Build Madness

Chapter 881 The Origin of Ge Laoer

In order to study the characteristics of the stables, three big black-haired wild boars were imprisoned in the sparsely populated Xilu for more than three years.

During this period, not only did not destroy the wild nature, but because of taking too many genetically modified drugs, it became extraordinarily ferocious.

Pine-needle-like hair, a body like a four-wheel tractor, bone-like fangs, thick and well-developed limbs, and a menacing face...

After being imprisoned for so long, now that they escaped from the cage, they all went on a rampage, digging out deep ditches in the closed valley.

There was a huge movement, and the appreciative wild wolf tucked its tail and fled around in shock. Even the humanized brown bear, who was showing off his might, turned his head and left resentfully.

That appearance seemed to say again: I can't afford to provoke, I can't afford to provoke.

After watching for a long time, Ge Xiaotian signaled the staff to start the helicopter, and used the barbed wire to take the two brothers back.

Immediately looking at Wan Lao, "How about it, old man, is it wild enough?"

"How dare you raise such a cruel thing in such a prosperous scenic spot?"

"Actually, there is also a giant python that has shed its skin three times and has horns on the top of its head."


Wan Lao was completely dumbfounded.

The former chairman smiled slightly, "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's an anaconda fused with the horn viper gene, it's a top-secret experiment called 'Dragon Transformation File', and it's used to trace some creatures that might have existed in ancient times."

"Aren't dragons unique to mythology?" A retired leader asked curiously.

"Tiancheng's scientific system does not recognize mythology. Of course, it does not deny the existence of mythological figures. Instead, it defines the strange beasts and ancient mythological figures in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, such as the sculptures we have seen, as history."

"How can something illusory become history?"

Ge Xiaotian took up the conversation, "If there are records, it may have happened. At present, the theory of evolution is just a hypothesis, and no one can prove the origin of human beings. If the Chinese mythology is defined as history, many problems can be solved easily."

"What's the problem?"

"First, let's assume that there are levels of civilization in the universe."

Ge Xiaotian dug out the information from the system, picked up a pen and paper and wrote: "A first-level civilization, that is, a primary civilization, we can treat most diseases, enter the universe to explore space, and also study nuclear energy... We are now about 0.7 .

The second-level civilization is like a science fiction blockbuster, starting interstellar travel, owning galaxy colonies, everything is still within our understanding.

The third-level civilization, also known as galaxy civilization, controls several galaxies marked by stars. For resources and race continuation, they fight each other, either you die or I die.

Level 4 civilizations, also called supergalactic civilizations, control the supergalactic group composed of millions of galaxies, have perfect space technology, have reached the end of the material form, but cannot achieve immortality, in order to solve this problem, they are rich Aggressive and exploratory, expecting to break through bottlenecks.

The fifth-level civilization belongs to the peaceful civilization. They broke through from the fourth-level civilization, realized the "dimension upgrade", transformed themselves into energy bodies, and mastered the "dimensional world". Time, space, past, and future have no meaning to them. "

"Based on these, let's talk about Chinese mythology."

Ge Xiaotian pasted the paper on the pillar next to him, "Which leader can tell me what Nuwa looks like?"

"Human head and snake body."

"It seems that no matter the ancient books or the myths passed down by word of mouth, Nuwa is believed to have a human head and a snake body. Then, we assume that Nuwa is a survivor who failed in the competition of the fourth-level civilization, in order to avoid another fourth-level civilization. , made an extreme space jump in a spaceship, and came to the parent star."


"At that time, the parent star was like the current Jupiter, which was gaseous, or similar to the current Mars, which was not in the habitable zone of the solar system."

Ge Xiaotian took out another piece of paper, "Level 4 civilizations have the power to transform planets. They can ignore gravity and drag the planet to the habitable zone of the galaxy. They can also use the weather control device to improve the planet's environment and landform, including setting up planets similar to the moon. Same satellite."

"You're talking too much, aren't you?"

"The theory of evolution is well-founded, you all believe it, and now I am also well-founded, why don't you believe it?"


"Listen to me."

Ge Xiaotian took out a piece of paper again, "The Nuwa clan, that's right, it's an ethnic group, also called the Nuwa clan."

"The Nüwa clan came to the home planet, for revenge or to continue to advance to the fifth-level civilization, intending to use the technology on the spaceship to copy itself and create a group of helpers, but the spaceship was severely damaged by another level-4 civilization, and its functions were seriously lacking. "

"The Nvwa tribe thought about it and decided to create a new species to help themselves work just like we make robots."

