Build Madness

Chapter 859 NT Group goes public

'Fengshen' swept across the North Pacific Ocean, leaving a mess and incalculable losses.

But the speed of Fengshen's arrival was also extremely strange.

After entering Beibangzi for ten kilometers, in less than half an hour, there was... nothing!

The speed of the fading has left meteorologists around the world scratching their heads.

What is even more jaw-dropping is that the Incheon Bridge not only survived the disaster, but also protected more than 20,000 tourists.

The news caused a sensation in the field of construction, attracting countless engineers and experts and professors to conduct research on the Incheon Bridge again.

Specialty cements, defect-free concrete, confidential manufacturing processes...

These have long been known in the industry.

"No, the structure is more important."

"My God, not only the impact-resistant components have been added to the beam-column joints, but also an integrated design to prevent the domino effect..."

"The key point is that there has never been a tsunami here in history, and Tian Cheng did not hesitate to take this factor into consideration."

"No wonder the cost is so high. Now it seems that the value for money is excellent!"

"It's a pity that we can't get the materials of 'Deep Sea Pile Foundation', otherwise we can learn from it..."

"I'm so stupid. Back then when Tian Cheng sent out an invitation, I stuck to my current position and rejected it."

"Huh? Tian Cheng poached you?"


"Genta Martha!"


the other side.


The 'Fengshen' alarm was lifted, and the steel gate of the Incheon Bridge Management Office rose slowly.

Numerous rescued tourists walked out of the 'shelter' slowly with the feeling of remaining alive after the catastrophe.

The streets are in a mess, and everything you can see is either garbage, seaweed, or fish that are still jumping...

A mysterious purple color appeared in the air, and the air was filled with a strong smell of sea...

The bridge is still there, but the twisted wind tester, the broken alarm device, and the asphalt folds bulging on some roads remind everyone that this place has been ravaged by typhoons and tsunamis.

"Ouba, we survived!"

The girl who complained about the siren before said happily.

But after she finished speaking, she found that the people around her were all staring at the north in a daze.

across the sea.

Incheon Airport, which was once proud of people and not inferior to the Incheon Bridge, is like being slapped by a giant.

Six or seven planes were crowded together, some with broken heads, some with broken wings, some with dismembered tails, and two stranded on the beach...

On land in the distance.

Incheon City is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. Uprooted vegetation can be seen everywhere, station signs and billboards are scattered all over the place, and people are still crushed in some places.

The backflowing sea water is mixed with filth, carrying dead dogs and cats, washing the broken cars on the side of the road, and flowing to the sea together.

on the sea.

Trash cans, wooden cabinets, plastic bags, plastic shells, simple house roofs...

"My God, is it the end of the world?"

The major media reported on Incheon in turn, and the tragic scene was frightening.

And just when people were discussing global warming, the topic of 2012 was gradually being brought up by public opinion...

The North American NT Group, which ranks among the top 500 parent companies, suddenly announced its listing.

This is a newly emerging comprehensive enterprise, focusing on the highland real estate business. It can build a luxurious "small community on the top of the mountain" with its own resources, and is loved by the rich in North America.

Most importantly, the group is funded by the Morgan consortium, escorted by Huo Dun Security Group, operated and managed by the Buffett Club, and constructed by Tiancheng.

Morgan, owner of National Bank of North America.

Huo Dun, the largest and strongest security company in North America.

Buffett, stock king.

Tiancheng, look at the Incheon Bridge...

This is definitely the top-level alliance of the mother star!

Moreover, North America is an area where typhoons frequently occur. Under the influence of "Fengshen", more and more rich people choose "Highland Villas" or choose Tiancheng to build them.


NT Group has not yet carried out listing promotion, and hundreds of millions of shareholders have been waiting...


It is very different from the listing of Chinese companies in China and the listing of domestic companies in North America.

Listing of North American companies can be divided into self-listing of fund-raising companies and listing through investment banks.

The financing company goes public on its own, and does not issue shares to general investors, but directly sells the shares of listed companies to individuals or investment groups in the form of private contacts.

Listing through an investment bank means treating the 'bank' as a 'salesman' and quickly distributing shares based on the customer resources of the investment bank.

As the largest shareholder of NT Group and the controller of National Bank in North America, the Morgan consortium naturally chose the second option.

After determining the listing method, major shareholders will carry out a division of labor.

The stock market leader Laoba operates the market, Morgan provides resources, Horton is in charge of publicity, and Tiancheng displays products...


A series of carefully crafted promotional videos flew to all over the Americas...

Enterprise strength, enterprise image, enterprise purpose, looking forward to the future...

China time: 10:30 p.m.,

New York time: 9:30 a.m.

