Build Madness

Chapter 887 Smart Card and the Blue Collar Era

At the beginning of 2000, Tiancheng launched a magnetic card with card swiping function, named "One Card".

In April of the same year, Tiancheng replaced the magnetic card with a recycled BB machine communication module, and implanted an advertising function, but the device needs to be connected to the Internet to update the built-in entries, and named it: the second-generation all-in-one card.

In May of the same year, the graphene storm hit, Longtian rose, and the second-generation smart card was shattered. Tiancheng entrusted Longtian Technology to develop a "smart smart card".

In June of the same year, SG came out, and Longtian Technology launched a smart card using ARM-based graphene chips, which has functions such as calling, listening to songs, reading novels, browsing gallery, and swiping cards for online shopping. Open the personal micro-end era'.

In October of the same year, Tiancheng perfected the self-designed GIS system, and Tianke, which has not yet been reorganized, successfully divided the GIS sector and developed simulators corresponding to various majors.

In December of the same year, the smart card equipped with learning simulators entered primary schools, technical secondary schools, evening schools, and engineering enterprises.

In May 2001, Longtian Technology launched the second-generation smart card equipped with Shenlong system, which has functions such as audio-visual playback and distance learning, and adopts Baixiao UI, which is Shenlong 1.0.

In September of the same year, Longtian Technology broke out and announced that it had successfully developed 3D structured light, a new generation of AR technology, a new generation of VR technology, and the first Soc chip of the mother star.

In December of the same year, LT store and WH store jointly launched a smart smart card with AI computing capabilities using Soc chips.

In 2002, the smart card followed Tiancheng's footsteps and entered thousands of households. The smart card in the Shenlong 2.0 era is no longer a handheld or a "communicator" in the traditional sense, but an auxiliary personal micro terminal.

Children can use it to read and practice calligraphy, and to recognize everything.

Primary school students can use it to practice typing and expand their thinking.

Technical secondary school students can use it to simulate professional operations and correct common sense errors.

Evening school students can use it to adapt to the position in advance and shorten the internship cycle.

Online school staff can use it to consolidate their skills and deepen their professional skills.

As of the middle of 2002, in China alone, the number of personal micro-terminals exceeded 200 million, of which engineering-related smart cards accounted for one-third.

In Dongshan's industrial innovation, the engineering-related smart one-card provides about 2,000 cutting-edge technical talents without diplomas, about 50,000 intermediate and senior technicians without diplomas, and about 300,000 reserve technology for the Tiancheng Electric Industrial System, which is in short supply of technical talents. staff.

In super-large projects such as Dongshan Water Conservancy and All the Way to the West, the engineering smart card has provided countless construction and production enterprises with nearly a million personnel who can independently operate equipment or carry out construction without the guidance of old employees.

For example, a laborer who has never moved bricks only needs to turn on the camera function of the smart card and record the work site into the think tank, and the smart elf can perform video exercises for users on how to move bricks at the "site of recording equipment".

Put on the gloves first, then hold a brick tongs in one hand, relax your hands slightly, insert the brick tongs into the two sides of the five bricks, hold them tightly with both hands, lift the tongs, and you can load five bricks with one hand and ten bricks with both hands.

In the process of operation, Pokemon will also give feedback based on somatosensory feedback, prompting users how to save time and effort, install faster, and install more...

In the same way, digging and filling soil, foundation pit support, steel processing, scaffold removal...

Even excavator driving, CNC machine tool operation, etc., can be learned through simulators first, and then go to night school or Zaoshi Xincheng "summer camp" for on-site practice, and then obtain a practicing or vocational certificate according to official regulations.

In 2003, in China alone, the holdings of smart cards exceeded 500 million units, and engineering smart cards still accounted for one-third.

Now walking on the street, the greeting of acquaintances is no longer 'have you eaten', but 'what have you learned today'.

Such a social atmosphere and such a large technical group are the main reasons why Ge Xiaotian dared to stuff 50,000 strong men into the new company, after all, it is not conspicuous.

Of course, the new company is owned by the board of directors. He, Lao Ge, does not invest, hold shares, participate in management, or intervene in operations. He just helps in the establishment and throws away a few businesses to support the scene, just like a leader.

After the two leaders were surprised, they were very suspicious of someone operating in secret.

The leader of Erjian: "Xiao Ge, you will not disclose the matter of the board of directors' holding?"

"How can it be?"

Ge Xiaotian was anxious on the spot, "Look at what you said, it's like selling 'Ten Thousand Workers' to me in private, now it's a felony."

In the early years, "10,000 yuan households" were popular, but 10,000 yuan households refer to people who do business, and correspondingly, there is also a "10,000 yuan workers" representing the official.

That is to say, with 10,000 yuan, you can get a job in a government-owned factory, or get more money and get a job in a certain department.

