Build Madness

Chapter 874 Returning to Tiancheng Aerospace Department

Any scenic spot has a life cycle. In order to maintain a strong source of tourists and popularity, it is necessary to update infrastructure at any time and improve service items to create a unique brand charm.

The same is true of Daqingshan.

After more than three years of non-stop construction, it has begun to take on the style of the Huaxia Ancient Culture Center.

The ancient city of Qingshan in the south, the palace of the Han Dynasty in the east, the Daxing of the Sui and Tang Dynasties in the north, and the Water Margin Culture in the west.

There are eighteen sculptures of ancient figures in the mountain, surrounded by a dragon-shaped sightseeing roller coaster, and a winding river at the foot of the mountain.

There are many sails on the water, the water wheel on the shore is turning, and the ancient temples in the mountains are looming in the morning fog.

It is really a fairyland on earth, so beautiful.

And the transportation is also very convenient.

In addition to the well-connected tourist civilization bus line, the river system connecting the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the Jihe Expressway leading to the Jifu hub of the Yiyi West Project, the subway project under construction, and more than ten experimental civilian short-distance airports.

All of these are intertwined to form a unique Daqingshan Tourism Industry Zone.

If you look down from a high altitude, the overall majesty and domineering, it is yearning.

It's a pity that the S virus is raging, even if Tiancheng takes effective preventive measures, he still dare not hold large-scale festivals, such as annual meetings and temple fairs.

Coupled with the arrival of New Year's Eve and people going home to celebrate the new year, this internationally famous tourist center looks much more depressed.

Ge Xiaotian, who came back from Dubai, stood in the Department of Aeronautics and Space and looked around for a long time, then looked at Dao Yi who was standing next to him: "Is the live broadcast platform built for China ready?"

"All in place, open on time tomorrow night."

"Ancient mythology debuts, don't mess it up."

"I'm in charge of the project, don't worry."

"That's good."

Ge Xiaotian nodded and walked into the aerospace department.

Due to the "spies" who took away the "Network Starlink Project", the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space took advantage of the opportunity to expose the basement level, and also showed Tiancheng's aerospace strength.

In order to further stimulate Europe and the United States, it didn't take long before the second basement floor was 'accidentally' exposed.

Of course, the real aerospace department has transferred the desert town and applied to the superior for the 'interstellar development plan'.

The reason is: there are various plans in North America, both true and false. If we want to expand our influence and attract more partners for the Westward Project, we must also come up with a series of operations, just like '2012'.

The superiors naturally knew that '2012' was a fake, and the deputy director even personally called him to ask for clarification.

But as more and more top tycoons from the mother planet ordered 'boat tickets', even the deputy director was bluffed by the huge sum of money, and even suspected that he, Ge Lao Er, was going to break the pot.

That's why he was ordered to stay in the country. Even if he went to Dubai, he would also arrange for an escort team to send express delivery to the oil country.

Logically speaking, the '2012 Shipbuilding Plan' is fake, the 'Network Starlink Project' is fake, and the 'Interstellar Development Plan' is of course also fake.

Except for the skepticism of the Nine Institutes, the other superiors only thought that Tian Cheng was joking, so they approved it directly, and the document was signed by the deputy director himself.

"The handwriting is beautiful."

Ge Xiaotian held the materials with complete procedures and regulations, and suddenly wanted to laugh, "How many low-Earth orbits have you given?"

"Two, originally there were three, but at the end of this year, the Ninth Institute will launch the manned Shenzhou V spacecraft. In order to avoid accidents after the orbital module stays in orbit, an extra one will be added as a backup."

Although there are few satellites these days, there is a limit on the number of low-earth orbits of the mother star, and there is also an agreement on the orbit of the mother star. If you want to use it, you must apply.

However, Huaxia owns a certain amount, so there is no need to inform the world, and it is enough to free up two and hand it over to Tiancheng.

"The launch vehicle, manned module, and lunar module, are they all ready?"

"You can rest assured that I will succeed in the first attempt."

"Let me see."

Ge Xiaotian walked to the AR virtual projection sand table and signaled the staff to simulate a moon landing.

The rocket launch center is located deep in the Sahara Desert, about 50 kilometers away from Tiancheng Aerospace Headquarters, and about 300 kilometers away from the desert town.

The moon landing plan uses 300 monks and 50 technical secondary school interns who will graduate this year.

In fact, there were originally 120 technical secondary school interns. They launched more than 30 GLONASS or signal enhancement satellites in Ice Bear. After returning to China, more than half of them were selected by the Nine.

