Build Madness

Chapter 867: The New Tour of the Genius Traveler Star

In 2002, Dubai was still under construction. There was no largest shopping mall, no tallest building, no largest artificial island, no most luxurious, and no endless stream of tourists.

There are only a lot of money in the hands of a few rich people, and cheap labor in every corner of the city.

Many people may think that there are no poor people in Dubai, but in fact, the gap between rich and poor here is beyond people's imagination

It's like being on the same road, with a million-dollar car in front and a bus without air conditioning in the back.

It's like being in the same building, the upper part is resplendent and magnificent, and one person enjoys a suite of hundreds of square meters to himself, while the lower part has fifteen or sixteen people crammed into a basement of less than ten square meters.

Just like in the same area, there are many high-rise buildings in the front, showing the style of a metropolis, but the rear is full of smelly water and filth due to the rapid construction of the high-rise buildings in the front and poor drainage facilities.

This is Dubai.

One person enjoys, ten thousand people serve.

Those who enjoy spend money like water, and those who serve are less than three hundred dinams a month. (about 500 red notes)

Based on the above, if Tiancheng wanted to make a lot of money in Dubai, he had to list the rich who accounted for less than 10% of the total population as the only customer group, and let them spend money willingly.

The remaining 90% of ordinary people enter the field of game services to set off the luxury and nobility of the rich.

Such electronic technology products with a large scale and cool shapes can not only create a publicity effect for Dubai, attract countless tourists, but also allow rich people to participate in it, and bring a lot of turnover to Dubai from the book.

Of course, this game industry does not only refer to e-sports and live broadcasting.

There are also accompanying play, accompanying training, game information, game peripherals, offline activities, and even horse racing and racing...

This is equivalent to using the game industry to replace the tourism that Dubai is creating, using the virtual industry to accelerate the appreciation of real estate, and then Tiancheng makes a lot of money...

But there is an important factor here.

What kind of game will make Dubai's richest people addicted to it?

The answer that Ge Xiaotian thought of was: a game that belongs to Dubai.

Look around, the No. 1 mall, the tallest building, the No. 1 artificial island...

What people want is: arrogance!

Therefore, as early as Tiancheng decided to enter Dubai, Ge Xiaotian informed Youminxing to work overtime to make a new game that can strengthen the player's sense of substitution, stimulate the player's competitive spirit, and conform to the culture of West Asia and Central Asia.

The content of the game may not be much, but it must be easy to use, have strong attraction and cohesion, and most importantly, the graphics must be high-end and atmospheric.

In this way, the team battles are exciting and the atmosphere is warm, and a live broadcast platform can be launched to drive the offline atmosphere and attract viewers to join in.

When the live broadcast platform matures, the first game is almost dead, and then VR fighting is launched.

Because only VR fighting using large-scale equipment can bring out the taste of the rich, drive real estate sales with large-scale equipment, and monopolize the "personal live broadcast industry" through internal servers.

After all, only Tianyu Interactive can enter the game scene and start 360-degree omni-directional playback.

However, external enterprises, including users, can only see simple images displayed on a small screen.

For the same reason, only Tianyu has the live broadcast equipment...


Engineering Island Command.

Ge Xiaotian described what he thought in his heart to the executives of Tiancheng Dubai, and asked them to ponder over it carefully.

Then, looking at the time, I feel that You Minxing should almost finish making the new game.

After all, the other party said: Guaranteed to complete the task in half a month.

Compared with external game companies that need several years or more to develop a game, Tianyu International makes Ge Xiaotian quite proud.

I am also fortunate to have picked up such a genius in Xiaoqingshan.

Immediately dial the other party's phone number.

"Old You, is the game ready?"

"Back to the boss, it has been completed. It is perfect and perfect. It definitely meets your requirements. I will send you a trial experience later?"

"In such a short period of time, to develop a new game, are you sure there are no bugs?"

"Absolutely not, not only not, we have finished the follow-up version."

"Yes, Lao You, this year's year-end bonus will be doubled."

"Boss, I'm sorry, I can't afford it."

"Gold found this time!"

"Huh? Really?"


"thank you boss!"

You Minxing's excited voice changed, "I'll send it to you."


Satisfied, Ge Xiaotian hung up the communication, opened the Tiancheng server in Dubai, and connected to the Tianyu International database through satellite signals.


A full 25G compressed package in the Shenlong system format appears in the download list.

For the same content, the files supported by Shenlong system are one-third smaller than those of win, unix, and linux, and the compression degree is greater. 25G is almost equivalent to 40G in the outside world.

40G game package...

"It's awesome!"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, and planned to have a cup of tea and wait for a while, but he never expected that this game also supports 'playing while playing'.

