Build Madness

Chapter 869 Boss Ge's live broadcast

When Sudan opened the zone, Dubai Sky Entertainment had been promoting it online and offline for three days.

Online game screenshots, game content, introductory gameplay, and gift package activation codes are the main items. As long as you forward the information or invite friends to join the game, you can get a game gift package worth 988 Franklin.

Offline is funded by Longtian Technology, and Tianyu offices in various places contribute, while promoting SG home consoles, and giving away Sudan clients.

The client load is a plug-and-play LT memory card similar to a U disk made of graphene memory particles. After the player gets it, it can only be read but cannot be stored. However, when the player breaks through level 120 in the Sudan game, Or reach VIP6, you can unlock the restrictions, readable and saveable.

In 2002, the Science and Technology Alliance commercialized 250G hard drives, but the price is still high, and SSD is even more expensive. Even a 512M TF memory card costs 100 red notes.

The 32G Longtian memory card has attracted almost all technology enthusiasts.

The only trouble is that Longtian Technology adopts the Tiancheng standard. The interface of the LT memory card is not a U port, let alone SATA, HDMI, Thunderbolt, etc., but a graphene 'pin' dedicated to SG.

This is a data channel wrapped in an oval plastic shell with three graphene metal needles built in.

The transmission speed is not inferior to that of SSD, and the SG device can also be plugged with external memory, just like the little Ba Wangxue plugs in the game card, and it is very convenient to plug and play.

However, even if the interface is not universal, it still cannot stop crazy technology enthusiasts.

In addition, the hot sale of SG equipment has attracted countless people who eat melons. In just three days, 20 million copies of mass-produced LT memory cards have been given out.

Those who have SG equipment are naturally overjoyed, while those without SG equipment hold their memory cards and wonder whether to buy SG equipment...

At this moment, the game information flooded in again.

"Sudan opened the zone within an hour, and the number of online players exceeded 10 million!"

"Dubai Tianyu's server crashed twice in a row, and the super-large server group was urgently replaced."

"Sudan opened the zone for two hours, the first zone was full, and the second zone was added, and the number of online players exceeded 50 million!"

"The third district of Sudan will open at 20:00 Dubai time!"

"It is reported that Boss Ge is going to broadcast live in the third district!"

"What kind of game is Sudan?"

Numerous breaking news caused netizens to fall into heated discussions.

"Have you played?"

"Playing, it's so cool!"

"How is it different from 3D martial arts and dragon cultivation?"

"It's not a game at all, you know it after you play it."


"What the hell, there are too many people. I went to the corner of the desert to chop sandworms, and someone came to snatch them!"

"Damn it, there is an idiot spawning monsters?!"

"What do you mean, who are you scolding?"

"This game doesn't need to kill monsters, it needs to kill players!"


"Stop talking, the local tyrants are going to attack the city!"

"???, Siege? Are we playing a game?"



"That's right!"


"You're not playing the game right."


The onlookers were also stunned.

If you have a level, you must farm monsters, but experienced players say you can't spawn monsters...

This game is kind of interesting!

hula la...

More players poured into Sultan.

When Huaxia players heard about this, they complained that there is no Huaxia District...

During the debate, 6pm Dubai time.

Tianyu International announced: My boss is going to start a live broadcast, come to room 888 quickly.

Boss Ge had a live broadcast, that is, Ge's second child had an appointment, but it was TV, and the webcast was the first time.

Moreover, Boss Ge has made a lot of big news recently and refused to interview him. People in the press are full of questions.

All of a sudden, no matter who were playing games or who were playing soy sauce, they all rushed into the live broadcast room.

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Live broadcast room 888 was overcrowded, and Tianyu added live broadcast equipment to divide rooms 111, 222, ..., 999, and then divided rooms with four-digit consecutive numbers.

Enthusiastic netizens counted for help, and were shocked to find that the number of people watching the live broadcast exceeded 200 million!

This means that half of SG users gather here.

7:40 p.m.

"It's so awesome!"

"As expected of me, Old Ge!"

