Build Madness

Chapter 853 Boss Ge's 'Present'

In Ge Xiaotian's eyes, Dubai is not a city, but a model.

It’s like a group of local tyrants with oil fields at home and good money in their pockets. Seeing that the price of oil has been unstable recently, and a few bigwigs with oil have been robbed, they are worried about their assets shrinking and they are also worried about being robbed, so they get together to discuss and discuss. .

Some people say to buy gold and deposit it in overseas banks, some people say to go to England to buy a house, some people say we are so rich, why not do it ourselves?

No one is willing to be inferior to others, especially those who have money in their pockets. The third suggestion is approved by most of the chiefs.

But what should be done?

Some people also said that it is better for us to join forces to build a world-class enterprise and develop in an all-round way. Even if a single industry loses money, other industries can also make money.

As a result, the Emirates Union was established, with a total of seven emirates joining.

But here comes the problem again. Many chiefs have branches around the Arabian Peninsula, with the Persian Gulf inside, the Gulf of Oman outside, and two chiefs near the Arabian Sea. If we are so scattered and separate, we will definitely not be able to form a world-class group. We must concentrate Power does great things.

In other words, investment must have an environment.

The Sheikh of Dubai turned his eyes: I don’t have much oil in my house. Even if the oil market fluctuates in the future, it will not affect me much, and I will not be targeted by overseas powers. I happen to be in the middle, why don’t everyone come to me?

The other chiefs are definitely not willing to spend their money on others for development, but there is no result after arguing. In the end, I feel that what the chief of Dubai said is quite reasonable.

Therefore, the seven chiefs, including the following families, paid out money, cashed in cash, and sold oil to sell oil. They first established 'Dubai World' and 'dubai Bank', and then built a round of infrastructure for Dubai, which is 90 Year built community.

At that time, Dubai was no different from a border desert town. The sheikhs were engaged in construction, not real estate, but to create a platform that could host world-class companies.

However, the behavior of the chiefs to build and buy by themselves and spread money everywhere immediately attracted other low-level entrepreneurs with more active brains.

For example, a third brother who studies pharmaceuticals, a petroleum countryman who plays finance, and a local who likes to play securities...

As soon as these people came, they immediately brought a lot of popularity to Dubai, and then the chiefs were shocked to find that the housing prices had risen!

Conscience of heaven and earth, the chiefs really didn't plan to engage in real estate to make money.

But if you have money, you don't make a bastard...

The seven chiefs and the rich men of the following families got together to make a total... Feeling that their brains were not enough, they hired a few smart Englishmen as think tanks.

The British think tank saw that these chiefs had a lot of money, and then looked at their own dry wallet. They turned their eyes and designed a model that is currently very popular.

That is:

Loan enclosure—financing to build a house—financial hype—driving financial leverage, magnifying investment results—selling a house for profit.

After the second round of construction in 1995, the chiefs made a lot of money and attracted more people to Dubai. The city, which used to have 50,000 to 60,000 people, broke through the million mark in just two or three years.

With more people, real estate is hotter.

The English think tank has another plan: if you make a profit, you have to repay the loan, but are we short of money? Certainly not bad.

Therefore, we do not repay the loan, nor do we not repay it, but apply for an extension.

What does that mean?

If we borrow 10 billion to invest in real estate, we can earn 20 billion in five years, but how much interest is there in five years? 1000000000? 2000000000? Even with 5 billion interest, we can earn 15 billion more.

When the chiefs heard it, you are still smart!

As a result, many international banks were introduced, lending loans, building construction...

Banks don't lend?

The chiefs’ property is kept there, and the money is also deposited in the bank. Their worth is higher than the total amount of the loan, and they have the ability to repay. Why not take out a loan?

By the turn of the millennium, the think tanks in England counted the real estate speculation money earned through operations in their pockets, and felt that it was a bit small, so they immediately decided to play a big game and withdraw quickly.

So an idea was given to the chiefs.

"Look, everyone, although our place is developing rapidly, it is still far from the international metropolis. In particular, every famous city has a landmark building, that is to say, a 'spectacular'. Look at Ge Laoer's real estate, As soon as the landmark is placed at the door, people rush to buy it without publicity.

