Build Madness

Chapter 860 The target is a bit awesome...

The westernmost end of the Karakoram Mountains, Mingtie Gaidaban (Kirgiz language, "pass of a thousand rams").

The altitude is 4709 meters.

The temperature is minus 22 degrees Celsius.

Since ancient times, it has been the traditional channel for the Western Regions of China to communicate with Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

For example, the Silk Road and Xuanzang's return from learning Buddhist scriptures.

However, due to the great changes in the geological landform and climate type of Kunlun Mountain in the past hundred years, the surrounding environment has become worse, and the passage has gradually been abandoned.

Until the 1960s, Huaxia built the 'Karakoram Highway', which is the road from Huaxia to Pakistan.

According to the equipment and technology at that time, on such a high-altitude, permafrost, avalanche-prone, and collapsed plateau, building even a simple house would be a big problem, let alone road construction.

Therefore, the Karakoram Highway is also known as one of the eight wonders of the parent planet.

The road is not wide, two-way two-lane, some road sections are affected by natural disasters, and even impassable.

But looking around, there is such a flat road in this endless mountain range, which is really shocking.

After Ge Xiaotian communicated with the green clothes who delivered the courier, he observed with a telescope for a long time and was filled with emotion.

Immediately looked up to the sky.

After the millennium, the scientific and technological power of the main countries and regions on the parent planet has developed rapidly.

Under the influence of the general environment, military armaments, which are already ahead of civilian technology, have been updated in leaps and bounds.

Like military drones.

The "Predator" developed by North America in 1996 has a total weight of 1020kg, a load of 200kg, a ceiling of 7600 meters, a maximum cruise of 220km/h, and two bombs.

In 2001, the MQ-9 Reaper developed based on the "Predator" has a total weight of 4700kg, a load of 1700kg, a ceiling of 15000 meters, a maximum cruising speed of 425km/h, and ten bombs.

In addition, there are similar parameters, the speed is as high as 650km/h, the 'Global Hawk' that can lock on moving targets, and the miniature 46kg 'Neptune' that can explode.

As for other models, RQ Pioneer, RQ Hunter, RQ Shadow, MQ Sky Warrior, MQ Fire Scout...

There are countless more.

It can only be said that Future Sky belongs to 'remote control'.

The drone deployed in North America this time is an MQ-9 Reaper with ten bombs on it.

What technology is used...

I don't know, I'll know when I hit it.

Of course, no matter whether the other party is investigating or targeting him, he must give a reason for the attack.


Tiancheng's main task this time is not to aid in the construction of Dubai, but to escort express delivery to the oil country, a total of 20 pieces.

There is no peace, just intercontinental.

Ge Xiaotian didn't care what his superiors talked about with the oil country. What he cared about was that after completing this business, his family would get the right to use 50,000 square kilometers of desert for 30 years.

Almost equivalent to one-sixth of Taklimakan.

"I'm sorry for the watermelon!"

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and a two-meter-long and wide bat-shaped aircraft flew behind him.

"When the matter is completely over, notify the world as soon as possible, saying that my boss has been attacked by terrorists."


Attacking Iraq in North America has been blocked by many countries.

China advocates peace,

France in order to protect the euro promoted by the European Union, petro-states,

Lang Guo and others were worried that they would be bombed,

In order to protect his little brother, Ice Bear took out a "one vote veto".

It's a pity that North America is determined to fight, and no one can stop it during this period.

However, before hitting Iraq, North America also made adequate preparations.

For example, forcing Langguo to hold a 'century exercise 2002'.

This is a matter that is unknown to outsiders, North America slapped itself in the face, and then dared to cover it tightly.

During the exercise.

A complete aircraft formation in North America is facing the "wolf pack" composed of 500 speedboats in Langguo.

After losing more than 300 speedboats, Lang Guo successfully destroyed all the ships around the North American carrier and launched an attack on the carrier.

North America definitely lost.

