Build Madness

Chapter 879 Boss Ge's tens of billions of red envelopes

Ever since Ge Xiaotian 'officially' endorsed Jiannaobukidney Liquid, this thing has a tendency to go too far.

Just like the Spring Festival Gala sketch given by Liangang, Liaoning Province, Zhao Dahuyou opened a heart clinic. Not only are there small blue bottles on the table, but there is also a promotional poster of Boss Ge sucking the small green bottle hanging on the bookshelf...

It can be said that this is the first type of standing medicine for the whole people in China's history.

That's right, it's medicine, not health care products.

Jiannao Tonifying Liquid has a series of national characters.

For example, the series of traditional Chinese medicines starting with Z are divided into orange, yellow, green and blue bottles, corresponding to symptoms such as kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, endocrine disorders, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, insomnia and other symptoms caused by five government organs, six internal organs and mental problems.

For example, chemical drugs starting with H are divided into brown, black, gray, white and purple bottles, corresponding to athlete’s foot, baldness, psoriasis, vitiligo, cold, fever and diarrhea caused by bacterial infection, chemical pollution, or environmental stimulation, etc., which can be taken orally or externally. Do not apply, do not inject, need to follow the doctor's advice and standard use.

For example, color bottles that start with S and are composed of different colors are biotechnology drugs and genetic engineering drugs. They are not sold outside unless special circumstances. They can extend life, strengthen the body, delay aging, and even bring the dead back to life. At present, only available to the military.

Class S drugs are not sold outside, not because of high cost, nor because of difficulty in refining, but because people in different regions have different genes. Before use, it is necessary to retrieve the patient's genetic file or test the patient's gene on site.

For example, the preparation of genetic medicine suitable for Dongshan people, if Nanyun people take it, may cause serious side effects, including sterilization, cancer, sepsis, etc. If it is used by Europeans and Americans, it may perform "alien" on the spot.

It’s not a matter of nature, but genetic medicine needs to match the user 100%. If the error is greater than 1%, the user will be exposed to nuclear radiation in the central area of ​​Chernobyl. If it is greater than 5%... as long as you survive, you will be Extraterrestrial.

It's a pity that this survival rate is infinitely close to zero, therefore, there can be no 'if', and a 100% match must be guaranteed to the user's genes.

But Ge Xiaotian thought about it, even if he looked through the smart card, he couldn't find the bottle for the treatment of 'infertility', "Mom, did you remember wrongly?"

"No ah."

Ge's mother took out the three-brand brain-invigorating and kidney-invigorating patch, "Here, it is specially used to treat infertility, and three courses of treatment are guaranteed to be effective. Your sister-in-law's second child, your brother Lei's daughter-in-law's second child, they all use it, warm the palace and protect the palace." , Warm essence and activate essence, improve pregnancy quality, ensure baby health, with chlorophyll, the effect will be even better...Look at me, I will recite the advertisement words"


Lao Shen secretly rebelled against the Jifu Chamber of Commerce. Although the companies that start with three characters don't know about it, under the influence of the general trend, in order to survive, they all secretly apply for the VIP of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, looking for a new industry to take the opportunity to change careers.

If someone is willing to pay the membership fee, Ge Xiaotian will naturally not trouble the other party. He even gave the other party a batch of technology for free in order to encourage the other party to apply for a higher-level VIP.

For example, Luoba Sanzhu obtained improved dog skin plaster technology, motorcycle sellers obtained mobile solar charging and fixed sunglasses charging pile technology, and Sanlian Home Appliances obtained the support of Tiancheng Electric Industry to fight against Longtian Electric...

In the fierce competition, a large number of marketing talents have also been born.

Ge Xiaotian shrugged and put down the plaster, "Actually, they are promoting chlorophyll."


Mama Ge was very puzzled, "But what they sell are brain and kidney supplements."

"In terms of medical technology, Tiancheng's improved dog skin plaster is only for rheumatoid arthritis, stroke, headache and other symptoms. There is no difference between the mild type warm baby, but after it is pasted, it will have a quick effect, and it can also physically treat the symptoms of frozen semen in the cold uterus. In addition, taking chlorophyll for a long time, it will be really healthy after giving birth, which makes this plaster can cure infertility. It’s just a marketing gimmick.”

"Isn't this deceiving consumers?"

"Look at the instructions, health care products. Besides, their products are really effective, so they can't be regarded as deceiving consumers."

Ge Xiaotian shrugged, times are developing, and various new things are emerging one after another, such marketing is not uncommon.

After all, graphene underwear is sold to Wajima...

"There are still fewer selling points in the country, let them turn to the Nanyang market."

Dao eleven nodded, "I informed them as early as October, and they are also doing it, but the influence will not be eliminated in a short time."