"Bullshit, all SG TVs in China stopped after the news broadcast."


At this time.

The screen of the live broadcast room flashed, and Boss Ge appeared in front of everyone.

"First of all, let me explain that SG TV is manufactured by Longtian, and the SG programs are owned by the major radio stations. The suspension of the station is their business and has nothing to do with Sky Entertainment. If you want to watch TV, you should call Longtian Technology's after-sales service or the station's head office to complain. "

The head of China Radio's general office: "Old Ge, you have to be kind. Although the equipment belongs to Longtian and the program belongs to us, the signal belongs to you!"


Hundreds of millions of netizens looked at the bewildered Boss Ge, and instantly typed 666 on the full screen.

"Great leadership!"

"Chiguoguo slaps the face!"

"Scene of a major rollover!"

"Old Ge, do you have something to say?"

Overseas netizens figured out what happened, and they were all overjoyed...



"No face!"

Four letters swiped the screen...

"Well, let's change the subject."

Ge Xiaotian pressed the button, and the live broadcast room made with the VR fighting chassis suddenly changed.

The yin-yang fish in the middle of the gossip does not move, and the inner two circles rotate, and the second-position lens rotates accordingly, allowing the audience to see the home console in all directions.

The inner three circles rotate, and the third-position lens rotates, so that the audience can see the gossip shift key in all directions.

The yin and yang fish rotate, and the camera in position four rotates, allowing the audience to see the night scene outside the venue in all directions.

Then switch to the panoramic fifth position lens, allowing the audience to see the scene in all directions.

"Is it cool?"

Huaxia netizen: "It's started!"

Overseas netizen: "It's less than 8 o'clock?"

Huaxia netizen: "You don't understand."

"This set of equipment is the official designated live broadcast platform jointly launched by Tianyu International entrusted by Longtian Technology and manufactured by Wanshi Technology. It allows game lovers to make a lot of money at home, and it allows viewers to appreciate the game of the great gods in all directions. Sao operation, it can effectively avoid 'playing on behalf of the live broadcast' and 'opening the live broadcast', as long as you use it, I will keep you popular."

"The new product is on the shelves today, and the whole set only sells for 68,000. If you can't buy it, you will suffer a loss, and if you can't buy it, you won't be fooled. Lao Ge personally endorses it. If you have any questions, please come to me."

Netizen: "..."

"There may be many friends who don't understand the use of buying this thing and how to make money, but it doesn't matter. After watching today's live broadcast, you will discover a new world."

Ge Xiaotian adjusted all the shots, "Okay, let's enjoy the night view of Dubai first."

"Dubai is a beautiful city, with the most beautiful beach, the most beautiful urban area and the most beautiful coast on the mother planet."

"Dubai is full of gold, even if you are a beggar, your monthly income can exceed 10,000 yuan..."

Film critic Old Z: "What the hell, you first tricked me into going to Neobras to get cold, then you tricked me into planting rubber in Nanyang, then you tricked me into farming in Montenegro, and then you tricked us into traveling with a bad song , The local chicken collapsed, Tokyo was bombed, Incheon was destroyed by the tsunami, and now they want to lie to me to go to Dubai! Among other things, buy me a plane ticket and let me leave Baroda, there is going to be a war here!!! "

'Because you spread false information, you have been automatically blocked by the system and banned for three days. '

Film critic Old Z: "..."

Hundreds of millions of netizens:

"Damn it, is it true or not? A beggar earns more than 10,000 a month?"

"Isn't it? Look at their taxi, it's actually a Dongba series!"

"Look behind the second child!"

"Damn it, the gold version of the bat private jet."

"Fuck, the diamond version of the ground effect aircraft."

"Isn't this too sci-fi?"

"I'm waiting for you in Dubai!"

Ge Xiaotian finished speaking with a smile, and started the Sudan client, "Okay, it's almost time, let's talk about games."

"This game is a role-playing game in name, but it is actually a large-scale strategy. I found that after logging in, many friends went to the wild to spawn monsters as soon as possible. In fact, there is no need for that. In the wild, they were either killed or entered the game at the same time. Players are far behind."