NT Group took the lead in issuing 200 million shares at a unit price of 8 Franklin.

The moment it starts, the subscription ends.

An hour later, 500 million shares were issued...

The moment it starts, the subscription ends.

Another hour later, one billion shares were issued...

The moment it starts, the subscription ends.

When the NT Group announced that after the completion of the stock issuance at this stage, NT stocks are like taking a big pill, and they are advancing all the way...

By 5 o'clock in the morning in Huaxia, NT Group, which had issued a total of 1.7 billion shares at a price of 8 Franklins per share, had a market capitalization of more than 300 billion Franklins...


Huaxia, the northwest frontier.

Tacheng Ground Effect Transport Airport.

A ground-effect aircraft that looks like a duck spit out trailers and a lot of supplies from their stomachs.

The employees of Tiancheng who went abroad to assist in the construction quickly inspected the second-generation constant temperature clothing that resembled the digital desert camouflage...

Not long.

Nearly a hundred trailers were lined up, and the construction aid workers followed on both sides on foot, embarking on the road to go abroad...

in the ranks.

"Boss, the income has been divided according to the shareholding ratio. Whenever we want to cash out, we just need to say hello to the stockholder old man."

"Throw it out little by little, it's useless to keep it."


Listed groups and unlisted groups are two games.

Under the premise of guaranteeing the right of control, the former can cash out everything, and how much money you have, how much money you have.

The much you throw out is equivalent to how much money you throw away.

Take the listing of NT Group as an example.

Before listing, Tiancheng held 33.1% of the shares, with a total value of about 18.2 billion Franklin.

After the listing, Tiancheng holds 24.8% of the shares and is still the largest shareholder of NT Group. However, if it can cash out all of it, ignoring the factor of stock decline, it can now get 400 billion Franklin.

Of course, this is pure fantasy, not to mention whether North America is willing or not, even Horton and the stock king will stop him.

Therefore, we can only reduce holdings slowly.

Throw 0.01% today, throw 0.2% tomorrow, buy 0.1% the day after tomorrow, and throw 0.03% the day after tomorrow...

Horton, the stock king, and the Morgan consortium must also play the same way.

In this way, coupled with some operations and hype, the NT stock market fluctuates, but it rises very steadily and slowly, so that investors can rest assured to buy and play with peace of mind...

In the end, everyone reduced their holdings to between 2 and 3%, and put the money in the hands of hundreds of millions of shareholders into their own pockets. This game is almost over.

What if it's over?

Stocks plummeted, NT went bankrupt...

The time is probably 2012, after all '2012' is fake.

"By the way, the boss, although we have turned against Charlie, the other party does not know the identity of the Internet rumor maker."

"The head of MI6 traded hostages with us... No, it's a bargaining chip for Nanyang coolies, not information about Internet rumormongers?"

"No, it's... people from France, Ice Bear, and Italy's intelligence system."

"Interesting, this is to let us get rid of other intelligence systems and offend more forces."

"In order to ensure Charlie's safety, the intelligence department temporarily pretended not to know the other party's intentions, and then asked the French, Ice Bear, and Italian intelligence personnel to kill MI6 Nanyang intelligence personnel without their knowledge."

"The whole thing is quite complicated, and you can make a spy movie."

"This is the only way to track down online rumormongers."

"Okay, add more funds to the Nanyang intelligence system, and get this done as soon as possible."

Ge Xiaotian looked around and saw that all construction aid workers climbed onto the trailer and walked into a modified truck.

This is the convoy headquarters.

A total of five vehicles of the same model with different functions...

Dao Shishi stepped aside and took out the SG pad, "Boss, there is one more thing."


"The group of rumormongers, starting this afternoon, hyped up the medical supplies we donated to Beibangzi."

"What's so good about spreading rumors?"

"Although the 'Fengshen' did not go deep into Beibangzi, it still caused some casualties. They publicly thanked us for our donation to avoid greater losses."

"Good thing."

"The problem is that this batch of medical supplies was used in the 'Fengshen' disaster. The rumor makers said we were 'foreigners', and then made a fuss about the design of the Incheon Bridge, and continued to say that we were 'foreigners', including the Okhotsk transport fleet. It was also rumored to be a 'prophet of the future'."

"Did it reverse later, showing the video of us making a tornado on Wajima, and saying that we made the 'Fengshen'?"

"Yes, after all, 'Aeolus' was abnormal from beginning to end, not like a natural disaster."

"The brain circuit of this rumor maker is good enough, and he can know by using his brain. Can the tornado of hundreds of kilometers be controlled by manpower?"

"I'm afraid that someone will believe it, such as Nan Bangzi."