The chiefs have a lot of trust in the English think tank: what do you say.

Brain Tank England: Build a Wonder!

Therefore, the project of Dubai Tower, the tallest building in the parent star, the Palm Islands project, the largest artificial island, the Dubai coast, the longest beach in the parent star, the first seven-star hotel in the parent star, and the most luxurious indoor ski resort in the parent star... …

In just two years, Dubai poured in 700 billion Franklin.

Due to the proper operation of the think tank in England, coupled with the appreciation of real estate and the fact that people who buy houses are rich, the debt ratio of Dubai World Group, including Dubai, is not high.

But in fact……

Commodity prices and housing prices are all false prices raised through debt. Once they encounter divestment or the economic crisis of the home planet, these things will face "cutting in half", which will further increase the debt.

What does that mean?

The house was originally worth 1 million, and a certain chief mortgaged it, and with some operations, he borrowed 1 million from the bank.

When the financial crisis struck, housing prices fell in half, and the house was only worth 500,000 yuan.

But the chief mortgaged a loan of 1 million, and the value of the collateral was less than 1 million. The bank would urge him to make up the mortgage, or repay 500,000 first.

As a result, the chief's assets have shrunk by 500,000, and his liabilities have increased to 1.5 million.

It seems that the value is not high, but when it is replaced by Dubai World, the debt soars, surpassing the deposit, and finally cannot continue to borrow money, cannot build construction, and the Dubai model is terminated, resulting in a debt crisis.

Also, the chiefs forgot about the interest accrued by long-term non-payment, and the interest.

Where did the money go?

The English think tank, and the helper called by the English think tank, is the City of London.

Of course, Dubai is still far away from the debt crisis, and it has just begun to build wonders.

And speaking of spectacle...

Boss Ge is good at it!


Technology is advancing with demand. After adjustments during this period, Longtian Technology launched a VR+AR combination device based on the first generation of AR devices.

The device is divided into two parts.

One is the VR scene room, which can realize 360-degree spherical full-scene playback, just like a panoramic map.

That is to say, in this room, users can enjoy the scenes that have been recorded long ago through somatosensory operations without wearing glasses.

As for the second device, first of all, it can realize 360-degree real-time recording, allowing users to see the recording site in the VR room, and secondly, it can project customer images to the recording site through AR technology.

In this way, it is a bit immersive.

The old king Longtian named it: Boss Eye.

The only trouble is that even if the Shenlong system adopts a data transmission method that is smaller than the conventional system data packets, the "Boss Eye" still has high requirements on the network.

Moreover, there is no Zigbee network in Dubai. In order to stabilize data transmission, Feiqu Tiancheng had to call a GLONASS signal enhancement satellite alone.

November 27th.

Dubai Boulevard.

A non-district Tiancheng employee in milky white overalls, surrounded by 20 camouflaged Tianwei, pushed a wheelchair with dozens of N-in-one cameras on the top and a transparent cover on the outside, and walked onto the street.

'Boss Ge' sat among them, and waved to the countless dumbfounded Dubai crowd.

"Hello everyone!"


The prince, who had already returned to Dubai, and the second prince, Harmandan, rushed out of the Dubai Bank office building after receiving the news.

When he saw Ge who was hazy and distorted all over...


In 2002, although Dubai was very famous, this fame was caused by hundreds of billions of investment. In terms of urban construction, there was no Dubai Mall, no musical fountain, no Dubai Marina, no Palm Island series...

Many buildings that will be famous in the future on the home planet are also under construction.

Moreover, the current LED display screen is expensive, and Dubai does not have Zigbee network and cannot use SG projection, resulting in unpretentious streets and alleys, and the overall impression is far from that of the Canal Development Zone.

Well, Tian Cheng's hometown is not just kidding.

This is also the main reason why the three young people were shocked by the tall buildings facing the Golden Sands International Tourism City.

Seeing the Prince of Dubai and Harmandan, Ge Xiaotian coughed, "The wind and sand are really strong."


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