Build Madness

Chapter 868 'Sudan' goes public

Originally Ge Xiaotian was dissatisfied with the hodgepodge game integrated by Youminxing, but after understanding the dummy system and experiencing it again, he suddenly felt...

This is like an agricultural tricycle that has been driven for many years, and suddenly one day becomes a dream sports car, not only has intelligent driving, but also runs out to make money by itself.

"That's it!"

Ge Xiaotian patted the table, and ordered the executives of Tiancheng Propaganda Department in Dubai who participated in the drafting of the industrial chain meeting, "Make a marketing plan, and give me promotion regardless of cost within three days, not only in Central Asia, but also in Europe, West Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa. , America, etc., the server will open in three days, and I want to make it the online game with the most online players on the home planet!"

"Boss, what's the name of the game?"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the game screen, denied names such as Legend 2, New Legend, Sand Attack, and Fun, and looked around the coast of Dubai in the distance. His heart moved and he switched the language system.

In the language systems of Arabic, West Asia and other regions, search for various words, and finally select...



"Sultan, also known as Sudan, Sutan, and Sulutan, originally had a vague meaning, and was used by Central Asian people to describe 'power', 'government power', and 'judgment power', and later became a symbol of power and rule. , and finally, it became the title of a special ruler. It is similar to 'caliph', but caliph means an agent, successor, and head of state. The meanings of the two are different. If you talk about it in detail, it is a bit complicated. However, in the game promotion In different regions, the translations are different, I hope to use transliteration as the game name, it is called 'Sudan', which means: ruler."

"Good boss."

"As for the slogan, you can choose a sentence that is biased towards personal heroism. After all, everyone is here to play games, and no one wants to be a soldier."

"But, boss, in 3D martial arts games, there are many who are willing to be soldiers."

"Nonsense, the general wants to charge into the battle. It took a lot of effort to forge a suit of weapons and hone his martial arts skills. He was hacked at the beginning. Although his name goes down in history, it will be over once and for all. Would you like to?"


"This game and 3D martial arts are two different things. That game is 'realistic', this one is cool, brush up the game, look at the recharge entrance, today one head of state recharge, tomorrow discount members, the day after tomorrow will launch a hundred yuan monthly subscription, during the period Seven days of fun in the open area, big festivals, 648 big gift packages, 998 buy one get one free, 1988 30% off promotion, props worth 99999 VIP15 for free..."


"The local tyrants spend money just for fun. There are so many dummy players, maybe in a month's time there will be a big boss with a supreme year package and VIP15 who will beat the whole server."


"Of course, we can't let the players think that this is a krypton gold game. We must make good use of dummy players to create a good game atmosphere in public opinion. For example, a dummy yells at local tyrants for throwing money. The dummy player proposed to use the number of people to pile up the local tyrants..."


"In short, our overseas game is only for local tyrants. Even if ordinary players are lost, even if there is only one local tyrant left in the whole area, we also have a dummy system to make the local tyrant think that there are tens of thousands of people playing with him."

The executives of Tiancheng Dubai were collectively stunned: "Can you still do this?"

"You guys are the worst class of executives I've ever had."


"If the only local tyrant in a certain district leaves, then join the district and let the dummy play the role of the second local tyrant, and the first local tyrant in the combined district server will spend money on each other, desperately fighting each other, but also let the other party find a sense of accomplishment."

The executives of Tiancheng Dubai took a collective breath.

"That's it, think about it carefully, you are all executives, why are you so bad, you can't do well this time, choose a place yourself."


Ge Xiaotian shook his head and sighed, looking at the trembling executives of Dubai Tiancheng Construction Company.

"Now that we have industrial planning, products, and concepts, the only difference is the venue and image. I don't care what method you use, whether it's steel structures, quick-drying cement, civil structures, or foam aerated blocks. Within a month, pack me a 'town' with the theme of this game."

"Boss, scale?"

"This beach, plus the surrounding sea."

"We need the support of non-zone natural ships."

"Xu Ling is here, you can discuss with her."

"Guarantee no problem!"