"After the disaster, Incheon Airport was rebuilt, and our overseas construction company decided to win the project. If competitors secretly contributed to the flames, not only would we not be able to get the project, but we might also turn against Nanbangzi and lose the kimchi market."

"How does the Ministry of Intelligence plan to solve it?"

"It depends on what you mean."

"How to say?"

"'Fengshen' was created by us. If we don't hand over the project to us, we will make another 'Fengmo' for them."

"piss off."

"Another solution is to find a way to get the chairman of KS Group out, let him intervene in this matter, and use the energy of KS Group to block rumors."

"Is there no other way?"

"Yes, take down the southern market, deploy the Zigbee network as quickly as possible, install Tianwei security, install a smart card, and install a monitoring network. As long as the other party dares to show up, we guarantee that they will be wiped out within ten minutes."

"Let's wait until the S virus is over. It's not a good time to make big moves. If the S outbreak is different from what I remember, our existing projects will have to be suspended. The gains outweigh the losses."

"Then let the Ministry of Intelligence find a way to release the chairman of the KS Group?"

"Think of a way."

Ge Xiaotian logs into Shenlong Continent, opens the friend list...

Brother Hao, Shuai Bo, Sister Xiu, five little pink pigs, red, orange, yellow, green and blue, the richest man in the capital Li, the boss of Xishanmei, his own eldest brother, countless strong men...

"Fuck, when my master goes abroad, all the fuck's online!"

Machine No. 1: "Boss, I know, they plan to take advantage of your absence and win the first pass of the new boss!"

"Without my presence, they would not be able to survive until their livers cirrhosis..."

Congratulations to the team of 'Hao Inhumanity' for winning the first pass of 'Loulan Monuments'. '


Machine No. 1: "Boss, don't be discouraged. You just need to take me with you. I guarantee that the first pass of the second dungeon and subsequent dungeons will all be ours."

"It's just you, it's useful, and you need twenty people to deal with the game mechanics!"

"I have many brothers."

"Huh? Makes sense!"

Dao Eleven: "Boss, it's too troublesome to use a robot, I suggest you open it directly."

"It is the same?"

"Isn't it the same? Uh...not the same, robots are people too."

"now it's right!"

After Ge Xiaotian glanced at the first pass, it should be a group of people who found him online, and all went offline, "Hmph!"

Then, find 'Cui Tae-neng' from the list of online friends.

"Hey bro, what's up?"

"Touching the boss, I'm going to win the first pass on our side tonight."

"Well, you should go out."

"Huh? Go out? No, I have to get the first pass."

"Your server is temporarily updated, and the service will be suspended for three days."

"No, it's fine."

"Look at the announcement, does it say that the service will stop after ten minutes?"


"Go out, it's so boring to squat inside."


"By the way, help me with one thing, and I'll send the materials to your mailbox later."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he went offline directly.

After twenty seconds, log in again.


Brother Hao and others who had just logged in went offline again in an instant.


Ge Xiaotian was extremely contemptuous, "No. 1 machine, call your brother to go online."

"Yes, boss!"


Wajima has Wajima Alliance, Nanbangzi has KS Group, Huaxia has Tiancheng, and Nanyang has Taimei Communication and other companies. The strange rumors about "Fengshen" did not cause much disturbance.

After North American NT Group went public, it went up all the way, attracting more stockholders to snap up their shares. Unfortunately, few people sold new shares when they were issued.

As a last resort, NT Group issued 1 billion additional shares, and its total market value exceeded 500 billion...

In such a form, coupled with the influence of 'Fengshen', the orders received by NT Group in North America continued to flow like snowflakes.

A rising tide lifts all boats, driving the stock market and increasing its market value.

three days later.

The convoy aided by Tiancheng arrived at the border.

From the canvas-covered trailer, five people in green clothes without epaulettes jumped out and showed the border security officer a special pass and a few documents.

Five minutes later, the whistle was released.

In 2002, although it was open to tourists, due to the heavy snow in winter, the whole area was actually under martial law.

Therefore, when going abroad, the team no longer hides its own strength.

Six-wheeled armor, heavy mechanical legs, heavy tanks, stealth drones...

The convoy headquarters also connected to the early warning aircraft that "coincidentally" arrived at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters.

"Report, a North American stealth drone was found, and it's dead."

"shoot down."


Wearing metal armor, Ge Xiaotian jumped off the camouflaged trailer in the center of a mountainous town, holding a binoculars and was about to enjoy the "Fireworks" when he suddenly caught a glimpse of more than fifty people in green clothes without epaulettes who were dropping off the five most important trailers. Hanging canvas.

"Hey, brothers, calm down, we don't need this now, if the courier lifts off, it will make a big fuss."

I have to work overtime today, so I can only make one change, try to make up for it tomorrow

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