Build Madness

Chapter 880: Shenlong 3.0 Wild Animals in Daqingshan

New Year's Day.


Last night, the people who watched the old age finished their sleep and had a full meal at noon. Last year, most of them would choose to go for a walk, play cards, watch movies, or find a nearby scenic spot to be lively.

But affected by the epidemic this year, I can only stay at home honestly.

One p.m.

SG TV shuts down.

Immediately afterwards, ordinary TVs also jumped out of the circular color disk icon one after another.

People who are bored in every way planned to go to the Baixiaotong forum to complain, but found that no matter the smart card or the SG equipment, they all indicated that the system was under maintenance.

until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Shenlong System R\u0026D Center pushes system upgrades to all users through Zifeng Network.

Comprehensive section of Baixiaotong Forum:

"Damn it, it's finally here!"

"What happened?"

"System upgrade, Shenlong 3.0."

"Has anything changed?"

"I haven't had time to experience it yet, but the operation page seems to be smoother than before."

"Indeed, the cutscenes are smooth and silky, full of sense of technology."

"The clock display, which has always been criticized, can not only adjust the position, but also choose dozens of styles."

"The touch-screen version released last year can actually split the screen, with the upper half displaying chat and the lower half playing games."

"Haha, the first half of me is playing idle games, and the second half is reading novels. It's so cool."

"I watched movies in the first half, and played idle games in the second half..."

"The first half of me is playing Smash Bros., and the second half is browsing online shopping platforms..."

"What's the point of a two-split screen? My SG pad can split the screen in four, and there are wheel-type floating small windows on both sides. It's no problem to browse more than a dozen sections at the same time. Movies in the upper left corner, idle games in the upper right corner, and pets in the lower left corner. The elves are fighting, the lower right corner will break with you."




"This function is simply against the sky, maybe I really don't need to use a computer in the future."

"No shame, no matter how awesome, can you use PS and CAD?"

"Are you stupid? Personal micro-clients are for the convenience of life, why do you need to support professional software?"

"Actually, the home console can be used, but it is based on the drawing and 3D office software developed by Shenlong System, with a pure Chinese language page, and it can be operated proficiently with a little learning."

"I've seen this before. My friend is in Tiancheng Technical Secondary School. He has a student version of the SG notebook, which is equipped with a GIS system. From design to construction, to cost, to construction, it's done in one go."

"Damn it, doesn't this mean that for a college student like me who chose to major in architectural design three years ago, graduation means unemployment?"

"You can't say that. After all, you can design. It's just that the drawing threshold is lowered. In the future, draftsmen will face great competitive pressure."

Another netizen: "Not in the future, but now. Last year, many large enterprises were using GIS systems, and it is estimated that they will become popular today. Moreover, Tiancheng does not have the position of a draftsman at all."

"Who designs? Who draws?"

"I am fortunate enough to have joined Tiancheng Architectural Design and Research Institute. Their position in charge of drawing work is: GIS architectural engineer, design and drawing, and structure. It is done in one go. I guess it will be popularized in the future?"

"I just checked the updated majors of colleges and universities following Tiancheng Technical Secondary School this year, and the new decisions implemented by the local government. It is true that there is no distinction between architects, architects, and engineers. GIS engineering is unified. After graduation, it will be available in the middle of 2003. Open GIS Architectural Engineer title."

"Yes, yes, I am also watching. After the reintegration of old professions, construction engineers engaged in on-site work are no longer assessed by the local government. Instead, they have added new subjects such as project cost, building material management, and personnel scheduling. They need to enter the night school system. Study for more than two years, and then enter a higher vocational college for off-the-job study for one year, and then receive a junior college diploma and a GIS construction engineer certificate."

"In this way, it seems to be more standardized, but it is estimated that if you want to move bricks in the future, you will have to verify it."


"Hey, for people like me who have no diploma and no skills, it will be difficult to find a job this year."

"Look at the homepage of the forum. The great development of the western desert requires all kinds of construction workers. The number is not limited, the diploma is not limited, and the gender is not limited. We only need to be practical and capable, manage food and housing, monthly salary starts from 600, high temperature subsidy, and three-month internship Transfer to Tiancheng employees. If you choose to settle on the spot, you can go through the employee entry procedures on the spot, with a monthly salary of 800, and you will get a 120-square-meter three-bedroom apartment for free after three years."

"I rely on it!"


"If you don't have a job, sign up!"

"I've always wondered, what's the difference between a Tiancheng employee and a regular Tiancheng employee?"

