Build Madness

Chapter 839: The Eagle Strikes the Sky

The Tsushima Strait is located between Washima and Nanbangzi. It is the only way for Washima to go to the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Taiwan Strait. It is also called the "Wokai Throat".

At the bottom of this sea area, there is an undersea tunnel connecting Saga, Kyushu, and the capital of Nanbangzi. It was constructed in 1987, with a total length of 250 kilometers and a total investment of 20 billion Franklin.

It can be said that the Tsushima Strait has very important strategic significance and economic status. In ancient times, it was a battleground for military strategists.

It takes at least 26 hours to sail from Huaxia Qinggang to the Tsushima Strait. Although the warship is fast, it will not be less than 16 hours.

It takes about 42 hours to go from Midway to the Bering Sea, or to the Strait of Tsushima.

Therefore, when the fleets of all parties rushed to their destinations, Tian Cheng arranged to salvage antique floating docks and floating cranes on the high seas, and approach the Tsushima Strait first.

October 1st, 11:00 noon.

Only 4 hours have passed since the Bering Sea incident officially broke out.

Countless Wajima fishing boats, offshore vessels, and ocean-going freighters who received the notification have crossed the Tsushima Strait to Fukuoka, Kitakyushu and other seaports to avoid possible wars.

at this time.

At the junction of the sea and the sky in the south, a huge monster comparable to an island suddenly appeared.

The tower crane above is towering, the mechanical arm is majestic, and densely packed equipment covers the surface, including crawler bulldozers, hexapod excavators, several-shaped mechanical legs, medium-sized helicopters, and quadrotor aerial cameras...

The tower crane is working, the mechanical arm is being modified, and the aerial camera is preparing to take off...

The surrounding smaller 'islands' seem to be throwing oxygen tanks into the sea?

They don't ride the waves, they push them.

Therefore, in less than a moment, waves nearly five meters high swept the offshore sea, even a 10,000-ton cargo ship was bumped by the waves, let alone a small fishing boat...

Fukuoka direction.

on a fishing boat.

"What are you doing?"

"Damn it, do you expect such a clumsy big guy to show off?"

"Rush over and kill them!"

"Give me the stab!"

A fishing boat turned around and rushed towards the giant.

Seeing this, other fishing boats turned back one after another...

The sailors on the nearby freighter saw this scene and shouted to cheer for the warriors.

Dozens of small fishing boats braved the thorns and slashed forward in the huge waves, and the scene was truly spectacular.

However, just as he was about to approach the behemoth...

People only heard a soft sound of 'reng', all electronic devices were disabled, and the fishing boat was also turned off.

next moment.


Hundreds of 'giant bowls of light' visible to the naked eye were upside down in the Tsushima Strait, covering all the ships gathered together.

A metallic synthetic voice came from the direction of the behemoth:

"Wajima launched an attack on our side in the high seas. According to the safety regulations of the home planet, we can counterattack..."

"Ready to fight!"

The moment the alarm bell rang, the large, medium and small mechanical arms swung in unison, and put down six sea ground effect aircraft...

The aircraft accelerated, broke away from the sea, opened the upper shackles, and injected the black fighter on its back into the air...

whoosh whoosh...

The aircraft returned, the mechanical arm swung, and put a black fighter plane on its back again...

The aircraft accelerated and left the sea...

whoosh whoosh...

After the slight sound of tearing the air, a rumbling sonic boom spread across the sky...

'Mach 1...'

'Mach 2...'

'Mach 3...'

In just ten minutes, 30 black fighter planes formed a formation in the air and started flying...


Comprehensive canteen in Jinxiuchuan University City.

The high-definition VR display technology made the audience who purchased the review session hooked.

"It's spectacular!"

“Worth the money spent!”

"It turned out not to be an aircraft ejection, but a booster to take off!"

"Damn it, you guys don't understand military affairs, and you don't understand the meaning of this kind of take-off. If you combine splint ejection, this will gain a crushing advantage in terms of numbers!"

"It's as if you understand military affairs. Do you know what kind of fighter plane this is?"

"have no idea……"

"This is the skeleton version of Super Panda 21, an unmanned supersonic heavy carrier aircraft, look at the white skull mark on the tail!"

"So cool, so awesome..."


North American base in Yokosuka.

"Report, found the Super Panda Fighter, no, this is false information deliberately leaked to us by the other party..."

"Yes, this is the skeleton version of Super Panda 21."

The North American colonel saw the radar feedback and the information intentionally dropped by the target, and stomped out the cigarette butts, "It's a pig-like meeting, just because the cost is too expensive, throwing such a cool thing to Montenegro..."

