Build Madness

Chapter 878 The Second Youngest Members of Lao Ge's Family

This year's Spring Festival Gala can be called a feast of celebration.

Wangjing Tiancheng Real Estate Development Group, with the M-shaped landmark building as the background, presents cool dances and explosive songs to hundreds of millions of Chinese audiences and countless overseas netizens in the commercial plaza.

Jingang Ocean Shipping Group, with a million-ton wharf as the background, performed a forklift performance and transport vehicle operation under the 30,000-ton gantry crane with a span of 200 meters and a height of 150 meters.

Qinggang Golden Beach, with five concrete aircraft as the background, shows the super sci-fi style of ground-effect aircraft and magnetic levitation technology in the sea of ​​lights.

As for the Wuzhou Avenue in Shanghai, which is under construction, there was a unique martial arts performance by workers and engineering sketches on the construction site.

Jianfu showed ancient shipbuilding technology, on-site assembly, video analysis, the whole process is a real masterpiece of art...

Xiangjiang presents a chorus of stars, and countless famous actors gather on one platform...

The Nanyun Dam presents ethnic minority dances, and a variety of costumes...

The desert town first broadcast the sand control process of the square field, and then broadcast the operation efficiency of the ground-effect transport aircraft, and finally, under the attention of billions of people, live broadcast the rocket launch site...

Of course, apart from the satellite monitors at home and abroad wondering why the 'fake rocket' didn't fall, no one believed it was real.

Even the nine institutes do not believe that the rocket with a success rate of only 40% of the earth-moon orbit change has gone to the moon.

At ten o'clock, the tens of billions of red envelopes came again.

Ge Xiaotian flicked his fingers silently...

'Thank you for your patronage'

This time there were no blessings.

Dao Shiyi saw that the big boss's face was getting darker and darker, so he went out to avoid disaster on the grounds of watching the sky at night.

"Wow, second brother, you are so generous this year, two consecutive rounds of red envelopes are all real money."

"Yeah, I thought the first round would be a gimmick with real money, and the next round would be coupons." Mama Ge gleefully showed her smart card, which showed: 68.8 red notes.

Comrade Ge Feng was also very satisfied, "No more, no less, 16 RMB 8, all the way."

Ge Wangwang and sister-in-law also reported the number one after another.

Ge Xiaotian couldn't stand it anymore, "It's not good for you to be like this, it is easy to form a trend of comparison."

"Hey, second child, how much did you steal?"

"If I say it out, I'm afraid you will say I cheated, so let's watch the party."

Knowing a son is like a father. Seeing someone want to change the subject, Comrade Ge Feng smiled half-smile, "You didn't steal a penny, did you?"

"No way, how is it possible!"

"A dime?"

"Certainly not."

Ge Xiaotian's face froze', revealing his 'panic eyes', and then restrained himself, based on the frustration of 'empty bag', he calmly said: "My luck has always been against the sky."

Comrade Ge Feng's eyes were like a torch, and seeing his style, he was more sure of his guess, "I will block the range from 1 cent to 1 yuan when I open a game."

"Forget it, dad, I don't want to win money after Chinese New Year."

"Hehe, let's have fun. Last year, I had notes all over my face. This year... our family is having fun together,"

Comrade Ge Feng didn't want to let go of the good opportunity to slaughter the big family, so he took Ge Wangwang along, "Follow quickly, play big."

"One hundred million!" The old man was sitting in the manor, and Ge Wangwang felt at ease, and directly weighed half of the year-end award he won in Dubai, "Franklin!"

"Brother, you are too cruel, how can you bully the second brother like this... I put down 20,000 red notes, which are all my scholarships."

After the younger sister finished speaking, she put the money beside Ge Xiaotian, "Press my second brother."


Comrade Ge Feng was slightly taken aback, "Sanni, you should think about it, I'm 99% sure to win your second brother."

"But my second brother's odds are high. Besides, no matter how high your confidence is, even if it is 99.99%, you and my second brother still have half the odds in terms of winning or losing. I will bear half the risk. …If you lose, you will lose less, but if you win, you will make a lot of money.”

"Where did you learn this weird probability science?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't want to distribute the winning money to the younger sister, "Be obedient, don't lose money with me."