"Normally speaking, there is no difference, all the benefits are exactly the same, but strictly speaking... Ge Laoer divided all the shares of Tiancheng International Holdings equally among Tiancheng's regular employees, currently about 80,000 people." (distributed to the strong man. )



"As expected of me, Old Ge!"

"I want to become a regular employee!"

"You're thinking about shit, have you got your gold professional certificate?"


"What level is it now?"

"Bronze 2..."

"Then you still play on Hammer's forum, go and study hard."


Another plate.

"The new system is awesome. It is connected to SG household appliances, all kinds of super intelligence, automatically adjusts the air-conditioning parameters according to the body temperature, ensures a constant indoor temperature, automatically adjusts the intensity of the indoor light source according to the external light, and protects the health of the eyes..."

"It's not a big deal, connect the SG stove, it can also cook for you."

"Smart card is not a robot, how can you cook for you?"

"Download the recipes from the official website of Tianwei Catering, import the SG national cooking system, prepare the ingredients, and start cooking. It will help you control the heat of the SG stove, remind you when to put in what ingredients, and when to stir fry. I tried it just now, hot and sour potato shreds, really delicious!"

"The meals made in this way have no soul."

"Can you cook?"


"I didn't know it before, but now I do."


Another netizen: "I saw the recipes, but... many recipes are charged, which is more expensive than buying dozens of similar dishes."

"Black-hearted Ge's second child, how can I make all kinds of money!"

"Upstairs, do you spend money learning to cook?"

"Sure, the tuition is very expensive."

"Isn't that reasonable?"

"But I buy cookbooks, and it doesn't teach me knife skills."

"Are you a cook?"


"Then learn what knife skills, cut slowly, and you'll be done if you know how to do it."

"It makes sense, I'll buy a set of SG stoves to try..."

Another plate.

"Don't you catch Pokemon?"

"I haven't received any news recently. It is estimated that the species is extinct."

"No, turn on the camera now, and you can see the Pokemon scattered in the corners of the community through the screen."

"Damn, it's so fun?"

"Look at the screenshot, squatting in the grass 'the trembling Long Aotian'... Long Ao, I wipe, dragon?!"

"Where is that? Express the coordinates."

"The east gate of Daqingshan Ancient Culture Center."

"almost there!"

other sectors.

"Why can't I find the new function you mentioned on my touch-screen smart card?"

"You definitely don't live in Xingyue Bay."


"Slip away, we have nothing in common."


Comprehensive section.

"Watching the gala at the Gufeng Cultural Center tonight, what delicious food do you have?"

"Dry goods, potato chips, coconut milk code."

"Spicy strips, beer, skewers..."

"Is the Limin Activity Center open?"

"It's not closed. It's already three o'clock, and it will start in half an hour. If you haven't prepared snacks, hurry up and buy them."

"How long?"

"It is said that it will be tomorrow morning."

"I can't bear it anymore. I have to go back to my mother's house tomorrow."

"It is estimated that your mother's family will stay up late to watch it, and they may not have time to entertain you tomorrow."

"Makes sense."

"Look at the news. Ge Lao Er lured the elders of Gejia Village to Xiaoqingshan with his front foot, and pushed the village away with his back foot."

"It's a big deal, I hope he pushes my family away."


"By the way, how many villages have been demolished in Beidilu?"

"Dongshan hasn't started yet. There are about 6,000 towers to the north of the Nanhe River and west of the Beihe River, right?"

"Has anyone seen it?"

"I've been there, and it's quite spectacular, especially the farmland that has been demolished and transformed, stretching as far as the eye can see."

"It's a long way to go to the fields to do farm work."

"What, it's all mechanized planting, and agricultural planes are used to fertilize."

"Only Ge Laoer can play."

"However, after the demolition, how will the villagers live in the future?"

"Go all the way to the West Industrial Park and have a look. Factories, commercial buildings, residential buildings... especially the expressway, which is called a spacious one, with four lanes in the middle dedicated to the huge 36-wheeled transport vehicles. It looks like a science fiction movie. .”

"I must go to see it after the next year, so as not to be told out by them."

"No, they won't say you are out, but that the two sides live in two worlds."


"Have you heard that the bridge on Yinshan Mountain is going to be built with rockets?"

"I heard that the rocket is already in place. To be precise, the rocket is used to shoot the pilot cable to the opposite bank. There will be a live broadcast next month."

"What's the number of the live broadcast room? I'll pay attention and bookmark it first."

"It's Huaxia's official room number."

"Huh? The official broadcast is also live?"

"Why can't it be opened? Some time ago, the news general manager and the head of the radio station not only showed up, but also interacted with netizens."


