Build Madness

Chapter 876 Year after year

Have a reunion dinner at noon, go to the Ge family Zulin in the afternoon to send some donkey hoofs to the old man, and then put a few boxes of Erkijiao. When I go home and post the Spring Festival couplets, "year after year" has started on TV.

This year's theme is 'Looking back on the past, grasping the present, looking to the future, and embracing the new era'.

The program describes the earth-shaking changes that have taken place in China from agriculture, to industry, to technology, medical care, service industry and many other aspects.

If you look at things in 2003 from the perspective of 2003, it feels a bit 'earthy'.

But this sharp contrast clearly tells the Chinese people: times have changed, we must hurry up to study, struggle, and strive for a well-off life.

Then the preparations for the Spring Festival Gala will be played.

Affected by the flu, there were no spectators at the scene, but without the constraints of the auditorium, the scene this year was particularly spectacular.

The venues include: Wangjing, Tianjin Port Million Ton Wharf, Qinggang Golden Beach, Magic City Wuzhou Avenue, Jianfu Zhenghe Saiyang, Xiangjiang Shangpin International Market, Nanyun Orange Dam, Fengdu Nature Reserve, Sahara Desert Town, ALS Airport, Shaanxi Base, Xishan Iron and Steel Mining Industry, Bianliang Kaifeng Mansion...

Almost every Huaxia region has one or two distinctive programs.

This not only reduced the official expenditure, but also publicized Tiancheng's various industries, and greatly promoted the unity and cohesion of China.

Comrade Ge Feng was a little confused after reading the introduction of the venue, "How much did you spend to arrange all the venues in Tiancheng Industry?"

Ge Xiaotian was smoking an unlit No. 13 cigar, "Look at what you said, the Spring Festival Gala belongs to the whole of China, and it is set up in the Tiancheng Industrial Zone. It is valued by the leaders and supported by the masses. It has nothing to do with money."

"Heh, on the night of New Year's Day, when you were live broadcasting in Dubai, all SG TV channels in China were shut down, which caused the New Year's Day Gala to be stranded, causing the broadcasting leaders to talk to you from the air. I think this Spring Festival Gala venue, if it is not set in Tiancheng Industry District, I'm afraid the channel will be shut down again tonight."

"What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? Besides, I don't have such courage. "

"I heard that the Daqingshan Tianyu headquarters has been rehearsing since October. There are a lot of stars and many industry leaders. The station is suspended there, and the live broadcast is here. The slogan of 'promote Chinese culture and create national style' is shouted, In addition to those old men who are convalescing in Daxing City, sitting in town with the former chairman, tsk tsk..."

"You think too much."

"Yeah, I can think too much, not to mention the head of broadcasting, if I think too much, I'm worried about you doing this, so I set the venue in Tiancheng Industrial Zone."

"You call brain supplement."

Ge Xiaotian quickly changed the subject and looked at his eldest brother who corrected his eldest nephew's pronunciation.

Ge Wangwang called "Dad", and the eldest nephew replied "Papa".

"Father, tell me, in our life, do you call me dad more, or should I call you more?"

"This question."

Comrade Ge Feng stretched his legs, lay on his back on the sofa, and said comfortably: "You may not believe it."


"It was your elder brother who taught you to call Dad."

"Damn, brother, how many times have you called me daddy?"

Ge Wangwang smiled and shook his head, "No, every time my father hits you, I point to my father and say to you: Call your father."


"The more you play, the more you will naturally."



Amidst the laughter, "One Year After Another" ended and the news broadcast began.

Although the flu is rampant, in China, through the efforts of countless white-clothed angels, the epidemic has been effectively controlled. Coupled with the celebration of the festival, the two hosts who used to have serious expressions are also lively at this moment.

Twenty minutes before the news, the country was full of joy and joy, and had a good night together.

Ten minutes after the news, artillery fire continued overseas, and wars broke out everywhere.

"Overseas is really chaotic."

After the mother sighed, she said worriedly: "Second brother, you have to be careful outside, I heard that the people over there are very fierce."

"Don't worry, Mom, we have a lot of security personnel over there, and we are also cooperating with the Ou District Holy Church. Once I pass by, they will check everything."

"In a busy city, especially a city, no matter how you check, it won't work."

"I usually stay on our super-large engineering island, surrounded by the sea, who can threaten me? Besides, you forgot my AR projection? What's the matter, direct projection, so solid."

"You have been greedy for life and afraid of death since you were a child, and you will still be like this when you grow up."

"You were worried about me just now, why are you hurting me now?"

"I'm praising you."