"This species possesses certain abilities of advanced civilization species. This is a gene mutation technology that can be mastered by a third-level civilization. It can do things like elongate hands, breathe fire, clairvoyance, and ears with the wind..."

"However, due to material limitations, most of this species tends to be beast-like, or weird-looking, which is very different from our current humans."

"In addition, they belong to creations, and their bodies are very fragile to the Nuwa clan and the environment of the home planet at that time, so the ancient gods have various mounts for transportation, and there are many 'magic weapons' similar to Tiancheng Optoelectronics technology products , In addition, they are not Nuwa people, they are "tool people". Cultivating a kind of energy is like charging a robot."

"However, this kind of energy is very rare in the home planet. In order to live longer, the self-aware 'tool people', while helping the Nuwa clan to repair the spaceship, staged the 'many people' on the home star that is in the transformation period. Battle of Gods', including dragon and phoenix war, lich war..."

"During the period, a superman named Gonggong accidentally knocked down the 'weather controller', that is, Mount Buzhou, which caused the weather to go out of control, with heavy rain and floods."

"The disaster destroyed most of the 'tool people', or 'ancient gods', and the already damaged spacecraft of the Nuwa tribe was completely scrapped."

"This led to the fact that our ancestors created by the Nuwa clan were just ordinary creatures, unable to cultivate, and did not possess superpowers."

"But after the Nuwa clan repaired the weather control device, for some special reason, they suddenly understood and advanced to the 'fifth-level civilization', so the Nuwa clan entered the high-dimensional universe, that is...became eternity."

"The tool humans left behind and our ancestors cannot combine due to different genes, so the rule that 'immortals and mortals cannot intermarry' came into being."

"Affected by lifespan, coupled with less and less energy available for cultivation, and various battles, the so-called 'immortals' are gradually extinct, and only our ancestors are left to pass on from generation to generation."

Speaking of this, Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, and the opening ceremony of the first party of the Daqingshan Ancient Culture Center was about to begin, and immediately stopped the topic, "This is the human origin theory of the evolution of Tiancheng's scientific system, and we are also trying to restore ancient creatures. to prove it all.”

"Of course, this is not superstition, it is science, and we must believe in science."

The leaders who have destroyed the Three Views: "..."

The reason why Tiancheng 101 Laboratory is famous for its parent star is not only because of its fruitful aerospace technology, but also because of its extension of optoelectronic technology, and the publication of numerous or proven papers, or hypotheses that are still under debate.

If this 'human origin' is published, based on the prestige of Tiancheng No. 101 laboratory, other laboratories, and Tiancheng Aerospace Department...

It is estimated that it will be easy for the vast majority of people on the home planet to accept this point of view.

But this is so ruinous.

Although there were similar discussions overseas, they couldn't be as 'reasonable and well-founded' as Tian Cheng, and even gave experimental proofs.

Everyone was silent.

Ge Xiaotian grinned, "That's why Daqingshan Ancient Culture Center is a super-era scenic spot based on scientific and technological research. The leaders must support me in applying for a 'special development zone'."


"This is not to promote superstition, but to promote the progress of human civilization, and to launch a sprint towards the second-level cosmic civilization, the third-level cosmic civilization... and even upgrade the dimension."



Ge Xiaotian's nonsense made the retired leaders once again experience what "Ge Erchui" is.

On the other side, hundreds of millions of netizens who had been mobilized as early as half a month ago gathered in the Daqingshan webcast room, and as time went by, the number increased.

among them.

Some belong to smart card users and want to see whether the programs of the Gufeng Cultural Center are exciting.

Some new SG users from China want to make up for the regrets of the Spring Festival Gala, and hope that someone will give a few more big red envelopes.

Some of them are from overseas SG users. Last night, I enjoyed the real-time translation version of the Spring Festival Gala. Today I will continue to say hello...

There are also a large number of Sudanese players.

After the recharge coupons were issued last night, the server update ended today, and Sudan Games launched the recharge list and consumption list.

Get the top ten in the whole server, you can get purple quality mercenaries for free, get in the top ten in the whole region, you can get gold quality mercenaries for free...

At the same time, start the first recharge triple rebate activity.

That is to say, during the activity period, I recharged 6 yuan for the first time and gave 600 ingots, but now Boss Ge is making a profit and giving 1800 ingots directly.

