Build Madness

Chapter 870 Live Streaming Industry and Real Estate

Using games to reduce the crime rate is nonsense, and what's more, they want to use games to increase employment rates.

The whimsical idea of ​​the executive Xila caused collective ridicule from various media.


Xi wax not only did it, but also did it very decisively.

October 2nd.

Xiwa official and Longtian Technology reached a 1.5 billion Franklin order to purchase 3 million SG home consoles and 500 sets of SG live broadcast equipment.

Subsequently, Xiwa reached a cooperation with Weihua to build an optical fiber framework for Crete, the Cyclades Islands, Karpathos Islands, etc. with the help of the Asia-Europe submarine cable laid by Millennium.

Immediately afterwards, Xiwa reached a cooperation with Tianyu International, introduced the Zigbee network, and customized the map and region of 'Sudan' belonging to Xiwa.

Then, Xiwa officials talked to Boss Ge through the air, throwing out a "Game Island" development project worth 500 million Franklin.

The speed of the movement shocked the eyes of the whole world, and made all the countries on the home planet look sideways.

How funny?

Still not awake?

Buy three million game consoles?

Are you afraid you are not a funny x?

But the transaction speed is just as fast.

On the 3rd, Longtian Technology transferred the goods from the European region, airlifted the Greek wax, and completed the delivery in the afternoon of the same day.

On the 5th, Xiwa distributed SG home hosts to poor families free of charge in just two days.

Also announced:

'Our country has completed the construction of informatization, and the Internet penetration rate is 100%, ranking first in the mother planet! '

'After the Zigbee laying is completed, our country will become the first developed country in the mother planet to be able to surf the Internet for free anytime, anywhere. '

'Our country's employment rate has reached a new high, and the unemployment rate is almost zero! '

'The coverage rate of entertainment facilities in my country has exceeded 90%, and it is expected to win the first place in the parent star before the 2004 Olympic Games! '

Mother planet countries: "???"

Can you still play like this?

Allowing poor families to play games is equivalent to solving employment?

But then again, Sudan has a salary system, which seems to be fine.

And Greece will host the Olympic Games in 2004, and let all the homeless people play games. Regardless of whether it can solve employment or not, it can indeed reduce the crime rate and create a good environment for the Olympics to be held in advance.

In addition, taking advantage of the Sudan craze to attract a wave of overseas attention and increasing tourism input can also stimulate local economic growth.

This operation...

He looks very much like Ge Lao Er!

Olympic officials spoke highly of Greece's move.

The mother star joint meeting even named and praised them, and criticized the non-area black uncles lying in the trenches and chug to the sky...

Of course, what Greek wax did also caused great dissatisfaction in North America, after all, it is a member of NATO.

Coupled with the exposure of the "insider story" of the large-scale iron lump incident, the Five Eyes Alliance discovered that there was Xi Wa...

Needless to say, NATO's top thugs, the North Anti-Ice Bear, the East Conquest of Chicken, and the West Township of Italy's Montenegro, increased troops to the northern border of Greece overnight, and dispatched 20 small couriers for door-to-door delivery.

Seeing this, Ice Bear waved an olive branch to Xila, while launching a fierce attack on the Black Sea Fleet of Montenegro.

Xi wax also fell in love with Heishan, a fool who littered couriers, and immediately gritted his teeth and ordered S300, Wasp, Doyle, etc. from Bingxiong, various types of egg guide systems.

Montenegro was attacked from the back and back, and its neck shrank, and it asked for help from North America.

North America didn't really want to lose Xiwa, and seeing that Montenegro was about to be beaten, he hurried out to be a peacemaker.

Ice Bear got the funds from selling guide eggs, felt that it should be enough to repair the aircraft, and didn't want to make a big deal, so he immediately evacuated from the Black Sea controlled by Montenegro.

Events subside.

But Montenegro was frightened by Bingxiong and Xiwa, and the boss didn't help out, so he was very angry, and secretly complained to France and Germany about the lack of loyalty in North America.

England heard about it and reported it to North America through the Five Eyes Alliance.

North America was worried that the younger brother would not work hard during the Iraq war, so he presented a batch of decommissioned military equipment to Montenegro, and stated that he would no longer pursue the issue of the relationship between Panda Guardian and Baixiao UI.

