Build Madness

Chapter 838 The end of the first venue

outer space.

At a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second, a beam of light pierced through the atmosphere of the parent star and rushed into the depths of the universe...

Although the light beam only lasted for three seconds, many satellites locked on Jinxiuchuan did 'watch' the KT02 satellite collide with them instead of being hit.

However, overseas countries do not care about this, anyway, it is not their own.

What they are concerned about is that after Mao Xiong launched laser satellites in the 1970s, another country has succeeded!

Even if it is a mistake, it can also prove Tiancheng's technical content in the field of optoelectronic technology.

Just imagine, if today is not a demonstration, but wants to hit a certain satellite, who can stop it?

As long as there is enough power, perhaps the satellites in the sky will be continuously damaged.

The most important thing is that being able to launch satellites means being able to conduct ultra-long-range missile defense.

If you deploy space-based weapons in outer space, wait for enemy missiles to come out of the silo, activate, detonate, and blow up the enemy...

Ordinary eggs are fine, but what about the peaceful world?

It's a deterrent!

Fast is there, slow is not...

France was the first to make a move, contacting Tiancheng International Holdings through the Accor Group, and proposed a technology exchange. France sold a batch of core technologies of airships and submarines in exchange for the laser pulse technology mastered by Tiancheng.

Tian Cheng declined, his own airship has already jumped to the top rank of the mother star, and no longer needs airship technology, as long as he has a thorough understanding of shark airships, he can dominate this field. And no matter how good the French submarine technology is, can it be better than the property left by Mao Xiong to Ice Bear?

After all, Big Brother's stuff will belong to me sooner or later...

Ice Bear didn't say anything, because they have laser satellite technology, but they don't have the money to start the project. The only thing that's uncertain does Tiancheng have this technology?

Germany is very sincere, but KUKA, which controls robot technology in Germany, has been acquired by North America; Schott, which controls optical technology, went bankrupt "accidentally" as early as early 2001, and then disappeared; Tiancheng does not need precision instruments , ultra-high-precision machine tools, resin extrusion granulators... In the end, Germany has nothing to offer equivalent exchanges.

England is a bit stingy, and plans to use a few broken car brands for optoelectronic technology...

At that time, the Vikings fought in the past.

North America……

Things are a little more complicated.


North America is involved in the events in the Bering Sea, but not the dominant one.

Originally, North America only wanted to wipe out the pirates in Alaska, and by the way, take a look at the three major oil production platforms in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

However, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is a high sea in name, and is actually surrounded by the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin Island. Considering the shore-based weapons deployed by Ice Bear in these areas, the fleets of other countries dare not run in and wander around. Includes North America.

I never expected that just by glancing at it from a distance, it was like touching a tiger's butt and stimulating the ice bear. I had to drive the Peace-class submarine to the Bering Sea, and then hit a depleted uranium mine that exploded pirates...

North America is very happy, but certainly does not admit that it was done by itself.

The follow-up Ice Bear fights the drone...

It's normal.

If Ice Bear doesn't fight, then it's going to be a big deal.

Therefore, the Bering Sea is just "playing around" and "greeting each other".

As for blocking Sino-Ocean Group...

One is that the Science and Technology Alliance suspects that the Huo Dun Group has used the hands of Yuanyang to unlucky the SG pad.

The second is that Rockefeller and Texas suspected that Horton had robbed their arms market by means of ocean-going hands.

All this has nothing to do with Tiancheng, after all, Tiancheng's investment in NT real estate is in the interests of North America, and everyone wants to buy some NT stocks to enrich their wealth.

And just when Rockefeller, Texas, DuPont, and Morgan reached a settlement and decided to shuffle Eastern Europe and let Horton go, a few old and confused congressmen quietly put pressure on Wajima through the North American Conference, demanding The other party detained Tian Cheng's own cargo ship...

Not to mention DuPont, Morgan, Rockefeller, and Texas, even Citigroup and Mellon are fascinated.

Everyone is sharpening their knives and preparing to go to Eastern Europe to have fun. What are you bad old men doing to provoke that idiot?

Has North America ever dealt with Tian?

More than once.

One is the offensive and defensive battle of the rubber plantation (recovery of the rubber plantation), the two sides staged it in other identities, and the North American regiment was destroyed without any resistance.

Afterwards, some soldiers said that it was more desperate than confronting the ice bear, and those strong men were not human...

The second was that Tian Cheng drove the underwater robot to the periscope of a certain submarine in the Pacific Fleet, and made a smiling face. If it exploded, the submarine group would be wiped out.

Thirdly, Tiancheng launched a radio confrontation with the North American base in Singapore with the help of two small aircraft clusters that had not been delivered in Montenegro. Tiancheng was able to completely block all local signal waves and only kept Zigbee, but North America could not block Zigbee.

Therefore, North America withdrew from the Taimei sea area, Tian Cheng left the Singapore sea area, the two sides negotiated silently, without mentioning this matter in a very tacit understanding, and jointly started NT listing.

Generally speaking, Tiancheng is different from Longtian. Tiancheng has the ability to protect itself, but except for a small victory in the agricultural trade war, it has no threat to North America in other aspects, while Longtian Technology is not. If SG products land in North America, North America Information security will be lost and the homeland will be endangered.

Therefore, the major consortiums in North America did not want to have a direct conflict with Tian Cheng, and even considered using Tian Cheng's hand to go to Ice Bear to harvest a wave of leeks.

You know, Ice Bear Real Estate has taken off.

but now……

Things are getting bigger.

Several big consortiums got together and calculated, and immediately analyzed Tian Cheng's intentions, wanting to enter the Japanese island market.