"Damn it, Lao You, your program development department has come to this point?"

"Based on the Zigbee network bandwidth, the map package can be loaded at any time according to the area where the game character is located. This is a unique feature of the 3D martial arts game. The new game only uses part of the technology, which is trivial."

"Amazing, it will triple by the end of this year!"

"Thank you, boss!"

"Do it well."

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, and couldn't wait to open the new game for the wealthy in Dubai.

The client starts, since the server is not opened, no registration is required, and the character page is directly entered...


When the familiar BGM of "Children of the Rivers and Lakes" came, Ge Xiaotian instantly thought of "Legend of the Dragon".


Twelve optional characters, six men and women dressed in gorgeous clothes, or holding a dragon, or holding a flute, or holding a magic wand, make this game look more like Dragon Legend.

The only difference...

The once unpretentious dragon-slaying sword is now covered with a blinding red special effect...

The God of War suit, which used to be colorless, now has a pair of dynamic golden wings...

Skills that used to be delicate are now cool and exaggerated...

"One knife 999, all equipment ingots!"

Brother Xiaochun was wearing armor, carrying a big knife and launched a savage charge with fire all over his body, "It's brother, come and chop me!"


Ge Xiaotian took a sip of tea, and the secretary hurriedly wiped the gossip shift key with a piece of paper. Fortunately, his electronic equipment is waterproof.

But the game CG is still going on...

Boxing champion Muay Thai made his debut.

His head was bare, blue patterns were embroidered on his neck, his whole body was muscular, and his hands clad in hideous gauntlets collided with each other. On the ground full of beast corpses, he looked up to the sky and roared, "There is no one who can fight!"

Immediately afterwards.

The Templar, who is worshiped by most of the European region, came silently with a sword and shield in his hands amidst the sound of real steel helmets rubbing...

"No, Lao You, we can't use this role here."

Ge Xiaotian didn't dislike the picture similar to the legendary page game, which really fits the aesthetics of rich people in Dubai, but...

West Asian beliefs are different from European beliefs.

"Boss, the characters you see are actually twelve occupations, divided into men and women, three from the Asian region, three from the European region, and three from West Asia. This is for the future sand attack... No, it is the national war , paving the way for the game content.”

"I heard it, attack the sand!"

"No, it is definitely not a legend. It is a new game that combines the dark style. Even the skill settings are different. It has 24 kinds of skills, which can be matched with each other to form hundreds of skill routines. Moreover, it is 2.5D, and the follow-up 2.0 The version will also replace the 3D engine and introduce more gameplay."


Ge Xiaotian sneered and chose the West Asian style, a melee career similar to a gladiator, and entered the game with a random name...

The picture is delicate, the map is large, the movement of the characters is also very impressive, and there is nothing to say about the strike action.

And skills...

You Minxing is right, this is indeed not a legend, nor is it Diablo.

However, Ge Xiaotian remembered the journey of the Titans.

It was a not-so-popular stand-alone brushing game...

"Did you use the 2.5D engine of 'Steampunk', and use the character modeling of Shenlong Legend, and then cover the map package of Shenlong Xiu, and set the four skills of hundreds of occupations in 'Horde and Alliance', and Many passives, blended in?"

"It was seen by you."


"You can see it, and it is estimated that outside players can also see it, no, you have to change it..."

"What do you mean I can see it?"

"No, this is a new game. We can't let the outside world think that Tianyu is out of skills and start living on its laurels."


Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, "Basically speaking, the first game for Dubai belongs to the fast food category. It's pretty good that you can do this, so let's do it."



"Well, you're the boss."


the other side.

You Minxing put down the phone, looked around at the hundreds of interns from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School, "The boss is very satisfied, triple the year-end bonus, in cash."


"Okay, this is just business affairs, not an achievement. What everyone has to do now is to develop the 3D martial arts game and the game's inner world in depth, and strive to complete the cross-century version update during the New Year's Day."

"Yes, Chairman."


After hanging up the communication, Ge Xiaotian felt that it was impossible for You Minxing to fool himself when it came to making money.

And according to the talent shown by the other party, it is even more impossible to be old.

Unless there is a major project occupying the human resources of the game department, which makes Youminxing's team unable to take action, the development of Dubai's new game will be left to the newly joined technical secondary school interns.

"Eleventh, what is Tianyu doing recently?"

"Back to the boss, they are expanding the 3D martial arts world, and they have already made a map of the entire home planet."

"The map of the 3D martial arts world is big enough. Only the grassland tribes can make Chinese players fight for two or three years, and there are other barbarians in Europe..."

"Boss, You Minxing borrowed Daoyi's remote control team and Longtian Technology's AR development team."


