bear.

Then, add your own techniques.

Second, the desert can absorb the heat brought by the sun, but the time for the sand to store heat is far less than that of sea water, which causes the desert to volatilize heat energy all the time, thereby generating an upward heat flow.

With the help of this heat flow, the desert-type ground-effect aircraft is more energy-efficient than the ocean-type ground-effect aircraft, and can also be made bigger, fly higher, farther, and faster.

Of course, when the desert cools down at night, it will produce a downward cold air flow.


3. When the cold air flow hits, adjust the wing angle of attack of the ground-effect aircraft, and use the combined force generated by the numerous propellers on both sides and the tail thrust to form a "cyclone effect" around it, dragging the aircraft to move quickly like a tornado.

It also involves factors such as pressure. For example, put a glass ball on the table and squeeze it from the side. The greater the pressure, the faster and farther it will run when it collapses...

This technology is unique to Tiancheng.

The fourth point is the geomagnetic effect.

The parent star's magnetosphere is not static, it is squeezed by the force of charged particles in the daytime area (sun-facing side), and protrudes outwards in the earth's dark night area (sun-facing side).

So, it has a law of motion.

Where there is movement, there are energy fluctuations. If you make good use of this fluctuation, you can effectively reduce the fuel consumption of the aircraft, and you can also speed up, increase, and even break free from gravity, reaching the first cosmic speed...

Therefore, the ground-effect aircraft developed by Tiancheng has become the most advanced machine in the near-earth field of the mother star.

However, the overseas positioning of it is not an aircraft, nor an airplane, nor other aviation equipment, but a ground transport vehicle, or a "ship".

It can be seen that overseas does not recognize Tiancheng's achievements in electrification.

Therefore, Tiancheng kept this technology completely secret.


half an hour later.

The convoy entered the ALS ground effect transport transfer station.

From a distance, it looks a bit sci-fi, but up close... it's completely sci-fi.

All buildings use solar energy systems uniformly, all building frames are uniformly painted in silver and white, and all facilities are uniformly made of tempered glass...

The black strip style photovoltaic panels, matched with these uniform colors, reflect light, refract, collect heat from each other, overlap light and shadow, and distort the line of sight...

"It's so hot!"

Ge Xiaotian put on the special equipment, stepped off the tua, and walked into the office quickly, "How many degrees is it outside?"

"The surface is 57 degrees Celsius."

"What if there is a fire?"

The director of the airport blinked, "Is there anything burnable outside?"


Ge Xiaotian looked out the window.

The ground-effect aircraft uses a special skin and a magnesium alloy material that is lighter than aluminum. Some of the main parts are made of titanium alloy and ultra-clear graphene paper.

Unloading is not the tail and sides of the fuselage, but the belly.

Cargo goes directly underground, as do people boarding and disembarking.

There are no plastic products outside, and there is no vegetation at all. A drop of water will probably be evaporated in mid-air.

"It's really a good design to avoid spies."

"No, boss, it was due to the deviation from the design concept during the construction, which caused problems with the solar system. It was too late to change it later, so I had to break the pot and make it look like a bird that this bird doesn't have."


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