Although many people put this matter on the table, and even marked the price clearly, but in the new century, the superiors have clearly stipulated it several times, which is a serious violation.

"Besides, am I short of this money?"

"Misunderstanding, don't worry, what I mean is that when the recruitment information was released, it was known to the outside world that the new company was controlled by the board of directors."

"Impossible. I skipped the labor dispatch company and personally released the recruitment information in the name of Tiancheng."


The two leaders nodded in unison, "So that's how it is, with Tian Cheng's treatment and reputation... only 50,000 was recruited?!"

Ge Xiaotian rolled his eyes, "It's 50,000 skilled workers who are willing to take 100,000 red notes as shares. You two think this is Chinese cabbage on the roadside?"

"Certainly not……"

The square is not a place to talk about serious business, everyone communicated and came to the 'Tianyi Tea House' in District D of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County.

The name of the teahouse is taken from "the sky is full of water, and the earth is 60% of it. It is a river map".

Interpretation of the original sentence: The number of days is one, and it produces water. The number of land is six, and it bears all this.

Put it in a teahouse: a pot is divided into six bowls, there is heaven and earth in the pot, and heaven and earth in the bowl.

Very moody.

It was dinner time in the evening, and the tea guests had already left.

Ge Xiaotian brought everyone to the second floor, opened a private room, and made pots of the mother tree Dahongpao.

To be honest, this tea is really bad.

But since last year, an elder from Nanzhonghai who was paralyzed in bed was suddenly able to walk around with a stick, this tea has become popular among the top leadership.

Ge Xiaotian forced Daoyi to ask what the hell this is.

The latter explains: it has the effects that the mother tree Dahongpao has, but it also has super effects that the mother tree Dahongpao does not have. Drinking for a long time, ordinary people do not look old at 80 years old, and it is not too much to live to be a hundred years old.

Like a panacea...

In addition, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is still researching a kind of 'grass' that can make people quit smoking. It can be soaked and drunk, and can be ignited as a cigarette, but it does not contain harmful gases, especially nicotine.

After a course of treatment, it is guaranteed to make smokers feel sick when they smell the smoke, and to eradicate the addiction mentally.

After all, the biggest research achievements of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine are indeed 'nervous' and 'spiritual'.

Ge Xiaotian thought about it, took a sip, tasted the bitterness brought by the aged jasmine, looked at the two leaders who were also drinking tea, but looked refreshed, like old smokers who had been holding back for three days and finally smoked:

"50,000 new employees bring 5 billion in red notes. With special approval from the superior, it is not a problem to obtain the highest general contracting qualification. But since the superior has asked me to be the guide, the new company must not follow the old path, lest it will be 'too big to lose' again. "

The leader of the second construction nodded, "Apply for more sets of qualifications, set up more branches, and use the numbers of regions or branches to form internal competition?"

"It's just routine."

Ge Xiaotian took out his smart card and started the simulator, "What I want is survival of the fittest, not just for sub-bureaus and departments, but also for every management post, regular assessment, regular scoring, and regular 'advancing the capable and eliminating the weak'."

"It's too cruel." The two leaders denied it at the same time.

"Could it be that, in the eyes of the two of you, 'survival of the fittest' only represents punishment and reward?"


Ge Xiaotian clicked on the desktop, "This is an enterprise owned by the whole people. Every position involves the self-interests of the entire company's employees, and even involves the interests of China. The weak will definitely be fired. In other words, the form of the new company is an 'unincorporated enterprise', or' A non-incorporated enterprise is not a corporate enterprise, and there is no corporate legal person. There are only a board of directors and thousands of employees who do not participate in management. If we do not set up a plan to control the management from the beginning, in the future, this new company will be like those who are crumbling. There is no difference between government and enterprises."

"Listen to you."

"In this way, we set up a 'blue-collar system'. Front-line workers and machine operators wear gray-blue overalls and yellow vests, grass-roots management wear navy-blue overalls and yellow vests, technicians and commanders wear blue overalls, and middle-level workers wear blue uniforms. The management wears dark blue overalls, and the senior management wears blue shirts, and the attire will never change in public or on the job site, which is the symbol of the new company.”

"The board of directors nodded, we are naturally fine."

"In this way, the funds are available, the management method follows Tiancheng's standard, the company's system has long been confirmed, and the general contracting qualification can be obtained later. I have the project here. What is lacking now is equipment and materials."

Ge Xiaotian took out a document and looked at the leader of Railway Construction, "As long as you sign it, you will be able to become the chairman of the new company tomorrow, and you will be able to take office the day after tomorrow. You will get a big project in three days, and all the staff and equipment will be in place in a week. , start on time in half a month."


