Build Madness

Chapter 861 The Great Boss Ge

In 2002, except for Huaxia, the mother planet was in chaos.

In the ocean, there are Nordic Vikings, Red Sea Soma pirates, Alaskan pirates, American Caribbean pirates, Christmas Island pirates between the South Seas and Australia...

On land, there is the ongoing Civil War in Africa, the arms race in South America, Montenegro and Ice Bear vying for control of the Black Sea, North America fighting Harden...

Among them, playing Harden in North America involves the widest range.

From Pakistan in the west, to the Arabian Sea and Sange in the south, to Kazakhstan and Ice Bear in the north, and to the crumbling Tuji Country in the east.

If the Caspian Sea is included, the war-torn area is as high as six million square kilometers.

And on this land full of ruins and ruins, full of gunpowder and scorched earth, hundreds of forces that do not belong to each other are active.

The battle was so dire that the United Legion, which had been trapped for a year, had to seek help from the Ice Bear.

Unfortunately, Ice Bear can't do anything about it.

Because there is a faint tendency to 'out of control' here.

A year ago, when North America played Harden, there were only three teams in Afghanistan, with only light equipment and few shoulder resistance...

Three months later, Harden is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. The team is getting bigger and bigger, and the equipment has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Added Katyusha, regular land buds, improvised infantry vehicles, retro type communication equipment...

Half a year later, Harden's team has almost become a super army, with T34, T56, fast armor, ice bear armed helicopter, signal shielding device, spy monitoring equipment...

With unprecedented strength, coupled with his familiarity with the terrain and decades of combat experience, Harden easily made dumplings for the United Army of the home planet.

It's a pity that with the growth of power, there is also ambition.

During a meeting, there was a conflict within Harden. The huge legion fell apart overnight, scattered into dozens of teams, and each team leader also had his own ideas.

some for glory,

some for freedom,

some for faith,

some for rights,

some for money,

Some work hard for the supporters behind them,

Some are trying to help their supporters experiment with weapons,

There are also those who resell resources in order to take advantage of the chaos.

Coupled with the intervention of external factors, each team received "support" and quickly developed into a force.

Take northern Pakistan as an example.

The total value of proven minerals and energy in the area is approximately three trillion Franklins.

This is just a simple exploration, not counting the unexplored part.

Ice Bear finds a force that controls the local area and supports the opponent with a batch of armaments. The force is responsible for helping Ice Bear mine minerals for repayment of the armament funds. A simple alliance of interests is thus formed.

The same is true, not only countries, but also many multinational groups, energy companies...

In order to help the "Shangjia" obtain resources, or to obtain more weapons for themselves, the forces scattered in various places have robbed human resources, opened mines, opened refineries, and opened processing plants...

Some are combined, I mine, you smelt, and he transports.

Some announced to all forces: I built a parts processing factory, who needs bearings, tracks, gun barrels... tonight at XX early in the morning to trade, support black eat black.

Some colluded with certain grain merchants to provide food, vegetables and fruits to various forces...

Of course, setting up an industrial system in a war-torn zone must be very crude.

But in order to survive, the energy erupted by various forces made the countries on the mother planet dumbfounded.

By the end of this year, if anyone doesn't have five or six T May 4ths to accompany them, and two Hind helicopters to escort them, they will be ashamed to go out to inspect the site...

In this environment, the living conditions of the masses have risen instead of falling, and even the vast majority of the masses are happy with it.

After all, the various forces fight against each other, even if there are no casualties, but as the territory increases, the team must be expanded. In addition, the operation of mines and factories requires supplementary manpower, and the masses have become the most precious resource.


In order to grab the population, the forces active in Afghanistan turned their attention to the surrounding countries.

For example, Pakistan, Lang, Sange North, Tajistan...

The people in these areas can't even afford food and clothing, so they actively join in without the help of various forces.

As the population increases, food is needed, food needs to be exchanged for resources, and the exploitation of resources requires population...

All forces seem to be trapped in an endless loop. In order to strengthen themselves, they set their sights on further afield...

Some people even rushed into a large city in Iraq, grabbed the bus and ran away...

With heavy rewards, there must be brave men, let alone ruthless men.

And along with the population plunder, these forces also spread the flames of war in all directions...

The war caused the paralysis of many large cities, caused countless people to lose their jobs, and affected the basic necessities of tens of millions of people, but the exploitation of resources does not require so many people...

Seeing that they could not maintain their lives, some people formed countless forces based on families or tribes, companies, or villages and towns, and became something like 'Harden'.

The flames of war spread over six million square kilometers, almost all the people are soldiers, and there are arsenals everywhere...

Even the joint meeting of the mother planet did not dare to arrange the peacekeeping team to enter this 'place of right and wrong'.

In other words, this is a rapidly growing 'super arsenal' that lacks nothing but food and clothes.

Cut off the food supply?

There are always some vicious businessmen who take risks and exchange food for super profits...

Moreover, North America, which had previously threatened to fight Harden, was among them, with 3,000 people trapped and 500 captured. Who would dare to interfere with this matter?

It's just nonsense that in the flames of war, countless mother star records have been created here.

