Build Madness

Chapter 851: Capture the World Island

Ge Xiaotian originally thought that the scene was full of businessmen who could understand his sales philosophy.

For example, launch the bronze version first, so that customers can only buy the bronze version, and then launch the silver version after a period of time, prompting some customers to switch to silver, which in turn drives sales of the silver version.

By analogy, gold editions, diamond editions, limited editions, commemorative editions, and collector's editions will be launched one after another...

If this continues, every model will be sold out, and both parties will make money no matter what.

That's right, both sides.

At present, Ge Xiaotian has no intention of cheating these rich chieftains at all, but only wants to develop them into "salesmen", or "offline", give enough commissions, and determine the general contracting rights of the World Island project.

Because... long nights and many dreams.

If I don't rely on my unique resources and the advantages of taking the lead to win the project in one go, and wait for North America and England to react, I will never have another chance in the future.

But never expected...

The rich chiefs, including the Prince of Dubai, gathered together to whisper for a long time, and the Prince of Dubai said:

"Ge, let's order 20 diamond version ground effect aircraft and vertical lift business jets first, and see the follow-up sales results. If it is not good, we may return it and replace it with a gold version. If it doesn't work, we can only replace it with a silver version. Or bronze."


What the hell, the thinking was reversed.

With the same ancestors as the Jews, why are you so good?

Could it be that all the money in his pocket was picked up?

Ge Xiaotian really wanted to teach this group of people a good lesson, but thinking of the time constraints, he said, "Forget it, just be happy."

"Ok, deal."

"Ge, when will you be able to start work?"

"Our company has a holding group in South Africa, and the Civil War there is currently happening. It happens that the engineering team is idle. As long as the project details are confirmed, we can go north at any time."

"That's good."


For the World Island project, the two parties successively determined:

The total amount of the project, the construction plan, the first round of investment...

Then verify:

Tiancheng International Credit Fund, Tiancheng International Account Amount, Tiancheng General Contracting Qualification...

Dubai World Credit Fund, Dubai World International Account Amount, Official Documents Signed by Dubai...

Then invite the home star justice agency and guarantee agency to intervene.

Then start talking about the details.

Including the total area of ​​the project, the area of ​​a single island, the project cost of a single island, the specific area of ​​flood embankments, the detailed cost of flood embankments, and the cost of real estate projects...

Ge Xiaotian did not participate in the negotiations, but went on a tour with the prince of Dubai and rich people who also did not participate in the negotiations.

When the superiors heard about this, all the toll booths were open, and the airlines were specially approved for special use...

A group of people traveled from Qinggang Golden Beach, to Paoma Island in Weicheng, Penglai Pavilion in Yancheng, to Qingshan Ancient City in Jishi City, Daxing City in East Lake, to wolf hunting in Nioblas, fish frying in the Okhotsk Sea, and pirate hunting in the Bering Sea... …

During this period, Dubai imported another 200 war horses, ordered 50 Siberian wolves, and introduced several warships and helicopters...

a month later.

Negotiations on the World Island project are coming to an end.

The eye-opening Prince of Dubai and the rich people signed their names on the contract with great satisfaction, and remitted the first round of project funds of 25 billion Franklin to Zhuang Lao Nanyang Development Bank through Dubai (Dubai) Bank.

November 25th.

Dubai World holds a grand press conference off the shores of Dubai.

Gao Song, Chairman of Tiancheng South Africa, Xu Ling, CEO of Tiancheng South Africa, and Xiao Liu, Head of Construction of Tiancheng South Africa, who rushed to Dubai in advance, formed a delegation of Tiancheng International Holdings to answer questions from reporters.

"Director Gao, there seems to be a shadow of your company's employees in the Civil War in Africa?"

"Sorry, this matter has nothing to do with this project, please follow the official news of Tiancheng South Africa."

"President Xu, why did your company cut off the power supply in North Africa?"

"Sorry, this matter has nothing to do with this project..."

