Build Madness

Chapter 862 We Saved Boss Ge!

The news of Boss Ge's attack spread all over the Internet in an instant.

According to incomplete statistics, in just five minutes, 600 million people viewed the web through reposting, group posting, and ait, combined with SG users and computer users at home and abroad.

And in the comments below.

About 30 million netizens asked whether he was dead or not.

About 200 million netizens consulted the law immediately, asking if the creditor died, should the debtor still have to pay back the money?


Boss Ge's second web update: Thank you for your concern, I am not dead.

Then I added a sentence to myself: It’s already the 6th, friends who bought the smart card and chose Tianrong Limin installment, repay the loan as soon as possible, and don’t be overdue.

Then I added again: I don't care about mortgages and car loans, that's the bank's business, but machinery leasing, shop leasing, online store leasing, parking space leasing, daily consumption installments... aha, hurry up and kiss.

Hundreds of millions of netizens: mmp.

The comments are neat...

Immediately afterwards, a netizen posted a screenshot of the lower right corner of someone's selfie: "What do you see? It's a little blurry when zoomed in."

"I rely on it!"



"One, two, three...a total of ten pieces!"

"Looking at the size, it should be ultra-long-range."


Full screen exclamation.

And the North American web operation company, seeing Ge Laoer's own traffic is so huge, changed the server overnight, worked overtime to help hype...


the other side.

Arabian Sea.

Someone posted the web, making the director of the Washington Aeronautical Cluster seem to have eaten a dead fly.

But... what can I do?

Claiming to have done it yourself?

As the most elite special warfare brigade on the home planet, under the premise of being reorganized and supported, not only was it beaten by thirty security guards, it was powerless to fight back, and it also lost nine personnel and two drones...

It would be embarrassing for this to spread.

But forget it like this, everyone is very unwilling.


Wouldn't that really be the fearful and ruthless person that Ge Laoer said.

What's more, if they attack again, they will face Tiancheng's 25,000 overseas aid construction team.

Take the performance of the other party building the Asia-Europe Bridge in the country of chickens, carrying bricks on the back, piling on the shoulders, driving the tower crane with a boom, and putting a circle of Katyusha as a wall...

This is going to be a battle, and then spread to the rubber plantations in Nanyang, the Bering Sea in the North Pacific...

At that time, not to mention the Aeronautical Group Command, even the North American headquarters will not dare to take responsibility.

the most important is……

"Quickly, quickly, let me find out whether these ten big guys have mounted Peaceful World!"

"Report, there is no such information!"


After the director of the flight crew yelled, he immediately ordered, "Withdraw from the sea and move to the south."

"General, don't they dare to act like this?"

"If there is a psychopath, holding a series of grenades that suppress the insurance, and telling you to play hugs, would you dare?"


The USS Washington aircraft carrier group is far away from the Gulf of Oman, sailing to the depths of the Arabian Sea...

"Report, analysis results: These big guys don't have 'peace' devices, but Tiancheng Electric Industrial Laboratory No. 101 can manufacture graphite-based electronic countermeasures. According to records, the maximum damage radius is as high as 50 kilometers. If the opponent launches ten, it will cover five One hundred kilometers, our entire formation will lose the support of electronic equipment, and we can only face them with light weapons against 25,000 people..."

The flight attendant couldn't help lighting a cigarette, and slammed his fist on the table with his right hand: "Fortunately, I found out in time, Ge Lao Er is clearly trying to snatch our flight crew."


"Isn't it?"

"Yes, wise sir, you are quite right, we must take effective precautions."

"OK, enter the combat state."

"But sir, this action has caused me heavy losses, how do I report it?"

"Damn MI6, put the blame on the English Ministry of Intelligence."

Said the director of aviation, and dialed the director of MI6 in charge of the Dubai area, "Look at the good things you have done!"

"Oh? Your Excellency General, what's the matter?"

"What you gave me is false information, that light armored convoy is Ge Lao Er!"


"Our actions were hindered and our losses were heavy. MI6 must take full responsibility!"

"No, no, Your Excellency, I have definite information to prove that Harden is there."


"I have sent you the details..."

Soon, the person in charge of the intelligence system handed over several warm faxes and an audio device that paused playback.

The fax described in words how to discover Harden's whereabouts, and obtained the other party's destination, including the number of entourage, through lurking, bribery and other means...

In the video, a bearded man leads two beautiful women into a valley in northern Pakistan...

Confirmed it is Harden!

Moreover, on the road in the lower right corner of the video, a team of light armor can be vaguely seen coming slowly, followed by a long row of trailers.


"Good sir."

After a while, the staff put the processed video on the command screen.

Seeing the picture, the director of aviation couldn't help baring his teeth and taking a deep breath.

The first ten light armored vehicles are indeed the target of our operation.

And the trailer at the back is undoubtedly the engineering team that Tiancheng assisted in the construction of Dubai.

Especially, on the front of a certain car, Ge Laoer was sitting cross-legged, holding a watermelon and sucking Zheng Huan...

