Build Madness

Chapter 837

Jinxiu River.

The sky is blue and white, the sun is shining brightly.

A shark airship with a length of 1,000 meters is suspended in the air, providing a cool place for the audience sitting on the roof or on the top of the mountain below.

In the city, all the loudspeakers simultaneously played the military parade symphony produced by Tianyu.

On the photovoltaic intelligent elevated road, two teams of strong men in black came from a distance, one team drove a small sidecar, and the other team rode tall horses.

"Hey, hey!"

The strong man in black raised his left hand in a salute.

The host on the negative floor of the airship began to introduce:

"What is coming to us now is the security brigade that scares the bad students, warms the good students, and guards Jinxiuchuan with all its heart and responsibilities."

"They are 365 days a year, countless days and nights, in the wind and rain, in the ice and snow, waiting for you outside the school."

Countless students' mouths twitched: "..."

Immediately afterwards.

"One, two!"

bang bang bang...

The 600 students who formed a phalanx and wore the second-generation mechanical exoskeleton constant temperature clothing walked quickly at a very rhythmic pace, like stepping on a spring.

"What is appearing in front of us now is the 2003 class of polar workers. After graduation, they will go to Sakha (Yakutia) where the temperature is minus 53 degrees to mine rare metals."

"In the days to come, they may face dangers such as avalanches, cold currents, ice, mudslides, etc., but they will provide a steady stream of urgently needed materials for the aerospace manufacturing industry of the motherland. Let us cheer for them here! "


Five hundred students wearing mechanical exoskeleton constant temperature suits, metal boxes on their backs, and operating consoles in front of their chests, holding the rocker with their right hands and saluting with their left hands.

"What is coming to us now is the polar exploration workers. Their whole body equipment weighs 300 kilograms, they can work in an oxygen-free environment for 180 hours, and they can also act independently."

"What they will face in the future is loneliness, darkness, and the unknown, but they will find energy for Tian Cheng that has not yet been discovered. Let us encourage them!"

If it is said that the first two phalanxes were dressed strangely because of the type of work, then the regular professional phalanxes that appeared later made the audience a little...fascinated.

Two thousand doctors and nurses in chemical protective suits...

A pharmacist with a green transparent jar...

Remote-controlled drones, surveyors with head-mounted displays...

An investment analyst dressed like a spy agent...

When the six-claw multi-legged excavator appeared on the stage with plastic shoes and the mass-produced two-legged machine, not to mention the audience, Wajima was shocked.

"The multi-legged excavator is the most advanced mechanical product of Tiancheng Electric Industry in the past two years. It can meet the operating requirements of harsh environments such as mountains, jungles, and ice fields. The two-legged excavator adapts to the same terrain and functions like a 'tipping bucket'." same function."

"Of course, Daqin Bingfeng has ordered 3,000 units to be transformed into armaments and delivered to the military. I heard that they are more suitable for active attack and can effectively reduce the casualties of our own personnel. I don't know how to fight, but I feel that if this thing Entering the city, the attacked party will definitely suffer heavy losses..."

Wajima: "..."

When the audience was immersed in fantasy, they suddenly felt the surrounding temperature rise rapidly, and soon, there were bursts of burning pain on the skin...

On the viaduct, two hundred vehicles that looked like jeeps but were fully armored slowly approached...

"Tiancheng Technology Group, a subsidiary of Tiancheng International Holdings, has been unknown to the public, but Tianke has silently provided Tiancheng with GIS systems, ERP management systems, and Tianchuang mainframes... The 'light' that can control the surrounding environment is unveiled this time. screen'."

"If we are in a cold area where constant temperature suits can't bear it, if we turn on the device, we can raise the ultra-low temperature from minus 90°C to minus 60°C to ensure construction progress."

"However, I heard that North America is developing the same function, but applying it to the 'active denial system' in the field of warfare. Wajima also wants to have its own 'Aegis system', but unfortunately they don't have a finished product."

Wajima: "..."

"There is no need for the audience to worry. At present, the power of the light curtain is only 10%, which is harmless to the human body. At the same time, I am also glad that such a technology is first mastered by us who love peace. If someone uses it to do bad things and turn on more than 60%... the consequences will be disastrous .”

Wajima: "..."


At this moment, crawler vehicles came into view, with rows of metal pipes similar to Katyusha mounted on the back.

But the metal tube is not hollow, but is equipped with prisms and more than a dozen metal coils with unknown functions.

"As we all know, the general contracting of the project will have construction period requirements, but there will always be various weather conditions during the construction period, such as heavy rain, snowstorm, and mountain torrents. Although these factors will not cause a breach of contract, the sky has become a better construction environment. A huge amount of money has been developed to develop a 'weather controller', which can disperse heavy rain, guide tornadoes, and stabilize the magnetic field of earthquakes..."

