Build Madness

Chapter 863 Gold Web and Odyssey Antivirus

In order to deal with the S virus, as early as last year after Dongshan completed the industrial innovation, Tiancheng released a series of group investment related to medical supplies through the chamber of commerce.

In order to improve the manufacturing process, Tiancheng Electric Industry has specially developed nano-scale production equipment for "ultrafine polypropylene fiber melt-blown material".

Now, after many bursts of production capacity, protective equipment related to viruses and bacteria has been piled up in dozens of warehouses distributed in various regions. Even medical equipment can be said to be inexhaustible.

In addition, the flu prevention exercise launched during the spring and summer communication, the medical knowledge popularized through the Internet, night school, and daily life, as well as the "closed community" built by relying on its own industrial chain, and the "traceability and traceability system" laid by smart cards '...

In addition, Nanwa Zoo and Botanical Garden also launched drinks to improve physical fitness and strengthen immunity, and the martial arts competition has also promoted the fitness of the whole people, and the whole people practice martial arts...

Ge Xiaotian feels that everything that should be done should be done, and the only thing left is to strengthen research and find a solution as soon as possible.

"If it is confirmed to be S, after extracting the virus strain, send it directly to the polar laboratory."


"The matter of motivating aunt to buy gold, let's take it easy first, and let Tianle Travel open a special line for Thai girls after the S virus is over."

Dao Shiyi handed over a boxed lunch, "Boss, you need to consider that North America has decided to fight Iraq, and the time should be in the last few months. When the war comes together, the price of gold will rise, but the aunts will not be able to travel abroad due to the S virus." , When the S-virus is over and the price of gold is at its highest point, your impromptu plan may be ruined."

"Makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian frowned slightly, opened the lunch box, and thought while eating, "If...North America delays the fight against Iraq for a period of time, such as three months, or five months, how much gold can our family hoard?"

"If you don't invest in the main brain, you should be able to make up about two hundred tons."

"Too little to manipulate the gold market."

"Have you forgotten Odyssey and Wajima?"


"Montenegro Odyssey does not have a standard currency, and implements a work-point system. In order to ensure the country's credibility, they deposit a thousand tons of gold in the Montenegro Odyssey Bank."

After finishing speaking, Dao Shixi added: "We have not used the resources of Montenegro. This is their storage capacity for the past two years."

"One thousand tons in two years, not a lot. It seems that Dao San and Nong Qijiu are not lazy."

"Most of them were snatched."


"The Ninja Alliance obtained a part of the right to call the gold reserve from Wajima, and it can extract about 500 tons of gold."

"So, 1,700 still a bit small."

"Then it depends on your connections."


"Nanyang Development Bank has 300 tons, Nanyang Zhengda has 100 tons, Taiwan Plastics has 50 tons, Nanbangzi KS Group has 50 tons, Taimei Telecom has 200 tons, and Standard Chartered Bank has 50 tons..."

"Almost forgot about this group of people."

Established multinational companies, especially family-owned companies, will choose to purchase gold and jewelry after their external investment holdings reach a certain scale, so as to ensure that their assets will not shrink from another level.

After all, it seems more reassuring to deposit excess funds in the bank and get a set of numbers, instead of exchanging the funds for physical objects and storing them in a secret vault.

Another one is that foreign exchange is changing, just like the ruble a few years ago, who would have thought that 10,000 yuan would become one yuan?

The same is true for Japanese currency, Thai baht, and South Vietnamese dong...

Therefore, the currency of any country has currency risks. Even if it is not the era of gold standard currency, gold is still a 'hard currency'.

Ge Xiaotian took out his smart card, flipped through the address book, contacted the intelligence department, and while listening to the report, he listed his old friends who had gold on the paper...

"Twenty-five hundred tons is still a bit small."

"Ice bears weigh a thousand tons."

"You think I'm a ruthless person who is not afraid of death?"

"No, we can borrow it, for example, bring Ice Bear and Teddy godmother, and play together."

"Your words sound weird..."

"Don't think about it, let's talk about business."

"Take them to play, I'm going to drive."

"That depends on how you want to drive."

"First release the news that I have money and no land to spend, and I plan to invest nearly 100 billion Franklin in the gold market. The news is both true and false. I took the opportunity to buy a large number of spot and futures, and speculated on the price of gold before the outbreak of the Iraq War."

"Then what?"

"In this way, even if the price of gold cannot rise, under the influence of public opinion and the Iraq war, the price will be brought up abruptly, and we will sell it at the opportunity. But no one would have thought that this massive war of annihilation will only last After a few days, the price of gold fell rapidly, and people who bought gold before would scramble to sell gold. At that time, the S virus subsided, and aunt went abroad to travel, and then quietly brought gold back."

"The stakes are high."

"The risk is directly proportional to the benefit. In addition, tell the 'passenger' who lent us gold that if he makes money, he must sell the gold he earns to us, but if he messes up, I will guarantee compensation. I have money anyway."