"Ge Lao Er's show is about to start, and I'm going to change positions..."


The Ancient Style Cultural Center is a project that Tian Cheng started two years ago.

The main projects include: improving the river channel, setting up mountain courtyards, building sightseeing roller coasters, casting twelve 100-meter sculptures, and laying twelve small squares.

In order to create a fantasy atmosphere and create a strange scene, many electrical equipment were installed later.

Such as bright LED lights, electronically controlled magnetic levitation platform, commercial version light curtain and so on.

Today, the main live broadcast location of the Gufeng Cultural Center's debut is set in Chiyou Square in the middle area.

After Ge Xiaotian and his fellow villagers enjoyed the special meals from overseas industries at the food stalls, when they arrived at the square by rail sightseeing car, the audience waiting area was already crowded with people.

There are strong men's wives and children from Daxing City, staff from the four surrounding ancient cities, thousands of actors from Tianyu International, and retired leaders from Qingshan Sanatorium...

Ge Xiaotian immediately found the former chairman, "Hello, leader."

"Haha, not the leader."

The old man smiled and held someone's extended hand, "It's a good job."

"Thank you for your appreciation."

Without this nodding, Tian Cheng's plan for the first three years probably wouldn't be able to accomplish anything.

Of course, Wanlao's support is indispensable for many subsequent big plans.

In other words, without Wanlao, there would be no way to reach heaven.

Ge Xiaotian exchanged pleasantries with the former chairman for a long time, met with other leaders present one by one, and then found Wan Lao who was smoking with the old village chief.

"Old man, when will my Fengdu project be planned to be a pure natural reserve?"

"You're thinking about farts. Now Fengdu is full of construction sites, as well as factories, quarries, and smelters... Machinery roars all day long, and the atmosphere is smoky. Tell me, where is it pure natural?"

"Construction belongs to construction. You have to believe in Tiancheng's construction ability. Our brand is completely natural. Why can't it be considered pure natural?"

"It's nonsense, it can't be approved."


"No matter how close you are, it's useless."

"Why don't you approve a wildlife sanctuary for me in Daqingshan?"

"Fuck, Ge Erer, you brat is getting thicker and thicker. You first asked me to build an oasis with a puddle in the desert, and then asked me to build an island with a piece of floating wood in the sea. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

"No, the desert oasis is real, and it will be built soon. The wood floating on the sea is floating on the water, and the underwater is dragging sand in the undercurrent to build an island. This is a brand-new reclamation technology that relies on the undercurrent to drive mud Sand, gathering to a certain area saves time and effort.”

"I don't understand."

"If you understand, I won't talk about it."


"No, let's talk about the Daqingshan Wildlife Reserve."

"You are full of scenic spots, how can you approve it?"

"Some wild nature reserves are also scenic spots. My scenic spot has become a wildlife sanctuary, but it's just the other way around. Isn't there any problem?"

"No problem? The problem is serious. Tell me, where are the wild animals in Daqingshan?"

"There are wild wolves..."

Before Ge Xiaotian could finish his sentence, several wolf howls could be heard from the distant mountain col.


Hearing the nonsense of the two, many retired leaders who came to watch the excitement were collectively stunned.

The former chairman was filled with emotion: "I finally understand why this kid is successful."

Former general manager of finance: "This is called not fighting unprepared battles."

Wan Lao scolded with a smile: "You can fool me with a few wild wolves from Siberia?"

"No, there are wild black bears."


On the other side of the hillside, a dozen black bears stood up, beating their chests like chimpanzees.

Ge Xiaotian picked up the loudspeaker: "Didn't eat?"


A group of black bears hammered more vigorously, with long teeth and claws, looking vicious.

Everyone: "..."

Wan Lao was also amused, "Let me tell you, if you can't do it, you can't do it. They are all alien species and do not meet the regulations."

"Is it okay if there are rare local species?"

"That also depends on the rarity."

"What if it's unique?"

"This... has to be valuable, especially research value."


"If they all meet the requirements, I'll approve them for you, but you can't cheat or cheat."

"Guaranteed to be fine."

Ge Xiaotian took out his smart card and contacted the Department of Aeronautics and Space, "Let those big guys out, pay attention to safety."

Not long.

There was a loud noise from a certain col in the west, and a giant steel cage hidden in the mountain appeared before people's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, three big black-haired wild boars, which were comparable in size to a tractor, came over by pulling down mountains and trees...


The roar was like a dragon, and the speed was so fast that even a bush with a diameter of one foot could not stop their footsteps.


Wan Lao was shocked, "Where did you get this thing?"

"You may not believe it, but they have been living in Daqingshan."


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