Build Madness

Chapter 836: The Opening Ceremony and Tiancheng Standard

(Chapter 833 has been swallowed, has applied for lifting the ban, and catches up with Saturday, the editor rests... Huh? Why do you say again? ——September 12)


It took Ge Xiaotian nearly a month to conduct research on the Westward Highway Industrial Park and make corresponding adjustments.

For example, open up Jerusalem artichoke planting projects, develop terraced farming projects, speed up airship research and carry out airship transportation projects, concentrate grassland animal husbandry and breeding industries, and expand the scope of grassland planting...

It was already the morning of October 1st when we took the Tiancheng helicopter to Jinxiuchuan.

"Boss, the superior special envoy would like to chat with you alone."

"It's about this time, what are we talking about?"

"Ambassador Wajima asked to see the chairman and proposed peace talks."


"The leader is here, you can't hide behind closed doors, can you?"



Wajima is not stupid, even smarter than North America.

Originally, Wajima and Tiancheng lived in peace, and there were some business cooperation secretly, such as improving camera technology and semiconductor display technology for the smart card, and using this in exchange for graphene that Longtian Technology does not sell to the outside world.

This time Wa Island blocked Tian Cheng, it was completely bewitched by North America, hoping to get more benefits from it, it never expected to become very powerful suddenly.

Now that things have happened, Wajima naturally has to reconsider his own interests.

In other words, Wajima did not want the flames of war to spread to the mainland, but judging by the situation, Tiancheng even installed a rumbling excavator...

This is obvious to log in.

And does Tiancheng have the ability to log in?

If Tiancheng turned on the light curtain system, Wajima could only conduct long-range attacks, but Tiancheng's defense... Last year, when Zheng He sailed to the West, Tiancheng encountered several pirate attacks and was chased by a mysterious fleet. In the end, there were no casualties.

Wajima doesn't know about Tiancheng's deployment of armaments, but he can compare his own firepower with the mysterious fleet, and conclude that...he can't break through Tiancheng's tortoise shell at all. He can only watch Tiancheng land, and then open one light curtain after another. don't go...

Then the question came, what was Tian Cheng's purpose in doing this?

It's nothing more than asking for the loss of the freighter.

Therefore, the board of directors of Washima didn't bother to think about whether the transport ship was sunk by itself. Anyway, the debts are too heavy, and we can discuss how much compensation we want, and we can also pay in installments.

After the special envoy told the conjectures of the superiors, he finally expressed Wajima's wishes, "They will return the Tiancheng transport ship, release the Tiancheng employees, and pay ten times the cost of the ship as compensation."

"Leader, do you think I'm short of money now?"

"Just kidding, why is Mr. Ge short of money?"

"Yeah, so, all I care about now is this old face." Ge Xiaotian puffed up his cheeks and patted his cheeks.


"They detained so many freighters of me and sunk so many transport ships of me, it was equivalent to slapping my old face."

"Mr. Ge, your skin is very tender. The chairman chatted with Ambassador Wajima and said that you are just a child."

"Well, the skin is tender, and it hurts even more when you fight."


The envoy was silent for a moment, "Are you really going to land?"

"Ha, if Tiancheng really wants to attack Wa Island, at this time, they should cut off power, water, and internet throughout the entire territory. A super tornado will be born in the south, and a super tsunami will be caused by the collision of cold and hot air in the north. The two will affect the island and cause strong earthquakes in many areas. , maybe, before our battleship sails over, Wajima will be gone.”

The special envoy was stunned, "No, isn't it?"

"Do you know why North America has to invite Tiancheng to invest in NT real estate? Do you know why North America dare not block Tiancheng? Because Tiancheng has a weather weapon that is more threatening than 'Peaceful World', this is the elementary superpower of photoelectric technology."


"Also, when we use special devices to attract solar particles into the parent star's magnetosphere and trigger a solar storm like a balloon, it can destroy all electronic equipment in a certain area, and nothing can stop it."


"Also, have you ever seen a 300,000-kilometer long sword of light?"


