Build Madness

Chapter 835 Ge Lao Er Wants to Trick Me into Buying a House Again!

The solar energy system of the ground effect transport transfer station does not use 'photothermal', but 'photoelectric' and 'photochemical'.

Photothermal refers to the use of light to generate heat, such as: solar water heaters, solar stoves, steam power generation...

Optoelectronics means that when a semiconductor material is irradiated by light, it absorbs the incident photon energy. If the photon energy is greater than or equal to the forbidden band width of the semiconductor material, electrons are excited, the carrier concentration increases, the conductivity of the semiconductor increases, and the resistance value decreases. This photoelectric effect is also called: photoconductive effect.

Photochemistry refers to the chemical reactions caused by substances due to the action of light. It is a little troublesome to explain in detail. Generally speaking, it is chemical reactions such as compounding, decomposition, oxidation, and reduction. There are mainly two types of photosynthesis and photolysis.

Tiancheng mainly focuses on optoelectronic technology, and has made many achievements in the field of photoconductive effect, such as photovoltaic smart overhead, photovoltaic street lights, photovoltaic monitoring, and also includes photoelectric computers with graphene as the base layer, and photoelectric computers that have just been exchanged from Jiusuo. The rush-made photoelectric core.

In photochemistry, the results are even more.

For example, ordinary plastic greenhouses for photosynthesis, "future plastic greenhouses" that use blue-green and red-orange light to cultivate plants, photochemical smog designed for armaments, various blinding products, various destructive devices, and "stars and seas" 'Closed-loop living system of preparation.

Just like on the balcony of the room where everyone is, there is a giant seaweed cultivated in a special vessel.

It can convert solar energy into biomass through the photosynthesis of plants, that is, water and oxygen, and algae can also grow to a certain extent and become human food.

This vessel is called: sealed photobioreactor, and the whole cultivation process is a 'closed-loop life system'.

At present, about 20,000 units have been laid in the entire ground effect transportation transfer station.

Since there is no lack of oxygen here, the staff don't need to eat this thing, it can only be regarded as an experiment.

But there are so many technological factors that are independent of each other and interact with each other. In addition, photovoltaic panels can only absorb 20% of light energy, and the rest is reflected, refracted, and then absorbed again. However, in this process, there will be 'Waste energy' also produces excess 'waste heat'.

The superposition of these heat energies is like the combination of waste heat from air conditioners, automobiles, and boilers in the city, causing the temperature at the airport to be much higher than that of the surrounding area.

The rise of heat energy in the airport will inevitably draw the surrounding airflow to the airport, and then form a cycle. When the surrounding low-temperature airflow is assimilated by the city, the airflow in the cycle is full of heat energy, forming the 'heat island effect'.

The heat island effect of other cities will cause precipitation higher than that in the suburbs, but this area has a desert climate, with little precipitation, and cannot cool down through precipitation. Eventually, it will become hotter and hotter, assimilating nighttime climate, and even assimilating seasonal climate, and eventually develop into its own 'Microclimate'.

If you use a thermal instrument to observe, it is easy to see that the ground effect transportation transfer station is covered by a red cover, and other airflow bypasses from above or from both sides, completely unable to affect the internal space.

However, the external airflow is pressed in the high temperature area like a quilt, resulting in the accumulation of high air pressure, which makes the internal airflow in the positive cyclone and low pressure area begin to decline, coupled with sunlight radiation, internal photoelectric refraction, etc., resulting in a very active internal molecular structure. An anticyclone is produced, forming high temperature and high pressure.

If a ground effect transport plane drills in, it will be blocked by internal high pressure and slow down passively.

If a ground-effect transport plane drills out, it will be boosted by internal high pressure and passively accelerated.

All this does not happen once the construction is completed, but a phenomenon that gradually forms.

When the architect discovered this problem, the airport had already taken shape and could no longer be adjusted, so he had to communicate with the aircraft manufacturer to adjust the cabin and open up an underground work area.

In this way, the ground facility becomes a 'power plant', and the interior space is affected by the aerodynamic force, and becomes a device similar to the arresting cable and the catapult.

After understanding all this, Ge Xiaotian was very satisfied.

"What a broken jar, this is clearly designed by the Architectural Design and Research Institute. At present, the transfer station is very suitable for the original design concept and construction purpose. Let us congratulate Professor Hu for creating his own representative work. "


How can the employees not applaud when the big boss speaks.

Unfortunately, Professor Hu was not present.

"Hold a press conference as soon as possible, claiming that Tiancheng International Holdings has created a cross-age city, which is also the first future city."

"Good boss."

Ge Xiaotian walked out of the office, and saw the staff wearing the second-generation power-assisted constant temperature suits coming and going, as well as various electrical facilities that realized automation and intelligence, "Make a movie for this city again, the story elements mainly tell us The new home, let Tianyu think of a name."

"Good boss."


The ALS ground effect transport transfer station is divided into three major areas.

The first is the terminus of the all-way west expressway twenty miles away on the east side.

It includes two industrial parks, two passenger stations, two freight stations, and a distribution center, which are mainly used to bridge the high-speed and ground-effect transportation transfer stations.

The second is the ALSZQ Airport located on the south side. Based on the original airport, the international terminal building will be expanded to connect Tiancheng Industrial Zone at home and abroad, as well as the areas where partners are located.

Finally, there is this 'small city' in front of you.