The sound of Li Suo's conversation with Tianwei came from the courtyard, and the door was pushed open immediately.

There is no need to say much about the relationship between the two.

Ge Xiaotian's fiancée's second uncle, Comrade Ge Feng's old comrade-in-arms.

Li Suo sat down and grabbed a handful of cashew nuts, "What's the matter? I have to go to Daxing City to be on duty in the middle of the night."

"You're not in the Canal Development Zone anymore?"

"That happened last year. Your Uncle Li is now the security director of the Gufeng Cultural Center, waiting for an olive branch in Tongji City." Mama Ge helped make a cup of hot tea.

"Hey, then we have to celebrate. It's better to hurry up, let's open two bottles?"

Ge Xiaotian took out the five-star Moutai, trying to tear it down.

"Come on, Dongshan Security Director is here too."

Li Suo grabbed the wine box, "What's the matter?"

Ge Feng: "It's not about finding a wife for your second brother."

"I haven't found it yet, why is he in a hurry."


You two old bachelors are still on the comparison.

Comrade Ge Feng took a deep breath, and showed the smart card that his sister-in-law had put on the table without a breather, "Here, look at the girl."

"The man next to him looks a little familiar..."

"It's right if you are familiar..."

Comrade Ge Feng whispered to Li Suo.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the time, "Hurry up, get ready to grab the eleven o'clock red envelope."

"It's real money this time?"


"Second brother, to be honest, how much money have you made overseas this year?"

Ge Xiaotian stretched his legs, exactly the same as Ge Feng's before, "Not much, ten thousand tons of gold."


Even Ge Feng and Li Suo, who were chatting nearby, were taken aback.

Mama Ge grabbed his ear, "No matter how rich you are, you won't be able to resist throwing tens of billions out."

"It hurts, it's awkward... Mom, look, you used the smart card to grab the red envelope. No matter how much money you have, you have to use the smart card to spend it. How do you spend it? Naturally, you buy our products."

"That's money too."

"You snatched the red envelope and saw the limited-time promotional products on the red envelope page, do you want to take it immediately?"

"It has been killed in seconds."

"Look, you said the word 'second kill' with a very cool tone, but the red envelopes you snatched are only enough to buy one, what about the others?"

"It must have been out of pocket."

"That's enough. At nine o'clock, we will push a batch of 1-20 yuan products, at ten o'clock we will push a batch of 15-50 yuan products, and at eleven o'clock..."

"It's all a hundred dollars."

"I send 10 billion each time. There are about 500 million smart card users in China. On average, each person can grab 20 yuan. I lose 30 billion, but..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at the data, "But nearly 300 billion products were sold, cost accounted for 20%, transportation accounted for 10%, plus the 30 billion used as bait, so far, in just two hours, I have earned 18 billion. 100 million."


"Of course, the most profitable game is in the early morning, and the New Year is happy."

The little girl was very curious, "How to play?"

"Don't worry."

Ge Xiaotian asked Dao Shiyi to fetch the package, "I'll give the New Year's gift to my nephew and niece first."

After finishing speaking, he took out a diamond-encrusted golden thread armor.

The light is shining, very gorgeous.

The eldest nephew, who was dozing off, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Hey, come here, Second Uncle will help you put it on."

Mama Ge couldn't stand it anymore, "It's too heavy, don't crush him."

"Not sinking, or I'd make him an armor."


"And this one, a purple gold crown with three-pronged hair, bright silver boots with buckskin plush, and a golden cudgel."


Dressed neatly, Dao Shishi turned on the broadcasting equipment: "Brother Monkey..."


The eldest nephew can play it himself.

The whole family laughed together.

Ge Xiaotian opened his pocket again and took out a device. After it was turned on, the shadow puppets inside were staged in turn, and the little niece stared with big eyes, and she was also not sleepy.

"Second brother, do you have mine?"


Ge Xiaotian took out a key and gave it to Ge Sanni, "My little sister has grown up, and my second brother has nothing but money. I will give you a dowry. On the day you get married, you have to open it with the groom."

"No, I want to have fun... Wait, I'm getting married and you're not here?"

"It must be..."

Ge Xiaotian stuffed the key into the little sister's pocket, "Quickly grab the red envelope."

Not long.

It was early morning.

Countdown to the new year begins in all venues...

10, 9, 8...

"Happy New Year!"

In the midst of joy and joy, the smart one-card "New Year's Joy" is on the shelves.

How to play: You only need to invest one dollar, and you can choose products that you liked but were reluctant to buy in the online shopping system. There must be at least six pieces.

The product then enters a rotary wheel with eight zones.

The area at the top of the wheel is the super prize: Boss Ge will pay for you tonight, and there will be no money for six products.

The area at the bottom of the wheel is a guaranteed reward: a red note.

There are three areas on each side, which are divided into one discount, two discounts, three discounts... forty discounts.