"You have always driven steadily, and even the Nine Institutes are looking forward to it, not to mention the chairman of the KS Group who have tasted the sweetness before."

"Then first inform the old chief of the Ninth Research Institute and the Far East. After discussing, then pass the 'driving' group to inform the plan. Remember to tell these business executives, the old rules, whoever leaks, the crowd will attack, God Wei chased him to the end."


Dao Shishi went to work, and Ge Xiaotian opened the lunch box for lunch.

This is a very delicate bento.

The box is made of flexible ceramic tile building materials, which can conduct heat externally and resist heat internally. It can be heated by warm water, microwave ovens, etc., and has the characteristics of environmental protection, hygiene, and health.

In terms of specifications, it is 25cm long, 15cm wide, and 7cm thick.

If it is fried rice, the staple food is two taels of white rice, one pheasant egg, which are mixed with mushroom meat, radish and cucumber, hot and sour potato sticks, sweet and sour artichoke, etc., to become various types of egg fried rice.

Then put two taels of boiled corn kernels with salad dressing on the right side, put two taels of boiled soybeans with sweet noodle sauce on the left side, or replace with boiled peanuts, cold lotus root slices, steamed broccoli, steamed shredded celery, etc.

If it's bibimbap... the same thing.

In addition, there are also the same type of "Boss Ge's Noodles", that is, the braised noodles that Chen Feng ate at the beginning, as well as stewed pancakes, rice noodles...

You can choose to increase the amount, and you can match it independently...

It is rich in nutrition, saves noodles, and is sold in a balanced manner. The domestic price is 3.5 red notes, the Japanese island price is 25 Japanese coins, the Nanyang 15 baht, or 20,000 South Vietnamese dong.

Tiancheng canteens in various places are uniformly produced, and they are replenished regularly for nearby catering vending machines to ensure 24-hour supply.

There is also a beverage cabinet next to the catering vending machine, which contains milk tea, coffee, code, yogurt, pure milk, nutrient solution, farmer mineral water...

Some drinks can be heated, room temperature, or iced.

This is the "new benefit project" launched by Tianwei Catering after a month of exploration. The slogan is: Let office workers have hot food all the time.

With the support of Tiancheng's industrial chain, the construction speed of the project is very fast, and it has already been put on the freighter.

Every time it arrives at the shore, a batch will be replenished and stored in a special warehouse. The taste will be guaranteed within one week, the quality will be guaranteed within two weeks, and diarrhea will be guaranteed after one month...

Ge Xiaotian looked at the production date printed on the top of the lunch box, it was made three days ago.

Fortunately, this group of guys who like to make trouble didn't cheat the boss.


It takes 16 hours to travel from the Arabian Sea port in Pakistan, through the Gulf of Oman, into the Persian Gulf, and arrive in Dubai.

During this period, Dao Eleven was busy with the Golden Project, and Ge Xiaotian asked the Montenegro Odyssey to do something that made the Science and Technology Alliance jump and scold.

Without it, the web.

The full name of the web is Web Log, also known as a web log, and the English name is Blogger.

The web has nothing to do with the system platform, as long as you access WWW through the Internet, you can access the page on platforms such as Win, UNIX, OSX, and Shenlong system.

But the web has operators, such as the web owned by the New York Times, the web owned by Microsoft, and the web owned by other media.

It is the fourth network communication method that appeared after MSN, BBS, and ICQ, and it appeared about the same time as OICQ, which was renamed QQ.

A lot of similar products will emerge in the future, such as Xinlang blog, Yiwang blog, Sou arc blog, Tencent blog and so on.

And its overseas market share is almost invincible, far more than the current QQ users.

Moreover, during the September 11th incident last year, the overseas web took off even more, not only attracting hundreds of millions of users, but also prompting many influential figures to join it, including Xiaobu, Dadi, some famous ruthless people, and so on.

However, the web supported by different operators leads to a wide variety of web categories. At present, there is no WeChat and QQ one-click login in China, and there is no Baixiaotong forum that can cover all modules overseas.

If you want to browse other web, you need to register.

Some time ago, Boss Ge was attacked, and the news spread throughout the network in a very short time. The biggest credit is the SG equipment and the Baixiaotong forum that is common to all platforms, which supports functions such as copying, forwarding, and Aite.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, how can one account be able to log in to the entire web?

After thinking for a long time, he thought of a good way.

That is without the web.

But there is no web, where do you go to chat?

Baixiaotong Forum!

So here comes the problem again.

If one day they fall out with North America, the other party will definitely block their own Baixiaotong forum through network control and control, what should we do?

Generally speaking, there is almost no solution.

If there is a Zigbee network, they can achieve anti-shielding, but North America does not allow Tiancheng to lay the Zigbee network there, even the Zigbee used by Huo Dun Group is an enterprise intranet established in the name of 'security and defense', and then access Internet.