"Today, I will teach everyone how to play Sudan."

"I won't introduce the characters that can be chosen. Each has its own characteristics. In the future, ninjas, sand robbers, archers, etc. will be added."

"As for what career to choose."

"The professional balance of this game can be called the first on the home planet, but compared to the early and late development, I suggest that everyone, if you have money, play melee combat, and if you don't have money, play long-distance combat."

"We are live broadcasting this time, so I will just play casually, using melee combat as an example."

Ge Xiaotian chose a West Asian warrior, "The characteristic of this profession is a left-handed shield, a right-handed spear, and optional active skills... 64, with each other, you can always find your own routine."

"I choose to block and parry first. I have played Tianyu games and know that blocking can counterattack, and parrying can break the move. It is equivalent to two passives in vain."

"Secondly, shield strike, which belongs to control and can be stunned."

"Then thrust, sweep, two attack skills, but thrust can escape."

"In this case, five of the eight active skill slots will be used."

"Everyone knows that I am reckless in playing games, but occasionally I am reckless, so the remaining options are: battle cry increases attack, rout increases escape speed, and bloody battle increases blood recovery speed."

"In addition, the game still chooses five passives. In the spirit of being reckless to the end, or going to the end, we all choose recovery types, such as physical strength increase, physical strength recovery, blood volume increase, blood volume recovery, skill cooling, what to increase defense, reduce Damage, increased dodge, increased movement speed, etc., everyone matches according to their own gameplay, so I won’t introduce them one by one.”

"Enter the game... Hey, there are so many players."

"However, you can pass through people in the safe zone, so you don't have to worry about being too crowded to walk."

"We don't go to the field, we come to 'boot camp.'"

"Every second is spawning monsters here, and every second is gaining experience. We can practice skills while quickly improving the level."

"Attention, the boot camp is up to level 60, and there is a VIP hanging room next to it, VIP1 can enter, more experience, and a novice suit as a gift."

"Wait a minute, everyone. I'll recharge some dirhams first...Of course, everyone's location is different, and the recharge currency is different, but the recharge after exchange is the same."

Ge Xiaotian didn't charge too much, 5 dirhams, and instantly became VIP1, "It's not to force everyone to recharge, after all, it's a free game. We need funds for development, and we need funds for operations. A little calculation, it's only 1 Franklin, which is equivalent to eating less After a meal, you can enjoy VIP treatment."

"Five minutes, I reached level 60 and have a set of initial equipment."

"What are you going to do next?"

"During the monster spawning period, I exploded a lot of gold coins and recharged a lot of ingots. We can come to the new barracks to see if there are any good 'mercenaries'."

"That's right, this game can carry mercenaries. According to the level, there will be two mercenaries at level 60, and one will be added for every tenth level in the future. When the level reaches the full level, the mercenaries can be bought out and become everyone's personal soldiers, personal guards, and close mercenaries." guard."

"I want two archers... It should be noted that the mercenaries spawned by the new barracks have qualities, such as white board, green, blue, purple, orange, gold, red, and colorful. Different colors have different attributes... ..."

Ge Xiaotian went through the operation, brought two purple mercenaries, wearing novice suits, and came to the middle of the camp, "The map of this game is very big, no less than Shenlong Continent. Inside, there are many villages, towns, castles, fortresses, Cities, capitals, etc. are all occupied by NPCs, and we can attack alone or with players, a bit like attacking sand.”

"But when we take down a village or city, we can arrange mercenaries to guard it, and then go to fight another one. When you own three villages, you can become a town, remove the mercenaries in the village, and then arrange mercenaries to guard the town... In this way, you can become a 'Sudan' step by step."

"But I need to remind everyone that the NPCs guarding the village are very strong. If you want to attack, it is best to form a 'guild' or 'legion' with other players, just like attacking the sand, and take the city."

"If the guild wins the village, the proceeds will be distributed equally to its members according to their contribution. Similarly, towns, cities, etc. are the same."