"Mr. Liu, some people claim that your company is blocking the Great Rift Valley in East Africa and preparing to be flooded..."

"Sorry, this matter..."

No matter how the overseas journalists made things difficult for the Tiancheng delegation, the artificial world island project was indeed won by Tiancheng International Holdings.

But in order to suppress Tian Cheng, the overseas media did not conduct large-scale reports, and even deliberately blocked the news.

As for domestic.

Except for the opening of the Dubai section of the Baixiaotong Forum, there is not much movement.

Follow someone's words: Make a fortune with a low voice.


Qinggang Golden Beach.

Headquarters of Tiancheng International Holdings.

After completing a super project, Ge Xiaotian is going to rest for a few days, but there are still things to solve.

"Where's Chen Feng?"

"Back to the boss, Mr. Chen has returned to Xiangjiang."

Chen Feng was completely bluffed by someone's operation.

What was originally a cement business worth six or seven billion yuan suddenly became Franklin's world island worth hundreds of billions...

It's scary.

In the end, he didn't dare to ask someone for a commission, so he slipped away overnight.

"One yard is one yard. The World Island is a project we talked about ourselves, but he brought the cement business customers. How much commission did he want?"


"Send him 200 million Franklin."

"Boss, is it too much?"

"For Melbourne Metro, 200 million Franklin's public relations fee is not much."


Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, turned on the server, and was about to contact Li Xiuxiu while logging into Shenlong Cultivation.

Glancing at a few posts in the Baixiaotong forum, some sprayed the Shenlong system hot chicken, some sprayed Longtian technology, some sprayed Huaxia lithography machine technology, and some people made all kinds of sarcasm in the comments below... …

"By the way, Eleven, these people who spread negative energy haven't been caught yet?"

"No, the matter is a bit complicated. Tianwei, who investigated the matter, found that...there are too many people who sell personal certificates."


Not to mention now, even twenty years later, some people would dare to sell identity cards.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, "Catch the 'Five Eyes Alliance' first, and then catch those ancient organizations, and let those caught tell them who are behind them. If you don't hand over these online moths, anyone caught by us will All sent to Central Siberia to carry logs."


"In addition, to speed up the collection of information about the World Island project, I always feel that someone is secretly planning something."

"Maybe it's the first time you've made so much money, and you have a guilty conscience."


Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, and felt that it made sense.

The blowing sand to fill the island is all system machinery, except for fuel, it seems that there is no expenditure.

Real estate adopts system architecture, which is superficially ostentatious, but actually consumes system resources.

"Forget it, I'll play some games to relax."

With that said, contact Li Xiuxiu.

"Online, tonight's decisive battle until dawn!"

"Brother Hao has a meeting, Shuai Bo went to the countryside to investigate, and five little pink pigs went to KTV... We can't get together 20 people, so we can't open up wasteland."

"Touch two hands, be familiar with familiar skills, Ben T is a good land reclamation master."

"You can push it down, none of our four nannies can afford to nurse you."

"Not enough milk."

"I bother!"

"Go online, pull a few from the guild at random, be kind to the righteous group, make two mistakes, and retreat by yourself."

Cultivation Continent is different from 3D martial arts. It belongs to traditional online games. Kill monsters to see the data, and fight bosses to see the mechanism. The latter belongs to the free world without data and mechanisms.

Data: blood volume, damage, defense, dodge, damage avoidance, etc.

Mechanism: dodging skills, various mini-games, common sharing, and changing T skills.

Thanks to the powerful World of Warcraft, the Cultivation Continent, which was updated to the "Mafa Undead Invasion" version, suddenly became popular all over the world at an incredible speed.

This is related to the increase in the number of SG equipment, and also related to gameplay, graphics, plots, and operations.

Now, after replacing Shi Guangji's secondary server in Xiuzhen Continent, the Nordic, Eastern European, North American, South American, Southeast Asian, and East Asian regions have been opened, and the number of online players is as high as 50 million.