"No, I trust the second brother." Ge Sanni spent time with Ge Xiaotian when she was a child, and listening to his words, she immediately knew that this guy was going to eat alone again, and her attitude became more determined.

Comrade Ge Feng was so determined that he felt a little guilty and hesitated to bet.

The sister-in-law looked at the situation clearly and looked at Ge Wangwang, who had a lot of trust in Comrade Ge Feng and did not see the situation clearly, "Where is your other half of the year-end bonus?"

"What for?"

"Take it out, I want to bet."

"It's all a family, you just report the number directly."

"I beat my uncle, the same amount as Ge Wangwang... No, plus all my deposits!"


Ge Wangwang was stunned, "Are you stupid?"

"I'm making amends!"

Mama Ge took a look at the deposit with the smart card, "Last year, I talked about diapers..."


Seeing that he couldn't make a lot of money, Ge Xiaotian, who was drinking from his teacup, sprayed directly, and roared at the top of his voice: "Eleven, find out which bastard fooled my mother into endorsing diapers, I have to beat him out of the shit. "

"What are you thinking about!"

Ge Maxu slapped her and scolded with a smile: "It was for my little grandson, so I stood by the side with a cane to show my face. When he left, he left two million. I was worried that the impact would be bad, so I confiscated nothing. Send us 50,000 packs of diapers."


"A pack of twenty pieces, a total of one million, we can't use it all up, I asked Dahan and Ahuang to pull it to the ancient city of Qingshan and sell it to tourists who need it. I never thought that they are quite capable and help me. Earned nearly half a million."

"The two of them will definitely deduct half of the food."


"Although some of Dahan's brain nerves were damaged by the virus, it is indeed irreversible medically, but technologically... Lab 101 equipped him with an intelligent brain similar to Unit 1, which helped him correct his behavior and language at all times, Even guide him to do some more profitable business. Dahan's intellectual brain power belongs to Dahan, so naturally he won't consider whether you are my mother, and he will never be merciless."


"Besides, Ah you think it's a normal dog?"

"They all say it's a demon."

"That's enough."

"You got them both back from being shitty."

"What kind of bird doesn't shit, that's Neobras."

Ge Xiaotian corrected his mother's pronunciation, and looked at the location of the smart card, "The two of them followed the exploration personnel into northern Yakutia, where it was frozen and could not return for the time being."


During the chat, Comrade Ge Feng moved away with his thermos cup in his arms, as if he didn't intend to get involved in the betting.

Ge Xiaotian suppressed a smile and looked at the amounts on both sides. On one side was Ge Wangwang's 100 million Franklin, on the other was his sister-in-law's 100 million Franklin and all his property, all his younger sister's property, and his mother's 500,000.

Immediately took out a coin and put it next to Ge Wangwang.

"Actually, I snatched a five-cent red envelope."


The little girl was the first to blow up, "Ah~~Second brother, you tricked me."

"No, I said it, don't lose money with me."

The sister-in-law was stunned, "This..."

Ge Wangwang almost cried, "I told you, Dad is 99% sure, you have to beat the second child."

My mother just finished struggling with the 500,000 kickbacks that Dahan Ah Huang took, and now she lost another 500,000, "God damn Ge Er Er, you even cheated my mother."

"My father and I have subdued with our eyes, but you still suppress me."

Comrade Ge Feng regretted it endlessly, "I was careless, and I fell into this kid's suspicious trick again, so I should stick to the bet."

"Calculate and settle."

Ge Xiaotian twisted his butt, picked up the smart card and prepared to calculate the share with Ge Wangwang.


Comrade Ge Feng seemed to think of something, "This guy is used to blowing beards, I have to check, second child, show your red envelope."


Ge Xiaotian showed "Thank you for your patronage" very calmly, and immediately put it away, "That's right, five cents."

"Fuck you, thank you for your patronage, you can even call it five cents, why don't you call a deer a horse."

Comrade Ge Feng burst out laughing, "The second brother blows up his beard, I will pay you all."

"This is not playing mahjong, it's betting."

Ge Xiaotian was still calm, "You get one yuan for one point in the dealer zone, but I got an empty bag, which means that the elder brother lost. One hundred million Franklin plus my one dollar coin, according to the odds, is not enough to pay my sister-in-law, mother, and younger brother." Sister, you are the banker, you need to make up."