But North America did not recognize it, 'resurrected' the surrounding ships, and launched a counterattack against Langguo.

Marshal Lang Guohai was so angry that he jumped and cursed. Unfortunately, North America has already announced a complete victory through the media...

When the news spread to North America, those who supported the fight against Iraq were encouraged.

Xiao Bu's approval rating fell to 52% due to the economic recession, and it climbed to 80% in an instant, returning to the beginning of his tenure.


The English intelligence system of the 'Five Eyes Alliance' gave exact news that Harden is in Pakistan, and the coordinates...

A group of people was at a time when their morale was high, their blood was rushing to their brains, and they made a decision without hesitation:

"Fuck him!!!"


There is an essential difference between the bat-shaped drone and the Super Panda Kai. The latter uses expensive aerospace materials, and its internal structure integrates the essence of North America, Ice Bear and itself, while the bat-shaped drone...

All ultra-light tempered glass is used.

It belongs to a consumable that flies out and does not need to fly back again.

In other words, it is a 'remote control egg guide'.

The armaments it carries are similar to the "one arrow N stars" of rockets carrying satellites.

That is to say, the UAV relies on its own remote control system to fly to high altitude first, and with its own speed, locks on the target, and then releases the only 'missile'.

The missile tracks the target, releases its own internal 'bullet' that also locks on the target, and then bursts, emitting graphite powder.

Its power is not strong, but the splash range is extremely wide, and it can completely cover hostile targets whose speed is lower than the speed of sound.

The 'bullet' whose speed exceeds the speed of sound flies out of the scope covered by the graphite powder before exploding, and then returns to attack the hostile target affected by the graphite guide egg and whose electronic equipment fails.

The research and development of this technology is to deal with advanced stealth fighters, but it is currently in the experimental period, and now encountering the single Reaper drone in North America, it can just be practiced.

In the blue sky.

With nearly transparent materials, color-changing paint on the main parts, and the most important signal simulation technology, the bat-like aircraft easily evaded the double detection of Reaper's camera and radar, and directly dropped the 'mother bomb' within 100 meters of the opponent.



The moment the parent bomb exploded, the two bullets flew into the distance, and when the dusty graphite powder enveloped Reaper, and the other party failed and fell, the two bullets returned...

Boom! ! !

"What beautiful fireworks."

Ge Xiaotian held a telescope, appreciating his family's first real display of strength.

"Boss, Reaper has become a scumbag, and I can't figure out the opponent's skills."

"It's okay, North America will not give up."

"But the boss, the superior already knew our plan, and the deputy director was very angry and asked you to establish a private call with him."

"Please help to reply. If the courier is lost, I will pay for it. It's not a peaceful world if it's a big deal."



Arabian Sea.

USS Clinton Aircraft Command Center.

Didi Didi...

Loud electronic alarms clutter up...

"Report, Reaper No. 5 lost contact and was suspected to be attacked by a guide egg, but before losing contact, there was no hint of being tracked and locked."

The commander was not angry but happy, "It must be Harden, and only he has this kind of counter-attack capability, strengthen the search."

"Report, a week ago, there was news from Huaxia that Tiancheng was aided in the construction of Dubai. Although we don't know if Ge Xiaotian is in the team, our intelligence department can confirm that the other party has entered Pakistan and is near our hostile target."

"A week ago?"

The commander thought about it, and connected the phone number of the intelligence director in charge of around Dubai in the England MI6 system of the 'Five Eyes Alliance': "Have Tiancheng personnel arrived in Dubai yet?"

"No, that road is too difficult to walk, they are building the road."

"Can you confirm Ge Xiaotian's location?"

"Spot clear?"

"No order has been received in this regard, but I would like to know where he is now."

"Should be playing games in Tacheng. I saw him online just now, and he made the first pass of 'Loulan Historic Site—Desolate Boss' in Huaxia District."

"That's all right."

After the commander finished speaking, he pointed to the commander of the commando team, "Sea, land and air, go three ways and capture Harden!"

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