Moreover, like the 3D martial arts server, it adopts a distributed layout, and the data of each region is interoperable, and a "regional boundary" for cross-regional warfare is set in the middle, which is equivalent to everyone being in one server.

Of course, this is not the case in reality. A single server still cannot break through the 20,000 limit. It just uses a "seamless map" to connect the servers together. As long as a certain area exceeds the 20,000 limit, the 20,000th player cannot enter the area. area.

However, the version of Xiuzhen Continent is updated every three months, and the map is doubled in each version. Now the total area is almost equivalent to that of Ice Bear.

In addition to the scale of the map, let alone 50 million players, even if 200 million players flooded in, it would not be a problem.

And the map is increased, the plot is increased, the instance is increased, the appearance is increased, the world boss is updated, and the equipment is iterated...

There are also countless ways to play.

Some like to crush the old dungeons with the attributes of the current version, and collect iterative equipment appearances.

Some like to run on old maps with few players, dig treasures, find adventures, and collect collections.

Some like to build a trumpet for leveling, and tirelessly experience the past stories of iterative professions, such as the Qixiufang that was wiped out, and the Yunlu Xianju that disappeared into the air...

Some like to take apprentices, collect master-student reputation, collect master-student titles, and exchange them for beautiful master-student ornaments and appearances.

Some like JJC, struggle in 3V3, or 5V5 arena.

Some like the battlefield, running around in large-scale team battle maps of 20V20 and 50V50.

Some like to explore new maps to obtain more powerful external PVE equipment to activate a more gorgeous appearance.

Some like to shoot around the game, run various maps to shoot short films, and edit side stories one by one.

In short, the Cultivation Continent is in such a mess that the players of Steampunk World, World of Warcraft, Dragon Legend, Jian Wang, Journey to the West, and other online games are rapidly decreasing.

3D martial arts?

That's because the players in the Cultivation Continent haven't experienced its charm, otherwise they will think that the Cultivation Continent is a scumbag.

Of course, this is related to the inability of overseas players to buy home consoles and VR equipment.

Ge Xiaotian likes to be lively. The last time he found that all the strong men ran into the 3D martial arts game, he took Hao Ge, Shuai Bo and other management team to form a group to enter the comprehension continent to show his super ability of "group command".

Later, other managements heard about it and came to join in the fun, causing the gang to grow bigger and bigger...


A team of 20 people, 2T, 14DPS, 4N.

T, also known as tank, is mainly damage-resistant. His current occupations include: Tianzhu Xuanwuguan-Tianjiying, a sword and shield player; , the universe teleportation player...

DPS, also called output, is divided into long-range, melee, legal damage, physical damage, soul or real damage, including wildfire, Xuanwu army, Taixu, feathers, ghosts...

N, also called nanny, is divided into single treatment, group treatment, and auxiliary buffs, adding blood, defense and attack, weakening various attributes of the boss...

The boss battle started, it seemed that there were too many people in chaos, but it was actually all reference values ​​and mechanisms.

for example……

"T has a good face, dodges the small skills, uses the big skills to reduce the damage, what the hell, you have eaten up the damage-boosting skills so quickly? And the bleeding weakness buff? Change to T, don't mock!"

"DPS hides good skills, those with high injuries have no salary, move, hide on the ground with red circles, blue circles are evenly distributed, shit, full-screen skills, fast, swing up, two-stage in the air, double-click W to let the donkey roll..."

"Where is the nanny? Lost mana so soon? Damn it, take medicine and get mana back..."

"Fuck, you're a new boss, what are you doing up? Fight the boss? The damage is so low, you don't need it, the boss mechanism is triggered, kill yourself, lie down, and just use the money to buy equipment later!"

"Where are people? Dead? Well, do it all over again."

Generally speaking, if there are so many problems, nine times out of ten, the group will be wiped out.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian was busy for most of the night, so naturally he couldn't get through the boss.

The next day, the Ministry of Intelligence sent a message.

'England has decided to intervene in the World Islands project and is acting. '

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