Build Madness

Chapter 856 Investing in the East Coast of Dubai

"Boss, John is dead."


Early in the morning, Ge Xiaotian was still asleep when he was suddenly awakened by Dao Shishi, "Who is John?"

"An English commercial spy who went to Dubai yesterday."

"Oh, how did you die?"

"He had a heart attack in the early morning and was not discovered by their intelligence officers until six in the morning, but there was no need for rescue."


Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback, "Doesn't this mean that we lost a general."

"Wake up, when did he belong to us?"

"Oh, it's even more impossible in the future."

Ge Xiaotian's brain circuits returned to normal, and he got up to wash up, "We'll see the situation when their second supervisor arrives."

"I'm afraid that England will suspect our hands and feet."

"The old man had a heart attack, what does it have to do with us?"

"It really doesn't matter."

"That's enough."

Ge Xiaotian slapped his face with soap, and said in a muffled voice: "Dubai has made a resolution on the 'Citywide Lighting Project' and 'Building Appearance Rectification'?"

"The government has already made a document, and it is estimated that real estate owners in various regions will be notified today. Anyway, those rich people who come to Dongshan don't need to pay for it themselves. As long as they sign, they can start work at any time."

"Then let Tianzhu Decoration set up an international business department, and send 20,000 employees to Dubai through a labor dispatch company. As for the materials needed, some will be airlifted from Tacheng, and some will be dispatched from Tiancheng in the non-region."


"Help me contact the Prince of Dubai and the Second Prince and say I want to talk to them."


eight o'clock in the morning.

Longtian Technology formed an exchange group of thousands of people, consigned a large number of exhibits, and flew directly to Dubai.

ten o'clock in the morning.

Ge Xiaotian appeared in the wheelchair on time.

Although everyone in Dubai has accepted this magical way of meeting, it still feels a little weird, like facing aliens...

The two sides greeted each other.

The Prince of Dubai said: "Ge, we have notified the renovation plan, when will it start?"

"The personnel are ready, and the only thing left is the work visa. I hope you will take care of it."

"Of course there will be no problem."

"The other is that Tiancheng uses the smart card as the payment method. We have also experienced it in Dongshan."

"Yes, great, very simple consumption model."

"But there is no credit card machine here, so I plan to help your commercial sector lay the system for free. Do you have any comments?"

The second prince thought for a while, "Ge, if you use dirhams to recharge, I can help you convince Latum's father that he holds shares in more than a dozen international banks and has a high right to speak."

"Thank you very much. The top-up must be in dirhams. However, a department is required to handle the top-up and exchange business. I plan to set up Tianrong (Dubai) here."

"The most welcome!"

If you want to develop, you cannot do without attracting investment, and the same is true for Dubai.

Although Tianrong International does not have much business, Tianrong International controls Tiancheng's three major chambers of commerce, and is involved in foreign trade, stock market, and futures markets. It has strategic cooperation with many international banks. Being able to enter Dubai undoubtedly represents the International standing in finance and business.

This is of great significance to the Emirates.

The Prince of Dubai was very happy, "In this way, as a friend, I can personally gift you an office building."

"Thank you very much, but I want to take a piece of land and gather my industries together to add a scenic spot with Chinese characteristics to Dubai."

"Wow, Ge, you and I think of something together!"

The second prince stood up excitedly, "I like Shenlong cultivation, especially Huaxia Shenlong, oh~~ It's too domineering, and it is infinitely more majestic than the big lizard in Ou District. As early as last year, I discussed it with Latum and Hou Sailei. , build a 'Dragon City'!"

"Oh, is that so? Perhaps, this is fate, you know, Shenlongxiu was really created by me."


The second prince was even more excited. He glanced at the prince and leaned over to the wheelchair, "You take me to open up wasteland at night, and I promise not to charge you for the land."

"What? You still want to charge me money?"

"Ha ha……"

The Prince of Dubai pulled away the second prince Hamandan with a smile, "The king has already ordered that in order to thank Mr. Ge for donating the urban renovation project, he is going to transfer the 10,000 mu of land on the east coast, including the beaches and offshore areas that are not counted. to Tiancheng International Holdings."

"Thank him for his great love for Tian Cheng."

"No, the Lord is guiding us."

After finishing speaking, the prince and Harmandan put their hands on their chests almost at the same time, looking at the sky at seventy-five degrees.

Ge Xiaotian: "..."


At noon, the three of them enjoyed local specialties in the oldest commercial street in Dubai.

In order to show respect, Ge Xiaotian made an identical dish in Qinggang, and synchronized the tables and chairs in Dubai...

"Oh, this dish is amazing!"

Prince, Harmandan: "..."

"Wow, the tender roast beef actually made me taste like Luxi cattle!"


"This lamb is also very good, definitely from the savannah!"


"Ah, delicious salad, pure natural, no pollution..."


"Huh? Why don't you two eat?"

'We both really want to go to Dongshan! '

The prince and Harmandan glanced at each other, quickly took two mouthfuls of food, "I'm full!"




The land staff arrived and took the three to the east coast.

Ge Xiaotian understands that Dubai's gift of land is not because of "friendship" and urban renovation, but because there is currently only one street in Dubai that conforms to the international image.

If you want Dubai to be reborn, you have to throw money everywhere, otherwise why did Franklin invest a full 700 billion this year?

And handing over the East Coast, which has nothing, to Tian Cheng, who is good at development, even if it is free, it is tantamount to pure profit.

in addition.

Further east is 'Gaza'.

What is Gaza?

As long as you read the Huaxia News, nine times out of ten you have heard of the 'Gaza Strip'.

A full-fledged war zone.