Moreover, the opponent exchanged fire with Harden, driving the opponent north.


The flight supervisor rubbed the fax and threw it at the screen with all his strength.

Operation planning team: "Sir, after analysis, it can be confirmed that our operation is absolutely fine, but due to the 'time difference', we hit the wrong target."

"Sergeant, don't shirk your responsibility."


"Damn it, we have to find an excuse, or the outside world will call us stupid."

The flight director looked back at the screen, pondered for a moment, picked up the communicator that had not ended with the person in charge of MI6 Dubai, "Hello, Charlie."

"General, if necessary, please order."

"Oh, sorry, actually we didn't attack Ge Laoer, we attacked Harden."


The other end of the communicator sank for a moment, "Kege's second child was attacked."

"Yes, that's what Harden did! We chased Harden, and Harden attacked Tiancheng's convoy during his escape."


"We hit ours, they hit theirs, the intelligence was affected by the time difference, and it got confused."

"Oh, General, you are a genius."

"I think you should understand."

"Yes! However, I have information about James worth two million Franklins."

"James? Who? None of my business..."

After the supervisor finished speaking, he suddenly realized that the other party wanted a hush money, "No, this information is very important, I want it."

"Ok, deal."

"What a greedy fellow."

The director of flight management hangs up the communicator bitterly, "In the news release, it is said that we have severely injured Harden and rescued Ge Lao Er, but unfortunately, in order to protect Ge Lao Er, we lost nine fighters and two drones. Man-machine."

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, analyze the anti-raid strength of Tianwei security through the combat video sent back by the Marine Corps as soon as possible. I must report this to the headquarters."

"Yes, sir."


North American headquarters.

What the commander of the aviation group wanted to hide was the outside world, and he did not lie to the inside. Not only did he transmit the combat video to the command office, but he also ordered the combat analysts to list a thick stack of detailed reports.

After receiving the news, the North American headquarters held an emergency meeting.

Xiao Bu: "I need to confirm where these ten big coins will be shipped. I don't want it to be Iraq."

"Mr. Manager, we have blocked the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf. The Tiancheng-aided convoy arrived at the coast of Pakistan, and it will inevitably be transported by sea. We have sufficient blocking capabilities to prevent them from entering the Persian Gulf."

"very nice."

Xiao Bu flipped through the combat analysis report, "They are indeed capable of individual combat, but this is Ge Lao Er's personal bodyguard, a killing weapon piled up with money. I learned from Horton that many rich men in our country There are also such elites who conduct extreme training in Siberia, which is not the same concept as special warfare, and there are not too many of them, as long as they find out the strength of the opponent, there is no need to waste intelligence resources for in-depth investigation.”

"Okay, Mr. Steward."

"Our most important issue now is Iraq! By the way, the team investigating the peace issue in Iraq has returned?"

"I have already returned. After dawn, I will make a report at the headquarters of the joint conference and discuss sending troops."

"Reporting, many times is this?"

"The thirty-fourth time."

"It's time to be sure."


North American time on May 6. (one day later than Huaxia)

Two major events happened on the home planet.

First, the Nth round of investigations on the Iraqi peace issue has ended again.

North American Defense Chief Colin Powell showed a test tube containing a powdered unknown substance in a joint meeting to prove that Iraq does have weapons of mass destruction.

Afterwards, the boss of Ice Bear questioned it and said bluntly: the stuff inside might be washing powder...

North America was furious and decided to bypass the joint meeting of the home planet and take his younger brothers to fight Iraq directly.

In order to occupy the moral high ground, North America launched various propaganda.

What is for world peace, what is for the Iraqi people, what is for the development of Eastern Europe...

The momentum is huge and the reputation is endless.

However, the public opinion about "destroying other countries because of washing powder" has spread to all corners of the world at a very rapid speed.

The second is that Mr. Ge Xiaotian, a contemporary business genius on the home planet, was attacked by Harden's ruthless gang wandering around Pakistan on his way to Dubai secretly. He was in a panic and suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, the North American Marine Corps happened to pass by and rescued Mr. Ge without hesitation. After nine casualties, they successfully rescued Tiancheng International Holdings' overseas aid convoy, saving 25,000 people from the flames of war.

Ge Xiaotian: Thank you!

North America: You're welcome.

Things seem to be over like this.

But in fact, both sides unanimously launched attacks in the economic field...

The three major grain merchants lowered the price of genetically modified soybeans by half to attack the Neo Farm, causing Tiancheng to internally digest the agricultural products harvested this year.

However, Tiancheng deepened the promotion of miscellaneous grains in Wajima, such as mashed potatoes, potato chips, French fries and chips, canned Jerusalem artichoke, various bean products, etc., which caused the price of rice to drop to a new low. Grain merchants suffered heavy losses.

The two sides continue to compete at the farmers market...


the other side.

The Tiancheng-aided convoy passed through the Kunlun Highway without obstacles, and arrived at the port of Pakistan on the edge of the Arabian Sea.