"Sir, what shall we do!"

"Only in terms of the Montenegro model, against the F18, it can fight two with one, and the formation cluster can fight four with one. Even against the Hornet, it has an overwhelming advantage. After all, it is a failure of the latest generation of competition, and the reason for the failure It turned out to be a ridiculous cost. Now that it has been transformed by Tiancheng Electric Industry, coupled with the photoelectric technology and the aerodynamics of the Oolong Space Fighter, unless we send out heavy fighters, but we can't catch up with the opponent..."

"So there's nothing we can do?"

"Yes, Daodan... But the problem is, this is a conflict between Wa Island and Tian Cheng, Tian Cheng will not invade Wa Island, the other party is just retaliating for commercial purposes, we have absolutely no point in making a move... Oh, guys , the headquarters sent a message that we are on vacation!"



Jinxiuchuan University City.

It is set up in the special viewing area for VIPs in the library.

Different from the high-definition VR display technology in the canteen, the AR sand table is used here for the first time to fully present the flying performance in the Wahai area.

Seeing the take-off process of the ground-effect aircraft boosting the Panda Kai, Jiusuo almost kicked the table in front of him, "Wan Ei Ge Erer, how dare you use the old-generation boosting technology to lie to my photon computer!"

The deputy director picked up the ultra-thin glass type teacup called microorganisms provided by Tiancheng, "How do you say it?"

"The previous generation of technology was to raise the fighter plane from the hangar, then put it on the back of the ground effect aircraft from the splint, and then push it to take off. It takes five minutes to go back and forth, but the technology he uses now takes two minutes to go back and forth."

"Can the Aeromusic be equipped with a tower crane and a robotic arm?"

"Ah... that's right, I almost ignored this question."

"Are those of our immature models the same as Tian Cheng's?"

"It's different. It adopts the Super Panda design, borrows the aerodynamics of the Oolong Aerospace Fighter, introduces the Ice Bear Su Sansan engine technology, and adds the redesigned mounting technology. The comprehensively designed carrier-mounted point 15 and combat point 20 , the performance is superior, in other words, it has been iterated from the previous models, and it is a fighter of the new era.”

"When will the assembly be completed?"

"At least fifteen years."


"However, if the order is handed over to Daqin Bingfeng, the installation can be completed in five years, but the other party's quotation is extremely high."

"I want both construction speed and low construction cost. How is it possible? Just like Ge Xiaotian building a house, the faster you build it, the more expensive it will be sold; the slower you build it, the cheaper it will be sold. If you buy, you will fall behind, for a reason.”

"The deputy director is right."

"Give half of the order to Da Qin Bingfeng."

"We don't have that much money."

"I owe it first."

"It makes sense!"

"I mean the national debt."


"You think it's a good thing to owe him money?"

"Certainly not."

"Get the export model as soon as possible, and pay back the money sooner."

After the deputy director finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, "Da Qin Bingfeng won't compete with us for business?"

"Tiancheng's funds are all invested in the All the Way West project, while other industrial profits are invested in the watermelon planting project. In addition to the desert town, he also grows watermelons in ALS. He has no money to research and develop armaments. Now he only does OEM."

"Watermelon? Desert watermelon is so delicious?"

"The taste and taste are very good, but they are trying their best to expand the planting area this year. Next year's output may be three times the national output this year. I doubt he will throw away unsalable watermelons."

"This is troublesome... Logically speaking, Ge Xiaotian shouldn't be so confused. Could it be that he had a grudge against Watermelon in his previous life?"

"Ghost knows..."


Over the Tsushima Strait.

Thirty Super Panda Kai performed to their heart's content for seven minutes. Wajima's F-2 support fighter jointly developed by Sanleng and North American Martin just arrived. There are two squadrons, a total of 48 aircraft.

This is an air interceptor similar to the North American F-16. Its performance is slightly better than the F-16, but in fact it is almost the same.

Compared with the F-18, this is a fighting machine. The F-18 is a multi-purpose fighter with a different design concept. In the air, the F-18 is not only not the opponent of the Super Panda, nor is it the opponent of the F-16 and Wajima F-2.

The advantages of the Super Panda modification are that it is fast, ultra-fast, ultra-long-range, and overloaded. The disadvantages are also obvious. Even North America can’t afford it. one-third.

In other words, the Super Panda is to deal with the bear fighter. After the bear disintegrates, there is no need for North America to produce such a powerful and expensive thing. It is better to go with a pocket size.

In other words, the times have changed, the combat philosophy is changing, the corresponding tactics are changing, and the weapons manufactured are also changing.

