Build Madness

Chapter 886 Steel and Big Ship

Tiancheng didn't have a plan to build a big ship at all, even if he had, he would have set up an AR projection to fool overseas satellites.

Now investors want to inspect on-site...

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "Is there any large-scale equipment that looks very bluffing at the Black Dragon Aircraft Manufacturing Factory?"

"There is a 100-meter mecha that looks fancy but doesn't work."

"too small."

"With your eloquence, you should be able to blow it into a fully automatic sailor."


Seeing someone showing dangerous eyes, Dao Shishi hastily added: "There is also a transport plane imitating An 225."

"The skin is thin and the stuffing is big. It doesn't fit the square, diving, and land-traveling giant ship I described at the beginning."

"Actually, we can camouflage the engineering island. No matter how big the ship is, it is not as solid as that thing, and it can deform. It looks more bluffing."

"Such a surreal thing, aren't you afraid that Lao Mei will snatch it?"

"Then I have a place to use."

"Go aside."

"Don't frighten them with a town center, then you'll just have to build one to handle it."

"The iron coffin that is nearly two thousand meters long has an egg in it?"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he opened the ERP of the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space to check the progress of the space station, "Why hasn't it started yet?"

Dao Shixi explained: "On New Year's Eve, the Earth-Moon orbit change failed. Dao Yi and the others are busy dragging the moon landing rocket back to the orbit of the parent star, and will carry out another Earth-Moon orbit change next week. The space station construction project needs to be postponed for half a year."

"It's too gritty."

"I'll remind you."

"The investor is about to arrive, you are urging now, is there still time?"

"Then what do you say?"

"How much money does our family have available now?"

Without waiting for Dao Shiyi's answer, Ge Xiaotian directly logged into Tianrong International's overseas account, and called up the 'non-operating income', which is the ticket money given by the rich.

"Another 100 billion? It was only 50 billion in Dubai, and it tripled in two weeks?"

"This is the result of North America curbing capital outflows. If you don't ask, it is estimated that it will break one trillion in an instant."

In the large ship building project, Tiancheng was only responsible for the construction, while Holden was in charge of contacting customers and selling boat tickets.

Ge Xiaotian said in astonishment: "Horton doesn't engage in military equipment, but has changed his career to become a 'scalper'?"

"Horton was suppressed by Martin, Grumman, and arms dealers in Texas, and lost the arms market in West Asia, and he couldn't enter the African region, so he had to turn to South America. There was no major conflict in South America, which led to the Horton consortium. Armament business has plummeted. If there is no Huo Dun security and SG pad, it is estimated that his consortium will integrate into DuPont. Now selling boat tickets, even if the commission is only 2%, it is a big deal, and he and his consortium also believed in 2012, This business has been done perfectly.”


"You can take a look at Horton's encryption section in Panda Guardian. There is an analysis about 2012... If it didn't happen to us, I would believe it."


Ge Xiaotian became curious, and immediately, as the top administrator of Montenegro Odyssey Antivirus, entered the section that required invitation codes and identity verification.

The top post was edited by a famous scientist from the home planet:

"Since the beginning of the new century, the frequency of natural disasters has almost equaled the sum of the past half century."

"It's not just the warming of the weather, or rather, the warming of the weather is just a phenomenon, the root cause is 'the motion of the planets.'"

"Everyone knows that the parent star revolves around the sun, but what they don't know is that the solar system is also moving rapidly in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is also moving in the local group of galaxies... like a moving nesting doll."

"Therefore, the current position of the mother star in the universe will never overlap with the past, and the future we are facing is completely unknown."

"But we have science."

"For example, through satellites, it was discovered that a large number of high-energy charged particles released by solar eruptions, which are also called solar particles, are an important factor affecting the environment of the parent star. For example, through photoelectric telescopes, planetary collisions outside the solar system, star explosions, and galaxy clusters were captured. be born or perish.”

"In theory, based on this, combined with monitoring equipment deployed on land, ocean, and atmosphere, we can accurately predict tsunamis, typhoons, and even earthquakes."

"It's a pity that the existing scientific and technological strength is far from reaching the height I mentioned, and there is no unified 'Technological Alliance' on the mother planet, and global monitoring cannot be achieved."

"But when I saw that Tian Cheng was able to 'control' the tornado, I knew that they had this technology."

"Not to control the tornado, but to predict the tornado, and then guide it..."

"When I caught the rocket with the Tiancheng icon through the telescope and entered the orbit of the parent star from the direction of the moon, I was more sure of my guess."