Comrade Ge Feng was immediately unhappy, "Why do you still say that?"

"Why do you think all the overseas blockers went bankrupt?"


"Pay the money, dad. According to the odds, it's not too much. After deducting the 100 million from the elder brother, you need to make up for the money from the mother and younger sister."


Ge Wangwang suddenly said, "My 100 million, is that all?"

"Buy and leave, it's only about winning or losing. If you lose, you will naturally have nothing."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he smiled slightly, and pushed everyone's bet alternatives in front of each other, "For the Chinese New Year, just entertain and entertain, don't take it seriously. In fact, the meaning of Dad's doing this today is to tell our whole family that we The family is indeed rich, but they have to live a normal life. Don’t try to stimulate the momentary, do some head-scratching things, such as blocking, pornography, and poisoning. With this worth, you will soon lose everything. Dad still has a profound meaning in doing things."

"Don't flatter me."

Comrade Ge Feng watched someone praise him, laughed and cursed and gave everyone a million red envelopes, "The second child has his own way to go, and what we have to do is to make the whole family safe, happy, and always be together. Together."

The eldest nephew said in a childlike voice: "Together forever."

"Ha ha……"

Amidst the laughter in the room, the little girl suddenly made a shush gesture and listened attentively:

"Did you hear the wailing?"

Mom frowned, "It's Chinese New Year, what unlucky things to say."

"I heard that too."

Comrade Ge Feng picked up the remote control and muted the SG TV, "It seems..."

"It's a bit like Second Uncle's voice." Ge Wangwang said uncertainly.

"Where does it look like, it obviously is."

Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of something, "When I came back in the morning, I met the old man and said that he wanted to talk to the second uncle about looking for the second aunt in the evening. Did the second uncle get beaten?"

"I'll go and have a look."

Comrade Ge Feng put on his coat, "Don't go out, it will save your second uncle from feeling ashamed."


After Ge Feng left, Ge Xiaotian ordered Dao Shiyi, who stood in the yard to watch the sky at night, and took the backup controller of the stealth drone that patrolled around, and connected it to the home projection equipment through the Zigbee network.


The yard of the old village head appeared in front of everyone.

"Second brother, you are a cheater of strength."

"What are you talking about?"

Ge Xiaotian raised his legs, and first took a close-up of Comrade Ge Feng who was cold and arms crossed...

Mama Ge: "Don't let him catch a cold."

"Don't worry, the physical fitness of the whole people has improved, and Dad's resistance will not be so weak."

Everyone: "..."

Ge Xiaotian adjusted the aircraft very comfortably, hid on the nearby roof, and quietly observed the scene.

I saw the second uncle was tied up by the old man to kill a pig, and hung under the jujube tree in the courtyard.

The latter held an old-fashioned cowhide armed belt, and punched Bai Huahua's butt...

"Hey, I'm flustered by the beating."

Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian shook his hand and almost threw the controller. Fortunately, the drone landed on the roof, otherwise it would have been exposed all of a sudden.

Ge Wangwang and his younger sister snickered endlessly...

Mama Ge went to the stereo and patted the equipment, "Why is there no sound?"

"I adjust and adjust..."

Soon, a conversation in the courtyard came.

The old man: "Can't you?"

The second uncle shouted in a military tone: "Man, you can't say no!"

"Then you, motherfucker, bring me one back!"


The old lady said, waving the armed belt, "Answer!"

"Report to the chief, it depends on fate."

"Fate ass!"

The old village head took out a pamphlet, "Choose one for me, before the fifteenth, it's settled."

"no feelings."


"Do you feel it?"


"It's okay if it hurts, don't you want to watch me die without regret?"

"That's too much to say."

"Our branch is all married and has children, and Ge Shunfeng also has a grandson in his arms. In your branch, you can count as half of my child. The eldest has a grandson and granddaughter. Xiaolei's daughter-in-law is also up to the challenge, she gave birth to three children in two years, only you, the second child, don't even have a son, how can I meet your grandfather after waiting for me for a hundred years?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, there will be."

"Whenever, I'm ninety!"

After the old village chief finished speaking, he seemed to be tired from the fight. He sat aside and sighed with self-pity, "When your grandfather left, he suddenly became conscious, and he didn't even care about the donkey's hoof, so he took my hand and said: Weiguo! , his brothers are still young, you have to help me."

