Build Madness

Chapter 875

After a busy year, when I return to Gejia Village, I always feel that something is missing in my hometown, which has not changed in appearance.

Ge Xiaotian stood at the entrance of the village and looked carefully for a long time, and finally made sure.

The old man and old lady who used to have nothing to do in the past, who liked to sit on both sides of the main road with a horse to bask in the sun, disappeared.

I vaguely remember that the old village head said last year that when it was cold, many old guys couldn't stand it, and they fell asleep and died.

This has nothing to do with heating. It is mainly due to the alternation of heating and cooling, which can easily cause old problems accumulated over the years.

"This year, have you traveled so much?"

Dao Shiyi is only in charge of company affairs, and the secretarial team has also been dismissed and returned to their respective homes. No one can answer this question for the time being.

Ge Xiaotian was worried about gains and losses, and thought of the second grandfather who chopped off his own leg, the elders from close families who had to hang drips to watch the flag raising in the capital, and the old dart lady who taught Tianwei martial arts...

In melancholy, more than a dozen brats ran out of the alley noisily, holding electronic biubiubiu, hugging each other, yelling and rushing into another alley.

Compared with the village where Ge Xiaohei was the only one making trouble in previous years, it is now full of vigor and vigor.

But the taste... changed.

Like the dry river at the entrance of the village.

It was the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and the water conservancy for the whole people. Tens of billions of dollars were invested in it, but in the end it still failed to keep it.

Walking into the village, I happened to meet the old village chief who posted Spring Festival couplets.


"Yo, Xiao Tian went home for the New Year?"

"Yeah, I'm back."

"It's good to come back, it's not peaceful outside, there's war, and there's a virus, I miss you in my dreams."


No wonder during that time in Dubai, I dreamed of you hanging me up and beating me every day.

Ge Xiaotian quickly ordered Dao Shiyi to take out the specially prepared cigarettes and alcohol, "Master, try this."

"Hey, ceramic Moutai in 1956? Good stuff."

The old village chief didn't delay, and took it carefully, "I won't let you eat here at noon, and we will have another good meal tomorrow night."

"Just go to my house tonight."

"No, I have to talk to your second uncle about your second aunt."


"There's a fart."


Ge Xiaotian grinned, remembering the changes in the village, and said sadly: "This year, the elderly have left a lot."

"Yeah, the children are rich, and they are usually busy with business and can't take care of their families. The village discussed and discussed and sent them all to the newly built Qingshan Ancient City Nursing Home. There are food, drink, and people to take care of them. They usually follow you. Grandma Li played boxing, darts, cards, practiced breathing, and her body became more and more handsome... Alas, counting and counting, now I am the only old guy in the village who is in grade."


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, then laughed dumbly, "You can move there too."

"Are you the village chief?"

"Just now I thought about it carefully, old man, look, how many people stay at home in the village besides the Chinese New Year?"

"It seems to be me."

"That's right, Qigu moved to Chiyou Square to be a witch wisher, the third master went abroad to collect trash and hasn't returned yet, the elderly moved to a nursing home, the middle-aged laborers are in Tiancheng, and the women clean in the ancient city of Qingshan. The company and the children also board at Hope Primary School, even if my mother takes care of the children, she will go to Xishan to find my elder brother after the next year, like the old homestay, no one can take care of it now.”

"Well, there are tourists who want to experience Ge's old house, and I will help open the door and go through the formalities."

"Why don't we demolish the village?"


"In this way, you don't have to be the village head."


"No, the entire village was relocated to the ancient city of Qingshan. There is an administrative department there, which is equivalent to merging into a community. Our village does not need a village head."

"But our Ge Family Village is gone."

"Yes, Xiaoqingshan Community will be called Gejia Village in the future. Let's rename the Qingshan Road leading to the UFO Stadium to Gejia Avenue, and the outer parking lot including the rest area to Gejia Village Square. The Damao Supermarket opened by the third uncle, Renamed to Gejiacun Small Shop, changed Brother Lei’s main barbecue shop to Gejiacun BBQ stall, isn’t it, they’re all back?”

"Toss around!"

The old village head was amused, he laughed and cursed, and continued to post Spring Festival couplets, "Hurry up and get out."

"No, I'm serious. Believe it or not, after the first night of the new year, I will level our village on the second day of the new year."

"Go, go, see what you can do."


Ge Xiaotian turned to go home, and signaled Eleven, "Go to ask for the opinions of the villagers, just say that I propose to relocate, each house is 260, you can move in with a bag, and you can choose the house type. After that, you can submit a copy to the fourth uncle and the county. Materials. When the move is over, it happens that there will be a live broadcast in the ancient city of Qingshan in the second grade of junior high school, and I will invite the whole village to watch the performance, as well as delicious food from home and abroad.”

"Good boss."

Back at the old house, the house was extremely noisy.

Li Xiuxiu, who returned to Sancha Township ahead of schedule, led her sister-in-law who could already walk, and her elder nephew, Brother Hao's second and third child, were playing with building blocks in the hall.