Although the culture is not high, but the operation is elegant, and it can deal with all kinds of emergencies that may be faced when entering orbit, deorbiting, and returning to near-Earth orbit.

"The 312th rehearsal of Tiancheng's moon landing plan begins!"

Not long after, the radio in the underground space sounded.

The AR sand table in front of you shows the desert scene, and the surrounding display screens display the operation screens of the staff of the Aerospace Headquarters in different areas.

"The first round of physical inspection is correct."

"The power supply is normal."

"Fuel replenished."

"'Sims' loaded."

"The orbital module has been inspected..."

"The lunar module has been inspected..."

"The second round of inspection of the real object is correct."

"Everyone take their places."

"3, 2, 1, ignition."


Weighing 3,000 tons, it is capable of sending 100 tons of load into low-Earth orbit. It has five boosters and a heavy-duty launch vehicle that shoots into the sky with orange-red tail flames.

at the same time.

"The automatic aiming system is normal, entering the vertical flight phase."

Ten seconds later.

"Transfer to the zero-angle-of-attack flight stage..."

The carrier rocket independently developed and designed by Tiancheng has no distinction between first and second, or in other words, it is just a 'Sky Monkey' that sprays to the end in one breath. The technology is rough and solid, very hairy...

Not long.

The launch vehicle throws off the fairing, and follows the minimum energy flight procedure, and flies with the head down at a constant angular velocity.

ten minutes later.

The launch vehicle reaches the height of the parking orbit and enters the taxiing phase.

Generally speaking, the low-orbit spacecraft has completed its delivery mission at this time, and the spacecraft is separated from the rocket, but this time the target is the moon.

Therefore, Tiancheng Aerospace Department began to use its own immature 'gravitational slingshot' technology to carry out the earth-moon orbit change.

That is, from the low-Earth orbit of the parent star to the lunar orbit.

As for the 'gravitational slingshot' what is it?

It refers to using the planet's gravitational field to accelerate the space probe and throw it to the next target, that is, to use the planet as a 'gravitational booster'.

Long before, Daoyi had talked with Ge Xiaotian about the issue of his own aerospace engine.

They don’t have the legendary scramjet and pulse detonation technologies, let alone dark matter engines and warp engines, but only vector engines and plasma engines, which either burn liquid hydrogen and oxygen, or burn terminal hydroxyl polybutadiene, that is, 'Liquid Rubber'.

In this case, if you want to develop interstellar, find new resources, or activate the next level of upgrade conditions, you can only explore by yourself.

And the gravitational slingshot has become the best 'speed booster'.

But the 'gravitational slingshot' technology used by Tiancheng is very different from the gravitational slingshot that is widely used in countries on the home planet.

As Dao Yi said before, the parent star is rotating, the solar system is rotating, the Milky Way is also rotating, and the galaxy clusters are also rotating. They do not interfere with each other, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Therefore, there is the first speed in the universe and the second speed in the universe. speed etc.

Because of gravity and angle factors, we cannot see the rotation of the universe, but if we use a gravitational slingshot to jump out in a certain way, it is like a rotating wheel, moving from the inside to the outside, and the more it goes out, the faster the speed.

However, the universe is a multi-dimensional body, and to perfect this technology, one must leave the observation point and conduct experiments from the universe.

This is the "anti-gravity device" in the universe, and it is different from the anti-gravity device that needs fuel to propel the parent star, or the anti-gravity device that needs the strength of the magnetic field.

If you can 'reverse the parent star', 'reverse the solar system', 'reverse the Milky Way', 'reverse the local galaxy cluster', or even reverse the larger dimensional space, and switch states as you like, Tiancheng will be able to achieve something similar to 'jumping' Space navigation technology.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis, whether it is successful or not depends on the experiment.

Coupled with the exploration of new resources, and the accumulation of mature aerospace technology, Tiancheng's moon landing plan came into being.

In the AR virtual sandbox.

Because it is a drill, the carrier rocket flies around the low-earth orbit of the parent star, and the time for waiting for the "parent star orbit exit" and the "moon orbit entrance" is shortened.


The rocket takes the spacecraft away from the orbit of the parent star, enters the outer space, and then walks in an S-shape, approaching the moon.

After entering lunar orbit, the rocket dropped the lunar module to the moon...

The exercise is over.

Well, just throw it down, as long as it doesn't break, it means success.


Tiancheng's immature aerospace products never consider returning.

After throwing the lunar module down, the remote control team started the search work, and the lunar vehicle rested when it ran out of energy, and then continued to work when the solar system had accumulated enough power, and so on, and then launched another one if it was destroyed.

Wait until the lunar data is perfected, and then send the strong man up to start the great development of the moon...