North America proposed a technology exchange to Tiancheng through the stock king Laoba, and it was very sincere. It exchanged the Japanese island real estate market and nano-biotechnology for photoelectric technology and pulse technology, and ended the Bering Sea incident.

Wajima real estate collapsed long ago.

Tian Cheng never thought of going to Wa Island to engage in real estate.

As for nano-biological technology, Tiancheng does not have it, only a little bit of nano-material technology, but... handing over the system's photoelectric technology to an 'opponent' is completely against the enemy.

Therefore, it was proposed that North America withdraw from the 'Bering Sea Incident', and Tiancheng provided 250 kg of graphene in exchange for nano-biotechnology.

North America declined...

Subsequently, North America proposed to take Washima grain market, Washima real estate market, and nano-biological technology in exchange for Tiancheng Optoelectronics Technology's pulse technology.

Wajima's food is mainly rice, some of which are self-produced, most of which come from Southeast Asia, and are controlled by Wilmar International, a subsidiary of Nanyang Agriculture.

Some time ago, during the agricultural trade war, Pete, the president and CEO of Tianmao, had already won 70% of Wilmar International's shares. Washima's grain market will soon be "sanctioned", which is also a small part of this operation.

But Ge Xiaotian can't say it, otherwise the four major grain merchants in North America will definitely take action, so...

The two sides began to argue...

Other face to face.

Yidali stared at Black Mountain all day, for fear that the other party would shoot the guide egg towards the Black Sea astray, and didn't care about what happened outside at all.

Nan Bangzi is worrying about the cost of the fuel pipeline demanded by the ice bear, and has no money to participate in the high-tech business for the time being.

Heishan is rich and powerful, but it's a pity that he broke up with Tiancheng...

The petro-state proposed to trade oil for technology, but the ships of the other party and Tiancheng were unable to pass through Maliu...

Wajima wanted to buy it very much.

But Tian Cheng was on his way to beat it...

However, things have developed to the present, Wajima has long since wanted to play.

Tian Chengxiu's muscles, although only half of his pectoral muscles were exposed, but when these things were added together, even a big country couldn't bear it.

not to mention……

Asking North America for help, the other party actually said: You may not believe it, we were blocked by a group of pirates, the enemy's firepower is super strong, it may be the hidden strength of Ice Bear, and we can't catch up for the time being.

Wajima:? ? ?

Can you use some brains to tell nonsense!

Which pirates dare to intercept two aircraft carrier groups in the North Pacific?

Also super powerful...

What about cheating ghosts?

Even if they can't catch up, what about the armaments stationed in the Yokosu and Sase bases in the mainland?

Wajima fully understood that this time he was cheated by North America.

(Indeed, they were cheated. North America never made a plan for the Bering Sea. Horton arranged for those bad old senators. North America cares about Iraqi oil. It is already preparing to send troops. This is also one of the main reasons why Ge Xiaotian dared to make the Bering Sea incident a big deal. one.)

But it is impossible for Wajima to agree to the harsh request of 'Ge Laoer'.

Open the cement market, open the concrete market, open the plastic product market, open the vegetable market, open the grain market, open the fruit drink market, open the entertainment market...

This is tantamount to handing over life to Tian Cheng, it is more serious than handing over armaments to North America.


"Ba Ga, the wicked second child Ge!"

"Chairman of the report, Tiancheng's third oil protection brigade is approaching Hokkaido, and the first and second oil protection brigades will arrive in the Tsushima Strait in half an hour. The whereabouts of the other engineering-grade islands are still unknown."

"Order all personnel, only to fight back, not to take the initiative to attack!"


"Also, inform the people along the coast of Kyushu and Hokkaido to enter the underground fortifications."



Ge Xiaotian sat in the lounge arguing with North America, but in the end he couldn't figure out why.

The inspection ceremony on the photovoltaic intelligent elevated road gradually came to an end as the unmanned vehicles went away.

The super-humanoid heavy-duty power machinery that was originally intended to be displayed, or "Gundam" or "Mecha", eventually became a display.

Because... there is no suitable engine, and it cannot run up, slide, or jump like a two-legged machine, and can only move at a slow speed.

Therefore, it is better to not move than to move, and it can be put there to pretend.


Before the emergence of anti-gravity devices, even with the "matryoshka technology", that is, wearing an exoskeleton constant temperature suit, hanging in the crotch of two legs supported by a posture stabilization system, and entering a super humanoid with a height of 95 meters and a weight of about 2,500 tons Inside the heavy-duty power machinery, if it falls to the ground, the people inside will fall freely from more than 30 floors as if they were riding an out-of-control elevator...

Ge Xiaotian didn't want to die so badly.

"Boss, I need you to give a speech."

"it's over?"


Ge Xiaotian zipped up his windbreaker-style overalls, walked out of the security room of the technical secondary school, and came to the gate.

The distance is too far, so it's hard to see how many spectators are left, but there are still only other college freshmen and patrolling Tianwei on the street, and few of them dare to leave early...

"The Parade Review Ceremony of the first venue has come to an end for the time being. Please move to the Jinxiuchuan Comprehensive Canteen to enjoy the parade of the second venue through virtual VR technology, also known as: Eagle Striking the Sky!"

"Oh, by the way, the second graders cleaned up last year, and the third graders stayed here this year."

"Boss, the third grade has gone out for an internship."

"Didn't you come back to watch the military training exercises and go through the formalities for leaving school?"

"Almost forgot……"

Dao Shixi patted his forehead and ran to make arrangements.

Third grade student: "..."

Are you prejudiced against our class?

Well, it's the last year!

At this time.

I just heard someone muttering through the microphone: "The first grade last year, the second grade last year, and the third grade this year...It just happens to be one round. Next year, let the students who come back to get their diplomas clean up. It's fair and just!"

Third grade:"???"

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