Build Madness

Chapter 842 Subsequent Impact

After the commercial conflict between Tian Cheng and Wa Island was resolved peacefully, Tian Cheng continued to keep silent.

2 p.m.

Wa Dao held a press conference and announced to the outside world that the Japanese sea air performance specially organized by Tian Cheng and Wa Dao for the Huaxia Celebration had come to a successful conclusion. In order to strengthen the cooperation between the two sides in the commercial field, Washima implements tariff reduction and exemption policy for some goods exported by Tiancheng International Holdings, and provides tax rebates and subsidies for some building materials that Washima urgently needs.

When the news came out, let alone overseas, no one in Japan even believed these nonsense.

After all, everyone has watched the second video of the eagle attacking the sky and "accidentally" wandering to the outside world. This is obviously "a strong ship, a powerful ship, and a blast to open the country".


Kokura Convenience Store.

A few young men with tattoos embroidered on their arms rushed in with various tools, and saw code, premium yoghurt, Xiuxiu crispy noodles, Xiuxiu biscuits, Lao Li ham sausage on the shelves...


They all waved their tools and started smashing.

"What are you doing?"

The shop assistant wearing an apron stepped forward to stop her, but was slapped to the ground by one of the young men, "Baga, how dare you sell Tiancheng's goods."

"Please, don't do this, I can't afford to lose..."


Ignoring the kneeling and crying female clerk, the tattooed young man smashed the import shelf, picked up a few packages of other goods, and pried open the cash register...

The same scene also happened in shopping malls, supermarkets, fruit shops...

The Self-Defense Force personnel patrolling the streets not only ignored them, but avoided them far away.


The incident spread from Kitakyushu to Kyushu Island, and then spread to Shikoku Island and Honshu Island in the north.

In just one hour, the entire Wa Island fell into a wave of boycotting Tian Cheng.

Kyushu, Kagoshima.

Kirishima Shrine.

The red maple leaves covered the ground, and the out-of-season cherry blossoms collected from unknown sources were flying all over the sky, and a song of mourning and mourning echoed around.

Hundreds of Jōnin in black with long knives on their backs, led by six men in sackcloth with hats and a stooped old man, stood in front of the hundred new graves and bowed their heads.

On the stele.

Grandmaster Orochi-kun, Nidaime Saze, Nidaime Sakai, Nidaime Hetian, Nidaime Kuroishi...

After this battle, the Ninja Alliance, known as the symbol of ninjas in the new era, had ten to nine elites inside, and defeated the only master, Lord Orochi.

"I'm guilty!"

The crooked old man knelt on the ground, drew out his long knife, and wiped it carefully, as if he was going to... commit suicide by cutting his stomach.

The ninjas around were sad, but no one dared to stop him.

The atmosphere was very solemn.

A guy in sackcloth: 'Can you hurry up? '

The crooked old man: 'I really think so, it's too uncomfortable to bow my waist every day, I'd die' earlier, and I could go back to Daqingshan to do research earlier, but...their chief won't come! '

In silent communication.

Three helicopters flew in from the north.

After the pin shape fell to the ground, Chief Wajima led three men in suits and rushed over.


The crooked old man held the long knife upside down, and was about to pierce his abdomen, and then cross everything...

"Oda-kun, wait a minute!"

The crooked old man ignored it and inserted the blade into...

Seeing that he couldn't stop him, the man in a suit who followed Wajima's chief took out his spear and pulled the trigger.


next moment.

The old man didn't move, and the long knife in his hand was instantly erected in front of his right arm.


People are fine, but the blade leaves a gap.

The Chief of Wajima breathed a sigh of relief, not surprised that the long knife blocked the bullet, and quickly said: "Mr. The alliance is in disarray, and the society that has been suppressed may soon lose control."

"I'm old."

The crooked old man looked lonely, "I can no longer wield a sword."

"Washima needs you."


"Do you still remember the oath you recited in front of the patriarch when the Ninja statue was erected?"

"Reproduce the glory of the ninja and dedicate your life to the Dawa nation!"

"Yes! Although the Ninja Alliance has suffered heavy losses in this battle, we still have hope! I believe that one day, we will get rid of North America, get rid of Tian Cheng, and save all people from suffering!"

Chief Wajima finished speaking in cadence...


The rickety old man stood up suddenly, and an invisible breath spread around, and the rickety body stood up straight!

" broke through?"

"Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, I understand!"


Chief Wajima is very unbelievable, my eloquence is so good? "Grandmaster?"

"Great master."

"Congratulations Oda-kun."

The man in linen and the jominin in black all showed excited expressions, "Congratulations Taiko."

"Oda-kun, the most important thing right now is to inform the Ninja Alliance that you have broken through."

"Is it that serious?"

"After signing the agreement with Tiancheng, although we covered up the facts in the name of performances, we couldn't stop some people with a heart from instigating. In addition to the tragic misfortune of King Snake, the ninja alliance has no leader, and countless young people who learn ninjutsu or advocate ninja culture have flocked Break away from the Ninja Alliance, form your own club, and launch an action to boycott Tian Cheng."


"You know, these people are inextricably linked to the Self-Defense Forces, and they can even influence the board of directors."

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have recruited so many students in the first place. I should have strictly checked and screened out those with good conduct to join the Ninja League."

"No, these societies already existed. After the rise of the Ninja Alliance, they just linger in another form, which has nothing to do with you."

"You mean, suppress these people?"

