Build Madness

Chapter 889 Desert Industry

Tiancheng Aerospace Department acquired the AR technology from the collapse of the Incheon Bridge, and after two years of research, it extended into two categories: military and civilian.

The military category includes three types.

One is to rely on electronic information penetration and photoelectric wave-frequency simulation to make enemy radar ignore its own body and capture its own AR images that are decoys, thereby misleading enemy observers, enemy pilots, and armed personnel to judge their own AR images as targets.

This technology is unique to Tiancheng and is only used internally.

The second is to use the wide-area goggles to link to the armament database. The database includes UAV detection, radar detection, intelligent robot infrared detection, remote control spectral detection, etc. The perfect database can enable the main combatants of one's own side to search without searching on the battlefield. According to the screen prompts of the wide-area goggles, the camouflage personnel hidden in a certain corner can be found in the first time.

Its display method is equivalent to marking the top of the enemy's head, ignoring obstacles along the way, allowing one's own personnel to see through the mountain to lock the target, or to aim at the target through walls and objects.

This technology is the main research direction in the field of AR in the countries of the home planet, but it is not mature at present, and only the three major security groups of Tianwei, Holy Church, and Huo Dun are used in actual combat.

The third is military training, laying out AR equipment in a complex of buildings or a mountainous area, dropping hostages, ruthless people, enemy troops, and even tanks, helicopters, and artillery coverage. These products have AI intelligence and long-range attack capabilities, but they do not have melee combat capabilities. Function. Trained safety officers or trained green suits, wearing electronic weapons to enter the area, can carry out exercises with a fidelity of up to 80% without glasses.

This AR technology is unique to Daqin Bingfeng and only provides services to security offices and military departments.

Commercial AR comes in a wide variety.

One is the treasure hunting game developed by Tianyu Interactive, but this game uses more VR technology, which can be regarded as a comprehensive product.

The second is the "virtual reality technology" that can see and interact with AR images without wearing glasses. There is no environmental restriction, and even a base can be built in the shape of the base. However, this technology requires the use of delivery equipment, which is costly, similar to military training.

The third is to rely on the smart one-card, and the AR fun camera presented through the display screen and the camera has simple functions and is basically useless except for bad fun.

Fourth, users deploy virtual AR products in the real world and try them out through display screens and cameras with the help of smart cards. This technology is hailed as a sharp tool for online shopping by the business community.

The fifth is the AR map, or the 'inner world' made for a certain region based on the GIS system.

This technology first requires a server with super computing power, then enters the local GIS data, and then creates the AR server.

After completion, the user wears smart glasses equipped with a local AR client, chooses to enter the world in AR, or turns on the screen and camera function of the smart card to experience another side of the city.

For example, virtual signs will appear on the street, prompting detailed information of each building, including shops, office buildings, parking lots, public toilets and so on. Especially in the tourism of ancient buildings, it can replace tour guides, explain to users, and even list allusions.

For example, when walking in a secluded alley, a playful Pokemon suddenly jumps out. After approaching, it will interact with the user.

For example, if you look around, a certain building is surrounded by a golden dragon, and green lotuses bloom in a certain square to form a sea of ​​flowers...

Similarly, in the world of Fengdu AR, you can see wandering souls, in the world of Daqingshan AR, you can see the dynamic Houyi shooting the sun, Xing Tianwu relatives, in the world of Canal Development Zone, you can see the prosperous canal water transportation, Jinxiuchuan In AR, the world can see sages giving lectures...

(Refer to Huawei's earth-level digital new world Cyberverse 'River Map')

However, you can’t see all this without wearing smart glasses.

In addition, this technology is restricted by region, if there is no local server or GIS system, it cannot be activated.

Ge Xiaotian defined this AR technology, which can transform the real environment into a virtual world without putting in equipment, as the main tool for developing a "second city". Building a virtual industry, such as looking back on history, understanding local historical celebrities, and even turning the old village into a 'ghost village' after the whole village has been relocated...

Up to now, Tiancheng has opened the industry of 'AR map' or 'AR world', only a desert town.

Things like Fengdu, Daqingshan, and Jinxiuchuan need to wait until after the epidemic.

However, the degree of AR laying in the latter will not exceed that of the desert town in any case, because it is completely built on AR technology.

Like the airport.

It looks dilapidated, with only a steel structure waiting hall and a concrete runway covered in wind and sand.

But wearing AR glasses, the airport that the user sees can be called a future building in a sci-fi blockbuster.

Luxurious escalators, intelligent navigation, unmanned ticket windows, tornado vistas, robot guards, ground-effect aircraft covering the sky and the sun...

Perhaps it is a bit self-deceiving to build all this with virtual images, but these virtual products are indeed very practical.

For example, virtual escalators, assisted by real arresting cables, can not only ensure the safety of customers, but also... advertise.