Start the wheel, where the pointer stops, the user will get the award, pay on the spot, and ensure delivery before the third day of junior high school.

The moment the event appeared, countless reminders suddenly popped up in the prize announcement area below the wheel:

Congratulations to Shenlong HX...SX52...132 users, happy to mention a 50% off Great Wall Motor.

Congratulations to Shenlong HX...DS95...155 users, happy to mention a 30% off drone model aircraft.

Congratulations to Shenlong HX...XJ11...652 users, happy to mention a 20% off SG hair dryer.

Congratulations Shenlong...



Seems like countless people are playing.

"You just said that the cost accounts for 20%, and the transportation accounts for 10%. If you directly discount it, you are going to lose money?"

"The products that I was reluctant to buy in the past show that they are all old models. For the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, they belong to the bottom of the box, and now they should clear the inventory. Besides, there are 40% off, 50% off, and 40% off, just for Chinese New Year , just be happy."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he smiled slightly, "The most important thing is that the flu is rampant, and various shopping malls are forced to close down, and they will not be able to recover for a long time in the future. If we take advantage of the Spring Festival Gala to increase online shopping promotion and cultivate people's enthusiasm for online shopping, in my shopping mall Owners of leased shops can make money."

"As expected of a president, he always thinks of members." Li Suo gave a thumbs up.

"No, I'm worried that they won't be able to pay the rent, and the superior asks me to waive the rent. How much money will I have to lose by then?"



After midnight, Li Suo went to Daqingshan Ancient Culture Center to be on duty.

Although there are not many tourists there, there are more than 50,000 family members of strong men living in Daxing City, and nearly 10,000 two- and three-year-old dolls. In addition, many heavyweight retired leaders live nearby, and there are many high-tech equipment. The security level is much higher than that of ordinary urban areas.

After watching the Spring Festival Gala, Lao Ge's family went back to their houses to sleep.

Wait until four o'clock in the morning, and go to the old man's house to pay New Year's greetings.

This year is different from the past because the village has to be moved.

In other words, this is the last Spring Festival in Laogejia Village.

The whole village, old and young, gathered in the big yard, knelt in batches in front of the huge banner that painted the ranking of the ancestors, and reported the status of each family one by one.

It roughly means: Our old Ge family is very prosperous. Under the leadership of D and the country, we are all living a good life. Now we are going to move to the Xiaoqing Mountain in the north. I hope that the ancestors will not find their home.

Ge Xiaotian sat on the side, watching some crying, some laughing, and some seriously chattering, gradually denying the idea of ​​taking Gejia Village to move to the desert.

Homeland is hard to leave.

Especially... Old Lin of the Ge family is here.

The grand ceremony lasted until ten o'clock in the morning, and the whole village, old and young, went to Qingshan Community to choose a house.

Tianle Tourism belongs to the whole village, and each household has shares. Everyone maintains and builds the Tianle brand together. This is a document written by Ge Xiaotian himself when he founded Xiaoqingshan Industry.

Maybe Ge Lao Er is too famous, or maybe he is used to seeing "big money". The village is not picky about houses, but a group of people are arguing over who lives next to each other and who lives upstairs.

"Just like you often live in, choose a house, just choose a place to live, and put your home here, so that you will forget your roots."

The old village head made a final decision, "According to the previous house numbers, they will be arranged one level at a time. Don't give up on anyone. When it's confirmed, let's go to Daqingshan to watch Tiancheng's live broadcast. Tianwei will help with the relocation, and we can live there when we come back. "

I'm away all year round, but I don't have any important things at home. Some villagers even order dumplings from a food stall in Qingshan Ancient City without turning on the stove on New Year's Eve.

Soon, everyone confirmed their new residences, and some villagers contacted their sons and daughters who were unable to come back for the New Year from other places on the spot and told each other their house numbers.

"about there."

Ge Xiaotian looked through the house purchase contracts signed by the whole village, as well as the demolition agreement, and handed them over to the person in charge of Qingshan Ancient City, who asked the other party to go to the fourth uncle who was on duty in the village, the leader Ma in Xiangxian County, and the olive branch in Jishi to report. Clap your hands, "Let's have a big pot meal at the food stall at noon, and try rare things from all over the world. In the afternoon, I will let everyone see the different Daqingshan."

"What's the difference?"

"Far more than you think."

It was bustling here, while the reporters squatting outside Ge's Village there, hoping to find news from Ge Lao Er, were also excited.

They witnessed with their own eyes that Ge Lao Er lured the whole village to Xiaoqingshan, and then...

Several bulldozers rumbled over.

A group of Tianwei was busy moving things here and there, and many strong men began to demolish them.


A piece of news that Ge Lao Er tricked the whole village out and then demolished Ge's Village became a hot topic.

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