Build Madness

Chapter 852 Some people always say that I am greedy for life and afraid of death

The culture of many places is often linked to history.

Just like Dubai.

Two hundred years ago, it was just a small fishing village.

Not long after, the local chief signed an agreement with England. Ten years later, the Naha family, the wealthiest nearby emirate of Abu Dhabi, moved here and established the emirate of Dubai.

In the days to come, with the chaos and struggles, the chiefs rotated, and the emirate of Abu Dhabi gradually drifted away.

It was not until the 1970s when England withdrew that Dubai declared its independence and adopted the common currency of the surrounding emirates: dirham.

But England has created Dubai, and has deeply baked the noble image of the English and Western culture into the bones of Dubai.

Therefore, regardless of who makes up the population of Dubai, the English will always have the highest local status.

This has also led to Dubai's admiration for England, prompting many wealthy emirates to go to England to purchase properties.

In Dubai’s urban planning, a large number of English people are also used as think tanks. The direct consequence is that in Dubai’s construction, many processes adopt English standards, and the writing system generally uses English. Even electric plugs are also British standards.

When everything from England is adopted, other institutions, such as English schools, English hospitals, English lawyers, English accounting firms... are all very popular.

The further impact is that the 'nationality endorsement' brings a buff.

Even a homeless man from England, as long as he has an English passport and an English face, he can transform himself into a social elite and upper class in Dubai, and enjoy tax-free high salaries.

In this environment, if England intervenes in the artificial world island, perhaps Dubai may really default.

After all, this is 2002, and the Chinese people active in Dubai are just workers, and there are no Chinese tourists who "spend money like water" to make Dubai people feel rich, or in other words, status is directly proportional to influence.

As for the liquidated damages, Ge Xiaotian didn't intend to cheat Dubai at all. The agreement stated that "compensation depends on the progress of the project". Since the construction has not started at present, naturally there will be no liquidated damages.

"Eleven, help me analyze the composition of rich people in Dubai."

"The first is the Harmandan royal family, the second is the family behind Hou Sailei, then the Atum family, and the fourth is Shetty, a medicine dealer from the third brother, who is in charge of the Dubai Exchange. After that, two natives of the emirate , two third-brothers, five rich men from the oil country..."

"What method do you think England will use to intervene in the World Island project? To win over these rich people? To control Dubai through high-level Englishmen? Or to use the assets of rich people in the emirates in England as a threat?"

"There should be both."

"There are..."

Ge Xiaotian opened the map of Dubai and examined it for a long time before the administrative secretary knocked on the office door.

"Boss, the leader of Tiejian is here."


Ge Xiaotian got up and was about to go out. At the bidding meeting for the Incheon Bridge, a middle-aged man who had met once happened to come to the door.

"Leader, come to me without saying hello in advance."

"Just drop by, how do you say hello? Do you want me to shout from downstairs: Ge Xiaotian, I'm here to drop by?"

"Haha... serve tea."

Both parties sit down.

The leader of Tiejian looked around the office layout and looked at the potted plants on the desk, "These three dogtail grasses have quite a personality."

"Do you like it? I'll see you off later. In fact, the morning glory next to it is also pretty good."

"Then I will be disrespectful."

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Ge Xiaotian reached for a big 13 cigar, "Leader, are you here today?"

"Oh, my superiors told me that Tiancheng took a big project in Dubai, but Ma and Liu are blocked, and there are pirates on the detour, and the road from Huaxia to Pakistan can't bear heavy construction equipment, so I want me to help you gather a batch Use the machinery first."

"Can you arrange it?"

"Our main force is discussing the railway upgrade project with Pakistan. There are many problems. The equipment is currently idle. As long as you can transport it by yourself, you can use it as you like."

"It's still your arrogance."

Although the equipment used for sand blowing and reclamation is different from that used for laying railways, there are always some machines that can be used in construction, such as power generation, lighting, refrigeration, and welding.

Ge Xiaotian picked up his teacup as a gesture, took a sip, and politely declined: "I'm sorry for your trouble, the executives of the South African Tiancheng Group have arrived in Dubai, and the follow-up team will be in place in a day or two."

"That's good."

The leader of Railway Construction nodded, "Although Tiancheng built the Incheon Bridge and accumulated some experience in overseas construction, it is different from here, and it will take ten thousand years to be careful."


"It's not easy to go out. If you have any difficulties, we will contact you at any time."

"no problem."

"Very good, then I won't bother you, CNOOC's old money is waiting for me to play cards."

"Haha, I'll see you off."

Ge Xiaotian walked downstairs with the leader of Tiejian, and took a black business card from Dao Shishi, "Leader, please keep this, if there is any emergency over there, you may use it."

The latter glanced at the card with only the icon of the sanctuary and contact information, and smiled, "Have you really done business with them?"

"Some customers like to fly around, there's no way."

"Haha, let's go."

When the leaders of Railway Construction got into the car, Ge Xiaotian was just about to return when an officially customized Dongba sedan drove up from a distance.

The back door opened, and the leader of the second construction who had also met in the bidding meeting of the Incheon Bridge got out of the car.

"Hey, are you so well informed?"

"You don't worry too much, I just came down to pee."


Both sides laughed and walked into the hall.

Except for billion-dollar projects, almost no outsiders came to the headquarters, so Ge ​​Xiaotian didn't go upstairs, but motioned to sit in the middle area.

"Leader, I heard that the second construction took over two 500-meter buildings in Dubai?"

"Last year's project will be completed the next year."

"It's too slow, why don't I support you with a batch of automation equipment, such as electric climbing frames, super high-rise water pumps, and concrete pumps."

"Then I won't be polite."

"Coincidentally, Tiancheng has reached cooperation with Dubai on special cement and non-defective concrete. I can help you replace it with the aggregate produced by the two parties."

"Are you doing business?"

"Where, the faster we build, the greater the influence, I am deeply touched today."

"What's wrong?"

"England intends to intervene in the World Island project."

"Normally, if you go to Dubai to engage in general contracting, and the project is unique, it means that you have robbed countless people of their jobs. You don't need English designers, English managers, English construction companies, or materials from English companies. I want to fuck you."

"Ha, makes sense."

"How are you going to solve it?"

"Since it's done, it should be done neatly."


"Carry out a few more projects, expand the influence, and then promote the Tiancheng Standard."

"It's hard."

"It was difficult when Tian Cheng started his business. But now? Aren't many construction standards, even international standards, written by Tian Cheng?"

"I like your drive. If you have any difficulties, please contact me at any time."

"Are you here today?"

"I was going to ask you if you needed support, but before you even asked, you sold me electric climbing frames, super high-rise water pumps, special cement, and defect-free concrete. Now it seems that you don't need it."

"Haha, see you in Dubai."

"Huh? Are you planning to go there yourself?"

"But in the past, some people always say that I am greedy for life and afraid of death."

"You can't read those things on the Internet, or you will be pissed off sooner or later. Besides, it may be a violent method to force you to go abroad."

"Who were we afraid of?"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he called Gaosong, "Is the AR device installed? When can I launch it?"

Second construction leader: "???"

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