"If you get the city, the leader of the gang will be promoted to Sultan, and the generals under his command will also get positions, titles, military ranks, etc. according to their contribution. The rewards are different."

"Basically speaking, this is Sudan's characteristic gameplay. In the later stage, countless players will attack and defend Sudan. Think about taking the scene..."

"Of course, everyone is a player, just playing a game. No one wants to be a soldier and charge for others. Therefore, the game introduces a salary system."

"Salary is not gold coins, nor game currency, but real currency."

"After becoming Sudan, you can use the salary system to give the players under your command the treatment you want, give more, give less, give money and things, there are no rules, such as taking down the village, each with a lollipop; If you win the giant city, each person will be rewarded with a sports car; 50 Franklin subsidies will be given regularly every month, whatever."

"The currency is remitted to the player's smart card through Tianrong International, and the items are mailed to the player through Tianchuang Shopping. Tiancheng only charges a part of the service fee."

"Maybe someone will say, do you need to do this to play a game?"

"I can be sure that the person who said this has never played Tianyu games. It's like Shenlong Dalu, let's not talk about the big players who have made friends with me, just take... wait for me to go online and see."

As Ge Xiaotian said, switch the game, enter the Dragon Continent, and find an ID from the guild leaderboard.

"In order to keep it secret, I need to contact the other party and ask for their opinions. Please wait a moment."

Not long.

"OK, the leader of this guild is a bedding seller and has a guild of 2,000 people. The members are scattered across the country, and they used to be jobless vagrants with nothing to do. They came together through Shenlong Continent. After getting along for a while, the leader In order to ensure the online rate, he supported the unemployed members to start a group and fight the boss through the "red envelope", which also accumulated a certain prestige, and later...he developed the gang members into bedding salesmen."

Hundreds of millions of netizens: "???"

"As I said before, the members of the guild are distributed across the country. The president not only saves the travel expenses of the employees, the accommodation fees in other places, and the trouble of recruiting, but also obtains a group of employees who cannot do without him. Through playing games, both parties Feelings are good."


"With the help of Tiancheng Logistics and the chamber of commerce, after a year of development, the president now has thousands of branches."


"Not only that, the unemployed players who used to have nothing to do are now all branch managers. It is said that this year's year-end bonus is a Sancha Wuling for each person."


"Some people may look down on Sancha Wuling, but if you think about it carefully, how rare is it to grow from nothing, to have a high salary as a store manager, and to have a goal..."

"bless them!"

Ge Xiaotian turned off Shenlong Continent, "I felt this, so I added a salary system to the Sudan game, hoping to help entrepreneurs expand their operations and help the unemployed find their favorite jobs. But in order to prevent everyone from being deceived, we have set up a smart payment system. I hope everyone will understand the binding login of the one-card and the restrictions that cannot be opened more."

Hundreds of millions of netizens:

"As expected of Boss Ge!"

"He's a good-natured entrepreneur."

"Yes, great!"

Ge Xiaotian pretended not to read the subtitles, and operated the game character to convey a wilderness, "Let's continue."

"The game has so many settings, and it also brings an intangible commercial value."

"And in terms of gameplay, we also try our best to consider the interests of the players themselves."

"First of all, the settings of exploding equipment and exploding gold coins are removed, and changed to 'combat merit'. As long as you kill players, you can get certain combat merit."

"Battle exploits can be exchanged for equipment, levels, medals..."

"It can be said that whether you are strong or weak in Sudan is related to the amount of combat achievements you have gained."

Ge Xiaotian manipulated the character to stroll around, saw a single 'player', immediately launched thrusts, shield strikes, sweeps, waited for the opponent to attack, blocked counterattacks, parried and broken moves...

The rhythm of the battle is fast, the full screen vibrates with sensation, and the flute version of "Wang Jin beats Gao Qi" that will sound only when a battle occurs, makes people excited.

Of course, in order to avoid monotony, there are also drum version, guzheng version, ancient Xiao version and so on.