Ge Xiaotian glanced at the AR equipment in the distance, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "Could it be that they are going to put the 3D martial arts world into the real world through VR technology, and then use the AR equipment to put monsters, so that players can compete with each other in the real equipment cabin?" kill?"


"But who can afford a two-way AR device?"

"Did you forget the 'maze' that Tianyu Interactive made last year?"

"Huh? Makes sense!"

Regardless of whether it is a one-way AR device or a two-way AR device, it uses optoelectronic technology and graphene substrates, and the cost is there, and the price will definitely not come down.

Even if the company reduces its profits, the single cubic meter will not be less than 10 million red notes.

But if a city is made into an "AR game cabin", the investment cost is much lower than that of a single device in terms of the size of the space.

In fact, Tianyu's Maze Brawl and Daxing City's treasure hunt are all related to this project.

It's just that Ge Xiaotian thought it would take three to five years to perfect, so he didn't pay much attention to this.

"Where can they go?"


Dao Shixi flipped through the internal database, thought for a while, and looked around, "It is possible to simulate a modern war on this engineering island with a length of 2,000 meters and a width of 800 meters."

"Since this is the case, then modify the content of the second phase of Dubai's game industry and let the rich play virtual games."

"But, boss, have you forgotten the shortcomings of this type of game?"


"Look at me, killing monsters requires swinging a sword, once, twice, three times... and you also need to move quickly and sprint, are you tired?"


"In order to take care of players who use VR equipment in 3D martial arts, although we have removed the value settings, skill settings, and blood bar settings, and adopted one-hit kills and parrying, but in the past year, now only VR players are left. Under the green clothes, security guards, martial arts enthusiasts who like fighting, other players either return to the key operation, or only use VR to go shopping."

"This is not going to work. If we don't exercise, how can we sell nutrient solution, dietary fiber and various vitamin drinks? How can we adapt to outer space in the future if we don't strengthen the body of the whole people?"

"Unless VR game devices are popularized, and game opponents are placed through AR technology, and then all key games are turned off, forcing people to only play this kind of game."


Ge Xiaotian shrugged, knowing that this was impossible.

At least I can't popularize VR equipment at present, let alone expensive AR equipment.

Moreover, when virtual images come to reality, it is bound to make some weak-willed people unable to distinguish between virtual and reality. In case they go to the street with a kitchen knife...

"Slowly improve it, everything needs a process."


Dao Shixi nodded and glanced at the server screen, "Boss, you were hacked to death."


Ge Xiaotian came back to his senses, looked at the game page, and found an Arabic ID character whose head translates as "I'm a thief with money", squatting on his soldier's corpse and touching his corpse...

"No, the game is not connected to the Internet, and the server has not been opened, where are the players?"

However, before the words were finished, another game character with an English ID on his head sent a funny facial expression and added a sentence of "you are bloody", while attacking "I am a thief with money".

The operation level of the two game characters is very high, such as walking, dodging, effective distance of card skills, cooling time of card skills...

It can be said that even the top 3D game players in China may not be so perfect.

This reminded Ge Xiaotian of the No. 1 machine and his brothers who accompanied him to finish the first kill recently.

"This is... a dummy system?"

Unit One: "Yes boss, they are all me."


In the future, fast food games will be rampant, and some web games can even open more than a dozen districts a day.

If the game is not well-known, it will definitely not attract many players. Even if there are players, they will quit the game when they see Goutuo throwing money.

It wasn't until some program genius devised a 'dummy program'.

The intelligence of these dummies is related to the funds invested by game operators.

The spicy chicken dummy will only automatically find its way to do tasks.

Ordinary dummies will charge money and change equipment.

High-end dummies will become popular and scold people.

Super dummy... If you are a player who doesn't understand technology, you may be able to develop into friends with each other, just like talking to Xiaoai and Xiaoyi all day long.

However, the dummy placed by Youmin Xing copied the 'brain' of 'Unit One'.

Although the No. 1 machine is unreliable, but the No. 1 machine can go out for a walk by itself...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of the request he made to You Minxing.

Strengthen the player's sense of substitution, stimulate the player's competitive spirit, conform to the culture of West Asia and Central Asia, easy to use, have strong attraction and cohesion, the picture must be high-end and atmospheric...

Isn't it all there?

A group of dummies are chasing and killing players, and the GM adjusts the intelligence of the dummies at any time to let the players kill enough at critical moments, and the players think they are killing the players...

Moreover, if a rich man can't beat a certain faction, he can recruit players played by dummies, form a player army, and then pay wages...

Giving wages to dummies is equivalent to giving to Tian Cheng.

In addition, the live broadcast, the scene is spectacular and tragic, and the atmosphere is proper.

"Lao You is a genius!"

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