"You'll see it in a while."


The special envoy was silent again for a moment, "Mr. Ge, the leader wants to know Tian Cheng's purpose this time."

"I'm a businessman."


"A hundred years ago, when Western countries came to China to do business, what did they do first?"

"Relying on strong ships and cannons to open the country... I understand."

"Reassure the leaders!"

Ge Xiaotian patted his chest, "I, Lao Ge, have a sense of proportion."


If you have a sense of propriety, do you still need me to come here to listen to the 'Book from Heaven'?


Jinxiu River.

As the operator, Tiancheng treats the colleges and universities settled in the university city equally. Although they can't do military training for half a year like the technical secondary school, they only have one month, but there are exclusive ones in Tiancheng, and college freshmen also have them.

For example, the new digital camouflage, simulated Daqin 03-style chugs, aramid multi-functional rubber boots, and aramid fiber-made standard helmets.

nine in the morning.

The 2003 freshmen of Jinxiuchuan Tiancheng Technical Secondary School stepped onto the photovoltaic intelligent elevated road one after another, with a total of 16,000 students.

The majestic teenagers, mixed with all kinds of machinery and equipment, formed a huge team, from the west side of the crossing to the east side of the crossing, up to 20 miles long.

This is just the review team.

Freshmen from other colleges were neatly dressed and lined up in every corner of the university town, in stark contrast to the thousands of seniors who temporarily suspended classes and took to the streets.

They include:

9,500 freshmen from Dongshan University of Architecture and Architecture,

3,600 freshmen from Dongshan Light Industry,

2,300 freshmen from Dongshan Academy of Art,

2,700 new students of Dongshan Aviation School,

6,600 freshmen of Dongshan Agricultural University,

4,200 freshmen from Dongshan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

In the third phase of Hejinxiu, East China Petroleum University, Dongshan Normal University, Dongshan Academy of Social Sciences...

Well, the last one is for the leaders to join in the fun.

In addition, the Future Science and Technology Technical Secondary School jointly prepared by the superior has also sent nearly a thousand young teachers who have just received their induction certificates.

Adding three times as many seniors and seniors as freshmen, a total of more than 400,000 students participated in this event.

And there are even more people who come to watch, at least the parents of the students are in place...

According to statistics, in just the past two hours, the sales of Jinxiuchuan's commercial sector exceeded 500 million red notes, and the profit reached 200 million.

Because this time Tiancheng didn't care about food, housing, or passenger transportation, and even sold the tickets to enter Jinxiuchuan University Town on the smart card platform in advance, otherwise he wouldn't be able to enter...

But people spend willingly.

"It's worth it!"

A young man walked on the street leading to the organ tower, sighing deeply.

Next to it is a garbage bin disguised as a remote control racing car. The electronic lights flash to remind people to sort the garbage. The garbage inside is full, and the racing car rushes to the garbage station, and then returns...

In front of it is a pedestrian bridge, with elevators and flat escalators, and a robot at the bottom and top to protect pedestrians from accidents.

There is a full range of monitoring overhead, one monitoring twelve cameras, the lens seems to be twisting left and right following pedestrians...

Photovoltaic panels are uniformly used on the road under the feet. On the black and gray surface, videos from nowhere are played in turn, including instruction arrows, toilet signs, civilized language, safety regulations, and various advertisements...

On both sides of the road, there are green trees and gardens of flowers, even in autumn, it is refreshing.

When you come to the organ tower, there are OLEDs tilted at 35 degrees around it. They are connected to each other and surround the organ tower, clearly showing the AR map of the entire university city.

And there are three underground entrances nearby, which read: Jinxiuchuan VR University City.

The most frequently heard words among young people are: Oh, my god!

Well, this year, there are a lot of foreigners participating in the Tiancheng Military Training Conference.


The shark airship that caused a sensation on the home planet appeared in the sky above Jinxiu River and landed slowly.

"Leaders who have received the invitation letter, please board the plane in an orderly manner."