If Tian Cheng is here, Dubai will be safe.

Although it is said that the surrounding chiefs piled up their wealth in Dubai and beat them to death outside, for the safety of their own assets, they would not rush in, but who can guarantee that there are no lunatics?

This is the main reason why Ge Xiaotian first mentioned the joint defense of the three major security groups when introducing the World Island project.

Not long.

People come to the East Coast.

The sea waves are blooming, and the shore is full of withered yellow.

A gust of wind blows, raising clouds of dust.

Ge Xiaotian is just a virtual image, while the prince and Harmandan are wrapped in white gauze.

"not bad."

"Yes, Ge, although it looks desolate, it is only three kilometers away from the city. When we discuss the subway project, with Tiancheng here, it will definitely become the jewel in the palm of Dubai."

Harmandan heard the words, "No, uncle, we are going to build Dragon City here, China Dragon City!"

"This idea is really good." The prince shrugged, noncommittal.

Ge Xiaotian smiled, showed the two of them the on-site map that he had just recorded, and marked it, pointing to the shore, "It just so happens that this place is located between the Persian Gulf and the Harman Gulf. It is also Tacheng land transportation, which will pass through here, and we can set up a trade terminal or an international seaport on the east side."

The prince nodded, but Harmandan frowned and said, "Ge, you have to think about it carefully. North American oil tankers are also going here, and they are going to Iraq from here."

"Haha, lend me some guts, I don't dare to charge them tolls!"

"Your idea is crazy."

Harmandan had a strange expression on his face, "I mean, if they go too far east, their fleet might deliberately seek trouble."

"I believe North America would not dare to do something so egregious."


The Prince of Dubai thought more thoroughly than Harmandan, especially the real intention of the old king to arrange Tian Cheng here.

Prepare against Gaza, introduce Tianwei, if possible, wait for the two parties to get familiar with each other before ordering the 'Light Curtain System'.

"Hamandan, you go around first..."

"Uncle, look for yourself, what's better around here?"

"Listen to me, there are some crabs over there."


Harmandan motioned to the bodyguard, who sent out fifty people to go catch crabs with him...

The prince squatted next to the wheelchair, "Mr. Ge, we have to confirm one thing, whether your side will intervene in the surrounding disputes."

"Certainly not. We are just a company. We come here because we want to make good friends with you and become friends. Second, we want to make a global presence, promote Tiancheng's standards, and develop Tiancheng's industrial chain."

"Based on this, on behalf of the king and Dubai, I welcome Mr. Ge and Tian Cheng."

The prince patted the armrest of the wheelchair, "And, for the sake of friends, we will not accept England's proposal."

"You are very sincere!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't pretend to be crazy, "Tian Cheng will also show enough sincerity."

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

After a while.

Harmandan returned with three two-finger-sized crabs, "Uncle, I will cook seafood soup for you when I go back."

"Thank you, no need."

Ge Xiaotian watched the two perform 'Affair between Uncle and Nephew', for some reason he thought of his second uncle, smiled slightly, and continued the previous topic, "In addition to the seaport, we will build two employee communities, a Tiancheng Canteen, and an employee activity center... "

The prince heard about the project plan, "We can help your company lay a main road."

"Then I won't be polite."

After communicating all afternoon, Ge Xiaotian deeply understood the prince's rights.

Of course, the other party did not mean to betray the king, but to fight for the interests of the Haman family or the Haman dynasty.

Moreover, the other party has no son and regards Harmandan as his own.

Perhaps this is also the basis for big data to judge that Harmandan has a high probability of being the crown prince.

In the evening, everyone returned to the city.

The exchange group of thousands of people from Wanshi Technology, which departed in the morning, also arrived in Dubai at 5:00 pm.

Ge Xiaotian didn't meet Lao Wang, and the two of them were at odds in the eyes of outsiders. If Longtian didn't need the support of Tiancheng's real estate, and Tiancheng needed Longtian's graphene research, maybe the two of them would have started fighting...

That night.

Qinggang Tiancheng International Holdings Headquarters.

Ge Xiaotian was just about to go online, and happened to see an important international news pop up on the Baixiaotong forum:

A passenger plane originally planned to fly from Ice Bear Mokos to Barcelona, ​​the country of bullfighting, and a cargo plane originally planned to fly from Bahrain on the west coast of the Persian Gulf to Brussels, Belgium via the Italian International Airport, were due to the collision avoidance system (TCAS) ) fault, and collided at an altitude of 10,000 meters in Ueberlingen, Germany, killing more than 60 people.

This is the third large-scale air crash this year after the disintegration of the 611 Airline in Taiwan Province and Su Erqi's failed performance at the Wuxiong Air Show, which killed hundreds of people. It is the ninth air crash in the past two years. (including September 11)

"I said before that when the Ice Bear series meets the Boeing series, there will be inevitable technical and signal failures between the two, but they only want to make money instead of researching solutions... If there is no us, the Airbus series He will be the future overlord." Dao Shiyi regretted seeing the news.

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, "May the mother planet no longer have many disasters."

At this time.

The intelligence secretary knocked on the door with a strange expression, "Boss, the second commercial espionage liaison dispatched by Financial Street in London, is dead."


"He's on the plane."


Ge Xiaotian looked at the news on the screen, and then at the secretary, "No, neither of these two planes are going to England."

"Yes, but... the person in charge of England's business intelligence is John, who is dead. The new one they arranged is in charge of Mokos' business intelligence. Since the north is a war zone, he can only be changed to Bullfighting Country and then to Dubai."


Ge Xiaotian was stunned for a long time, "Is it related to us?"

"Surely it doesn't matter."

"That's all right."

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