The second uncle cried instantly, "Master, don't talk about it, I'll look for it tomorrow!"

"Get out, you ran away, where can I find you!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task, issue a military order!"

"The ugly words come first. If I fail to complete the task, if I leave this year, I will be mad at you."

"Don't say that, I can't afford it."

"I'll just leave it here."

After the old village chief finished speaking, he put down the tied second uncle, shook his head, stopped talking, glanced at the direction of the drone, and walked back to the house.

Ge Xiaotian paused the screen, and played back the look of the old village chief, "It's strange, the distance is more than fifty meters, the old man's eyes are dim, can you see it?"

"It's a perception."

Dao Shixi turned on the monitoring data and looked through it, "It's so mysterious that science can't explain it."

"Forcing an explanation?"

"Science can only be falsified, not true. Strictly speaking, like publishing a report, it can only be described as 'scientific proof', not 'scientific confirmation'. If we force an explanation, we can only be like the No. 1 machine. It’s like doing multiple-choice questions based on the surrounding environment, negating from all aspects, and then picking out possible answers, such as denying that the old village chief saw the drone when the drone landed on the roof.”

"He is old and dim, the sky is dark, and the drone painting and shading are fine."

"For example, if you deny the old village head's brain waves, you can feel infrared waves."

"He has been on the battlefield for so many years, it's hard to say."

"Then solve the 'mystery and mystery', just like someone peeping behind you, if your brainwaves receive the brainwaves of the other party, you can feel that someone is peeping. In the same way, the old village chief cultivated a keen perception on the battlefield, His brain waves are extra sensitive to radio waves, which led him to discover drones."

"Isn't this a superpower?"

"Our research on the brain domain is progressing very slowly, and we may need to wait until the genetic mutation is overcome to unlock this type of technology."

"All right."

Seeing Comrade Ge Feng return, Ge Xiaotian hastily turned off the projector and turned on the SG TV, "Go outside and continue watching the sky at night."


Not long.

Comrade Ge Feng returned, sucking in the cold air, "It's really cold outside."

Mama Ge: "What happened?"

"It's not because the second child can't find a wife, and the father and father are arguing again."

"I think the Northeast girl listens to the temper of the second child. It just so happens that he is in Kyrgyzstan. You can help match the match."

"He is forty-two this year. It is difficult to find someone to marry."

The sister-in-law suddenly said, "Dad, I have a friend who is in his thirties and has a physique similar to mine. He also practiced judo before, but because of this, he has never found a partner."

"Do you have a photo?"

"Yes, there are information circles. She works in Qinggang municipal government. Apart from exercising after get off work every day, she just stays at home and plays games. His father is also a veteran, which fits our family style very well."

Comrade Ge Feng looked at the photo, staring at the photo of father and daughter, "Why does this man look familiar?"

"That's his father."

"Wait, I'll give you a call from Li Suo. Last year at dinner, he showed me a group photo of the company. There is a pig breeder..."

"That's right, his father is a cook who raises pigs."

"What is it called..."

"Liu Haiyang."

"That's right……"

Ge Feng was quite happy at first, so he shook his head immediately, "No, this marriage will not work out, you think, before the second son joined the investigation, he was in the same company with us, and he was considered a comrade-in-arms, but now he wants to marry someone else's daughter."

"This is called kissing and kissing!"

Ge Xiaotian immediately called Li Suo, "Second Uncle, come to my house."

This is also an old bachelor...

The sister-in-law looked at Ge's mother suspiciously, "Mom, the second child in our family can't find a wife?"

"It's about the same. Either he died halfway, or he died alone. The old village head is also the second child... Don't talk nonsense, Ge Shunfeng's father, that is, your second grandfather, was adopted, but he already knows."


"Otherwise, why are you trying so hard to get married, and let your uncle marry into Lao Li's family in advance, because I'm afraid that this guy will be a bachelor for the rest of his life."

Mama Ge said, rubbing Ge Xiaotian's head, "Fortunately, the second child of our family worked hard to break into such a big business, and even helped Lao Li find a wife, and founded Qingshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital to study infertility, which made Li Xiuxiu have a baby." younger brother."

"Mom, did you have a misunderstanding?"

"The brain-invigorating and kidney-tonifying liquid you developed is indeed a cure for infertility!"


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