"It is inappropriate for us to have another conflict with Tiancheng now. There is an old saying in Huaxia, we must return to the original state and fully deal with the market impact brought about by the 'Tiancheng Agreement'."

"It's hard."

"With you here, there are 230,000 official ninjas from the six major factions of the Ninja Alliance. I believe it will be no problem."

"If you insist, I might clean up the SDF."


"After this battle, I also figured it out. To fight against Tian Cheng, the Ninja Alliance not only needs technological support, but also needs a steady stream of funds from a large number of industries."

"Oda-kun, please tell me."

"Expand overseas markets... In fact, these associations are making troubles, so to put it bluntly, they are still idle. If they can be provided with a 'job', I believe Wajima will be much more stable."

"what do you mean?"

"Have you ever heard of Tian Cheng's 'miner'?"

"This... I worry that if we do the same, it will cause resistance."

"Although we lost this battle, we lost in terms of technological equipment and technological research and development. As long as we have a lot of funds and accumulate development, I believe that the Ninja Alliance will soon defeat Tianwei and fight against their monks."

"What Oda-kun said makes sense."

"I heard that the Chief has some industries in Australia?"


"Why don't you help the Ninja Alliance contact there and buy a few mines?"

"I wonder what minerals you need?"

"Rare earths, bauxite, alumina, lead ore, tantalum ore."


"Since we have decided to cooperate with Tiancheng, we naturally have to use the other party, such as renting some equipment and technical personnel. As for the rental fee... for cooperation, we don't need to pay it."

"Ge Xiaotian is very stingy."

"I will interview him personally."

"Oda-kun has worked hard!"



4 pm.

Wajima's Board of Directors announced that Oda Nagano will serve as Chief of the Inner House, which Orochi Eiichi once served, and will serve as Deputy Minister of Defense.

At 4:30, Oda Nagano and Ge Xiaotian met in the AR device.

half an hour later.

The news of the Sancha Cup Four-Way Tournament came overwhelmingly. On the SG platform and the Microsoft Baixiaotong platform, Tiancheng Technical College's general assembly exercises were completely banned.

Moreover, Tianyu also helped create some sensational content.

For example: Without Boss Ge's command, the Tiancheng Machinery team advanced easily, which caused "numerous fans" to strongly demand that "Coach Ge" dismiss get out of class.

For example: after Tianyu International Sports News made a large-scale report on the "get out of class dismissal" incident, it revealed big news: my boss does not have a coaching certificate.

The Sancha Cup became even more lively.

At least this is the case in Washima, and it has successfully diverted the attention of the people of Washima.


Tiancheng internal channel.

Dao 20 (Oda Nagano): "Their chief has already helped to contact Australia to purchase three aluminum mines first, and I will arrange for 3,000 aspiring young people from Washima to mine there. By then, 1,000 of them will be free to go to Antarctica."

Ge Xiaotian: "The Antarctic side can only arrange for our own people for the time being, don't worry, first hollow out the Australian area."

"Good boss!"

"Desert products will usher in a big eruption next year. I hope you can take advantage of the Ninja Online Shopping and Ninja Express laid out in the early days to open up the market in advance, so that you won't be able to eat so many goods by then."

"have what?"

"Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon..."


"Of course, there are also watermelon drinks, watermelon snacks, watermelon toys, and peripheral products of the Guagua family series, such as comics, games, VR, AR..."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"All the money I earn is used to buy gold or rare metals, mostly from private collections. I believe many families have some collections."


"By the way, you should now have the authority to use the gold reserves over there."

"It's possible, but it's a little troublesome to operate."

"That's not a problem, how many are there?"

"About nine hundred tons."

"900 tons, 900 million grams, less than 100 billion red notes, that's all?"

"It's only 2% of foreign exchange reserves, and a lot of it is in North America."

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, fuck it!"



"I bah, it's 'yes', it's easy to say."


After finishing the communication, Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of a meaningless but very important question.

Contact Daoyi.

"Old man, is there a golden planet?"

"There must be, not only gold planets, but also diamond planets, sterling silver planets, and unknown metal planets."

"Then we collect a lot of gold now, it seems useless."

"It's as if you found a golden planet and are ready to mine it."



The commercial conflict was resolved peacefully, and the Bering Sea incident gradually dissipated, and it seemed to be over.

But the scientific and technological power displayed by Tiancheng has sounded the alarm to the scientific community.

The first is the 'Light Curtain System'.

North America's "Active Denial System" has not yet come out, but Tiancheng has produced a more advanced product in the form of light radiation, which has caused many arms research laboratories to have great interest in light curtains, but unfortunately Tiancheng does not sell them externally.

This is followed by 'electronic fog'.

There are many weapons to interfere or destroy electronic equipment, such as graphite, neutrons, anti-radiation, nuclear energy EMP...

But these are all hard damages, which can simulate and disguise electromagnetic waves, and feed back and mislead detection equipment. The soft means similar to electronic viruses can only be used by Tiancheng in actual combat.

The other is that the Taoist priest and the ninja fought against each other, which seemed full of fantasy, but both sides showed the future development direction of individual combat equipment, especially the mechanical exoskeleton.

And according to 'internal information', the peace talks between the two parties also adopted a two-way AR device...

A famous scientist said: After waking up, I suddenly discovered that the home planet has become quite different from what I imagined. I may travel to a parallel world with more advanced technology just like Qiqidian’s novel. I thought, I'm going to lose my job.

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