"You know what to do?"


Although Tian Cheng had organized sports events, large-scale evening parties, and various activities, but this time his boss obviously wanted to play tricks.

"How do you feel, sitting on the bottom of the sea and playing games?"


"Surrounded by seaweed, seahorses, swimming fish, and maybe occasionally sharks, think about it, you are tired of playing 'Sudan' in this environment, and it happens that we launched a game that combines VR and AR, with virtual images and dreams. Scenes."

“Extreme enjoyment!”


Ge Xiaotian walked to the window of the boat, "Look, the beach that Dubai gave us is only 10,000 mu at most, remove Huaxia Dragon City, remove the transshipment terminal, remove the commercial sector, remove the sea view community, what else is there?"

"There is indeed no land left."

"But Dubai gave us the sea, what a sea!"


"We have made an 'anchor floating platform' plan for World Island before. Although the other party has no choice, we can use it. Make a 50-square-meter entrance on the sea, arrange potted plants and big trees, oh, yes, Here, rich people are qualified to plant trees."


"A two-story villa on the seabed is set up below, with a total area of ​​100 square meters or 200 square meters. The wall is made of sea-crossing tunnel sea-view glass, and the main material can be steel structure or defect-free concrete. Decorate as much as possible It is made into a sci-fi style and a fantasy style, but it must be installed with a stable gyroscope to avoid strong winds and waves causing the house to drift with the current and affect the users. Such a building, 2 million dinams a set, how cheap is it?"

"Boss, isn't the price too low?"

"I'm selling ground-effect aircraft, amphibious Tianba, Dongba, as well as helicopters and aircraft. Why do you set aside 50 square meters on the upper floor? Isn't it just a berth?"

"The boss is worthy of being a boss. His thinking is always clear and strange. I can't wait for it to happen."

"Stop flattering!"

Ge Xiaotian cursed with a smile, turned on the server, and called up the data of Qinggang Golden Beach, "Building this kind of house is similar to making a cement aircraft carrier, and it won't take too long, but the appearance, interior, and entrances and exits must be tall."


"Five hundred sets will be made in the early stage, and they will only be sold to players above 'Sudan' VIP15."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"It can't be finished. As the headquarters, you have no choice but to go...the moon is so full today."


Ge Xiaotian waved his hand to let the construction executive go to work, and looked back at the sweaty, trembling executive of Tiancheng Human Resources Department.

"From Tianyu Information and Tiancheng Sports Events Live Broadcasting, a group of outstanding backbones and reserve talents were drawn to establish Tianyu Live Broadcasting Company in Dubai.

The company's business includes: webcast training, webcast publicity, webcast personnel image building, Tianyu IP rental, Tianyu resource promotion package, webcast equipment rental or purchase, etc., some don't, let them watch the settings by themselves .

In addition, I borrowed 50 million Franklin from Sunshine Paper as the start-up capital for this company. My only requirement go public in three years. "

"Listed market value?"

"Guaranteed 100 billion Franklin."


"With so many resources, live broadcast content is everywhere, how could it not be popular? If I can't do it well, I will do it myself."

"Yes, boss."

"In this way, transfer the female DJ from Jianfu and let her lead this entertainment company first."


"I seem to have forgotten something?"

"can not do well?"

"Oh yes."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "You are in charge of human resources. You are also in charge of employee quality supervision, corporate health assessment, corporate image assessment, corporate culture training, and implementing various reward and punishment systems. Although our company is quite harmonious, there is also competition. You usually offend a lot of your own people, right?"


"Let the 80,000 and 650,000 employees of the company vote for you to decide where to go."


"When there are more people, the ideas will be more strange. Let's do things well."


"You guys are busy, machine No. 1 is online, take the first kill with me."


the next day.

Longtian Technology and Dubai World jointly announced that the two parties have reached a comprehensive cooperation.


Longtian Technology established the Central Asia headquarters in Dubai, listed Longtian (Dubai), responsible for the sales of SG products in Central Asia, and did not research and develop in Dubai the unique local gold SG belonging to Dubai, the SG micro-terminal with the Dubai logo, and the Dubai The entry reminder program for the welcome message...

