Build Madness

Chapter 857 Actually, I am a good person.

November 28th.

Dubai airport.

A middle-aged handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes walked out of the hall with a cool attire and a cool appearance, carrying a black box.

His name is Charlie, and he is the director of the MI6 branch, that is, the director of the Sixth Bureau of England's Intelligence Bureau, responsible for operating the intelligence system around Dubai.

Recently, North America is preparing to attack Iraq, and Charlie has no time to deal with the business sector.

But two contacts died here, and the truth must be found out after all.

So, here he is.

Instead of using the local business intelligence network, Charlie took action directly.

Outside the construction site of Tiancheng International Holdings.

"Hi, I'm Charlie, I'm from MI6, I want to meet Mr. Ge."

The strong man with his buttocks pouting and hitting artificial piles turned his head and looked at him, "Mi 6? The update is so fast? Mr. Lei ran out to start a business and updated six generations a year? Are you crazy?"


Listening to the words coming out of the other party's translator, Charlie couldn't help touching the bug in his ear, "I am the commercial representative of England, and I want to meet Mr. Ge."

"Oh, tell me earlier, I was shocked."

The strong man dropped the hammer, raised his head to look around, ran to the deserted beach, pushed the wheelchair with two drops of seagull poop on it, and pushed it in front of Charlie, "Here, my boss is here!"


"Boss, have you finished fighting the boss yet? Someone wants to see you."


The two were silent...

A pair of feet wearing bear cotton slippers gradually emerged on the wheelchair pedal, and then...

A young man wrapped in a nightgown, holding a gold-encrusted sand warbler and a big cigar in his mouth, emerged in the wheelchair.

While lighting a cigarette, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Even though Charlie has seen big winds and waves and learned about the magical AR technology, he was still dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"Huh? Charlie? Is your son out of school?"


"Oh, forgot, today Saturday, your wife took your two children to visit your mother-in-law at 16 Rall Street, Manchester."


"Unfortunately, your father-in-law went fishing by the Mersey River, and his wife's younger brother was with him. I'm afraid we won't be able to see each other until evening."


"Also, your father went to the square this morning to feed the pigeons and forgot to take the medicine to lower blood pressure. Fortunately, my people found it in time, otherwise...the consequences would be disastrous."


"You have to thank me."


Charlie was dumbfounded.

"Today, it should be your MI6 director who claims to be old C. He wants to negotiate peace? Unfortunately, the bargaining chips he gave you, that is, the information about Internet rumormongers in this black box, are too little, and there is no way to exchange them. Go back to your 620 intelligence personnel deployed in Nanyang."

Charlie was struck by lightning.

"Hey, it's been so long without saying a word, young people nowadays, it's so rude."

Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, holding the rocker of the wheelchair in his hand, he steered the wheelchair into the construction site, "It's windy outside, come with me."

Charlie is like a walking dead, following behind with blank eyes...

"Don't pretend to me. During the conversation, the spectral vibration device showed that your heartbeat was very calm, which shows that you don't care about your family and those intelligence personnel."

"Mr. Ge, I admit that the Tiancheng Intelligence Department is all-pervasive, but this does not prevent us from intervening in your company's contract with World Island. Of course, if your company can provide us with some valuable information, maybe we will consider canceling the intervention plan."


Ge Xiaotian drove the wheelchair into the engineering island and came to the office, "You know what? I only care about one thing now."


"Ever heard of Ebola?"

"I heard it a little bit."

"If infected with it, the internal organs will be twisted together. After a long time, it may explode like a whale falling, and its infection method is divided into blood and secretions."

"Yes, I remember."

"Then have you ever heard of rabies?"

"I must have heard of it."

"You said, if in some way, the genes of the two are mutated to make the impossible combination possible, will there be a T? Resident Evil?"


Charlie's heart rate spiked to 120 per minute.

"I'm worried that you have this kind of disease, and you are locked up at home by your wife who doesn't understand the pathology. Coincidentally, on Sunday, the children are also there."

"You crazy!"

"No, no, this is me in the black book, I never thought of such a crazy thing!"

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his face, and said distressedly: "Actually, I am a good person."


"Look at me now, like a big boy next door, completely harmless to humans and animals!"

"Mr. Ge, tell me what you want me to do."