"Reporters who have purchased air tickets, please show your voucher. After boarding the plane, the range of activities of journalists is limited to the first and second floors, and access to the third to fifth floors is prohibited."

Not long after, the shark airship vacated again and hovered in mid-air two hundred meters above the ground.

At this time, the organ tower also began to enter.

"150 people on the 49th floor, 200 people on the 48th floor..."

the other side.

On Jinxiu No. 1 and No. 2 mountains, the sightseeing cable car and the sightseeing tower on the top of the mountain are open.

The high-rise building adjacent to the photovoltaic intelligent elevated, open top-floor entertainment facilities.

Dozens of twin-rotor transport planes rose from the outskirts of the city, threw them through the windows, and could vaguely see many passengers looking for seats...

Thanks to the VR map and smart one-card, after receiving the notification, the masses followed the navigation to arrive at the reservation location in advance, and entered the 'meeting venue' in only half an hour.

10 o'clock sharp.

Ge Xiaotian appeared in front of the gate of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School in Tiancheng's civil engineering uniform.

Behind is the antique campus, and 24 scarlet characters.

In front of him were the gazes of countless small square teams and thousands of spectators.

Sixteen thousand trainees stood by with their heads held high on the elevated highway surrounded by both sides.

"Today is a great day. Let us wish the motherland a brighter tomorrow with bluer skies, greener mountains, clearer waters, more prosperous economy, happier people, and stronger national power."


The whole city applauded and thundered.

"Next, everyone stood up, raised the national flag, and played the national anthem."

after a long time.

"Tiancheng's success in being promoted from an ordinary real estate company to a multinational comprehensive holding group is inseparable from the strong support of the universities in Jinxiuchuan University City, and the love and participation of countless outstanding teachers and students. Thank you! It is you! You have made Tiancheng's today, thank you!"


"Jinxiuchuan University Town is the cradle of talents of Tiancheng International Holdings and the incubation base for future technical backbones. Here, I sincerely invite more universities to join Jinxiuchuan and move towards a better tomorrow together!"


"In the past year, Tiancheng has grown rapidly, and has also spawned many new industries and new jobs. According to Tiancheng's standards, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School will formulate a batch of new majors and provide them to higher universities as reference for future employment."

"Before the military training assessment, I, Ge Xiaotian, chairman of Tiancheng International Holdings, will announce the first-level and second-level subjects of these new majors to the education circles at home and abroad."

Ge Xiaotian did not read out one by one, but synchronized the data on the smart card.

One, Neo-Confucianism:

Mathematics (data calculation and application),

Physics (system science and engineering),

Chemistry (Energy Chemistry, Biochemistry, Photosynthetic Chemistry),

Geography (weather control, disaster prevention and mitigation),

Biology (genetics, nervous system).

Comprehensive (GIS system)

Second, engineering:

Machinery (intelligent manufacturing, intelligent vehicles, bionic science, new energy),

Instruments (intelligent perception engineering),

Materials (Composite Materials Forming Engineering, Smart Materials and Structures),

Electrical (electrical intelligence, space welding technology, space cable engineering, space docking technology, space remote control...),

Electronics (artificial intelligence, marine information engineering, Shenlong system core development...),

Automation (robot engineering, robot post storage, intelligent equipment and systems, industrial intelligence, big data technology...),

Computer (network security, security technology, virtual reality technology, blockchain engineering...),

Civil engineering (intelligent construction, 3D printing engineering, track and space engineering...),

Aerospace (ground effect transportation engineering, unmanned aerial vehicle driving system engineering, adjacent star construction safety, adjacent star operation engineering...),

Weapons (unmanned combat aircraft, humanoid heavy transmission machinery, humanoid medium transmission machinery...),

3. Philosophy (Tiancheng Theory),

4. Agriculture...

5. Manage...

6. Medicine...

Twelve disciplines, 66 major categories, a total of 156 new majors.

"As of this year, the number of majors in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School has exceeded 450. We will recruit students from new majors next year. The initial enrollment plan... is 16,000 students from each region."