And Dubai is escorting Longtian Technology.

Immediately afterwards.

Weihua reached a cooperation with Dubai World, established Weihua (Dubai), laid Zigbee base station, and contacted Huaxia superiors to discuss the feasibility of laying Zigbee dedicated optical fiber along the Huaxia-Baguo highway and across the Gulf of Oman.

Nine Institutes have made a final decision: As long as Ge Laoer can hold the road, it must be done!


Sky Entertainment (Dubai), Sky Decoration (Dubai), Tiancheng Electrical Industry, and Tiancheng International Holdings jointly announced that they will lay the 'Visible Light' project for Dubai free of charge.

The steampunk world also said that after a day of trial operation, the project in Dubai was very successful, and the steam headquarters decided to move to Dubai.

In addition, Tianfu is stationed in Dubai, Nanyang Development Bank established a branch in Dubai, Sun Paper opened a special transportation line in Dubai, Ruyi Textile provided high-quality white yarn for Dubai, and French Accor Group invested in the Sofitel Legend Hotel in Dubai...

The series of actions only took place within one month of Boss Ge's visit to Dubai in person.

The speed is so fast that it is dizzying.

"Tiancheng has changed Dubai!"

Seeing the dazzling city of Dubai like a city that never sleeps, not only the old king, the prince of Dubai, and the second prince Hamandan said so, but also many overseas media gave unanimous comments.

But for Tian Cheng, this was just the beginning of making money.

Just like what Boss Ge said: Let them taste the sweetness first.


third day.

January 1st.

China sets New Year's Day as a holiday.

When hundreds of millions of people rushed to the theater to enjoy the "big man", "people on the road" and "China New Era" launched by Tianyu, the inspirational film "Chasing the Wind Boy" released by Tianyu, the first film released by Neotianyu Ice bear realistic war film 'Panfilov's twenty-eight warriors' and other movies.

Dubai Sky Entertainment launched a bombing campaign overseas.

"Sultan, control the whole world!"

"I am Sultan, fighting for my faith!"


In the deadly environment, a sultan immediately held his spear, raised his right hand and clenched it fiercely, and countless armored warriors charged forward behind him...


On the majestic land, gunpowder smoke, broken blades, broken flags, corpses...

The killing sound is shocking, the roar is wild, coupled with the dynamic BGM, the scene is extremely shocking.

"On January 1st, the SG platform will be launched. I am Sudan, and I am waiting for you to fight!"

In the screen, Harmandan is wearing bloody armor, challenging players from all over the world.


The richest city in the emirate, Abu Dhabi.

Sheikh Rah is a dignitary in Abu Dhabi and the heir to the next generation chief of the Khafari family.

What he has to do now is not to run a business, but to establish a good relationship with his peers in the upper class and win over good contacts.

But recently, more and more friends have entered the Dragon Continent, or 3D martial arts.

Sheikh also likes to play games. It is far easier to deepen the relationship between the two parties in this way than to go out for horse racing and competitions.

But he has a strange disease that cannot be cured: 3D vertigo.

Not to mention playing, just staring at it for more than ten seconds will cause nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, it will not recover for two or three days.

Shaikhra has seen many doctors, and they all said that it is a congenital disease and cannot be cured, so they have to stop playing 3D games.

This made Shehra very uncomfortable.

But this morning, he found out that the second prince of Dubai, Harmandan, actually endorsed the game!

Oh God!

A prince who is not short of money actually accepts an advertisement?

Shehra is unbelievable.

But he soon discovered that in the Panda Guardian web, not only Harmandan said to enter the 'Sultan', but even Latum, Hou Sailei, etc. also planned to enter.

"Don't you play Dragon Continent?"

Monkey Sailei: "Sheikhra, long time no see, Dragon Continent is at the end of the season again, and the liver is not moving, and we can't open the copy of Heroes. Coincidentally, Dubai Sky Entertainment has launched a new game for us in Dubai. How can we not join us? "

"I envy you all."

