Build Madness

Chapter 882 Epic-level scene drama and 11 hours of commercials

China has a vast land and abundant resources, and has a long history, which also created a very complicated mythology system.

If no distinction is made, let alone ordinary people, even professionals who study this field may not be able to describe a complete story.

Therefore, the myth system should be divided into ancient myths, Taoist myths, Buddhist myths, folk myths, ancient myths and romances, and modern fantasy novels.

Ancient myths are recorded in "Shan Hai Jing", "Book of Songs", "Chu Ci", "Huainanzi" and other books. Common mythological figures include Nuwa, Queen Mother of the West, Di Jun, Shaohao, Yandi, Huangdi, Chiyou, Kuafu, Xingtian .

This is people's worship of ancestors, heroes, and nature, and it is also the origin of civilization.

However, due to the fact that 'clans' and 'tribes' were interspersed and fused with each other in ancient times, it was difficult to integrate the things they worshiped.

Taoist myths are recorded in the "Nanhua Jing", "True Spirit Position and Industry Map", "Four Sons Zhenjing", etc., which are different from ancient myths. They have the same goal as Buddhist myths. They are mainly for cultivating immortals, spreading beliefs, and consolidating rule. Therefore, Taoist myths And the characters in Buddhist mythology all have 'jobs'.

As for the sources of mythical characters, part of them are fictional, and some of them are "deification after death". After all, half-truths and half-false are more convincing.

However, Taoist mythology and Buddhist mythology, which arose in the Han Dynasty, cannot be confused with the Ming Dynasty novel "Fengshen Yanyi", let alone compared with modern novels.

Like the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Hongjun Patriarch, Lu Ya Taoist, Founding Yuanling... Most of them come from emerging modern fantasy novels.

Based on the above and the fact that foreigners have their own beliefs, Tian Cheng did not adopt any mythology system for the time being when formulating the cultural export plan.

Instead, it first presents fantasy content that is different from science fiction and magic, and on the premise of not directly conflicting with the other party's culture, it allows gamers, film and television lovers, and comic lovers at home and abroad to understand what self-cultivation is.

After two years of "science popularization", the vast majority of overseas netizens who have been exposed to such things have already understood Yin and Yang, five elements, big and small circles, plus holding the Bagua shift key every day, and some netizens have even learned Fengshui and divination.

Today, Tian Cheng summarizes these products into science...

Immediately, his eyes exploded in shock.


Comprehensive section of Baixiaotong Forum:

A netizen: "Is this too ridiculous?"

A certain professor: "Nonsense, how can fantasy be confused with science?"

A certain scholar: "It's purely a mistake!"

Tiancheng No. 101 Laboratory: "We have restored the 'fog array' and the 'organ tower' with technology, and restored the 'Mountain Protection Array' with the light curtain system. Since you don't believe me, let's make a fog array that doesn't use technology. And protect the mountain formation, our boss said, whoever can make it, he will reward one billion!"

Tucao: "..."

"Since you can't prove that what we said is false, then our point of view is true!"



the other side.

The half-hour-long origin video stayed on the word "Fengshen Bang". After a short break, the live broadcast room switched shots, showing the real UFO stadium.

However, after AR technology processing, this famous flying saucer building on the mother planet is exactly the same as the "fire seed" of the Nuwa tribe in the film and television, that is, the space ship.

Appears to have just landed.

The surrounding space is hazy, occasionally the sky collapses and the earth collapses, and the environment is extremely harsh.

Several creatures with a human head and a snake body are manipulating a space ship to put down an extremely huge and unfathomably tall sci-fi device.

After a while, the device emitted waves of ripples.

Dirty air sinks, clean air rises...

The follow-up story is like the description of the film, but more detailed and more realistic, making the audience feel as if they are watching another world evolve.


Nuwa made gods...

Gong Gong angered Bu Zhoushan...

Flooding at UFO Stadium...

After the Nuwa clan created human beings and left the universe where the mother star is located, the camera shifted to the western foot of Daqing Mountain.

The human ancestors without the means of the gods drank their blood and fought against the mother planet that had just formed an ecosystem.

Drilling wood to make fire, bravely fighting alien beasts, domesticating wild beasts, besieging and killing ancient wolves, outwitting ancient brown bears...


Some "immortals" do evil, indulge in killing, and almost exterminate human beings, and are called "fierce beasts".

Some "immortals" are merciful, spread the Taoist temples widely, and impart some skills left by the Nuwa tribe, and are honored as "gods".

There are also some outstanding human beings who rely on the weak energy of the new planet and learn some methods of the gods. They are called "qi trainers".

