Build Madness

Chapter 866 Dubai Tiancheng Industry Chain

Tiancheng's real estate project in Dubai has no other construction facilities except for an earthen city, two rows of steel structure parking lots, and several electric climbing frames covered by dust nets.

Now, my boss wants to open...

The person in charge of Tiancheng (Dubai) arrived as soon as possible after receiving the news.

"Boss, are you in a hurry?"

"Is there any money in your account?"


"That's enough."

The turmoil in the gold futures market has indeed benefited Tiancheng a lot.

But the 300 billion Franklin loan not only emptied Tiancheng of all funds, but also made Tiancheng mortgage overseas assets, a large number of bricks and stones, and international credit, and secretly used the project funds of the '2012 Big Ship Building' project.

If you don't transfer funds from Montenegro Odyssey, African Union, Ninja League, and Longtian Technology, you really have no money.

This is also natural in the eyes of outsiders.

And Dao Er's gold plan will last for a long time, maybe the 300 billion Franklin released may not be recovered until the end of 2003.

In this way, Tiancheng will also face the fate of being demanded by international banks.

Diamonds and ships and freighters don't matter, even if the international bank discounts the price by half to offset Tiancheng's debts, Ge Xiaotian will support it with both hands.

But the basis for international banks to dare to lend to Tiancheng is not collateral, but international credit.

Once the international credit is tainted and on the blacklist of all international banks on the mother planet, I can only mix in China in the future, and cannot continue to absorb money from overseas.


Ge Xiaotian decided to show overseas Tiancheng's real construction ability and 'blood recovery speed'.

"But, boss, we haven't made a design plan for Dubai Star Moon Bay, and haven't reported it to Dubai. How can we sell it?"

"Choose any Xingyue Bay template from China that covers an area of ​​2,000 mu, reverse it, or reverse it, or swap certain areas with another Xingyue Bay. Isn't this a new plan?"


"Except for surveying and mapping, I have experience in others. Even if I use new employees, I know how to follow the gourd, which saves trouble."

"What if we are found out?"

"Could it be that you still expect rich people in Dubai to visit all of our Xingyue Bay?"


"So, you need to use your brain to do business, just like Tianchuang Shopping. It has been almost a year, and no one has found that some templates are similar."

"The boss is a genius!"

"We used to have a small reputation and could only sell buildings. Now that we have a great reputation, we have to sell brands. How do we sell them? Just brag and be done."

Ge Xiaotian stepped on the muddy yellow mud mixed with fine sand, boarded the construction site command ship, and ordered as he walked:

"Build one batch, sell two batches, get funds, build four batches, sell eight batches..."


"Of course, it's not repeated sales, but when building area A, sign a pre-purchase contract with buyers, but at the same time launch area B, which has not yet been built, and sign a subscription agreement with buyers in area B.

The price per square meter in Area A is 20,000, and the price in Area B is 18,000 per square meter. Both parties pay the same proportion of advance payment. The only difference is that Area A is under construction and the houses are handed over early, while Area B is under construction and the houses are handed over later.

In addition, Tiancheng promises that, except for greening and layout, there is almost no difference between Area B and Area A in terms of construction technology and building quality. How to choose depends on the customer.

However, District A brings added value to District B. Regardless of publicity, promotion, or reality, it is definitely the most suitable to buy District B.

In this way, District A is for sale, District B is sold out, and District C and District D are listed for District A, and continue to sell like this, understand? "



"No, boss, isn't this in compliance with the regulations?"

"This is overseas. Besides, I have carefully studied the laws of Dubai this month, and then found that their real estate has just started, and there is no such regulation at all."


"That's it. As for how to shape the real estate in District A, projections are used off-site, AR virtual sand table and 'VR on-site house viewing' are used in the sales office. Anyway, the domestic Xingyuewan template is used. You can get what you want, even furniture and appliances. can match."

The director of Dubai said weakly: "Boss, there is no sales office, and it hasn't been built yet."

"Bring my Zheng He's treasure ship over here!"

Dao Shixi: "Ma Liu is unreasonable, even if you can come here, it will take half a month."

"Oh...then bring my shark airship over here."

"Xiaoqingshan is preparing for the New Year's Day celebration and needs to use the airship."

"Then bring the non-natural engineering island over here, use mechanical arms, tower cranes, and gantry cranes to create a mechanical punk style... By the way, Neobras is frozen, and the steampunk world is closed, let them send a notice In other words, at the invitation of Tiancheng Boss Ge, the first Steampunk Exhibition World Expo will be held in Dubai Xingyue Bay, and a series of steampunk products will be launched at that time."