On the sofas on both sides, Lao Li embraced his newborn brother-in-law, Lao Ge embraced his newborn second niece, and Brother Hao, who had finished running cross-country in the desert, embraced his fourth son, exchanging parenting experiences with each other.

Mama Ge, Lao Li's wife, and brother Hao's wife are busy in the kitchen.

The younger sister and sister-in-law are folding paper ingots.

Ge Wangwang's face is full of lovelessness...

Seeing someone push open the door, men, women and children in the room raised their heads.

Ge Xiaotian supported his face with his hands, and pushed up, "Well~~"


With a groan, I cried in fright on the spot.


The little ones in the arms of the three gentlemen were all crying.

For a while, the soprano chorus sang...

"Come back as soon as you come back, you have to do something."

Comrade Ge Feng picked up the toy on the table and was about to throw it away. When he saw the little kid rolling on the ground, he took it back.

"Ahem, actually, no one knows how to raise babies better than me, why don't I help you lead the meeting?"

"Go, go, no one is more unreliable than you."


Lao Li's family and Brother Hao's family just came to visit and did not stay for lunch.

Wait for it to quiet down.

The little niece fell asleep, while the eldest nephew stared at the 'stranger' curiously.

"Call Second Uncle."

The latter didn't answer, and hid in Ge Wangwang's arms.

"Hey, I bought so many toys for this kid, I don't even remember me."

"Nonsense, if you don't care about your family for a year, a cat or a dog can forget about you. By the way, where is Huang?"

"Together with Dahan, chasing rabbits in Siberia."

Ge Xiaotian squatted on the ground, just about to teach his eldest nephew to call him second uncle, but the latter also squatted down, but pulled his pants.

While holding the diaper, Ge Wangwang educated, "If you do this again in the future, you have to tell me about papa in advance, you know?"

"Papa, I want to papa."


"You might as well teach him to shit."

Watching Ge Wangwang carry his eldest nephew into the bathroom, Ge Xiaotian complained, walked to Comrade Ge Feng and sat down, made a cup of tea for the two, "Father, I am going to move the village to Qingshan Community, how do you feel?"

"No matter how important it is, Lao Ge's family expects you to lead them to make a fortune together. Not to mention moving to the Qingshan community, even if they move to the desert, the whole village, men, women and children will follow."

He does not mean that.

Ge Xiaotian recalled the western immigration plan that will be implemented in 2003, "Why don't our village set an example?"


"Go to the desert."

"Let me just say, don't take it seriously. If you really want to migrate, you might as well go to the Northeast."

"The meaning is different. In the future, the Northeast will be a resource zone, and the northwest desert will be an economic zone. You may not believe it, and only the Sahara can build a space port...Hey, Dad, don't go."

"Brother, stop bragging, clean up and prepare to eat." The little girl smiled through the kitchen glass.

"What is blowing? When did I blow it?"

Ge Xiaotian pushed the toys on the table to the ground, suddenly remembered that Ah Huang was not there, and bent down to pick them up one by one.

At this time, a burly man walked into the living room.

My second uncle killed him.

It's just...the eye circles are black and blue.

"I'll go. Anyone else dare to beat up Ge Laoer's second uncle?"

"Oh, there's no way."

The second uncle sat down on the sofa and sighed, "It's different. Anyone who dared to beat me before would definitely beat me back, but now...if someone beats me, it's called making trouble, at most it's a small news. If I beat someone, that's called Taking advantage of the situation to bully others, properly causing a sensation in Huaxia, saying that Ge Laoer's uncle beat someone, which will damage our Tiancheng image."

"Hey, that's what I said."

Ge Xiaotian curled his lips. After being messed with by the black book, Tian Cheng still has a fart image. It is estimated that anyone who has read the black book will definitely think that Ge Lao Er is a black charcoal, "To be honest, what's going on?"

"It's still a defeat." Comrade Ge Feng heard the movement, put the little niece into the bedroom, and said contemptuously after walking out: "Shame."

The second uncle was immediately unhappy, "I admit that my skills are inferior to others, but I'm definitely not ashamed."


Ge Xiaotian's curiosity was aroused, "Who did you fight with?"

Comrade Ge Feng chuckled, "This guy laughed at the martial arts competition, saying it was all a show. Some netizens found out his identity and encouraged him to sign up for the new competition."


"In the first round, he was beaten into a grandson by a non-Tiancheng family trainer. It is said that the opponent is a Cangzhou boxer. He has obtained a silver certification for VR fighting and is temporarily employed as a local military security instructor."

Ge Xiaotian was immediately happy, "You are really bad."

The second uncle didn't take it seriously, and said seriously: "Against the masters of the Tiancheng system, how many times can I resist?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't speak, but motioned to Eleven.

The latter caressed the wall with his hand, pressed it lightly, and made a palm print on the surface that could be discerned by the naked eye.

Second Uncle: "..."

"This time, you must be heartbroken."

"Don't be so hurtful."

The second uncle was desperate, "Why is it like a martial arts novel?"

"Times have changed."

Ge Xiaotian ran back to his room and brought out a box of colored bottles of brain-invigorating and kidney-tonifying liquid, "Drink more, you can do it too."