Due to the influence of the Horton and Dupont families, North America normally turns a blind eye to it. If the two sides turn their backs, the Horton Zigbee will be cut off in minutes.

Therefore, after deliberation, Ge Xiaotian decided to let Montenegro Odyssey do this.

In 2002, there were approximately 120,000 computers connected to the Internet and 400 million computers not connected to the Internet, but whether they are connected to the Internet or not, 90% of them have Panda Guardian installed.

Because Panda Burning Incense is pervasive, even if computer A is never connected to the Internet, as long as it has a wireless signal receiver, once computer B connected to the network approaches, it will be infected with the virus.

Moreover, the system of the computer that is not connected to the Internet belongs to the most primitive version, and if it is infected with a virus, the consequences will be more serious.

Such a huge installed capacity has directly brought 90% of the computer users in the home planet to Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus.

It is impossible for the Science and Technology Alliance to let go of such a high-quality enterprise. It happened that Montenegro joined NATO and became the most loyal younger brother in North America. The Science and Technology Alliance pulled Montenegro Odyssey into the team.

If Panda Guardian can achieve one-click login, Montenegro Odyssey antivirus can become 'Overseas Tencent'.

If Montenegro Odyssey reaches cooperation with Tianyu International and Longtian Technology, Montenegro Odyssey can become the "mother star Tencent".

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian knew the third thing, let the other party win the 'one-click login' of many web and various apps in North America.

Montenegro is the second main force in the fight against Iraq. It has sent more land forces than North America and England combined. It truly belongs to NATO's vanguard.

North America will naturally not refuse this proposal.

Soon, Montenegro Odyssey Group announced to the outside world: Panda Guardian can log in to most of the webs and apps in Europe and the United States that cooperate with Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus to realize the synchronization of information on all platforms and websites.

That is to say, if a user browses news on the New York Times web, he can enter the North American commercial web through the 'Panda Guardian' without switching logins.

In other words, Panda Guardian is equivalent to software that incorporates functions such as browsers, search engines, and news and entertainment.

At first, the Science and Technology Alliance didn't feel much, but after a week, it was discovered that the news media responsible for operating the web had all set up "sections" on Panda Guardian, and the user traffic of other websites dropped sharply.

Out of curiosity, Bill took a closer look at the panda guard.

Then found out...

Isn't this the 'Baixiaotong Forum' with antivirus function?

Even the page layout and background technology are exactly the same!

Immediately accused the Black Mountain Odyssey Group and Longtian Technology of having a secret affair.

Although the Baixiaotong forum is owned by Tianyu, the research and development department is Longtian Technology. Anyone who can surf the Internet can basically understand the relationship between the Science and Technology Alliance and Longtian Technology.


at the same time.

The Montenegro Odyssey Group suddenly announced that it has finally reached a cooperation with Tianyu International and Longtian Technology after a year of negotiation.

During the cooperation, the Panda Guardian launched by Montenegro Odyssey antivirus, realizes data exchange with Baixiaotong Forum and Shenlong account.

In other words, overseas, as long as you log in to Panda Guardian, you can enter the Baixiaotong Forum.

And Montenegro Odyssey also admitted that the main page of Panda Guardian was indeed derived from Baixiao UI, and claimed that it spent 80 million Franklin to introduce the technology.

The Science and Technology Alliance immediately exploded.

It's like, I just took in a younger brother who is very good at fighting, and I planned to let him beat the enemy boss, but I never expected that this guy took the last savings in his pocket and bought a lollipop from the enemy boss .

Microsoft Bill: "Are you stupid?"

Montenegro Odyssey took out the sanctuary first, and then showed the silo: "How dare you call me stupid?"

Microsoft Bill: "Sorry, I meant Italian."

Italian: "???"

Microsoft does not dare to offend Montenegro Odyssey now, otherwise the system vulnerabilities will be announced to the public by the other party, which will cause the win platform to crash, and a large number of users will flow to UNIX, Apple OSX, and even Shenlong system.

But it didn't end there.

Two days later, Montenegro Odyssey Group launched the first intelligent micro-end antivirus software.

It’s also called Panda Guardian, it’s also available on all platforms, and it also covers the world...

In this way, global smart card users and SG handheld users can realize all-round information exchange without crossing the website.

The larger passenger flow immediately attracted many news media and companies, and they successively purchased boards in Panda Guardian to open up a communication area.

The website could not be sold, and many companies returned to the server rental business. The Science and Technology Alliance almost fell out with Montenegro Odyssey.

And just when the two sides sent delegations to wrangle in New York.

Ge Xiaotian, the mastermind behind the scenes, also arrived in Dubai.

While stepping off the boat, he posted his first log on the Panda Guardian web section: "I want to buy gold, who has it?"

Morgan Bank: "Mr. Ge, I have it!"

"One hundred billion Franklin."


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