"The steam engine is not suitable for the desert."

"It's done, don't you know that the rich have a hidden attribute?"


"The desire to destroy."



The steampunk world already has a considerable audience.

In order to meet the tastes of different lovers, in addition to the original Guns and Roses, we have also created the European medieval style of "King Arthur", the Nordic mythology style of "Thor Dynasty", the Nanyang style of puppet, and the Asian style of "Yan Jia Mechanism". ', North American-style 'Blood and Fire' and other popular IPs.

Now the industry covers the whole world, and showrooms have been established in more than ten countries, which is developing faster than Longtian Technology.

And behind the scenes, besides Master Neo, who is in charge of all this, oh no, it is the second monk who digs bird droppings, and the third monk who raises fish in the North Pole.

The icon of the steampunk world, continuing the North American style, is a parrot that looks like an owl...

Well, this bird has undergone some unknown changes in the fourth-level stable, that is, the genetic research room. It is said that its IQ is second only to the dog Ah Huang who was taken for the experiment.

There is no way, this dog is too demonic, drove into the city several times, frightened several traffic security officers, had to throw it back to Neobras.

December 27th.

The S virus was discovered and identified in the sub-region and notified to the world.

But since the beginning of the new century, the first disaster encountered by human beings, defined as a plague by Daoyi and others, has not attracted people's attention.

In this regard, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, together with overseas branches of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, asked Tiancheng International Holdings for a large number of medical supplies in advance, and set up more than 50 free aid stations at home and abroad.

It's not that Boss Ge is kind, can get free masks and free treatment only if you have a smart card.

at the same time.

More than 500 staff members of Steampunk World arrived in Dubai on the newly opened Neobras International Line.

The five Tianzi transport planes, which resembled seagulls and had big bellies, caused a sensation in Dubai before they landed.

It's not that the plane is too ugly.

But it's so cool!

The king of the hill in the livery of Flight 1 is roaring with his tomahawk on his shoulders.

Flight 2 paints the three heroes of Dema and releases their ultimate move.

Flight 3 was disguised as a steam warship.

Flight 4 is painted with a North American-style steam cyborg.

Flight 5 is the parrot icon of the steampunk world.

When aircraft No. 1 docked, the passengers got off the plane one after another, and appeared in the airport hall neatly dressed. The atmosphere on the scene was not good enough.

The former 'Wu Dalang', now the king of the hill, leads the leaders of various tribes who are also famous, or hold battle axes, or hold muskets, or push cannons, or start small steam tanks, walking in the forefront.

Unit 2 landed.

The members of the Dema series wear all kinds of cool armors and hold all kinds of colorful weapons, plus Rose Girl, Piltover Policewoman... full of domineering, sexy and attractive.


Steam robots, steam chariots, steam planes... all kinds of goblin technologies are displayed one by one.

after that.

Belonging to the North American style, steam warriors, steam mutants, steam aliens, steam mages, etc. are added with elements such as bioenergy and biotechnology...

Immediately afterwards.

Belonging to the Nordic style, the super steam series with the energy of 'Thor' comes on the stage. Although the style is similar to magic, it also has its own characteristics.

In short, the steampunk world has successfully integrated cultures from all over the world and created its own IP.

the other side.

Since Dubai Airport is close to the downtown area of ​​Dubai, when the leading troops walked to the street leading to the Tiancheng construction site, both sides of the road were crowded with onlookers.

Afterwards, pass through Tiancheng Wharf, transfer to a landing craft, and arrive at the well-packed engineering island.

Machine No. 1 stands at the entrance of the pier, "Without a smart card, entry is prohibited. Users who have a smart card can receive free play coupons worth 2688 dinams today. With the free play coupons, they can play in 'Steam Island' for free." For three days, there will be more discounted food, souvenirs, etc. for everyone to snap up!"


A large number of people walked away in an instant...

It's not that I don't play, but go to the LT store to snap up SG equipment.

Of course, the core of SG equipment is the smart card.

Only with a smart card can you get the support of SG equipment. For example, SG smart glasses must be connected to a smart card to get smart services. The same is true for SG bowl watches, SG wireless earphones, and SG series household appliances...

If you buy all of them, it is called 'Longtian Family Bucket', and the call word for the equipment is 'Open Sesame'.

If it is changed to business, it will be 'Weihua Family Bucket', and the device wake-up word is 'Xiaoyi'.

Recently, there is also a relatively popular trendy brand, also known as 'Dami Family Bucket', and the device wake-up word is 'Xiaoai'.

Each has its own characteristics, all have voiceprint recognition, no need to worry about others waking up your device...