And the Qi practitioners who were taken away by the gods to help find the whereabouts of the Nuwa clan are called "immortals".

The human race has gone through matrilineal clan society, patrilineal clan society, and slave society, created language, created characters, gradually adapted to this new planet, and began to reproduce in large numbers...

The set moved to the east foot of Daqing Mountain.

The increase in population and the expansion of ethnic groups have triggered many battles for territory.


The battle for the deer broke out, and the 'immortals' who were taken away by the gods joined the battle one after another for their respective tribes, and even involved many 'gods'...

During this period, there was Jingwei filling the sea, Houyi shooting the sun, Kuafu chasing the sun, Xing Tianwu relatives...

(The sun here refers to the Golden Crow, not the stars.)

After the war, the human tribes united together and entered the period of the Five Emperors.

This year, the weather control instrument left by the Nuwa clan completely lost its function.

Although the parent star is in the habitable zone, without the controller, the environment is no longer "smooth", and floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, and volcanic eruptions began to appear...

The camera shifts to Daqingshan River.

Seeing that the living environment of the human race is getting worse and worse, Shun, one of the five emperors, ordered Gun, the great-grandson of the Yellow Emperor, to control the flood. The latter failed to "stop the flood" and drowned on the shore of the Yellow Sea. The concept of "blocking is worse than dredging" has successfully controlled water.

Later, Yu was revered as the "Emperor", and his son "Qi" opened up the world and established the "Xia" Dynasty...


The picture presented in the live broadcast room is vigorous and spectacular, and with the carillon and drum music, it is immersive.

Until noon, a prompt popped up in the live broadcast room: Daqingshan Ancient Culture Center's first epic scene drama will be broadcast live, and it will continue after lunch.

"I thought it was a party, but I didn't expect it to be a scene drama."

"Or a super theater based on ancient mythology, how much will it cost?"

"I heard that Tianyu employs 60,000 Tiancheng employees, 50,000 extras, and more than 20,000 Tianyu employees."

"I seem to understand a little bit, this should be the 'history' built around Daqingshan."

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the Daqingshan plan. There are sculptures of ancient figures in the middle, and buildings from different dynasties around it. I bet that Xia, Shang and Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Qin, Han, Tang and Song Dynasties will be staged later..."

"Damn it, no wonder the official reminded that it's best to prepare snacks and food."



The epic scene drama continues.

Indeed, as netizens speculated, Tianyu International revolved around the Daqingshan industry and used "history" as the timeline to reproduce the Chinese civilization to people.

Although some of the content is very short and even uses 3D martial arts scenes, this 11-hour-long scene drama, which started in ancient times and paused in Song and Ming Dynasties, deeply shocked hundreds of millions of viewers and fully demonstrated the Daqingshan industry. .

Food, drink, curios, juggling, clothing...

Live at the end.

Twelve giant sculptures, in the AR light effect, or roar to the sky, or hold up relatives, or bow to shoot at the sun...

Almost at the same time.

Tianle Tourism, Tianyu International, and Tiancheng International Holdings jointly issued a notice: As you can see, the Daqingshan Tourist Area, which integrates Chinese history and culture, officially changed its name to Huaxia Ancient Culture Center, listed as a wildlife protection area, and a display area for historical attractions. Tianhou will introduce two giant pandas, ten Tibetan wild donkeys, six penguins...

Opening of 'Line 1 Subway' in March.

Opened 'International Tourist Flights' in May.


Netizens suddenly reacted.

"Crap, so I watched the commercial live broadcast for eleven hours, and still enjoyed it?"

"No wonder the more I read it, the more weird it becomes. It turns out that apart from the ancient myths described at the beginning, the subsequent dynasties and dynasties all reflect the costumes and eating, drinking and having fun of the times... Are these all advertising placements?"

"Look at the picture, the official website of Splendid Huaxia has updated the same model."

"Damn, there are tables, chairs, cabinets, pots and pans..."

"God, am I crazy? I watched the commercial for eleven hours?!"

"Wan Ei Ge Er Er!"



The retired leaders who went to the scene to watch will certainly not sit for eleven hours.

As early as half an hour after the live broadcast started, everyone moved to Daxing City.

Ge Xiaotian personally drove the electric sightseeing car, and took the old leaders to appreciate the "Sui and Tang Daxing".

In order to meet the tourism factors, the people living here, on the surface, completely lived the ancient life, including the planning of the city.

In the east and west cities, there are shops and yamen, palace guards, traffickers, jugglers and beggars, and all kinds of emergencies.