Ge Feng interjected: "I heard that Tianwei is going to support the construction of the Asia-Europe Bridge?"

"Well, it's so chaotic over there, if some ruthless people go to the construction site to make trouble, we can't let the workers take the lead?"

"Bring plenty of protective equipment, especially large ones."

Ge Xiaotian glanced at Ge's mother, younger sister, sister-in-law, and Ge Wangwang who were eavesdropping, and said in a voice that could only be heard by the two of them: "Can our family lack big guys? Not only are there 'reconnaissance' drones, but also Mechanical legs, multi-legged excavators, hard rock drilling machines, transfer these things and take the opportunity to try their actual combat capabilities."


Comrade Ge Feng was stunned, and immediately whispered: "It's all baby bumps, don't be snatched away by others. Also, how many Tiancheng guards do you have over there?"

"Only a dozen..."

"Too little."


Seeing Comrade Ge Feng's serious expression, Ge Xiaotian swallowed ten thousand words abruptly, and changed his voice: "Tianwei is a security guard, and there are limitations in everything it does. There are few benefits, and in that environment, it is relatively hidden to do things."

"Makes sense."

But if it's all from one's own people, it will be more concealed if they act back and forth.


When the time comes to compete with the European church, the two sides will play a few big scenes, enough to cry for everyone who is not their own.

Comrade Ge Feng was silent for a moment, "What are the deployments of Tiancheng overseas this year?"

"Niobras will continue to focus on resources, the Okhotsk Sea Industry will continue to build large ships, the Wajima project will continue to expand, the Nanyang Project will end in the middle of this year, and then ocean transportation will begin. At that time, the Dubai Industrial Zone and non-zone Tiancheng will be communicated. Going all the way to the west, no matter how you want to win the real estate market in Central Asia and West Asia.”

"Central Asia is a war-torn zone."

"Do you think Sudan is fun?"

"Did not play."

"Where is the divine dragon cultivator?"

"Did not play."

"What about 3D martial arts?"

"I didn't play either."

"You won't find me a stepmother, will you?"

Comrade Ge Feng glanced at Ge's mother who was about to pick up the golden crutches, and scolded with a smile: "Get out, you think I'm as comfortable as you, Heilong Real Estate has transformed into a comprehensive enterprise, and a lot of business is piled up. I'm so busy that I won't come back until the 30th."


Ge Xiaotian almost forgot that Tiancheng was only responsible for improving manpower and equipment for Comrade Ge Feng's company, and did not arrange any management personnel at all. The development speed there was not inferior to that of Xishan and Shaanxi, and ordinary management personnel really couldn't resist.


Comrade Ge Feng is still young, and there is no need to arrange for the master to go there.

"In this way, father, a group of management students from Tiancheng Secondary School are about to graduate this year, so it's better to share with you."

"That's a good thing."

After discussing talent transfer, the father and son returned to the topic of real estate in West Asia.

Ge Xiaotian turned on the SG pad and started the Sudan game, "Look, what a fun game."

"Looks good."

"Instead of fighting to the death in the trenches, it is better to enter the game and fight to the death."

"Too idealistic, they will listen to you?"

"If you believe in the charisma of Boss Ge's personality, perhaps just one speech can quell the war, let those ruthless people lay down their arms, walk out of the trenches, rebuild their homes, marry wives and raise children, and live a happy and beautiful life from then on."


Ge Feng obviously didn't believe it, and pointed out the door, "Go to the yard and wait."

"Why? It's freezing outside."

"Yes, please calm down."


Ge Xiaotian curled his lips, picked up a teacup to moisten his throat, "Actually, this is paving the way for the future."

"How to say?"

"In the future, a lot of labor will be needed for driving mechanical legs."

"There are plenty of people in Dongshan."

"But with the improvement of living standards, the relative salary is also improved, and technical education is popularized. Almost everyone can become a technician. Who wants to be a front-line worker? Just like a master who lays bricks and plasters on a construction site, ten years later the number It is decreasing, and maybe it will be broken after twenty years.”

"Isn't there automated production equipment?"

"An automated intelligent mining machine costs 20 million Franklins, a remote control mining machine costs 5 million Franklins, and a human-driven mining machine costs less than 150,000. You say, I should choose which one?"

"So, what Tian Cheng needs is cheap labor."

"My father still understands. Think about it, when the ruthless people in Central Asia enter the game, what will they do with the food and drink in the future? Mining, working during the day and enjoying the game at night, isn't it more comfortable than lying in the trenches?"

"I still feel unrealistic. They have different cultures and beliefs. How can you make them live in peace?"