"Currently, Tiancheng International Holdings is planning to build Nanhe Tiancheng Secondary School, Beihe Tiancheng Secondary School, Xishan Tiancheng Secondary School, Shaanxi Tiancheng Secondary School, Tacheng Tiancheng Secondary School, ALS Tiancheng Secondary School, Heilong Tiancheng Secondary School, Jilin Province, Liaodong , Jianfu, Modu, Fengdu, Nanyun, Guangqu... Admissions Office."

"Before February next year, freshmen of the 2004 class can complete the registration process through the admissions office, and then wait for the admission notice, and arrive at the military training gathering place on time at a specific time. Please do not search online, because you can't find it."

"The brand new campus of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, I look forward to meeting you all!"

"Now, I announce that the new students of the 2003 class of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, the military training exercise, officially begins!"


Tiancheng technical secondary school has little influence on major colleges and universities, but Tiancheng industrial chain determines the influence of many famous colleges and universities.

Just like two years ago, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School notified the major to the outside world for the first time, and Dongshan School of Architecture made adjustments immediately. That Professor Hu even applied for a replacement of teaching materials for sophomore and junior students in the Department of Civil Engineering. Now two years have passed, and the School of Architecture After becoming Dongshan Construction University, the annual enrollment plan far exceeds that of similar institutions, and the employment rate is as high as 100%. The former juniors have become the technical backbone of Tiancheng Construction, and all the former sophomores have entered the internship positions of Tiancheng Construction.

This is how the construction boom in the past two years came about. There is also a slogan: learn civil engineering to get a job, and there are many jobs with good prospects.

Coincidentally, Dongshan Light Industry and Dongshan Academy of Arts have also been greatly improved.

Two years ago, the government conducted an employment intention survey. About 35% of the graduates wanted to enter Tiancheng. Last year, when the survey was conducted again, about 65% of the graduates wanted to enter Tiancheng. This year... they shouted to boycott Tiancheng, but one by one Run Tiancheng or member companies of Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, or Tiancheng partners to apply.

Those who are successful in the evaluation are naturally happy, but those who fail to apply complain about the school. It is obviously the same subject name, why do you ask three questions?

The school must not dare to say that the times are changing too fast and the teaching materials have been iterated.

But the school didn't dare to say that Tian Cheng made a mistake.

This is the second time for Tiancheng Technical Secondary School to increase majors, and various colleges and universities have also received "gossip" in advance. Now, seeing 156 unprecedented major names, everyone understands that this is the talent that China will urgently need in the next 5 to 10 years.

I believe that the superiors will soon make a decision to establish a new major in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

So, here comes the problem.

Where can I find a teacher?

In particular, even neighboring star mining and space molecular science are listed as public majors...

too difficult!

Professors, deans, and principals of various colleges and universities in the capital gathered together to conspire for great things.

"I have some friendship with Mr. Qian and the Nine Institutes. Maybe I can invite academicians of aerospace to serve as visiting professors of aerospace and aviation."

"Bering Sea is tense, and the Department of Aeronautics and Space and Tiancheng are busy researching and developing new spacecraft, so I'm afraid they don't have time to teach students. Besides, Mr. Qian and Jiusuo are old and have limited energy, so it's probably difficult for them to take on the teaching job."

"How about spending a lot of money and hiring from overseas?"

"In the past two years, many famous scientists, physicists, and chemical experts have disappeared from major overseas scientific research laboratories, including universities... Various countries have strictly prohibited talents from going out, and have tightened customs, making it impossible to hire them. Besides, do they understand Tiancheng's standards?"

"I do have a good idea."


"I remember that two years ago, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School also faced the same problems we are now encountering. There were no teachers with corresponding majors. Therefore, they paid a high price for us and senior lecturers to produce high-quality courses."

"Yes, yes, a set of 10,000 red notes."

"We can now buy courses from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School!"

"It makes sense!"

"Wait, let's do this, how do I feel that I fell into Ge Lao's trick?"

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