Build Madness

Chapter 841: Incredible AR Technology

Hearing 'tax-free treatment', the chief Wajima was shocked.

The levels of the two parties are here, and he naturally knows that the 'tax exemption' that Ge Lao Er said is definitely not a corporate tax, but a 'tariff'.

Although Washima's corporate tax is as high as 35%, because Tiancheng's exported products are of high quality and cheap, Washima has to impose a 165% tariff on most of Tiancheng's goods in order to protect the local market.

In other words, for a product with the same cost, Wajima can make a profit by selling 100 Japanese coins, but Tiancheng must sell 165 Japanese coins to make a profit, and this does not include corporate tax.

And these additional taxes will naturally belong to Wajima.

In other words, if the cost of Tiancheng's products is 50 Japanese coins, the Japanese island officials will earn more than Tiancheng.

And if such a high tariff is not imposed, Tiancheng's goods will flood into Wajima, and people will buy Tiancheng's products. Wajima's production industry will suffer a fatal blow, and then a large number of enterprises will close down, and countless employees will lose their jobs...

Of course, Wajima has import items, which can stipulate which goods Tiancheng can enter.

Therefore, this request is indeed much softer than opening up the cement market, opening up the concrete market, opening up the grain market, etc.


They have already called the door, and they must not reduce the import items, but implement tax exemption for the current import items. When Tiancheng's production capacity explodes, at least one-third of the production enterprises in Wajima will go bankrupt.

"Mr. Ge, you..."

Chief Wajima opened his mouth to decline, but when he caught a glimpse of someone playing with the button, a chill suddenly appeared behind him, and he subconsciously stopped talking.

Does Tian Cheng have weather equipment?

Hard to say.

With the scientific and technological strength revealed by the other party, no one dared to try.

The key is……

The bear child is playful, holding a sci-fi weapon that is both real and fake, and smashes the neighboring gates. The child's mother not only follows the fun, but also carries a peaceful world in her hand to escort her...

What's even more exasperating is that the security guards on the home planet didn't care.


While AR negotiations are in progress.

Jinxiu River.

After the two general exercises, Tiancheng did not announce the third program that was planned, which meant that this year's military training of Tiancheng Technical Secondary School was completely over.

However, when thousands of spectators left the comprehensive dining hall wearing masks, some people holding smart cards suddenly exclaimed.

Subsequently, more and more people issued exclamations...

"What's wrong?"

"Quickly log in to the Baixiaotong forum and look at the Okhotsk section."

"I'm watching, there's nothing attractive?"

"Ah... the post has been blocked."


"It's okay, I have real-time storage and can forward it to you."

After two seconds.

The inquirer held the smart card in his hand and was dumbfounded when he saw the content of the video: "Damn it!"

"I rely on it!"

"real or fake?"

"I've worked so hard, can it be fake?"

in the video.

Seven ninjas in black sneaked into a super large transport ship, avoided monitoring from the side of the deck, and got into the cabin like geckos.

There is a very eye-catching slogan in the cabin: roll up your sleeves and work hard!

It is definitely Tiancheng.

The cabin is so vast that you can't see the end at a glance, only a few fuzzy LED lights can be seen in the distance.

There are three Super Panda Kai parked nearby, and the eyes of the ninjas communicating with each other should be the goal of their trip.

next moment.

The seven ninjas nodded, each took out a black marble the size of a nail, threw three at the Super Panda Kai, and four at the electronic control facility.

At this moment, five young Taoist priests wearing white cloud Taoist robes and holding three-foot long swords appeared in different directions. They used the long swords to 'catch' the black marbles, and threw them into the sea from the opened hatch.


The water splashed in all directions, and the power was astonishing.

"My boss, I have expected you to come, so save your life!"


The villain dies of talking too much.

Before the Taoist could finish speaking, the cross dart thrown by the ninja came into view.

But the five Taoist priests waved their long swords calmly, and 'flicked' the darts towards the cabin wall.

ding ding ding...

The darts made of unknown materials were embedded into the metal wall, reaching four fingers deep.

However, this is just the beginning.

The seven ninjas took out the Japanese swords, and rushed towards the five Taoist priests with strange steps in silence.

The Taoist priests stood in a pentagonal position, raised their legs and swung their swords, and suddenly clouds of white mist appeared on the ground.

"Five Elements Maze!"

In the eyes of the audience, this formation, which was originally full of fantasy, has a strong technological style.

Because there is a device under the Taoist priest's feet, which continuously sprays out white mist. As the Taoist priest walks, adjusts the hem of his clothes, and predicts the wind direction, the seven ninjas who rushed over are indeed trapped in the 'formation'.


"It turns out that this is the mist formation."

"Destroy my three views!"

"real or fake?"

"Give me back my real dream!"

on site.

The seven ninjas entered the thick fog and lost their direction immediately. Even the overhead lights were difficult to find.

at this time.

A long sword stabbed straight towards him without making a sound.

A certain ninja was pointed at by the tip of the sword, and the skin on the corresponding part suddenly tightened. Sensing danger in his heart, he swung his knife to block it, and immediately launched a counterattack.


The ninja moved extremely quickly, and the fight happened between lightning and flint, making the audience hold their breath subconsciously.

However, the long sword disappeared, and the ninja did nothing.


In the mist, the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, both sides have both offense and defense.

Not long after, a ninja was kicked out of the mist clutching his neck, his head tilted, over.

When the third ninja 'died', a thin man wearing a bamboo hat, sackcloth, and clogs appeared on the scene at some point.

The opponent was ten meters away, waving his long sleeves...