"We must start from the root and let them have the same belief, the same idea, and the same goal."


"Take refuge in my Buddha."


"Do you think, if you are locked in a dark room, and a monk is outside every day to chant sutras for you and do detailed translations so that you understand the principles of Buddhism, what will happen in a year?"

"I'm going crazy."

"You have to listen even if you're crazy."

"It reminds me of Monkey King who is under the Five Fingers Mountain."

"That's right, you see, the lawless grandson monkey is willing to follow Tang Seng to travel through mountains and rivers to learn Buddhist scriptures, let alone alone."

"You treat the ruthless people over there like this?"

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

"But the population over there..."

"So, to believe in Boss Ge's charisma, maybe a speech is all you need."


Comrade Ge Feng believed this time, "Are you my own? Why are you so evil?"

"I'm pregnant with him for ten months, could it be my own?" Mama Ge suddenly became unhappy.

"No, I mean him."

"No matter how bad he is, he is still my son. Besides, it is a good thing not to let others fight, which shows that my son has a kind heart."

"Yes, yes, mother, you still know me."

"Shit, he wants people to dig mines. Don't think I don't know what Neobras is like."

Mama Ge retorted: "What is it like? You haven't been there, I have been, okay? It's very prosperous, everyone has a job, well-dressed, full of food, good sleep, and good energy. Taking one day off and playing all the games for free is not as comfortable as our white-collar workers in Dongshan."

"Do you have a deposit?"

"You're living so well, why do you need deposits? Besides, in Neobras, what's the use of deposits?"


Comrade Ge Feng was speechless.

"Son, you are awesome, boss, you have to learn more from your brother."

"Okay, Mom."

Mama Ge is very bullish and uses a pure gold crutch, which is quite a demeanor of suppressing the audience and dominating the world.

Ge Xiaotian gave a thumbs up, "Mom is a sensible person."

Ge Feng: "..."

Ge Wangwang: "..."

Sister-in-law: "..."

There was a long silence.

Comrade Ge Feng pulled Ge Xiaotian to continue chatting about New Year's plans.

"Let's do this overseas, what about domestic?"

"This year is a critical year. We are preparing to transition from silicon electronics technology to optoelectronics technology, but we also need to ensure employment. Therefore, we will conduct pilot projects in desert towns and ALS areas to relocate silicon electronics technology talents to the south and empty out the jobs there. 'Old technology', and then relocate optoelectronic technology talents to form an optoelectronic technology industrial zone."

"I've always been curious. Optoelectronics technology is also a computer system. Why can't it be based on silicon electronics technology and extend upwards?"

"Because optoelectronic technology is created by us, if we continue to use the standards of the Science and Technology Alliance and will be restricted by patents in the future, isn't that stupid? Why not create our own standards, then popularize, mass produce, and finally commercialize?"

"What about the ARM architecture that Longtian Technology's SG products use?"

"This is silicon electronics technology. Strictly speaking, SG devices made of graphene chips still belong to silicon electronics technology products, while stone-optical machines made of graphene + optoelectronics are just four different things. In other words, there is no real meaning in the market yet. optoelectronic products on

"Does Tian Cheng have one?"


Ge Xiaotian motioned to Eleven, and the latter took out the second-generation photoelectric core.

The whole is like a No. 7 battery, with black metal plates at both ends and hollow in the middle, exuding a bewitching scarlet light.

The moment the gadget appeared on the table, not only the chatting people were attracted, but also the eldest nephew and the snoozing little niece turned their heads to look at it.

"It is divided into several types. Red belongs to ultra-high-frequency chips, which are suitable for military equipment. Blue belongs to medium-high frequency chips, which are suitable for industry. In addition, there are purple chips, photovoltaic chips, optical radiation chips, photonic chips, etc."

"Second brother, does it... still use programming?" The little girl seemed to think of something.

"Use, there is no logic, how can there be intelligence, is not the existing system, but a more perfect algorithm, you can go to Tiancheng Aerospace Department for further study. However, don't talk nonsense when you go back to school, you guys Mentors will think you're crazy."


"This is just a rudimentary optoelectronic technology, but manufacturing it is very complicated, far more complicated than nano-scale silicon chips. To popularize it, we need a lot of talents. In 2003, we started to cultivate it."

Ge Xiaotian put away the very precious photoelectric core, and was about to brag about the future when the communicator placed next to Dao Shiyi suddenly rang.

The latter picked up and exchanged a few words, and reported: "Boss, the No. 1 machine is in trouble."


"Two people were injured, one of them was seriously injured, and died on the way to the hospital."


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