"Because observing the shape of the parent star in the universe will be more accurate."

"So, Tiancheng is far more powerful than what we have seen. Perhaps, they have already established a space base on the moon. Otherwise, how could there be a launch vehicle from the moon to enter the orbit of the parent star?"


Seeing this, Ge Xiaotian sprayed directly, "This guy's brain is not so big."

"You continue to watch."

in the forum.

"According to several sets of cosmic meteorological data released by the Tiancheng 101 laboratory, I found that they have long since found the source of the abnormal climate. Unfortunately, these data are not made public."

"However, the abnormal climate changes the ocean currents and promotes the movement of the earth's crust, which caused the Indonesian tsunami and Incheon tornado to occur on the parent star, as well as the Hsinchu typhoon, the Mara earthquake, and the Italian earthquake... This is a fact."

"Also, it is recognized by the scientific community that Tiancheng successfully predicted the typhoon in Hsinchu."

"And after careful study of Tiancheng's public information, even I, a non-Tiancheng researcher, can calculate that San Geyang is about to undergo a great change."

"Of course, this is just a calculated result. We don't know what the truth will be. There is no other way than to warn the surrounding areas."

"But for the above tuberculosis, I think Tian Cheng's calculation of 2012 is true."

"They're already in action."

"Analyzing from an economic point of view, if Tiancheng is deploying refuge facilities, it is not difficult to explain the financial crisis that has occurred in the past three years."

"From the conventional stock market crash, to the rise of graphene, to the collapse of technology stocks, to the futures market and the gold market, how many trillions of wealth have evaporated?"

"But capital is immortal, so where did this huge wealth go?"

"We can naively think that Tian Cheng has been building the ark for a long time, and many capitalists have secretly cashed out and bought the boat ticket."

"Based on the above, it is not difficult to explain why the parent star precious metals have skyrocketed since last year."

"Although the mother star economy has been relatively hot in recent years, the skyrocketing price of non-ferrous metals has far exceeded its supply and demand relationship."

"Is it true that the construction of the ark requires a lot of precious metals, so that the supply of precious metals exceeds the demand?"

"The country with the largest demand for metal ore from the parent planet is Huaxia, and the construction site of the Ark is just under Mount Everest in Huaxia."

"If we confirm the above points, it is not difficult to explain why Tiancheng has carried out the Westward Project, as well as the construction of the cold-region high-speed and cold-region railways that run through Kazastan from Central Siberia, and the reconstruction of the super-highway that runs through Pakistan and leads to West Asia. Standard roads, and the Okhotsk route, etc.”

"Because of resources."

"Building an ark requires massive resources, not only iron ore and wood, but also fuel oil and heavy equipment."

"As pictured."

The post gave a picture of Tiancheng transporting basic manufacturing equipment and server clusters when it entered the desert last year.

"If you just develop the desert, it is normal to transport construction equipment, but do you need a lathe more than 50 meters long to develop the desert? Do you need a gantry crane with a span of 100 meters? Do you need a supercomputer?"

"So, the place where Tian Cheng built the ark is not only Mount Everest, it may also be in the desert."

"And, in order to cover up all this, a super-large-scale war broke out in West Asia, so as to avoid arousing the suspicion of ordinary people on the home planet, thereby avoiding large-scale riots."

"Of course, the Everest Ark project is also very big."

"Otherwise, why did Huaxia suddenly announce the construction of a railway last year regardless of the permafrost in Southwest Tibet?"

"And this railway is only a single line, which means that the huge amount of material transported can only enter and exit, and is used for the Ark project."

"In addition, as we all know, in recent years, a large number of scholars and scientists in many countries and regions have disappeared, not only in science and technology, but also in architecture, computers, medicine, agriculture, climate, geology, physics, etc."

"Where did they go?"

"If we believe that Tian Cheng is building an ark, then there is an explanation for all of this."

"So, it's not that the countries and regions can't find it, but that the board members of the countries who bought the tickets also bought the tickets. They don't want to find them, they can't find them, and it can even be said that they are deliberately 'disappeared', and then help build the ark .”


Ge Xiaotian was startled, "Eleven, isn't this a trustee?"

"Absolutely not. He is recognized by his mother planet. He is a genius in multiple fields such as physics, mathematics, astronomy, and meteorology. Due to his great influence and stubborn temper, the security guards of Huo Dun and the temple did not dare to tie him up. Come do research."


in the forum.

"Speaking of which, I'm angry."

"You all go to build the ark, why don't you take me?"