And during the fight, big golden crit damage jumps out from the tops of both sides from time to time, and red explosive combo numbers jump out from time to time...

After several attacks and defenses, seeing that the blood volume of both sides had bottomed out, Ge Xiaotian kept useless battle cries, bloody battles, and reduced skill cooling time... a set of combos took the 'player' away.

Almost at the same time, the words 'beheaded' popped up on the game page.

Afterwards, settle the battle exploits.

Drip yo...

The number jumps, freezes and then disappears into the character's body.

"Damn, this picture!"

"so cool!"

"I'm captured!"

"This is just a solo kill. Just imagine, when you grow into Sudan and lead an army to charge, the left side is a combo, and the right is a combo... If you beat tens of thousands, tsk tsk!"

While explaining, Ge Xiaotian operated the game characters to come out of the deserted village, "This place has been occupied by bandits, we have to hire players, or... raise the vip to win it."

"Hiring players is very simple, just initiate recruitment in the team list, and it will prompt all players in the surrounding area whether to join."

"In order to speed up the live broadcast, I first increase the VIP level. In fact, normally, you don't need to do this, just recruit."

Not long.

More than fifty 'dummy players' wandering around and killing each other joined Ge Xiaotian's team.

There is also a VIP3 among them.

"VIP1? Pooh, the poor still want to be a sultan? Kill it!"

The VIP3 dummy quit the group and directly yelled at Ge Xiaotian like a barbarian.

"Um... are the quality of players so bad now?"

Ge Xiaotian sighed, running away while charging money.

Ten seconds later.


After the golden light, the supreme VIP15 player was born.

Ge Xiaotian didn't wait for the VIP3 dummy to escape, dressed in all kinds of luxurious novice outfits, and launched a stab at the opponent...

However, in order to create a sense of attack, or to improve the combat experience, the damage of the local tyrant outfit in the early stage is not high, but to improve one's own defense and blood volume to avoid being killed.

Therefore, the battle rhythm is still strong.

in a minute.

Victory jumped out.

Ge Xiaotian opened the reputation bar, "Kill two players, we can already exchange equipment."

"The exchanged equipment does not need to be worn, but it is three-in-one with the original equipment. The white board becomes green equipment, three green equipment becomes blue equipment, and three blue equipment becomes purple equipment... The same is true for the follow-up, when orange is reached, the number begins to double .”

When explaining.

The other 'dummy players' around all shouted 666, or the big boss, in short, all kinds of flattery.

Hundreds of millions of netizens didn't feel much about this scene.

The audience did not express anything, and Ge Xiaotian would not show anything, "The next step is to assign tasks to each player in the team, such as patrolling the outer circle to avoid sneak attacks from other teams, such as guarding the exit to prevent bandits from escaping, such as replacing the wounded, Avoid casualties..."

Three minutes later.

The battle broke out, and more than fifty people rushed into the deserted village.

Ge Xiaotian has a VIP15 on his head, making various combos...

Five minutes later, the system judged that the team occupied the village...

Afterwards, Ge Xiaotian broadcast live again and again while fighting.

Villages, towns, Tucheng...

Hundreds of millions of people seem to be watching an epic ancient war movie, witnessing the leader step by step from weak to strong, without noticing the passage of time.

Moreover, Europe and the United States like this kind of heroism.

In the early hours of the morning, the number of viewers increased instead of decreasing, and the number of gamers also increased.

The fourth district of Sudan...

Sudan five districts...

When Ge Xiaotian survived the whole night, destroyed seven player forces, and grew into a small town of Sudan.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the Sudan 100 million player memorial area opened.

The global news media was bombarded by this data.

"100 million players?"

"I rely on it!"

"How can it be?"

"Didn't you see how many people are playing around?"

"Yeah, how much is the total sales of home consoles?"

at this time.

Big news from Greece.

A high-level executive said that in order to solve the long-standing high unemployment and crime rates in the country, he will propose the official introduction of "sultan" and the popularization of "sultan". 'Can help Greece improve its business system.

Hundreds of millions of netizens: Are you kidding me? !

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