"No, don't do this."

"Really, I would like to work for you."

"No, I don't want to be the big villain."


"Go back and tell your supervisors that the black book is fake and completely nonsense. I am very kind, but in Nanyang, we will continue to arrest MI6 intelligence personnel until you hand over the internet rumormongers."

"I can help you get the list from Nanyang."


After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he seemed to think of something, "Also, Old John and the air crash really have nothing to do with Tian Cheng."

"Yes! Absolutely no problem!"

"You go!"

"Boss, I have something to do later, you order."


With a cigar in his mouth, Ge Xiaotian stared at Charlie's leaving back, his eyes blurred, "If Yu Yao isn't a bitch, I have to fuck her today!"

outside the device.

Dao Shishi took out a piece of paper, "Boss, cousin Yu Yao has explained everything. The black book is divided into three editions and edited eleven times in total. The first edition was circulated in the country and sold about 60,000 copies. Like now. The second version was circulated in Wajima, selling about one million copies. The third version was circulated in Europe and the United States... You were completely blackened, countless times stronger than the umbrella, and even established a base on the back of the moon, because The market is booming, 150,000 copies are currently sold, 100,000 copies are in stock, and the stock and recovered parts are all destroyed.”

"What? It seems that you are hesitating to speak?"

"Because we took too much action, the black book became popular again. Many people who possessed the black book sold it one-on-one through pirated printing and made a lot of money."


"Some people even say that you have a guilty conscience and want to cover it up."


"Also, you should hold the blame firmly for business intelligence, otherwise they wouldn't have sent Charlie over. This is seeing our cruelty and wanting peace talks."

"You go out, I want to be quiet."


"How do I feel, are you happy?"

"No way, I and the boss are both proud."


Harman Hotel Dubai.

Old John's death was unknown to outsiders, and the business here was still booming, as if nothing had happened.

Charlie goes through the housing formalities and recruits the driver who picked up Old John.

"I want Tiancheng International Holdings to contract the materials for World Island."

"Please wait."

The moment the driver took the communicator, Charlie brushed his finger across the other's throat.

But in such a short period of time, the driver leaned back slightly, easily dodging the thin knife between Charlie's fingers.

The two looked at each other.

for a long time.

The driver looked serious, "Charlie, you've betrayed."

"Sorry, I need to replace you with one of my own."

"Actually, I'm on my own."


The driver shrugged, found a place to sit down, took out a hamburger from his arms, bit off a third of it, and said vaguely: "Hurry up and write a report to your old boss, the boss is very angry now, he wants to Be a good person."


Charlie opened his mouth and instantly understood the cause of Old John's death. He quickly took out his notebook and overwrote the records of the monitoring equipment.

However, just when he was about to melt the memory into slag...

The driver who ate the third hamburger took out a small device from his pocket, "The MI6 memory has a number and a key, and it is easier to cause suspicion if it is destroyed. It is better to flash it."


"That is, put a camouflage on it, and when it enters the MI6 headquarters, as long as someone uses it, we can get more information."


What the hell are you doing? !

No, what are we doing?

Charlie took a deep breath, put the device in the memory, connected it to the computer, and logged into the mailbox:

'Things have been found out, everything is just an accident. The peace talks with Tiancheng failed, and they are looking for a new breakthrough...'

A desert town thousands of miles away.

In Shi Guangji's mother body, data flowed, and dozens of garbled characters flashed...

'Virus invasion found, analyzing...'

'Successfully parsed, masquerading...'

'The camouflage is successful, implant the 'Dragon Scale', and wait for the enemy to activate...'

And in the file of Tiancheng Intelligence Department, there is a new name in the column of instigation densely packed...

at the same time.

"Boss, Dubai and surrounding areas are safe."

"When will the second batch of teams transporting the special cement production line depart?"

"the day after tomorrow."

"The staff of Tianshi Decoration and Tiancheng Electric Industry, have you completed the visa application?"

"Hurry up, there are still the last five hundred people left."

"Well, the accompanying secretarial team is also ready to prepare. The day after tomorrow, we will walk all the way to the west on the high-speed rough road, transfer to the ground effect aircraft to Tacheng, take the Huaxia to Pakistan highway, and help build Dubai!"

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