Build Madness

Chapter 888 Establishment of a New Company

After signing, the leaders of Railway Construction took a suitcase of materials and orders prepared by Dao 11, and went straight to Jishi Town Airport.

He is already in the field of railway construction. As long as he is familiar with the new enterprise system and management methods, he has money, people, technology, projects, construction equipment, and superior support, and he can easily form a new company.

Not long after, a business jet flew to the capital...


In fact, during this period, CRCC, which had not yet been reorganized, was in a very bad situation.

The full name of Railway Construction is 'Huaxia Railway Construction Co., Ltd.', which is affiliated to Huaxia Railway Construction Corporation.

However, the main task of China Railway Construction is to be responsible for railway civil engineering in remote areas or dangerous areas, such as the Zangzang Railway and the Qinling Railway.

So, who is responsible for the national railway construction?

Huaxia Railway Engineering Corporation.

This company originated in the period of the Republic of China and was composed of railway engineering departments in various provinces and regions in China. The railways built accounted for two-thirds of the total railways in China. It is mainly engaged in railway construction, exploration and design, railway operation, locomotive research and development, etc. Wait, although it is also under the jurisdiction of the Railway Headquarters at present, it will soon be renamed 'Huaxia China Railway'.

Well, the former railway building is called Huaxia Railway Construction, and the latter railway project is called Huaxia China Railway.

If placed in the future, Huaxia China Railway owns China Railway No. 1 to No. 10 Bureau, Daqiao Bureau, Electrification Bureau, Tunnel Group, etc. Huaxia Railway Construction owns China Railway No. 11 to No. 25 Bureau, Huaxia Civil Engineering, etc., and the subsidiaries of the two companies are unified With the title of 'China Railway', the overall strength and revenue ratio are similar, and they are all trillion-level giants, both of which are among the top ten in the parent star construction industry.

But now that "Huaxia China Railway" is about to be established and has won many difficult and dangerous projects, China Railway Construction is only leaving the railway headquarters without any news of reorganization.

This has led to a fully qualified subsidiary of Railway Engineering (Huaxia China Railway), which is larger than the entire Railway Construction.

After all, the former covers the whole of China, while the latter is separated from the railway headquarters and can only be regarded as a construction department.

In the official system, scale and strength affect the level, and the level is related to the degree of attention, which then determines the degree of resource inclination.

At present, on the surface, the board of directors is biased towards Huaxia China Railway. If it does not enter the Zang Railway Project, it is estimated that China Railway Construction will compete with "Huaxia Construction" for real estate jobs.

Such a situation has just prompted the leaders of China Railway Construction to go to Tiancheng to carry out important projects.

Of course, Ge Xiaotian knew the reason why 'Tiejian' did not reorganize.

new company.

In other words, the new company is 'New Railway Construction', but outsiders don't know it except him and the board of directors.

But then again.

There is a head office above the railway construction, and there is a railway headquarters on it. Parallel to the railway headquarters, there are state-owned assets, and then there is a board of directors.

If he, Lao Ge, hadn't handed over the document to the leader of CRCC for signature, the latter would certainly not be the chairman of the new company.

However, if the leaders of China Railway Construction signed it, it would be equivalent to snatching the new Wusha of N old bosses, and competing with the current "Railway Engineering Company", which is the future "Huaxia China Railway", to grab the project.

It can be seen that the small days of the leadership of CRCC will be infinitely exciting.

And the reason for choosing the leadership of Tiejian...

One is that this is his proof that Lao Ge will not get involved in the new company, after all, the other party is an old man in the system.

The second is that the employees of China Railway Construction are railway soldiers. From discipline to style, they are very suitable for the 50,000 newly joined strong men. If the leaders of China Railway Construction bring them all over in one go, there will be one less competitor, and at the same time, the "Iron Army" will continue. 'The name.

In addition, just like CNOOC dug up old money from petrochemicals, and then deal with petrochemicals, if the new company wants to do railway engineering, it needs to dig management and backbone from the railway construction, or even hollow out the railway construction, in order to compete with the railway engineering (Huaxia China Railway) .


The leaders of the second construction company "stand high and see far", as early as when Ge Xiaotian threw out many big projects, he knew that someone or a superior selected the leader of China Railway Construction as the chairman of the new company. .

Therefore, help the other party.

At the same time, I also understand that the new company is definitely not trivial.

"What is your name?"

"Huaxia New Energy Construction Group, also known as Zhongneng."

"I suddenly felt a sense of crisis. You see, there is Tiancheng in the real estate field, China Railway and Zhongneng in railway engineering, and Datai in road and bridge. If they all go overseas..."

"So, you are here this time, do you want a few overseas projects?"

"It depends on what you mean."

"Leader, are you kidding me? When Tian Cheng takes projects overseas, it depends on whether you will give them or not."