If it is an ordinary person who doesn't know the truth and comes here suddenly, he will definitely suspect that he has traveled through time like Xiang Shaolong.

After the play, Ge Xiaotian personally sent the old leaders to Qingshan Bieyuan.

Then return to Daxing City to check out the film and television works prepared by Tianyu International for this year.

After ancient warfare, ancient martial arts, and ancient fantasy, Tianyu International led the film and television industry and began to shoot anti-Japanese war works.

Because its main theme is "remember the martyrs, don't forget the history", and invited many predecessors of the Anti-Japanese War to come to guide, almost every work is full of grief, anger, and blood, so all of them were banned from broadcasting and requested to be deleted.

Ge Xiaotian glanced at the film and television clips full of corpses and rivers of blood, "Can't we change the way of expression? Metaphor, for example, the whole village entered the tunnel to avoid the raids of the devils, but in the end only so-and-so ran out with a disheveled face and scorched marks all over his body. And the bloodstains, it is obvious that he survived by himself, but in his actions, he was crazy and incoherent..."

"Without a camera, the ferocity of the devils cannot be reflected." The major director in charge of anti-Japanese war-themed works shook his head in denial.


Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, "You submit an application of 'you can watch it when you are over 18 years old'. I just had a conversation with that leader some time ago. I guess the other party didn't deliberately embarrass it, but the regulations do not allow it. Start with the 'regulations', say it's an 'anti-fascist' work, if it won't be screened in China, but it won a big prize overseas... This is not my brother Ge's intentional slap in the face."



Ge Xiaotian stayed overnight at Tianyu International Film and Television Center.

When I woke up the next day, netizens who watched the Daqingshan scene drama had set off a frenzy of 'boycott Ge Laoer' on the Internet.

Let me just ask, anyone who is fooled into watching an advertisement for eleven hours will feel suffocated.

Some people even made a conclusion: first use the "technological myth" to calm everyone down, wait until people's appetite is whetted, and then unknowingly insert advertisements. This is Ge's usual tactic.

Dao Eleven: "Boss, do you want to guide public opinion?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Ge Xiaotian was very open about this, "I stayed up all night, and I have to go to bed later. When I wake up tomorrow, the Huaxia version of Sudan will open the area, and everyone rushes to enter the game. There is no time to complain about me."


"Besides, everything shown in this scene drama is really shocking, otherwise, who can watch it?"


"Go back and refine each time period, edit it into a TV series, make it 'the longest in history', and let the stations we cooperate with broadcast one by one."

"advertising fee?"

"What advertising fee? This is a TV series, so I have to ask the radio station to pay for it."


Ge Xiaotian flipped through the forum, got up and walked out of Tianyu International Film and Television Center.

Daxing City is decorated with lanterns and festoons and firecrackers. No matter how you look at it, this is an 'ancient city' full of Spring Festival atmosphere.

And on the street, many little dolls who have just learned to run, wearing tiger hats and holding paper pinwheels, are running here and there, cheering, and it is very lively.

"In another year, they will move to Zaoshi New City."

"Yes, boss. Zaoshi New City has already prepared a staff community. The scale is no less than that of Xingyue Bay in Zaoshi. Leader Xue Da has specially approved ten elementary schools and two junior high schools. The construction has been completed."

"In terms of household registration transfer, we must pay attention."

"This is no problem. Nearly 10,000 villages need to be relocated to the engineering industrial park all the way west. In addition, ALS immigrants, desert town immigrants, and out-of-home residents in Dongshan, many of whom have no registered permanent residence, took advantage of the formalities to go through the process. It will not be a problem for us to recruit another 50,000 people."

"Then call."

Ge Xiaotian took out his smart card and connected it to the database of the labor dispatch company.

Since the second half of last year, Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce has released a large amount of recruitment information, the first batch of 200,000, the second batch of 150,000, and this year will add another 100,000.

Recruiting so many is not needed by Dongshan or the surrounding areas, but by desert towns.

After a year of development, the production line and infrastructure have been laid over there. When the construction of the Yinshan Bridge is completed, and the high-speed road all the way to the west is put into use, the whole project will start.

But with so many people passing by, the amount of food, drink, food, shelter, and transportation is astronomical. If there is no logistical support, money is useless in the vast desert.

Therefore, a strong man is needed to 'help build'.

Based on the "square field sand control", reclaim desert crops, build desert factories, build desert communities, build desert businesses...

After reading the recruitment information, Ge Xiaotian said while walking:

"Go back to my hometown and rest for two days. On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Desert town."

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