But during this period, the Super Panda Kai, which has supersonic fighting capabilities, will definitely cause Wajima and North America a headache without using ground-to-air guidance eggs.


The two sides met, and F2 was tracked by radar.

Not one-on-one, but one Super Panda tracking twenty F-twos.

Then, a Super Panda locks ten F2...

Then, at an altitude of 13,000 meters, Tiancheng's two early-warning aircraft actively appeared, connected the Daqingshan radar matrix and the outer space reconnaissance satellite, completed the three-in-one fixed-point surveillance, and realized the remote operation mode.

The F2 also tracked the Super Panda Kai, but unfortunately all it locked was 'light and shadow', and even an F2 approached the phantom, and the pilot found that the thing turned out to be a funny face...


The Super Panda is connected to the remote control system of the early warning aircraft and cuts into the F2 fleet, face to face, or back to back, or trailing...

whoosh whoosh...

The sonic boom cloud mixed with the water vapor condensed by the engine heat, leaving patches of various clouds and white ribbons in the sky...

Of course, neither side used force, it was just an air show.

But F2 didn't dare to collide with the Super Panda Kai, who was two-thirds bigger than himself, and didn't even dare to get close to him, because the Super Panda Kai used graphene material, which could easily cut through the aluminum shell...

at the same time.

The Trinity surveillance system successfully captured the Wajima communication wave and completed the cracking.

The empty Panda Fighter Kai instantly cut into the communication channel of F2 formation.

"Hello, humans!"

F2 formation commander: "..."

"How about some lively music? Wang Jin beats Gao Qiu."

F2 formation commander: "..."

Amidst the passionate suona sound, the Super Panda broke up the second F formation and drove the opponent together. When it was calculated that the opponent was about to run out of fuel, it quickly descended, forcing the opponent to climb, climb, and climb again...

Seeing that the fuel was about to reach the limit of the return trip, the chief of Wajima couldn't sit still, "Contact Ge Xiaotian, I want to talk to him!"


In recent decades, there has been no aerial combat, let alone wonderful aerial combat. Even in movies, it is difficult to make aerial combat scenes, because CG animation is expensive to produce, and directors cannot imagine supersonic combat scenes.

The aerial combat presented by Tiancheng based on the ultra-long-distance micro-operation mode, or group combat, was broadcast live on the entire SG platform, and immediately attracted nearly 200 million users to watch, and this did not include the enterprise display machine.

When the AWACS appeared...

'Please pay: 10 Franklin. '

"fuck Ge laoer!"

And paying users...

"Shet, it's too explosive!"

"God, is this true?"

"Yes, it's happening!"


"It's just that this song is a bit over the top..."

"Listen, I want to hit someone!"

And the enterprise display machine...

After receiving complaints from customers, countless bosses notified the clerk as quickly as possible, and went to the card issuance center to handle corporate purchases...


Jinxiuchuan Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, Aerospace School Office.

"Boss, if this wave continues, we will surely make a profit."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, waved his hand indifferently, "Let me see the third program."

"The Ninja Alliance sent a grandmaster, seven second-generation masters, and thirteen jounin to dive into the floating gondola from the bottom of the sea. We arranged for five second-generation disciples of Baiyun Temple and an elite spearman to fight."

"It always feels a little fake."

"You can rest assured that the scene, atmosphere, and impact are absolutely real."

"Suddenly switched from high-tech to martial arts..."

"What we are presenting is high-tech. It has nothing to do with fantasy. It can be regarded as sci-fi-level 'lurking' and 'assassination'. The magic tools used by monks are actually technological devices, and the props used by ninjas are all technological products. As long as they are packaged, All of these things are going to be on sale.”

Ge Xiaotian nodded.

Although it is a bit fake, he knows that after two years of operation, the ninja culture has deeply affected Wajima, and almost everyone believes in 'ninja', because 'ninja' does have super fighting ability and can expel North American agents And spies, relying on the ninja industry chain to join the Wajima board of directors.

But if ninjas want to further enhance their social status, they still need 'sacrifice'.

"Boss, when the time comes, you need to use AR projection to be present at the scene."


Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly, "I personally visited the scene through AR technology... No, this scene, why do I look like a big villain?"

"Uh... That's right, you are indeed the villain in this movie, not only that, but the second, third, and fourth are all big bosses who plan to kill you, and you won't be washed until the fifth movie." white."

"I guess we won't be able to wait until the fifth part. Tiancheng has gone bankrupt. Who designed the script?"

Before Dao Shiyi could answer, the accompanying secretary stepped forward, "Boss, Chief Washima wants to talk to you."

"Let the other party buy a SG AR device first."

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