Build Madness

Chapter 858 If I dare not go out, who would dare to use my home security?

November 30th.

Qinggang Golden Beach, International Tourism City.

Since the early hours of the morning, the nearby people have noticed that there are many Jiefang buses that have never been seen before, and they are stopping near the Quanmin Square one after another.

This type of bus no longer uses a super-large tractor head, but instead has a streamlined bullet shape.

The rear compartment is flat, about three meters wide and fifteen meters long, and there seems to be a pure ethanol container and a solar power supply system on the top

"It's so wide, how do you get on the road?"

"Yeah, even if it's exported, it shouldn't be available overseas, right?"

"Take the smart card and use the camera function, pull into the field of vision and see what is written on it?"

"High-speed shuttle?"

"Oh, I remembered. This is the bus used to communicate with the industrial park in the westward project. It can only run on the dedicated transportation lane."

"By the way, isn't this appearance too luxurious?"

"Nonsense, it's not neat and looks good, how can it attract us to move to the industrial park?"


"Sleep and sleep, don't read it, and save yourself being fooled by Ge Laoer."

Three o'clock in the morning.

The crowd couldn't help being curious, and once again leaned over to the window to watch.

Because it has been so long, the sound of mobilizing vehicles outside has never stopped at all.


Opening the curtains, the residents near the square were all stunned.

I saw that in the square that was comparable to four football fields, including the surrounding roadsides, there were all shuttle buses parked densely. Roughly counting, there were no less than 300 vehicles.

And, every fifty vehicles, there is a CNOOC mobile energy supply vehicle.

It is said that the front half of the car provides gasoline, and the second half provides pure ethanol and liquid oxygen.

More importantly, there are still many shuttle buses coming to the square in the distance.

In the middle of the square, shadows and shadows appeared, as if someone had set up a stage.

"Strange, is Tiancheng Electric Industry holding an auto show today?"

"I haven't heard any news about it."

"Go to the forum and have a look."

"No relevant news can be found."


five o'clock in the morning.

The number of shuttle buses gathered in and around Quanmin Square has exceeded 500.

Residents in the suburbs, especially those close to the Westward Expressway, even found that nearly a hundred trailers covered with camouflage canvas and heavy trucks equipped with cement production equipment stopped at the intersection of the expressway.

It was getting brighter.

There are many security guards and green clothes on both sides of the street.

Afterwards, a group of 500 people entered the Quanmin Square with neat steps.

Demolition square, civil construction square, electrical square, plumbing square, carpenter square, bricklayer square, painter square, electrical appliance square, installation square, design square, medical care square, chef square, service phalanx……

It is so dynamic that it attracts countless people who get up early to exercise or buy breakfast.

Is this normal?

Certainly not normal!

Some overseas reporters and agents who heard the news spread the news to all parts of the parent planet.

seven in the morning.

With all the personnel in place, Boss Ge appeared on the temporary stage.

"There's nothing to say. I'm going out to make money to support my family. I hope everyone pays attention to safety and don't weaken our Huaxia people's momentum. Finish it early, come back early, and get in the car!"


The construction aid personnel boarded the vehicle in an orderly manner, and the staff put bags of luggage and tools into the vehicle storage box according to the square formation and job number.

Not long.

The huge convoy is like a long dragon, from the Jinshatan crossing to the completed Dongshan section of the westward expressway.

The sky is bright, and there are more onlookers.

When the trailer covered with canvas and the large truck equipped with cement production equipment started.

The activity of the Baixiaotong forum has skyrocketed.

'Tianzhu 20,000 employees aid in the construction of Dubai! '

'Tiancheng Electric Industry has 500 employees based in Dubai. '

'Tianrong International has 200 employees based in Dubai. '

'Fifty key personnel from Tiancheng International Holdings are permanently stationed in Dubai. '

'Tiancheng Real Estate Development has 200 employees based in Dubai. '

"Is this going to Dubai by land?"

"Isn't it too far away? I'm afraid I have to run for a month?"

"Wait, Brother Ge said he's going to Dubai!"

"Is this guy crazy?"

"North America has stated that it wants to fight Iraq. How dare he go there?"

"He said: If I dare not go out, who would dare to use my home security?"

"It makes sense."

"As expected of my second brother, domineering!"

"Aren't you curious about the nearly a hundred trailers covered by canvas?"

"What's the use of being curious, and I can't see it."

"Look, let me tell you. I have a friend who lives near Tiancheng Electric Industry. According to him, there are twenty cars from there. Ge Laoer travels. Can the Electric Industry provide some powerful guys?"

"What will it be?"

"Hey, coincidence, I also have a friend who lives near Daqin Bingfeng's factory area. According to him, there are also twenty cars from there. Ge Laoer travels. Does Daqin Bingfeng provide some powerful big guys?"


"Damn, I also have a friend..."

"Dog care!"

"Trust your uncle, what is there to ask for?"


"My friend lives near a certain military headquarters in Dongshan, and twenty vehicles came from there."

"I rely on it!"

"Who has a friend? Tell me where the other forty came from?"

"Have you heard of the Air Corps established last year based on the Second Artillery?"


"That's what I said, everyone just listened to it, don't take it seriously."


Amid various speculations from the outside world, the Tiancheng aided construction team drove out of Dongshan, entered the Nanhe area, and headed west on the high-speed rough road.

Although it is a rough road, asphalt has been laid on some sections of the road as early as when Boss Ge went to the countryside for research. Two months later, the road is smooth and the speed of the convoy does not slow down.

Arriving at the Taihang Tunnel under construction, many side-by-side biplane helicopters have been waiting for a long time.