"By the way, brother, is your 3D vertigo cured?"

"Feel sorry."

"It's really troublesome... However, you can try 'Sudan', which is a 2.5D online game. In the follow-up, Longtian Technology said that in order to improve 3D vertigo players, it will launch a display that reduces eye fatigue and optimizes visual communication. "

"That's really great, I believe in Longtian."

"Yes, download it quickly... No, I will arrange for someone to send you the client by aircraft, install it quickly, and open the area after noon worship."



A bat-shaped aircraft crossed the sky and landed at the gate of the Khafali family estate in Abu Dhabi.

The service staff greeted Sheikh, took out the most luxurious SG family bucket, and helped install the client...


Xie He ** recorded Panda Guardian, and before entering the channel, he could only listen to it and could not participate in team battles.

Just this incident made Sheikhra feel an inexplicable 'excitement'.

And look at the list.

Mostly peers from the emirate's upper class.

"Hi Shehra, long time no see."

"Yeah, we can finally start a group together."

"Create the character first."


Nine minutes later.

"Get ready, there are still ten seconds to open the zone!"

10, 9, 8…………


Jumping to the gorgeous login page, Scheherah felt no discomfort, resisted the excitement, and was ready to familiarize herself with the operation.


At this moment, dense numbers of IDs suddenly appeared in the huge security camp.

Taking Shehra's top SG home host, I feel the card...

This is something that Tianyu Games has never seen before.

"Damn it, it's stuck?"






The next moment, the World Channel swiped the screen, and shouts and curses in various languages ​​emerged one after another.

Shehra was dumbfounded.

Immediately after...

The client closes automatically.


Ten seconds later.

An important piece of news popped up in Panda Guardian: Dubai Tianyu issued an urgent notice. Due to the serious underestimation of the number of players in the first zone of 'Sudan', the large-scale server that can accommodate one million people crashed. Now it is contacting Tiancheng International Holdings to replace the super-large server. Please wait for ten minutes for 'Sultan' players, and Dubai Sky Entertainment will offer 'maintenance compensation' to all players in the future.


Numerous media copied, reposted, and commented, spreading the big news of "the first server crash of Tiancheng International Holdings" to every corner of the world, and let countless people know about "Sudan".

ten minutes later.

The server starts up again.


Shehra found out that he couldn't get in!

Game Tips: You are currently in the queue, and there are about 6980... 93 players ahead.


The client closes again.

Panda Guardian once again pushes important news: Tianyu International, on behalf of Dubai Tianyu, would like to say sorry to players who like Tianyu games and Sudan games. Due to the severe underestimation of the number of players by the director of Dubai Tianyu, the server of Sudan crashed again. He has been dismissed and reported to the chairman of Tiancheng. Now our company is replacing the super large server group.

This server group is the No. 5 backup machine of 3D martial arts, and it is guaranteed that there will be no problems. Later, I will present a "Sudan District Opening Gift" to all players and friends. Thank you for your love.

After an hour, wait for the server to turn on again.

Shehra found that both the page and the fluency of the operation have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

Very comfortable!

"As expected of a super large server group."

Scheherah operates the game character, just getting ready to get familiar with it...

Congratulations to 'Witt', get the open area charge...

Congratulations to 'Taro', buy VIP monthly subscription...

Congratulations to 'Hamandan', becoming the first annual package supreme, the VIP level has risen to 6...

"I understand VIP, what is Supreme?"

Voice channel: "It means that you can receive rewards every day, which is similar to a monthly subscription, but the rewards are more generous."


"Click on the word 'Zun' in the upper left corner and scan it with a smart card."


Sheikh Lai followed the gourd to draw a ladle, got the Supreme, and suddenly saw a 648 gift bag next to him, "Do you want to buy the gift bag?"

"Definitely buy it."



Hundreds of thousands of dirhams were thrown in, and Scheherah found that people around her game character were slow.

"Boss, please bring me!"

"Boss, is there a pendant missing?"

"Brother, I want to be your little brother!"

Shehra: "This game is really fun."

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