At present, it has 600 large containers and 300 heavy truck heads produced by Jiefang United Heavy Truck, twenty 600-ton ground-effect transport aircraft, each of which can transport 400 tons of goods; fifty 200-ton ground-effect transport aircraft, each The rack can transport 120 tons of cargo.

The loading and unloading equipment is all digitally managed, and all business connections are processed with information. The overall efficiency is extremely high, which also represents Huaxia's technical level in the field of industrial electrical.

However, the highway all the way to the west has not yet opened, and only air transport is currently used to transfer this year's desert project crops.

Let's just say that Tian Cheng is promoting desert products in advance regardless of cost.

"everything will get better!"


On the afternoon of September 27th.

Tianke Group under Tiancheng International Holdings, Tiancheng Electric Industrial Group, Tianliang Company under Tianmao Group, and Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute jointly held a press conference at the ALS ground-effect transportation transfer station.

The journalists at home and abroad who were invited to participate in the parade of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School took a special plane from Jinxiuchuan to ALS City as early as in the morning, and then transferred to a special vehicle to the meeting place.

Not to mention the shock caused by the sci-fi city, when these news spread on the Internet, and then spread overseas...

Highland real estate is more popular, and the corresponding cost is also rising again...

Some smart rich people even submitted immigration applications to Huaxia overnight, hoping to buy real estate in desert towns and highland communities...

Those who opposed the 2012 remarks before faced Tiancheng's series of actions, such as building large ships, moving to highlands, building highland cities, and more and more countries began to invest in emergency shelters...

Also started writing '2012'.

The law and order rate in Europe and the United States has plummeted...

As for China...

The Smart One Card and the Panda Guard on the win platform blocked keywords, and few people had heard such news at all.

Even if they heard it, they all scoffed: Ge Lao Er wanted to trick me into buying a house again!


at the same time.

More than sixty 100,000-ton iron-clad ships and hundreds of 2,000-ton wooden ships, loaded with iron ore and dragging countless logs floating on the sea, were escorted by two Ice Kuma 10,000-ton destroyers, and entered the Japanese Sea from the Soya Strait. island waters.

"Hey, Colonel Lapus, leave the Thousand Islands area, we'll be safe."

"Yes, those damn North Americans dare to come here, I will definitely let them taste the power of the shore-based anti-ship 'Termite'."

"That's cool! Colonel Lapus, you have worked hard all the way, you can go to Vladivostok to rest for a while."

"We will return to Vladivostok after leaving the waters of Washima and entering the Bohai Sea."

Mao Zi didn't do his best, but when the Far East Sea Department leased the Okhotsk seaport, Tian Cheng specified in the agreement that he required Ice Bear to guarantee the absolute safety of Tian Cheng's industry and shipping lanes.

Protecting Tian Cheng on the Ice Bear's territory and escorting Tian Cheng's fleet is equivalent to daily patrolling. The old man with white beard agreed without thinking about it.

Later, the white-bearded old man suffered a big loss in the learning simulator software, and had to take out the island egg technology to buy the hardware carrying the simulator software, otherwise the simulator would not be used at all.

As the saying goes, one learns one's wisdom, the old man with a white beard was worried that he would be cheated in other aspects, so he simply took out all the contracts between the two parties and studied them carefully...

Then found out...

Excluding natural factors and Tiancheng's own factors, every time the Tiancheng fleet sank every ship in the Far East route, the Ice Bear Haibu would have to compensate ten times the loss.

This was nothing at first, and it was normal, but after North America set its sights on the Okhotsk oil production platform, the old man with the white beard couldn't sleep.

Tian Cheng has a good relationship with the Horton consortium, and the latter and the latter's family are engaged in arms business, and they also have some influence in the North American Sea. What if Tian Cheng asks Horton to help sink a few broken ships, and then asks him for money?

Referring to the Black Book of Ice Bear Language, the military think tank analyzed it for a long time, and finally determined that the probability of this happening is as high as 80%!

Therefore, the frigate that escorted Tian Cheng was replaced by a 10,000-ton destroyer, and an additional one was added.

"Well, Colonel Raps, the North American's carrier is far away in the Bering Sea. If it enters the Zongya Strait (between Hokkaido and Sakhalin Island), we will be notified as soon as possible."


"Coincidentally, I have ten boxes of red sorghum rewarded by my boss here, why don't you take it home and try it?"

Amur, Neobras, Okhotsk, Chukchi, and Sakha regions have removed 'expensive vodka' and replaced them with Lanling Daqu and Erqu in bulk, or Corolla, Jingyanggang, and Kongfu Home……

In fact, the alcohol content of Huaxia Baijiu is higher than that of ordinary vodka, but vodka is an iced drink, while Huaxia Baijiu is drinkable at room temperature. The distillation methods of the two are different, and the taste of drinking is different.

Therefore, various wineries adjusted the taste of baijiu to produce sorghum wine in cold regions that Mao Zi loved to drink.

Not only is it addictive, it's also...

Colonel Laps was moved immediately, "You are really too generous."

"we are brothers!"


Two 10,000-ton large-scale drives carrying the Ice Bear flag sailed to Vladivostok on the east side.

two days later.

On the evening of September 30th.

Three Wajima Self-Defense Ships blocked the fleet's way...


A wooden ship was the first to catch fire, with its sails smashed and its masts broken, and then sank...


In a blink of an eye, an ironclad ship caught fire.

boom boom...

The red light reflects half the sky red...

Commander Wajima: "???"

Three self-defense ships: "???"

Can vaguely hear:

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