Or a two-car shuttle, or a trailer, or cabin transport, or aerial hoisting...

Three days later, the convoy arrived at the ALS ground effect transport transfer station.

Fifty four-hundred-ton ground-effect transport planes started to fly to Tacheng along the desert ground-effect northwest route.


December 4th.

A seemingly abnormal but very scientific 'total solar eclipse' occurred on the parent star.

This is the second solar eclipse of the parent star this year, covering almost the entire southern hemisphere.

At the same time, several national meteorological satellites issued typhoon warnings. A super typhoon is forming in the southern waters of Wajima. The maximum wind force near the center is about 14 (wind speed 42 m/s), the minimum air pressure in the center is 950 hPa, and the radius of the seventh-level wind circle is 200. -350 kilometers, the radius of the tenth-level wind circle is 100 kilometers, and the radius of the twelve-level wind circle is 50 kilometers.

The typhoon is the ninth storm with a name this year. It was named "Fengshen" by the parent star meteorological organization, numbered 0209.

The eye of Fengshen was discovered by a weather satellite half a month ago, but at that time it was only level 3, and then dissipated and reunited. Until this morning, Fengshen exploded instantly at a speed that shocked the world, showing its Unprecedented ferocity.

At noon, Fengshen swept the 30-meter huge waves, and the sky was full of white foam, skipped from the south of Jiuzhou Island, cut Jeju Island, and turned to Incheon in an extremely coquettish manner under the terrified eyes of the residents in the south of Nanbangzi...

Drip, drop, drop...

Incheon Bridge wind tester issued a warning.

Afterwards, a piercing chirp came from the public address system throughout the road.

Thousands of tourists walking on the bridge looked at the sky for some unknown reason.

The sea is calm, the sea is blue and the sky is blue.

"Ouba, it's so noisy!"

"Is this thing broken?"

"Tian Cheng's things are too unreliable."

During the conversation.

The blocking equipment in the bridge section was activated, forcing all vehicles to slow down, and then the ropes popped up on both sides of the bridge...

Immediately afterwards.

whoosh whoosh...

A heavy machine, which can only travel on the dedicated passages on both sides of the bridge, roared past at a speed of at least 300km/h.

Section F.

Two heavy machines stopped on both sides, four Tianwei in black jumped out of the car, two used ropes to fix the vehicle amidst complaints from the car owner, and two opened the emergency passage of the bridge.

"This is not a drill, Fengshen is about to arrive, if you don't want to die, get into the emergency channel!"

"You liar, Fengshen went to Gyeongsangnam-do and never came back here."

Tianwei shrugged, "Believe it or not, believe me, please enter the safe passage within five minutes, and evacuate in an orderly emergency vehicle, don't believe me, I wish you all a good time."


At this moment, a roller coaster-like device brought hundreds of hysterical and screaming tourists to the management office at the end of the bridge.

In the distance, there is also a similar device running towards the management office at the starting point of the bridge.

A strange atmosphere filled the entire bridge, and tourists, regardless of whether they believed it or not, entered the emergency passage and got on the returning 'roller coaster'.

Hoo hoo...

Not long after, a helicopter flew over like crazy, and a security officer from Nan Bangzi held a microphone in his hand, "Hurry up, hurry up..."


Pilot: "Where are people?"

"What happened here?"


The breeze is blowing, the waves are blooming...

next moment.

The waves are rough, and the seabirds are startled.

At the end of the field of vision, a gust of wind visible to the naked eye, wrapped in huge waves of more than ten meters, rushed towards...


'As of 2:00 pm on the 4th, Fengshen has caused nearly a thousand deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, which indirectly or directly caused Nan Bangzi to lose 1.5 billion Franklin. '

'The most frightening thing is that Fengshen passed the Incheon Bridge. According to statistics from the tourism department, there are about 20,000 tourists today, and more than 1,500 vehicles. Due to the impact of communication, the casualties are unknown. The security department is urgently contacting the Incheon Bridge Management Office. . '

'In addition, according to the original design, the bridge can withstand 90-meter-per-second winds and an earthquake of magnitude 8 on the Richter scale. It can be called one of the strongest bridges on the parent planet. Come the tsunami disaster, no building has survived the situation. '

"As of now, the total investment of the bridge has reached 13 billion Franklin..."

'The following is the damage status of Incheon Airport...'

In the ground effect aircraft leading to Tacheng.

Ge Xiaotian turned off the SG satellite TV, "Can you resist it?"

Dao Shishizheng and a dozen Taoist chiefs who were specially transferred to protect the boss, performed simulation calculations through the server, and replied after hearing the words: "Generally speaking, it is very difficult. Even if it survives, this bridge will become a dangerous bridge in the future." , needs to be reworked."

"Our building is unusual."

"Yes, the tsunami came from the southeast. When designing, we considered the problem of rollover, so we added a lot of arc to its direction. As long as the tsunami does not hit the front of the entire bridge, rely on the series of box girders and the shore. The base supports each other, and the fans of the bridge columns form a whole, which can avoid the bony Nomi effect. After the tsunami, there are basically no problems with the structure except that the asphalt road will crack.”

"How many tourists are placed?"

"Only a dozen insisted on staying, and the rest went to the management office to hide."

"Well, earning so much money from them, no matter how you want to protect them."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he sighed and looked out the window, "This year has been full of disasters... By the way, making movies, documentaries on the Incheon Bridge, the punishment of nature."


"Furthermore, Fengshen is so vigorous, which once again proves that in 2012, at least, the high-altitude construction field, that is, NT real estate in North America, may become even more popular. Let Horton and Buffett be notified to take this opportunity to go public."

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