It takes 250,000 bullets to kill one person.

More than 6,000 shells can damage a tank.

More than 500 rounds whizzed and swished, and they couldn't destroy a doe.

in addition.

A member of the "Pakistan Volunteers" faction, in order to send a special wrench to Langguo, ran 70 kilometers in three hours, walking the whole way, at a speed of about 23.3km/h, successfully breaking the marathon record.

A member of the "Afghan Independence" faction who was hunted down by the "Afghan Defense" faction was desperate and jumped off a cliff. The pursuer measured for a long time and determined that the distance between the cliffs was 9.6 meters. The winner successfully broke the parent star long jump record.

Others, such as holding your breath underwater, swimming freestyle, tank racing...

In short, this is an 'abnormal area'.

People who come here are either crazy or assimilated.


Even the experienced SEALs are reluctant to enter here.

Just imagine.

When you walk into an uninhabited earth city, in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of trolls suddenly pop out around you, and the opponent can't beat you to death, how does it feel?


Can't die?

No, it was the kind that was beaten into a honeycomb and couldn't die.

But the order cannot be disobeyed, and the SEALs set off anyway.

First use the helicopter to airborne near the target, and then make a tactical detour, relying on military GPS to carry out outflanking raids...


A special operations team composed of 300 people, with the help of two 'RQ Hunter' stealth unmanned reconnaissance drones, entered the combat site without anyone noticing.

"The report found that the target convoy was ten light assault vehicles with camouflage and personnel wearing Pakistani defense uniforms."




at the same time.

At an altitude of 20,000 meters, ten bat-shaped stealth drones quietly floated above the RQ stealth drone in North America, and transmitted the images within 200 kilometers of the ground to the convoy headquarters 100 kilometers away.

The convoy has been covered by a 'light curtain', and the 'thermal radiation' has not been turned on for the time being, it is just simulating the surrounding environment to hide.

However, the 'Tiancheng Convoy' did not suddenly disappear, but was repaired outside a certain village in the northern part of Baguo, about 500 kilometers away from here.

Of course, those are virtual images projected through AR devices, used to mislead satellite surveillance, and deliberately shown to North American stealth unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

It can be said that this is an information war.

Logically speaking, Ge Xiaotian is a person who is afraid of death, and under normal circumstances, he would never make fun of his own life.

This time, the reason why we are competing with North America is mainly because of the 'Westward Project'.

According to the plan, after the domestic laying is completed.

Located in the northwest of China, the Tacheng ground effect transportation transfer station connects the high-speed and railway across Kazastan to Central Siberia.

The ground-effect transfer station in the desert town located in the southwest of China is connected to the Kunlun Highway in Pakistan, which the convoy is currently taking, and leads to the Asia-Europe Bridge under construction in Tuji Country.

In this way, some land transportation projects in the future, such as watermelon, do not need to go to Mingtie Gaidaban at the westernmost end of the Karakoram Mountains, but directly go out from the Taklamakan Desert and enter the country of Ba.

There is no need to use ground effect aircraft to transport to Dongshan, transfer to sea, detour around half of the sub-region, pass through the Kra Isthmus Canal, and then go to Dubai.

For Tiancheng and Huaxia, this is a very important channel.

But today's Kunlun Highway cannot carry a large number of trucks, and some road sections are affected by geological disasters and are in a state of paralysis.

Therefore, while moving forward, the convoy completed the surveying and surveying, and proposed to the superiors and Baguo to rebuild the Kunlun Highway and change it to a high-speed road.

If Tian Cheng pays, both parties will definitely agree.

However, will the overseas powers watch China rise because of "all the way to the west"?

The answer is naturally no.

When the high speed is completed, the other party will arrange agents to sabotage it properly.

Including now, most of the natural disasters that occurred on certain sections of this highway were also caused by human beings.

Therefore, under the enemy's active attack, Tian Cheng had to be strong.

In one fell swoop, it becomes a super organization, or a super power.

With strong military force and strong financial resources, we will take projects overseas and build our own industrial chain.

For example, on this land of up to six million square kilometers, almost all cities have been severely damaged. How many people need houses?

The masses can't afford it, but the leader of the power with a lot of resources must afford it, right?

After everyone lives in the same community, Boss Ge persuades everyone to form a trade union with reasoning, and pulls them to play games...

World peace, no more wars.

"The great me broke my heart for my home planet."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the surveillance screen of the drone and pressed the attack button.

On Wa Island, Tian Cheng demonstrated his naval and air combat power, which made North America wary, worried that their "targeted elimination" would be used by Tian Cheng on them. Therefore, Holden said that even if Tian Cheng turned to overseas markets, no one in North America would dare to do so for the time being. Mentioning the 'beheading' plan was just preparing to defeat Tian Cheng in the form of a trade war.

And here, Tiancheng will demonstrate its strength in land warfare, and also lay a safe foundation for the overseas projects it will undertake in the future.

After all, if you are doing construction overseas, you may encounter a crossfire with ruthless forces one day. If there is no deterrence, what should you do if the other party takes the opportunity to steal the tractor?


Northwest, a hundred kilometers away.