The non-zone Tiancheng Maritime Transportation Department waited for a long time, and directly drove the car onto the plywood and drove into the Gulf of Oman...

During this period, Ge Xiaotian kept an eye on the news of the North American Sea Department from the Ministry of Intelligence.

Although this action did not achieve the desired effect, such as going to several rounds of offense and defense with the North American Marine Corps to show off its own strength, what is certain is that the high-end electrical industry that Tiancheng has been building has left a deep impression on the outside world. Scruples', when it is not necessary, even North America is unwilling to showdown.

Inside the special safety cabin of the freighter.

"Be careful."

Ge Xiaotian opened the system page.

After rushing for half a year, Daoyi and the others finally produced enough photoelectric cores to upgrade the main functional buildings of level 4 to level 5, and then build new units of level 5.

The fifth-level building, like the mountain town center following the convoy this time, is completely metalized, industrialized, and even sci-fi.

It is a building when it is spread out, and it is a vehicle when it is closed.

From the No. 1 main base to the No. 5 sub-base, each has five clones, and the authority can be switched at any time.

In addition, there are two additional new bases at level five.

Aviation and Aerospace.

The aviation type needs 500 optical cores, and it takes about 50 days to build it.

The aerospace type requires a 2W photoelectric core, and it will take about...five and a half years to build it.

The number and type of buildings attached to the old-fashioned town center remain unchanged except for intelligence and automation.

The newly emerging town centers have: airports suitable for various terrains, aerodynamic research centers, anti-gravity experiment bases, rocket research laboratories, centrifugal devices for simulating weightlessness, and space capsules for sustaining life...

All of these units are currently in gray status.

If you want to build it, you must upgrade the two town centers of aerospace and aviation from level one to level five to catch up with the current progress, and then spend gold, electricity, and optical cores to summon them.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the gold storage capacity.

Starting from the fourth-level town center, the family has once again increased the demand for gold.

Gold is needed to produce armaments with the help of system buildings, gold is needed to produce machine tools, gold is needed to produce precision instruments, gold is needed to exchange new materials or semi-finished products of the system...

Even if Tiancheng secretly obtained resources from Nioblas, Sakha (Yakutia), Siberia Forest Farm, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, South Africa, Antarctica and other places, and opened mines in Australia with the help of the Ninja Alliance, it still cannot keep up. consume.

This even made Ge Xiaotian a little suspicious. The gold storage of his mother star alone could not support his family to rush out of the earth...


"Gold storage capacity of mother star!"

In addition to undiscovered and unmined gold, in addition to the gold reserves of various regions and countries, there are actually fields that have a lot of gold.


According to the analysis of regional culture, in fact, the gold owned by the Chinese people can only be counted as a fraction, and the most should be the third brother, the oil country, and the emirate.

If Franklin, who is temporarily unused, can be converted into gold and bought back to the country in some way, and then collected and recycled...

"No, everyone has an annual quota for going abroad. Even if you dispatch all your overseas employees, you won't be able to bring back much..."

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Ge Xiaotian's mind, and he suddenly remembered something.

Aunt Huaxia went abroad to buy gold.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the smart card and contacted Daoyi of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space.

"In terms of current prices, where is the price of gold?"

"Although we have mined a lot of gold, it is all for internal digestion and has nothing to do with the current market. The price of gold has been falling in recent years, especially in many countries that are developing but have no foreign exchange reserves. In order to introduce technology, they sell gold to cash out.

Based on these circumstances, the market price was basically maintained at 280 Franklins per ounce before. After September 11 last year, the price of gold began to rise. Now it is 330 Franklins per ounce, which is almost equivalent to 95 red notes per gram. Relatively speaking, it is very high, but Relative to the market, it is at the lowest point of the outbreak period. After all, North America has decided to hit Iraq. Whether it can be hit or not, it will drive the price of gold to rise. "

"How much can you buy from the futures market?"

"The bankers will not allow us to play big. They are all waiting for North American action. If the purchase volume exceeds their bottom line, they may face forced liquidation. We are not prepared and cannot control these factors. The risk is too great."

"I have a great idea."


"Let Tianle Travel initiate an overseas group tour, and issue the task of 'purchasing gold' to these tourists through the smart card. As long as they participate, we will help them reimburse 20% of the air ticket."

"It's a good idea, but the cost is too high."

"Recently, the value of the red notes has been appreciating, but our property is all in China. This is equivalent to the rapid shrinkage of Franklin deposited in overseas banks. At present, the funds in overseas accounts have exceeded 60 billion. Projects, as well as other overseas industries, idle funds will soon exceed 100 billion Franklin. Instead of keeping the depreciation, it is better to snap up gold, even if the cost is high... But the spot affects the futures market, and letting Tianrong operate is not the same as controlling Is the futures market heading?"

"It makes sense. But there is another problem. We may have discovered the S virus in the Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou. It is now being confirmed, which may affect this plan."

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