Montenegro was very frightened, and under the watchful eyes of Yidali, he closed the submarine guide egg silo...

Event ends.


in a few days.

After several rounds of unconventional publicity, Sudan has become a phenomenal online game.

After all, in this period, even without a dummy system, Sudan can be called a blockbuster masterpiece.

Hundreds of skills are available, allowing players to match their favorite combos as they wish.

Exquisite graphics and powerful prompts can stimulate the desire for destruction deep in the player's heart.

Hack and slash games have a wide audience, and gameplay such as siege, wilderness, and army attack and defense can enhance cohesion and greatly reduce the player turnover rate.

Coupled with the sales volume of SG home consoles, and the most important factor given by the dummy system: the number of people is lively...

Therefore, it has created the phenomenon that no one knows the 'Sudan'.

Not only the Baixiaotong forum disguised as a panda guard is discussing, but even platforms such as win, linux, and Unix are also occupied by Sudan.

Due to the different cultures, enthusiastic players in various regions even gave Sudan a series of names, such as Devil May Cry online version, Diablo 2 online remake, Sansan online version (Three Kingdoms Heroes + Three Kingdoms Warriors)...

Unfortunately, Tianyu International did not admit it.

Seeing that a large number of customers flowed to the SG platform, the Science and Technology Alliance immediately increased the sanctions on Longtian Technology and put pressure on the European region through Xiaobu.

However, France is very dissatisfied with North America's crackdown on Iraq and the containment of the euro. It led a group of younger brothers to reject North America's request, and even retorted that the Science and Technology Alliance does not want to make progress.

North America has not yet expressed anything, Montenegro has mobilized part of the three major fleets to form the fourth fleet, pointing at the sword: stand up for the boss!

This move not only frightened the European League, but also scared North America, and quickly pulled Montenegro back.

Italia proposed to kick Montenegro out of the European League, but it was opposed by England, the crap stick.

Taking into account the southward movement of ice bears, refugees from West Asia, and the 200 million Franklin loan, France also expressed its opposition.

Countries such as Putao and Spain, which sent troops to Iraq this time, are about to wear a pair of pants with Montenegro, and they must also oppose it.

Therefore, Montenegro proposed to kick Yidali out of the group...

Still kick out the two groups of the European Union and NATO.

Italian: "???"

Of course, this is impossible.

However, affected by this incident, coupled with the raging flames of war in various places on the home planet, there were conflicts within NATO. The main force of the European Alliance, headed by France, decided to get rid of the influence of North America and restart the Galileo Starlink project. Unfortunately, a group of rich people did not want to pay. .

Longtian Technology expressed its willingness to invest 500 million euros to test the waters, but because Lao Wang asked to join the core technology research and development, the attitude of the European Union was vacillating, and the two sides fell into a dispute...


January 15th.

North America issued an ultimatum to Iraq, requiring its chairman, another monkey Sailei, to either surrender himself or accept the baptism of war.

This Comrade Hou Sailei wanted to learn from Montenegro, not only ignored the pass, but also held a big military parade...

North America became furious and immediately implemented the Iraqi plan.

Dubai is close to the Persian Gulf, and it is the only way for the North American Sea to go to Iraq. Carrier-based aircraft for exercises pass through the sky from time to time, making this place shrouded in the shadow of war.

The North American campaign against Iraq encountered global boycotts and triggered the largest anti-war demonstrations in history. Even in Dubai, anti-war appeals can be seen everywhere.

"The war is far away from us, but it seems very close. May there be no war on the home planet."

Ge Xiaotian sighed with compassion and shut down today's live broadcast.

He has been broadcasting live for two consecutive weeks.

During the period, while improving the live broadcast system, while drafting live broadcast specifications, while leading the audience to play Sudan.

The live broadcast system is very neat, such as rewards, entry animations, room management, etc., can be directly copied from the voice chat room to the live broadcast room.

The regulation of live broadcasting is a bit troublesome, with different regional cultures and different management systems, some places ban pornography, some ban "blocking", and some places don't care about anything.