However, currently only Longtian, Weihua and Rice are preparing to enter the European zone.


When the No. 1 machine was notified and some people went to grab the new machine, countless foreigners at the scene spoke awkward Chinese and collectively shouted:

"Open Sesame!"

At this moment, Ge Xiaotian regretted it extremely.

If I knew it earlier, I should have asked Lao Wang to change the wake-up word to 'Old Ge Lao Ge, you are so handsome'.

However, the arrival of the steampunk world has attracted most of the popularity of Dubai to Tiancheng Construction Site.

Dubai Tiancheng Real Estate also took the opportunity to start marketing.

These days, the simplest, crudest, and most effective way of publicity is not to hand out leaflets on the street, nor to solicit customers one by one, but to sell directly!

At the necessary place to enter the engineering island, set up the AR virtual sand table, deploy dozens of VR helmets, set up luxurious outdoor tables and chairs, and serve Tiancheng specialties and drinks. The tycoon's son Latum, the Dubai real estate tycoon's son Hou Sailei, and many of their friends, as well as the investor of World Island and the cement factory partner...

Get together, point around the virtual sand table, chat a few words, and soon someone will take the initiative to join up...

"Hi, Your Royal Highness, long time no see."

"Oh, dear Saiwi, may God bless you."

"What are you?"

"A Chinese friend of mine has developed a super-large real estate here, and I'm going to take a look."

"Oh? Who?"

"Tiancheng, Mr. Ge."

"My God, I have long heard that Tiancheng is going to set up a branch in Dubai. I didn't expect them to be so fast."

"What? Interested?"

"Yes, Tiancheng's bridge is very strong, and the house is definitely not bad."

"How many buildings are there?"

"Two buildings, I have more family members."


The Prince of Dubai waved his hand, "Waiter, this is my friend, Saiwei, from the Emirate of Qatar, help him with the formalities."


At this time.

Harmandan stood up suddenly, and kissed a young man who boarded the boat, "Brother, last night in the 20vs20 battlefield, you died so badly."

"Yes, Mr. Ge's group is so cruel that they blocked us at the resurrection point. I heard that he is here. I must get back today."

Harmandan shrugged, pointing to the two legs of five mechanical sense explosions standing in the distance, "You have to beat them first."

"No, I'm going to buy them...huh? Curious projections."

"This is an AR virtual image, and you Kuwait certainly don't have it."

"Not really, this seems to be a section of the building?"


"It looks so cool."

"I heard that you are planning to set up a game company. Why don't you buy a building where you can work and live at home."

"My home is in Kuwait."

"Yes, but your family will soon be at war again."

"North America hits Iraq, not us."

"Ira has anti-missile equipment. If the missile escapes your house... I will never see you again."


The young man from Kuwait successfully handled the subscription agreement...


There are too many wealthy people around Dubai, and with the coming of war, only the Prince of Dubai and Harmandan can help Tian Cheng sell the two communities.

As for why he helped Tiancheng to sell...

One is the friendship made with money, and the other is the world island to the northeast.

When the World Island project is completed, the surrounding coast will be empty, with no scenery, no bright spots, and it is estimated that the island will not be easy to sell.

Learn from someone Ge: Helping me is tantamount to helping yourself.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian did not stay outside, but discussed with the person in charge of Tiancheng Dubai and Xu Ling who stayed in Dubai in non-district Tiancheng to discuss how to build the industrial chain of Tiancheng Dubai.

The community can use domestic templates, but the cultural and economic systems of the two sides are different, so domestic industrial chains must not be used.

Xu Ling practiced for a long time through the simulator: "Boss, Dubai doesn't have any industrial base. Due to the tropical desert climate, agriculture is not easy to do. The only thing left is finance, tourism, and fishery."

"Fishery... engage in fishing here, how can the rich eat expensive and delicious seafood to reflect their noble status?"

"Um, that makes sense."

"I have already thought about the industry chain, games. I did a comprehensive poll in Shenlong Continent before. 60% of the players expect to make money by playing games. In this way, I will satisfy them."

"What do you mean?"

"After two years of exploration, the Dragon Continent Arena, Horde and Alliance, Steampunk Smash Bros., 3D martial arts, VR virtual fighting, and first-person shooting games, puzzles, etc., in skill setting, numerical calculation, role Modeling and other aspects are all mature, coupled with the wider Zigbee network, taking advantage of the arrival of the steampunk world, it is better to take the opportunity to launch the game live broadcast first.”

"But there is no Zigbee in Europe."

"Dubai has, not only has, but also houses and equipment, which can be bought or rented."

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