If there is a recharge coupon, after using it, you can get 1,800 ingots for 3 yuan.

Of course, only for the first recharge.

But if you recharge a lot and give a lot, even if you recharge 100 million, with triple rebates plus discount promotions, you can get 30 billion yuan in treasures with only 50 million yuan.

Although no one is stupid enough to recharge 100 million Franklin, there are more than a dozen rich people in Dubai who have recharged 20 million dirhams, and dozens of European tycoons who have recharged 5 million euros...

The most important thing is that on the sixth day of the new year, Longtian Technology launched a new smart card, and Tianyu will put on the shelves "Journey", which is the Chinese version of Sudan. The guy is gearing up for the list.

This shows how important recharge coupons are.

Three twenty in the afternoon.

Two hundred streaming studios are ready.

The screen has not yet been connected, and the chat box at the bottom has been occupied by various speeches.

It's a pity that the refresh rate is so fast that it is impossible to see what is being said.

Three thirty in the afternoon.

The live room is muted, and a screen is displayed.

In the vast universe, two space fleets that are different from the current sci-fi style are confronting each other.

The black party uses a 'spaceship' formed by a viscous liquid to drive a creature whose size is comparable to an asteroid to attack the white fleet.

In the white fleet, countless creatures with the head of a man and the body of a snake use their spiritual power to remotely control a "array" composed of "light" and "darkness", forming a series of phantoms to counterattack the black fleet.

But the black fleet is overwhelming, spanning hundreds of galaxies, and even in the space overlapping with the white fleet, ambushes are deployed, and encirclement circles are set according to the 'timeline'.

The vast scene, plus the graphic explanations given on both sides of the live broadcast room, such as what is spatial overlap, what is controllable timeline, what is dimension...

And what are those viscous liquids, what are the light and shadow arrays...

Rigid popular science, instantly stunned all netizens.

In the first minute of the game, another 50 diversion live broadcast rooms were added.

And in the screen.

The White Fleet was first ambushed, then retreated, and finally surrounded.

Just like the "fire seed" that the mother planet is also preparing, the creature with a human face and a snake body sent a group of outstanding clansmen to a special space ship after a brief discussion, and sacrificed all energy to send the ship into a distorted space.

However, the black fleet is ready to extinguish the attack of the white fleet, instantly launching a wave of transparent energy.

After the attack, the white fleet disappeared, and the distorted space was like a ping pong ball being vigorously whipped, across countless time axes, space bodies, and even dimensions, and came to a calm galaxy, and quickly dissipated, showing the white fleet's "fire".

The surviving creature with a human head and a snake body communicated silently for a moment, explored the galaxy where it was located, and then listed a map of the galaxy.

Stars, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn...

Hundreds of millions of netizens can easily recognize where this is, the solar system!

But... it seems that the parent star is missing.

At this time, the creature with a human head and a snake body communicated for a short time, locked a gaseous planet five light-years away through the space ship, and then activated a light and shadow array to capture it and bring it to the solar system.

The creature originally planned to detonate it to replenish energy, but finally found that the space ship was severely damaged and could not start the main engine again...

After a long time, the biological leader randomly dropped it on a certain orbit in the solar system, and set parameters such as gravity.

After that, the spaceship landed on the gaseous planet, just like a decoration, giving it a drastic transformation.

In order to repair the ship, they designed a kind of "biological robot" according to the condition of the planet, with various superpowers...

As the video continues to play, Chinese netizens feel more and more familiar.

"Damn, Pangu created the world?"

"Pangu is a device?"

"Didn't you read the explanation? It's called a weather control instrument. Due to the stable weather, dust deposits and 'Pangu' is buried in it. It was later called Buzhou Mountain."

"Who are these creatures with a human head and a snake body?"

"Nu Wa created man!"

Overseas netizen: "No, that's called Naga! We have records here, it's the Mother Goddess."

Third brother netizen: "Nonsense, they are our harvest gods..."

Greek netizen: "Don't make trouble, this is clearly our main god in charge of life, magic, marriage and fertility."

Other netizens: "..."

But the image didn't end, the Nuwa family left the mother planet, leaving the "tool man" gods and ordinary mortals, the latter two transitioned from the divine right of the king to the king of the divine power.

The screen changed and we came to the UFO Stadium.

The flying saucer turned out to be exactly the same as the tinder.

But an old Taoist priest stood on the top of the flying saucer, holding an illusory device called: Fengshen Bang.

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