Ge Xiaotian's live broadcast this time is considered to be taking advantage of new things, and when locals react, it will be almost impossible for global SG users to co-exist in a joint network live broadcast room in the future.

In order to respond in advance and cater to the tastes of audiences from all over the world, Tianyu has signed webcast agreements with many countries and regions that accept Tiancheng International Holdings. Function to block content that does not comply with the system of Zone B.

But no matter what, Boss Ge made history. He broadcast live for two weeks and almost won the attention, likes and rewards of SG users all over the world. The three values ​​are always ranked first on the Tianyu live broadcast platform.

Of course, Boss Ge’s live broadcast does not mean playing games all the way, but also promoting products, introducing projects, talking about the future, chatting about the present, and promoting other anchors.

For example, a female DJ who was temporarily transferred to Dubai Tianyu, live broadcasted the Marseille that Tiancheng Sports created for Dubai.

For example, 100 competitive players selected from Tianyu Games will broadcast live broadcasts of 3V3, 5V5, 10V10, 20V20, tribes and alliances, VR fighting, karting, dancing and so on.

In addition, there are a group of singers and actors selected from Tianyu International to live broadcast the process of singing, sketches, variety shows, movies and TV series.

And select a group of handsome men from Tiancheng from all over the world, live broadcast the folk customs, geology and landforms of various places...

Because of this, Boss Ge created a new job.

In the past, all kinds of nonsense failed to make it to Time Magazine, but this time it was directly on the cover.

Time Warner also gave a series of evaluations: the man who influenced the way of life of all mankind in the new century, the business genius who can control the business development direction of the mother planet, one of the most influential figures in the mother planet in the new century...

"They're trying to kill me."

After reading Time Magazine, Ge Xiaotian was very dissatisfied, and ordered Eleven, "Notify Tianyu International, and make a special issue for me, focusing on describing my greatness, especially my kindness and charity. Forget it in China, the focus is on overseas. How many tickets have been donated, how many refugees have been rescued, how many poverty-stricken areas have been funded, and how many lives have been saved."

"Boss, have you done these overseas?"

"There's none?"

"It seems not."


Ge Xiaotian pondered for a while, "The war-torn rubber plantations are prosperous, the refugees from West Asia all live in tents made by Tiancheng, the children from non-regions enter Tiancheng Overseas School, and the Polar Sakha (Yakutia) has heating... It's not all. Is it?"

"I see, boss."

Tianyu has no publishing rights in China, but there are many overseas publishing houses that have been acquired or secretly controlled.

Making a newspaper is a piece of cake.

"These foreigners are really worrying."

Ge Xiaotian sighed and left the live broadcast room, looking around the hall outside.

The newly arranged live broadcasters are staying in the cubicle to interact with the audience with the help of projection equipment and AR virtual images.

Surrounded by makeup artists, image designers, and prop managers.

Logically speaking, live broadcasting must be done without the administrator of the live broadcasting room, the trustees who drive the atmosphere and drive rewards...

But Tian Cheng didn't need these.

Ge Xiaotian patted the head of No. 1 machine, "It's done, I'll change you to a high-end and elegant body."

"Well, I will definitely live up to the high expectations of the boss!"

At this time.

The female DJ came over, "Boss, the Science and Technology Alliance has also launched a live broadcast platform."

"The imitation is quite fast."

Ge Xiaotian was noncommittal, "The 3G network is not as good as the Zifeng network. They can only do it on the computer. Only by speeding up the laying of the new network can they be transferred to the mobile terminal. This is our advantage."

"According to the Ministry of Intelligence, the Science and Technology Alliance has decided to implement the Starlink project. It will first launch 200 network satellites to cover North America, and then spread them around the world when they are mature."

"Great job by the Intelligence Department."

The Network Starlink project originated from Tiancheng.

It was Ge Xiaotian who proposed it himself and asked Daoyi to formulate detailed technical support.

Only later with Zigbee, the plan was handed over to two hackers who were bought by the Five Eyes Alliance and hid in the Red Eagle Alliance.

The year before last, the two hackers were promoted to project directors of Tiancheng Aerospace Department, learned a lot of good things, and fled to North America last year.