"I've bought a ticket now, where is the forum administrator? Hurry up and inform Tian Cheng, I want to participate in the Ark Project for free, without salary."

"You are looking down on me!"


After reading the top post, Ge Xiaotian really wanted to cover his face and laugh.

Isn't this old guy stunned?


Ge Xiaotian turned his eyes, "Send him a high-standard invitation letter with Bigger, and ask him to build the ark."

"Where is it built?"

"He said that there are more than one places where the ark was built, such as Mount Everest, the desert, and maybe Antarctica."

"Are you really building an ark?"

"Jian, he is so powerful, he said that for the new world, we need to study aerospace technology, or study astronomical technology, etc."

"Makes sense."

"Send it to him now."

"Send to Antarctica?"

"Well, you must tell him that for the sake of confidentiality and for the sake of all mankind, he cannot leave the research base until the results of the research are produced. Of course, freedom of speech, on the premise of not leaking the secrets, he can express some opinions or research materials to the outside world. "

Ge Xiaotian smiled happily, "People like this must be given enough attention and face, and the higher the praise, the better."

"Do you want to arrange a few brothers to be his assistants?"

"Sure, only an awesome assistant can be worthy of his status, and can calm him down, let him know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. Tian Cheng is really awesome. Then, he can help me fool the whole world .”


Dao Shishi contacted the intelligence department stationed in England to process the 'invitation letter', and then, "He really helped us bluff the rich people who bought tickets. The question is, where do you go to find a big ship?"

"This old man has helped us build the ark. The project must be real."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, then suddenly relaxed, "There are still ten years to go. If you want to build an ark, you must first develop new metals, then design the keel of the super-long ship, and then produce the model, and then prepare the production equipment... In a short time How could it be possible to make it out?"

"what do you mean?"

"You change the rubbings of the engineering island drawing, adjust it to a submarine style, make an AR projection, and when you look back, I'll take it and blow it."

"What about in the future? It's impossible for them to visit only once, so we can't show them the AR projection every time, right?"

"Two years later, show them the super-large space station, dare to give me a shout, and then send them to the sky."



Affected by the epidemic, it is difficult for the rich to enter Dongshan, requiring many official procedures and Tiancheng procedures.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu did not go to the desert for the time being, but stayed in Xiang County.

After three years of development, the small county has completely changed its appearance.

After the county compound was moved to the East District, the old town was gradually flattened from the inside to the outside, and transformed into Zengzi Academy and Stone Sculpture Square.

These two projects were invested by the chairman of the Nanyang Chamber of Commerce and hosted by the leaders of Xiangjiang University, which can be regarded as the revitalization of the hometown.

In return, Ge Xiaotian donated a 15-kilometer-long light rail near Xiangjiang Shangpin International, which Chen Feng invested in.

However, the most famous scenic spot in Xiangxian County is not here, nor is it Xingyue Bay, nor is it the ancient-style small commodity market.

It is a relief sculpture on the south side of Xingyue Bay.

The relief is 300 meters long and about 50 meters high, resembling a giant wall.

The overall deployment is a bit strange. Instead of facing south and north conventionally, it faces west and east.

The embossed pattern shows a large group of people facing the sun at sunset, or standing on the ground, or standing on wooden benches, or standing on construction vehicles, looking east.

The backs of the two figures in the middle are very familiar.

The young one is exactly like Mr. Yu who has been in the news frequently recently.

The elderly, exactly like the general manager who retired this year, I wish you old.

And there are several bald youths around, one of them is exactly like Ge Xiaotian.

In the distance, there are many tower cranes, and there are many people's shadows, which is a busy scene on the construction site.

Corresponding to the reality, standing under the relief, you can clearly see the magnificent canal development zone.

This is the group photo of the group participating in the project when the Canal Development Zone was officially established.

There is no front, only the back.

No matter who it is, even if Ge Xiaotian visits this place again, he will have thousands of emotions in his heart.

"This is our generation."

Li Xiuxiu, "But we are still young, look at Grandpa Zhu, his hair is all gray."

"It doesn't matter if you step back. Tiancheng's overseas projects need economic helmsmen."


It was approaching evening.

The leaders of the railway construction and the second construction who met last night took the official car of the Xiangxian hub and found them.

"Xiao Ge, are you sure we can really recruit employees with the system of the whole people?"


Ge Xiaotian signaled Eleven to take out the SG pad and operate on the spot, "The recruitment information was released in the morning, let's see how many people have signed up now... Damn, there are 50,000 people?!"


The two leaders were dumbfounded and couldn't help but rub their eyes, "It's like a dream."

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