"Of course, if it is controlled by criminals, it can also cause heavy rainfall, flash floods, mudslides, and strong earthquakes..."

Wajima: "..."

In the airship.

The deputy director said in surprise: "Tian Cheng still has such a good thing?"

Jiusuo curled his lips: "Listen to him bragging... How many truths did Ge Lao Er say?"

The deputy director couldn't help but think of Chen Hualiang, deeply convinced: "It makes sense."

Photovoltaic intelligent elevated.

After the host finished the nonsense, he found that he was a bit off topic, so he quickly got back to business.

"The next one will be the special recruits of Tiancheng Aerospace Department."

"Last year, Tiancheng Aerospace Department manufactured a total of 22 satellites of various types, and created the N-star technology with one arrow, sold 6 satellites, and commercialized 16 satellites, and completed the laying project of the Zigbee network satellite frequency band."

"After the enrollment expansion this year, Tiancheng will upgrade the Zigbee network again in the next three years, striving to realize the 'Internet of Things Technology' as soon as possible."

"The twenty large containers following the Space Department are not logistics freight, but a laser-type astrometer independently developed by Tianke, which can measure the distance from the parent star to the moon, with an error of only 0.01m..."

"The students in the astrometry group are very enthusiastic. They unfold the containers and seem to be planning to give us a demonstration... Don't get excited, especially the friends on the roof, please sit down!"

"Just now I used the communicator to communicate with the students. They really want to demonstrate the astrometric instrument independently developed by Tianke for us. The target is the moon... Don't think that there is no moon during the day. In fact, it has always been there, but there is no reflection."

"Twenty 'containers' have been fully deployed, wait...Jinxiuchuan Solar Power Company informed that the whole city will be powered off later, I hope the audience friends don't panic."

"My God, the operation company of the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir Hydropower Station informed that there will also be a power outage there."

"I didn't expect this big guy to consume so much electricity. You know, in order to ensure the operation of Jinxiuchuan University City, the daily power generation of the two companies has exceeded 20 million kilowatt-hours, and the storage capacity is as high as 500 million kWh."

"What? Are you going to run out this time?"


And after receiving this news, there are more satellites staring at Jinxiuchuan in space...

Photovoltaic intelligent elevated.

'The laser matrix completes the assembly. '

'Notify the shark airship to retreat. '

'Captured Wajima KT02 satellite and is expected to arrive at the scheduled position at 11:12:32:11. '

'Calculate the offset of the base unit...'

'Calculate the delay time for the reference unit to emit light...'

'Power locked in, currently at 3,000 terawatts. '

'The local power supply is insufficient, start the vehicle power supply...'

'We only have three seconds! '

'The boss wants a lightsaber with 300,000 kilometers, which is 1 second, 3 seconds... 600,000 kilometers. "

'He likes long ones. '

'It's time, get ready! '

'3, 2, 1...'


A beam of light visible to the naked eye shoots up into the sky...

Immediately, the shock wave spread to the surroundings, even if it was five or six hundred meters away, the audience felt a wave of heat rushing towards them.



The speed of the ship was relatively slow, and the Tiancheng oil protection brigade had not yet arrived. In order to find out Tiancheng's strength, the Wadao board of directors specially sent someone to send an SG pad to watch the military training exercises of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School.

The Jinxiuchuan security personnel walked over, and everyone felt nothing. When they saw the second phalanx wearing constant temperature suits, and the follow-up phalanx also wearing constant temperature suits...

Everyone was shocked.

"Their new generation of constant temperature clothing has surpassed the sensitivity of our mechanical exoskeleton, and also has the characteristics of high temperature resistance and low temperature resistance."

"This is all prepared for light curtain tactics, we must find a way to deal with it."

"The problem is multi-legged machines and two-legged mechas. Although they can't face-to-face with conventional heavy weapons, if they enter the city, they can play with clumsy tanks with their agility."

"The ambassador in China hasn't sent back any news yet?"

"The Huaxia Special Envoy has already met with Ge Xiaotian, who asked us to open the cement market, concrete market, plastic product market, vegetable market, grain market, fruit drink market, and entertainment market. If we agree, Tian Cheng will not only evacuate immediately, but also free Go to the ship to compensate."

"Evil Ge Lao Er, he is thinking of farting!"

Ge Xiaotian:? ? ?

When did I make such a harsh request? !


A staff member rushed into the conference room.

"Reporting Chief, our KT02 satellite has lost contact."


"It collided with an unknown light beam emitted by the astrometric instrument displayed at the military training conference of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, and the main part was ablated."

"Is there such a coincidence?"

"The whole mother planet has seen it, it really hit it..."


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