"It's best to use nutrient solution, eat more meat, soy products, and whole grains, and take a medicinal bath."

"Are there any secrets to inner strength?"


"Then how do you practice?"

"If you get beaten more, you will understand slowly."


"You started again." Mama Ge served the meal, "It's hard to get together, so can't we talk about something normal?"

"It's true. We have decided to take the development path of optoelectronic technology. When the gestation period is over, the world we see now and the world in the future are two concepts... no, they are two dimensions."

Mama Ge didn't understand, but Comrade Ge Feng, his second uncle and Ge Wangwang were attracted.

"Second, describe it."

"Have you seen the projection of my first appearance in Dubai?"

"AR technology."

"Yes, the next step we have to do is to quantize AR technology, that is, I put my own image into another place, but with the energy provided by the device, the image has the ability to manipulate the real thing, according to my actions, Make some operations on the other side, a god, manipulating thunder and lightning, moving mountains and seas, omnipotent."


"Of course, this is only a preliminary idea. The delivery of AR phantoms requires a carrier. At present, the equipment can only be made into an eggshell shape, and it is impossible to launch it from a spaceship to the surface."


"This is very important, because according to the existing scientific and technological theories, even if we have the technology to reach 10 light-years away, we cannot go there directly. One is the load problem linked to physical fitness, and the other is that there are too many unknowns in the universe. Including bacteria, viruses, and energy bodies. If we put them in this way, we can not only ignore the environment of other planets, but also conquer the entire universe without casualties. The living planet is absolutely safe, so we will launch the immigration plan."

Comrade Ge Feng, his second uncle, Ge Wangwang, and the younger sister who transferred to science and technology were all shocked.

"Second brother, to what extent can we do it now?"

"The technology of 'photon energy shaping' has been researched, which is similar to the wave-particle duality mentioned in your textbook: light particles can exhibit the properties of refraction, interference, and diffraction of classical waves; but the particle nature of light particles is not There is no energy for material interaction, only quantized energy is transmitted, and what we are conquering is quantized 'photon energy'."

"How many years can it be realized?"

"One hundred years. After all, we have just made mechanical legs, and it is too early to perfect the remote control system. In addition, it is also a big difficulty to convert matter into energy... It may take two hundred years, or it may take longer."


"But think about it, if it is realized, one day when we meet evil aliens and the other party invades massively, we will instantly release billions, or even tens of billions, of energy-based phantoms, which can be big or small, long and strong. It’s short, don’t worry about casualties, what’s the deal?”

"Just blow it off, don't care about energyization, you can send the mechanical legs to the moon first." Comrade Ge Feng took out the wine and motioned for everyone to eat.

"Going to the moon is not a problem, maybe there will be a 'person' on the moon next month to give you a video call."

"Fuck you, can there be people on the moon?"

"What if there is Chang'e."

"That's a moth." Mama Ge curled her lips, "Hurry up and eat, and I'll go to the forest later."

The little girl was a little unsure, and sat next to Ge Xiaotian, "Second brother, does this have something to do with the dimension of the universe?"

"It doesn't matter, it's still three-dimensional."

"Then can we enter high-latitude space?"

"Yes, the anti-cosmic gravity device can bring you into the seven-dimensional space. You can enter the eight-dimensional world at any point, and then choose to go back to the past or go to the future. But at that time, you are no longer human. Because human beings are three-dimensional creatures, maybe you have become a piece of data or a touch of consciousness. But before the ten-dimensional space, there was only one timeline. If you go to the high-latitude world, even if you can go to the future or go back to the past, you will never Not being able to come to 'now' again, or rather, never seeing this me."

The little girl was thoughtful, "The past, the present, and the future, unless the space remains unchanged."

"Well, that's the theoretical eleventh dimension, there are some myths, so it doesn't matter."

"Second brother, are these all Tiancheng's scientific research achievements?"

"No, I did it."


"I told you in the kitchen, this kid is addicted to bragging, stay away from him, you have to come over."

The mother smiled and took the little girl away, and sat next to Ge Xiaotian, "Second brother, take away the gold bricks you pulled from Dubai. It's winter, and you can lie on it to sleep. Not only will you feel flustered, but it's also cold. Make the bed and turn it on." Mattresses don't work."

"My dad has no objection, you can enjoy it."

"Shit, I just came back from the Northeast this morning, and I didn't know your mother was sleeping on a golden bed."

"That's good, you can experience it too. Tomorrow, I'll hold an event in Daqingshan."

"My birth year, keep the year old."

"Huh? I almost forgot, Eleven, go and get the natal suit I prepared for my dad."

"What natal suit?"

Not long after, Dao Shishi presented red shoes, red tie, red shirt, red long johns, red underpants, red socks, red padded jacket, red scarf...


"Wait, there's one more thing to go."

Ge Xiaotian rummaged through his luggage and found a purple wig, "This is so red."

Ge's mother laughed hard, "Put on this outfit, and look like a big girl who is about to get married."

"I see you are itchy!"

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