The leader of the second construction smiled slightly, "Greek island construction, this is not bad."

"That's the Xingyue Bay model, I can't give it to you."

"Nordic Danish real estate development..."

"That's also the Xingyuewan model."

"This time, I can't come back empty-handed, can I?"

"Since you insist on the project..."

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a while, "How do you feel about filling the platform province strait?"


"Just kidding. In this way, Incheon Airport is bidding. With the impression left by the Incheon Bridge, Tiancheng will definitely get it. Later, it can be subcontracted internally to the second construction."

"That's a good feeling."

"But when people choose Tiancheng, they are looking at Tiancheng's design and construction quality. If your company wants to contract, it must adopt Tiancheng's drawings and construction standards."

"There are some troubles, mainly because you don't provide technical support, we can't understand Tiancheng's GIS drawings."

"So, you have to take money to buy technology."



February 7th.

Erjian reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Tiancheng, purchased GIS servers, organized all employees to study the full version of Tiancheng's construction standards, and recruited a large number of fresh graduates from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School and Dongshan Jianda University.

Because only these two schools launched GIS teaching materials in the early years.

This also left an impression of the popularity of GIS for the thousands of students who will take the college entrance examination this year.

And the major colleges and universities that got close to Tiancheng and spent a lot of money to introduce new courses from Tiancheng Technical Secondary School were immediately happy.

This means that everyone is very likely to expand enrollment this year.

Colleges and universities that did not introduce courses went to Jinxiuchuan University City to negotiate.

Because the price of new professional courses has increased.

Then, the chairman couldn't stand it anymore and contacted someone in person.

"You copy the new professional courses to the Ministry of Education, and I will give you another desert."

"Leadership, knowledge is priceless."

"Tell me, what did you see?"

"You know, I don't have any hobbies, I just like..."

The Chairman remembered someone's 'Gallery of Honor'.

On the same day, the Huaxia Conference was held, which focused on praising someone for his good character and positive work style, and awarded him a model entrepreneur certificate.

At the same time, Tiancheng Technical Secondary School handed over the first batch of new courses to the Ministry of Education.

Of course, free courses are definitely different from paid courses, otherwise the colleges and universities that bought quality courses before would not scold him for being black-hearted.

But this has satisfied the chairman.

After all, no money was spent, only a meeting and a piece of paper.

On the other hand, Tianyu hangs the chairman's speech on the homepage of the Baixiaotong forum, playing it day and night, and displays the somewhat crude certificate of honor with the red background and red flag as the background.

No way, I was in too much of a hurry.

The chairman was a little embarrassed, and that afternoon he gave someone another big red flower...


The next day, February 8th.

Ge Xiaotian received news that a wealthy North American group had come to China and had been detained at the New York airport.

Without it, the North American FBI suspects that this group of people wants to immigrate.

But in the capitalist society, the power of the rich is not small, especially when they unite.

Therefore, things are very noisy and complicated.

Dao Shishi contacted Holden, who told him that it was being processed and could not determine the time of arrival in Huaxia.

However, after a two-day delay, all the personnel at the Huijuxiang County hub had already set off and arrived at their destination safely.

After much deliberation, Ge Xiaotian decided to go to the desert.

before boarding.

The former leader of China Railway Construction, now the leader of Zhongneng, sent an invitation letter from the capital to invite him to participate in the cutting ceremony of the new company.

Ge Xiaotian declined on the grounds of his busy schedule.

That's another stage, it's not about him.


February 9th.

Huaxia Board of Directors announced in the hall that 'Huaxia New Energy Construction Group' was formally established, and the former leader of Railway Construction was appointed as the first chairman.

The group belongs to the non-corporate enterprise of the whole people's shareholding system.

The main investor is Zhongneng's 60,000 employees (including 10,000 railway soldiers from Tiejian).

The secondary investors are Zifeng Mobile, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, and Sino-Ocean Group.

The registered capital is 10 billion red notes.

Mainly engaged in railway construction, railway exploration and design, locomotive research and development and production, real estate development, new energy construction, wind energy nuclear power, aerospace...

Subsequently, Zhongneng recruited 100,000 employees.

Like Tiancheng, except that employees do not hold shares, all treatment is the same as that of regular employees of Zhongneng.

After that, Zhongneng signed strategic cooperation agreements with nearly 50 parent star top 500 companies such as Tiancheng International Holdings, Longtian Technology, Weihua Communications, Wanshi Technology, and Sun Paper.

As soon as this news came out, the industry was shocked.

What is even more shocking is that, on the day of its establishment, Zhongneng received general contracting projects covering domestic and foreign countries with a total investment of up to trillions of red notes.