They took away the core code and some keys of the GLONASS signal enhancement satellite, as well as the Tiancheng Network Starlink project and the research and development results of space-based weapons.

Of course, these are all half-truths...

But when the Nine Institutes heard about it, they became distraught and contacted their superiors to issue an arrest warrant, and Tianwei also participated in the hunt.

This secret war has continued until now, causing Tiancheng Aerospace Department to suffer "heavy losses" and expose Laboratory 101, but it also allowed the Intelligence Department to successfully infiltrate the Five Eyes Alliance.

"Notify the legal department and sue the technology alliance. No matter whether it succeeds or not, you have to put on a show."

Dao eleven nodded and contacted the masters on the spot.

The female DJ continued to report, "As of now, Dubai Tianyu Network Media has 500 million registered users, and the number of full-time online users is stable at 200 million. We plan to build five live broadcast buildings, design the internal space according to the type of live broadcast, and arrange live broadcast personnel. "

"Well, the focus of your next work is to divert the viewers, and don't let them all gather in one live broadcast room. For example, the viewers in live broadcast room A like to watch Alliance and Horde, and the number is as high as 50 million. Then we need to create a few more alliances. Ten, one hundred, or even one thousand live broadcast rooms with tribes are fine."


"When the customer diversion is successful, our live broadcasters will start to do good deeds, such as teaching students and mentoring apprentices. It is best to let the students or apprentices push him down, otherwise how can we sell the equipment to these students and apprentices?"

"I know, after selling the live broadcast equipment, let our live broadcast personnel sell Dubai Tiancheng real estate to students or apprentices, including decoration, and if possible, help them form a company to create a prosperous Dubai!"

"It's in my heart."

Ge Xiaotian patted the female DJ on the shoulder, "After finishing this session, you will be in charge of Wuzhou Avenue."

"thank you boss."

Although Jianfu was very big, Tian Cheng was busy building roads in Jianfu and hardly made any money.

Shanghai is different. Wuzhou Avenue far surpasses Wangjing, the capital city. It is a coastal pearl project. It can be responsible, and the representative position and year-end bonus have been greatly improved.

Moreover, since the second leader of Jianfu was transferred to Modu, the two sides had already gotten to know each other well, which saved a lot of trouble.

Ge Xiaotian bid farewell to the female DJ, came to the deck of Engineering Island with Dao Shishi, and looked at the coast with binoculars.

Dragon City is gradually improving, the community has completed the foundation pit support, twelve commercial buildings have been built to the sixth floor, and the streets have begun to take shape...

"How is the preparation for the sea view room?"

"The first batch of 50 will be built, and the anti-seepage and stability are being tested."

"How are the sales?"

"The community and the building are hot, but this project is a bit cold."

"We should pay attention to the check-in experience. It is better to change the marketing method. Free stay for one week, praise coupons for return purchases, and 10% off for old and new purchases."


"How many private jets are prepared?"

"Five hundred bat flying machines and ground-effect flying machines each, manufactured by Tiancheng Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. in the non-regional area. Two engineering islands are installed. They are expected to arrive in a month."

"One month later... It is estimated that North America is attacking Iraq. When entering the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, be careful."

"The fleet director has been notified."


A North American reconnaissance plane roared past, flying extremely low.

Don't think about it, I must be secretly photographing Engineering Island.

Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes, "What will happen if our three engineering islands are damaged at the junction of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf at the same time?"

"Ships from the Persian Gulf cannot leave, and ships from the Gulf of Oman cannot enter."

Dao Shishi's eyes lit up, "Boss, I have a good idea."


"One month later, the three major North American fleets entered the Persian Gulf and left all their armaments in Iraq. When we won the victory, the three engineering islands where we transported more than 500 aircraft happened to be destroyed by North American mines. , stopped at the Persian Gulf passage, and the maintenance fee is less than tens of billions..."

"Didn't I become a highwayman?"

Ge Xiaotian laughed and cursed, then shook his head in denial, "It's not the time yet, besides, can North America take down Iraq?"

"Hard to say."

"That's enough."

Ge Xiaotian put down the binoculars, "Go and see the sea view room, if you want to make a lot of money in Dubai, you have to rely on it."

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