"What is the success rate?"


"It doesn't matter. Encourage the interns more. If they fail, they will come a few more times. It's nothing more than a year's delay in getting their graduation certificate and no salary."


Due to the transfer of the main force of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space to the desert headquarters, many scientific researchers have been lost here.

But the former equipment is still there, and it doesn't seem to be abandoned.

At present, it is mainly responsible for maintaining the Zigbee network, network security, Daqingshan radar matrix, and developing some technologies that can be known to the outside world.

Ge Xiaotian strolled around, walked to the main console, and checked the technological products to be launched in 2003.

The first is the Longtian technology part.

Security aspects include voiceprint unlocking, 3D structured light, big data synchronous authentication...

In terms of products, the display screen accounts for 90%, that is, the handset is left on the top of the display surface of the device, and the rest is all touch screen.

"Can't you do 'Liu Haiping'?" Ge Xiaotian wrote and drew with a pen and paper, Liang Daoyi.

"So ugly?"

"Where is it ugly? How beautiful?"


"What about digging holes?"

"It's not easy to fix. Liu Haiping can be realized, but the hole-digging screen needs to adjust the number of cameras, or even multi-in-one, or actively switch the main camera and sub-camera at the bottom. The research and development is too troublesome and wastes human resources. It is not necessary."

"But it looks fashionable, wherever you put it, it's a good technology."

"Well, Liu Haiping was launched in 2004, and a hole-digging screen was launched in 2005."

"Actually, there is no need to switch the camera, you can make the hole bigger."


"Instead of digging big holes, make them into shapes like water droplets, pills, etc."

"Production is a problem... I'll give you a report on the feasibility plan when I go back and do some research."

"Not in a hurry."

Ge Xiaotian continued to check the new technology in 2003.

Tiancheng is developing now, while popularizing the smart card, it is also weakening the role of the smart card.

For example, smart bowl watches and smart glasses can also be used for shopping with credit cards.

And this year, Longtian Technology will also launch a 'swipe face' system based on a large database.

That is, when shopping, even if you don’t carry a smart card or SG device, you only need to stand under the camera at the cash register and click to confirm the payment, and the settlement can be realized.

But if the customer does not have a smart card, this function is not supported, so people still need to buy it.

In addition to the above, the rest is the home console and virtual reality equipment that Longtian Technology mainly focuses on.

Compared with the products in 2002, the parameters and performance remain unchanged, and additional functions related to smart home are added to realize the "Internet of Everything".

This is the focus of the confrontation between Longtian Technology and the Technology Alliance. The former develops personal micro-ends, while the latter is still computer technology.

However, home consoles and virtual reality equipment ushered in a big price cut, which is 30% lower than last year, which is a 30% discount promotion.

This is due to the increase in refineries, production plants, and research and development institutions related to graphene.

Maybe after three to five years, the same equipment will be reduced to 20% off.

But three to five years later, there will be devices that support more functions, such as AR measurement, environmental monitoring, water quality testing, and so on.

The main purpose of Longtian enterprise is: to facilitate life.

The technology for Weihua is all business micro-ends.

There are smart glasses with meeting recording function, convenient wireless chargers, Goertek earphones with integrated translators, smart cards that assist Tiancheng series of car driving, and "smart business cards" that are easy to carry.

The other is the fashion and smart card for Dami Technology, which ran out to start a business.

The material of the product shell is no longer metal and glass, but ceramics, plastics, and some leather, oak, etc.

The chip is also different from the Shenlong chip.

Just like Longtian uses the most primitive ARM architecture, one big tube and two small ones, which are classified and used to reduce power consumption; Weihua uses ARM-based Soc to integrate everything and increase functions; Rice Technology uses castration functions to improve performance, just for games.

Or rather, a gaming backup machine.

It is convenient for some customers who have a smart card, but the battery is insufficient due to playing games.

Focusing on games, it is natural to launch special games, such as 'Sudan' which has not been released in China.

If you have money to buy a spare machine, you will naturally have money to spend on games.

On the other hand, it controls the game environment.

Ge Xiaotian looked through all the technological products that are about to be updated, and got up to go home.

Passing by the Baixiao UI Operations Department with only three employees, he suddenly remembered the matter of catching rumormongers some time ago.

"Those people, haven't caught them yet?"

"Back to the boss, the information given by the Five Eyes Alliance is not true. At present, it is still only possible to track the login location, and it is impossible to catch the other party."

"Machine No. 1, did you do it?"

The latter hurriedly raised his hands, "It's definitely not me!"

"If you can't catch it, you did it."


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