In addition to the part given by Ge Xiaotian, it also includes the desert wind power invested by China Aerospace Department, the grassland wind power invested by Longtian Technology, the hundreds of super-large Zifeng base stations invested by Zibee Mobile, and the Huaxia to Baguo supported by Weihua Technology. Fiber optic cable to Dubai, five ports in Africa invested by Sino-Ocean Group...

Most importantly, Zhongneng also adopts the Tiancheng version of the GIS system and implements the full version of Tiancheng's standard.

The complete Tiancheng standards include not only construction standards, acceptance standards, and on-site operation management methods, but also manufacturing, production and use standards for various industries, which are the unified regulations of Tiancheng's industrial chain.

Small to the specifications of electrical buttons and electronic component interfaces, medium to software and hardware design, software and hardware research and development, large to vehicle width and driving speed, even including research and development of aerospace vehicles, aerospace satellite parts and components...

Last year, the board of directors copied the Tiancheng standard, but when it was promoted, a large number of deletions were made according to the local conditions, resulting in the official Tiancheng standard and the full version of the Tiancheng standard.

Of course, the full version of the Tiancheng standard can only be used in the special development zones within the Tiancheng industrial chain, and is restricted by certain regulations from the higher authorities outside, so it cannot be fully realized. This is why Ge Xiaotian tried every means to promote it.

Now, Erjian, Zhongneng, Shanghai Oil, Zigbee Mobile, Longtian Technology, Wanshi Technology, etc., dozens of super-large enterprises have successively used the full version of the Tiancheng standard, which is equivalent to the official tacit approval of this standard.

The impact is that the previously built roads, which are mainly used for transportation, may have to be rebuilt.

Because the transport vehicle in the full version of Tiancheng Standard is one meter wider and more than five meters longer than ordinary transport vehicles, and its load is fully doubled.

It should be known that although the load capacity of some roads meets the standards in design, it may not be possible in construction if they are subcontracted layer by layer.

In addition, the vehicle inspection must also add 'a metal ladder is allowed in front of the front of the car to enter the cab'. There is no problem in car inspection, even more in car manufacturing, and the expansion of new transport vehicles...

(This kind of transport vehicle is equipped with electronic monitoring and sensing system, so there is no need to worry about driving dead ends)

In short, the further promotion of Tiancheng's standards, while bringing about earth-shaking changes, means that the board of directors will be entangled in whether or not to pay for Tiancheng's building materials at the same time.

If you don’t spend money, you get nothing, but if you pay money, you can explode an astronomical GDP...

This is the main reason why leaders from all over the world like Tiancheng Standard.


The day when Zhongneng was established.

Tiancheng No. 1 machine appeared in the northwest desert.

Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu sat side by side in front of the window, overlooking the beautiful scenery below.

The last time I went to Dubai, the Tacheng route that the convoy took did not pass through the desert town in the southwest Taklamakan.

The project was established at the end of the year before last, and the materials and basic equipment were first transported by air, and then the server cluster of Shiguang Machine was transported to increase the development efforts.

During the development process, Tiancheng adopted AR construction technology for the first time.

For example, first use the GLONASS system to fix points, deeply bury beams and columns, and then put in the AR system, eliminating the need for complex construction processes such as measurement and ash spreading lines.

But this kind of AR technology is completely different from the visual AR of Daxing City, or in other words, it is an AR map.

Ordinary people walk on the construction site without seeing any projections. Only by wearing industrial smart glasses, or through the camera and display screen of the smart card, can they see another world.

This is an infrastructure world made up of digital and virtual frameworks.

Is the technical principle...

AR map based on GIS system.

For example, when entering a closed foundation pit, there are no warnings here, but wearing smart glasses, various prompts immediately come into view, such as depth, width, length, these are just the most common prompts, and there are also construction requirements, operation cycle, Soil condition, whether the mechanical equipment is offset...

In addition, the foreman in charge of the project will also update the AR data at any time according to the progress of the project.

And this construction method is an introduction to optoelectronic technology.

Therefore, employees who learn this technology must be completely separated from ordinary civil engineering personnel, otherwise major accidents will occur.

However, this construction method not only shortens the construction period, but also greatly reduces the construction cost.

Moreover, it adapts to all terrains, especially polar regions.

Small town airport.

Ge Xiaotian got off the plane.

When Li Xiuxiu saw the things outside, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said in disbelief: "No way, you guys have developed such a thing for a year?"

Ge Xiaotian didn't speak, and put the smart glasses on his face.


Sister Xiu opened her mouth even more in disbelief, "This, this, this is the inner world in 3D martial arts?"

"Well, I opened the eyes of the sky for you, and now you can see things that ordinary people can't see."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he suddenly realized, "If this place is opened in the future, I doubt that people will really believe my 'theory of origin'. If you want to see the projection of AR in reality, you must wear smart glasses. Isn't it just open?" Eye of the sky'?"

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