At this moment, the audience saw the 'airbrush'.

Of course, the function of this spray gun made my jaw drop in shock.

I saw a wave-shaped net sprayed out from the spray gun, covering the top of the mist. The next second, the man in hemp clothes drew his knife and chopped...

The water net was pressed down, the fog disappeared, and the five Taoist priests hiding in the fog appeared.

The Taoist priests sensed the danger and waved their swords one after another.

But the figure of the man in sackcloth flashed by, and two Taoist priests were still hit, a tiny bloodstain burst out from their chests, and they fell to the ground and vomited blood to 'die'.


"A master's move, one move is fatal!"

"It makes me tremble..."

"Made, isn't this skinny guy too awesome?"

"I just want to know, is it real or fake?"

"Looking outside, Tianwei has already noticed the movement. Two teams are thinking of coming here. The Daqin Type 02 chug chug in their hands is definitely real!"


on site.

Just as the man in sackcloth was about to kill the Taoist priest, an old man with gray beard suddenly appeared behind him.

The old man's five fingers formed into claws, lightly pressing towards the back of the man in sackcloth.

The man in sackcloth seemed to be aware of it, his pupils narrowed sharply, he gave a low drink, his right hand formed a seal, and seemed to have activated a certain switch, and a group of air waves visible to the naked eye suddenly spewed out from his back.

The old man kicked lightly on the ground, with his hands open...

The audience immediately saw two thin and transparent 'cicada wings'.

Then, the old man didn't make any movement with his feet, but his body violated Newton's law, and he suddenly dodged to the left lightly. When the man in sackcloth turned around, he came to the back of the opponent again, put away his cicada wings, and slapped it...

The audience clearly saw that there was a 'heater' device in the palm of the old man...

While the palm was still on the way, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the device, piercing the back of the man in sackcloth, revealing a scorched mark on the ground...


next scene.

Twenty ninja reinforcements arrived, and two teams of Heavenly Guards rushed into the cabin with their hands in their hands...

Just when the audience thought it was going to be a scuffle, the old man embraced Tai Chi...

No, it's a device that embraces a pot lid with air vents on it, swinging from side to side...


A three-foot-high tornado was born!

The old man was getting faster and faster, and the tornado was getting taller and thicker.

Two seconds later.

When the tornado was about to reach the top of the cabin, the old man pushed his hands...

The three-meter-thick, twelve-meter-high tornado rushed towards the ninja...


Wind rolling sword, crazy harvest...

The video screen went black, and the camera showed another cabin.

There are still more than fifty ninjas in black, and there is also a man in sackcloth.

But on Tian Cheng's side there was only one strong man in silver armor and a silver helmet holding a bright silver spear.

The fierce man lunged and fired his gun. He didn't move his footsteps, but his figure rushed to the ninja at a speed of tens of meters per second...

String Gourds...

"Fuck, wear the best mechanical exoskeleton to fight with people?"

"It's gone, it's nothing to look at."

"By the way, isn't that man-made tornado a special effect?"

"How should I put it, the German Mercedes also created a tornado, which is 35 meters high, but it's not as thick and powerful as it is. It's just... as far as Tiancheng Technology is concerned, it's very likely to be real."

"Look outside the boat!"

"Damn it, the dragon absorbs water?"

"Master, this is the prototype of a tornado. Looking at the dozens of ground-effect aircraft in the distance, they are obviously guiding..."

"Isn't this too fast, the blink of an eye expands to a diameter of five meters?"

"Damn, it's almost a hundred meters high, right?"

"Don't stop... what's ahead?"

"Tsushima Island."

"Oh, that's all right."

Man-made tornadoes are not uncommon, but such a large man-made tornado is a bit scary, and it was formed in a very short period of time...

in addition.

The whereabouts and functions of the "oxygen tanks" put into place by the Tiancheng Floating Dock before entering the Tsushima Strait have also been ascertained.

Drilling into the cross-sea tunnel at the bottom of the Tsushima Strait, the function is...

Engineering blasting.


October 1, 1:30 p.m.

The commercial dispute between Tiancheng and Wa Island was resolved peacefully.

Wajima reduced or exempted Tiancheng International Holdings from a total of 1,735 import duties on products.


Fourteen kinds of special cement,

Three types of flawless concrete,

Fifty-nine plastic products...

Sixty-three kinds of fruits, such as watermelon, orange, grape, strawberry...

Twenty-one beverages, such as code, kvass, yoghurt...

More than 900 styles of hats...

More than two hundred kinds of engineering equipment...

Seventeen kinds of medicines, such as the series of brain-tonifying and kidney-tonifying liquid...

Several others.


Jinxiu River.

In the AR device.

After the negotiation was completed, the chief of Wajima gritted his teeth with hatred. If he had biubiu in his hand, he would definitely smash Ge Heizi in front of him immediately.

It's a pity that the person sitting next to him is just a virtual image.

"Mr. Ge, goodbye!"

"I look forward to seeing you next time! In fact, there is an AR device. After we wake up every morning, we can greet each other and say hello. It's not bad."


Chief Wajima stepped out of the AR device in one step, and his figure disappeared immediately.

Ge Xiaotian grinned and signaled the staff to turn off the interactive function and connect to the channel one communicator.

"The tornado that launched the AR, let it go."

"Good boss."

"By the way, give Xiaobu and Dadi each a 20-cubic AR device. If you have nothing to do in the future, I will invite the two of them to come to our house for a sit-down. By the way, I will be close to each other. This can be regarded as peace for the mother planet. Contribute to common development.”

"With you in the middle, I'm afraid they will fight on the spot."


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