Ten light armored vehicles lined up, and thirty five-level fighters, dressed in messy plain clothes, wandered around as if nothing happened.

If we say that the fourth-level fighters are the arms of World War II, the fifth-level fighters are modern weapons.

In terms of humanization, the degeneration is even more serious, and it is almost impossible to complete non-combat instructions, and only tactics and strategies are in mind.

Apart from summoning some of them to serve as overseas bodyguards, Ge Xiaotian still likes strong men.

A strong man can be upgraded, with two skills at the first level, four skills at the second level, eight skills at the fourth level, and eight skills at the fifth level. Not only can he play games, but also learn to drive...


Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and almost condensed biubiu sounds suddenly sounded from all around.

In an instant, as if the plainclothes men had discovered the enemy's situation in advance, or perhaps predicted the enemy's actions, they got into the bottom of the car in unison.


Two rocket eggs flew from the distant mountain col, but the moment they shot out, they stopped above the car on the road, and suddenly screamed piercingly.

The rocket egg flew halfway, and exploded when it encountered a 'sound wave' invisible to the naked eye.

The North American special forces who launched the raid suddenly covered their ears, and several logistics personnel without earmuffs fell to the ground with their heads up, or went crazy, or bent over and vomited

"Report sir, the surprise attack failed. We can't ascertain the opponent's strength, but we can confirm that they have ultrasonic generators. Five of our side were seriously injured and twelve were slightly injured."

"Put on the protective gear, and the first team launches a test."


After the communication ended, more than 20 North American special warfare tactics advanced, and the North American snipers on the distant hill also launched an attack.


A car tire suddenly exploded.

But then, the machine guns at the rear of the carriage swept towards the hill where the sniper was ambush.

"Report, the place has long-range infrared detection equipment and sound wave tracking technology, sniper evacuated, and lost one person."

"fuck, what did you encounter?"

"It's just an ordinary lightly armored convoy, but the reaction speed and combat quality of the opponent's personnel are extremely high... No, they disappeared... Oh, God, we may have encountered a humanoid robot."


"Sir, Team One requests evacuation."

chug chug...

The communication was not over yet, five thin men with grass blades hanging on their bodies suddenly rushed out from the side ditch, with a short blade in their left hand and a biubiu in their right hand. Lurking personnel's neck, or crushing the communication personnel's throat, or inserting a sharp knife into the back of the observer's head...

"Report, the first team lost contact, I saw them, five people disappeared halfway up the mountain."

"Take down the mountain, no, the firepower covers the mountain, they are robbing our commanding heights, be careful to snipe..."


Before he could finish speaking, most of the on-site correspondents were blasted off.

North American Drone Channel: "Anti-material, forecast 850 meters, pay attention to concealment."

The first observer: "On the opposite mountain, hurry up!"

The second observer: "Found the enemy, the first observation point, behind you, Fall back, This way, go go go!!!"


The first observer was sniped.

"Shet, call for air support!"

After two minutes of silence, a Reaper drone flew over...

It's a pity that the convoy was already prepared to launch the short-range ground-to-air small air defense missile before the opponent launched the air-to-ground missile.

Three pieces were released in one breath.

whoosh whoosh...


"Fuck, it's Aster from France, damn French!"

"Report, the drone was shot down."

"Report, the number of enemies has been ascertained. There are ten in front of us, including two snipers. Five behind the hillside, and five in our area."

"Wrong, there are thirty of us."



"Boss, the first team has been wiped out, there are 280 people left, and the opponent has withdrawn from our control area."

"Don't chase after the poor. We will add two more seatless guns. The number of soldiers will remain the same. We will continue hunting for 100 kilometers."



Arabian Sea.

USS Washington Aircraft Command Center.

"Report sir, he speaks Kurdish, the age of the speaker should be between 29 and 35, but disguise is not ruled out."

"Report sir, the melee skills they use are similar to Chinese ancient martial arts, but they are more inclined to the ice bear KGB fighting technique, and camouflage is not excluded."

"Report sir, the weapons they use are of an unknown type. The short biubiu adopts an unconventional 3.2mm, and the length is unknown. The sniper is at least 20mm, and the length is unknown."

"Report sir, the opponent's vehicle is an unannounced model from the home planet, and the parameters are..."

"Report sir, the short-range anti-aircraft guide eggs they use are just like French asters..."

"Reporting sir, the opponent's ultrasonic generator is self-made."

"Reporting sir, after analysis, the combat team can confirm that Harden can't figure out these things, and we are attacking Ge Laoer's convoy."



"Boss, we have been found out."

"So fast?"

"I said that if we want to continue playing, we must use weapons made in Pakistan or Afghanistan. You exchanged them with the system... just like playing the Dragon Continent game. As long as you open it, everyone will know it's you."


Ge Xiaotian quickly jumped out of the command vehicle, took off his coat, rolled a few times on the loess road beside the road, fell into the grass again, and ran back and forth in the bushes for several times...

at last.

Weeds on the top of the head, muddy face, and disheveled clothes took out the smart card, took pictures, and posted on the web.

"I was attacked by terror, save me!"

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