Concerning its own future, the leaders of China Railway Construction did not dare to be sloppy and looked through the materials carefully, "Why do you have to rent all the engineering equipment from Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce?"

"It's cheap."

"Can't we buy it ourselves?"

"Okay, see the next one."

"Must purchase from Tiancheng Electric Industry?"



"Sign it, if you don't sign it, you won't get my project."

"This issue……"

The leader of Tiejian frowned, "Let's be careful and have a good talk."

Ge Xiaotian took back the documents, "Yes, I have to talk to the chairman of the new company, if you don't sign, you are not the chairman."


The leader of Tiejian looked at his empty hands, and then at the material covered with the five-star stamp in Ge Xiaotian's hand, "Can you still play like this?"

"Otherwise, I don't care about my trillion-dollar industry and come here to help the board of directors?"


"Sign it."

"I'm afraid that if I sign the contract, I will be dealt with by the board of directors on the first day I go online."

"No, they will have a headache about funding."


"Look at the fifth page, the seventh page, the twelfth page..."

The leader of China Railway Construction took back the materials and looked through them one by one. The more he looked, the more surprised he was, "This..."

"If the board of directors invests in the I-gauge railway line from Fengdu to Nanyun Dam, and hands over the project to the new company, Tiancheng will provide all the steel materials needed for the construction of the railway at a price lower than half of the market steel price. Including wood, cement, concrete, electrical equipment, and living materials for employees. Of course, we have the right to supervise the whereabouts of the new company’s building materials to avoid being used by some people for other purposes.”

Ge Xiaotian said, and opened the SG pad, "If the board of directors invests in the I-gauge railway line from Tacheng to Desert Town, Tiancheng will provide all the steel materials needed to build the railway at a price lower than two-thirds of the market steel price. ..."

"If the board of directors invests in the I-shaped giant track from Black Dragon Ice City to Tongshi, Jilin Province..."

"If the board of directors invests in the I-shaped megarail from Qiqiha City to Hohhot City, Heilongjiang, and the ALS ground effect transfer station, Tiancheng will quote four-fifths lower than the market steel price..."

"If the board invests in..."

"Based on the fifth page, Shanghai Tiancheng will hand over the project of the tallest building in the sub-region planned by Wuzhou Avenue to the new company, with a total investment of about 1.1 billion."

"Based on the seventh page, Wangjing Tiancheng will hand over the construction project of Wangjing Real Estate to the new company, with a total investment of about 2 billion."

"Based on the twelfth page, Tiancheng International Holdings will hand over the I-shaped giant rail extension project in all industries in the Northland to the new company, with a total investment of about 30 billion."

"Based on the fifteenth page, Nanyun Tiancheng will package and hand over the general project of the Nanyun Dam to the new company."

"Based on the nineteenth page, Damo Tiancheng will hand over the highway that runs through Kazastan and leads to Central Siberia to the new company, with a total investment of three trillion rubles."

"Based on the twenty-third page, Tiancheng in the African Region will help the new company to obtain assistance projects in the areas controlled by the African Union, with a total value...not less than five trillion Franklins."

Before Ge Xiaotian could finish his sentence, the leader of the Second Construction Company stretched out his hand with a whoosh, and snatched the materials from the leader of Tiejian Construction. He took the pen from his coat pocket at lightning speed, bit off the cap of the pen, and swish, swish, swish...

While Ge Xiaotian and the leaders of Tiejian were stunned, they wrote their names on the steel seal.

the end.

The leader of the second construction took a breath, took out the smart card, and dialed a number, "Apply to the superior to bring up Lao Liu to replace me. Why should I go? I have been promoted."

"Where's your... too, too... face?"

The leader of Tiejian blushed.

"There will be fast, and there will be no slow."

The leader of the second construction patted the former on the shoulder, "It's okay, you sit as the deputy director."


"What's the matter? Before I gave you the chairman's seat, you pushed three times and four times. Now I plan to come by myself, and you are not happy again."


The leaders of Tiejian were speechless.

Ge Xiaotian understands the situation of the two of them. The leader of the second construction is only one immediate boss. As long as he finds a suitable reason, he can go anywhere, but the leader of the railway construction is different, and there is a large group of immediate bosses on the railway side.

However, at the end of last year, I heard that China Railway Construction was planning to leave the railway, and I don't know how it is going now.

Ge Xiaotian took back the materials and looked at the leader of the second construction department, "The head of the construction department is still waiting for you to go up, so don't meddle in it."

After finishing speaking, he tore up the material, took out another copy, and placed it in front of the leader of Tiejian.

The latter quickly signed his name.


After the iron construction leader finished signing, when he looked up, he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that Ge Lao Er and the second construction leader were blinking at each other as reflected on the glass next to them...

But looking up at the two of them, there was no change in their expressions.

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