To build this airport, Tiancheng only invested 2 million yuan, and the construction period was less than 15 days, but the result was a virtual reality airport worth 100 billion yuan.

Expanding to desert towns, quaint streets, architectural complexes like Qionglou Yuyu, caravans following camels walking in the distance, and salons soaring into the sky... the same is true.

Of course, this is a tourism project, not a real desert industry.

Moreover, since this area has not yet been opened to the public, there are currently only a few staff members responsible for maintaining system operations, regardless of the airport or the desert town.

Hang out for a long time.

Ge Xiaotian led Li Xiuxiu, who was stupefied for a moment, on the desert revival bus heading for Area A.

Different from the tourist civilization bus, intercity pioneer bus, and high-speed zone harmony bus in the mainland, this is a special desert bus designed and produced by Tiancheng Electric Industry, and entrusted to Daliu Machinery to assemble.

The cab is suspended in the front, the chassis adopts parallel plastic crawlers, and the driving method is electric. The ordinary type can take 15 people, ignoring the quicksand, the luxury type can take 24 people, suitable for long-distance deserts, and the extended type can take 50 people. Can only run on hard roads.

This time, everyone was riding the normal type.


Leaving the airport area, passing through the sandy desert town, and driving for thirty miles, patches of 'square fields' gradually appeared in front of my eyes.

There are wild grasses in it, even in this harsh environment where the temperature difference between day and night is as high as 30 degrees, it still shows extremely tenacious vitality to people.

The grass seeds are genetically modified and can weaken the alkalinity of the sandy soil. After harvesting, they can be used to raise locusts and produce pulp.

According to the plan, the barren strip is 200 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide, surrounding a desert of 50,000 square kilometers, and the construction cost is nearly 100 billion.

It cooperates with the isolation belt of Populus euphratica on the inner side, the isolation belt of bachelor tree from non-regional areas, and the isolation belt of Hongpi Shaguazao to build a "Great Wall" of windproof, sand control, sand fixation and dust reduction.

Affected by time, currently only 10 kilometers of length are completed on the north side.

Ge Xiaotian took the Fuxing to enter the quarantine area and was inspected by the staff of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was 6:00 p.m. Thousands of employees who had worked hard all day walked out of the work area, and thousands of newly arrived employees brought them with them Curious to enter their respective positions.

The job content is nothing more than digging and loading cars.

The vehicle loaded with sand is like a brick kiln that produces bricks. The sand is compressed to form a block, and then the special glue produced by Taiwan Plastics is applied to the surface of the block of sand to form a protective film.

After that, it is sent into the baking room, and it only takes ten seconds to be transported out, forming a 'plastic sand brick' that is about the size of ten red bricks and has a crystal clear surface.

There are about 50 such operation teams from south to north, each with 50 people, and the digging and loading positions are changed every half hour, which is extremely efficient.

However, due to environmental constraints, day and night shifts must wear constant temperature clothing and wide-area goggles.

In addition to the project, there are grass seedling transplantation teams, automatic irrigation equipment programming teams, and material grass seedling glue transporter teams behind.

The entire project employs 5,000 employees.

In the same way, there are also teams planting Populus euphratica, the team planting African bachelor trees, and the team planting red bark dates nearby.

A total of 20,000 workers are employed.


After crossing the four major windbreak and sand control isolation belts, the five-kilometer blank area will appear again around the "square field".

The construction method in this area has several more processes than the grass isolation zone.

One is to bury PC pipes in the excavated tunnels.

The second is that the rear personnel use equipment to adjust the placement of the 'plastic sand bricks', cover and fix the PC pipe, and then use glue injection to drill holes to install the guide rail.

The third is the personnel at the rear, remote control experimental irrigation nozzles, and whether the experimental guide rails meet the standards.

The transplanters replaced the grass seedlings in their hands with melon seedlings.

This is Tiancheng's 'Desert Watermelon' project.

Last year, 50,000 mu were laid, and this year it will be expanded by a thousand times.

In order to complete the laying before March, the "Guagua Series" will be put on the shelves in summer. The project has employed more than 30,000 employees and nearly 1,000 construction equipment and vehicles.

The scene is far more spectacular than the isolation zone.

Not long.

Fuxing entered Guadag area A.

In fact, as early as last year, immigration had already begun.

Most of the people come from the impoverished mountainous areas outside the Beidi Road West Expressway Project.

Immigrant treatment includes free housing, 100 mu of watermelon land per capita, 100 catties of food subsidy per person in a single quarter, admission to Tiancheng Technical Secondary School without examination, and Tiancheng International Holdings priority admission qualification.

In addition, the superiors set up primary and secondary schools here. In addition to the nine-year compulsory education, the children of immigrant families also enjoy benefits such as free board and lodging fees, free tuition and miscellaneous fees, and extra points for the college entrance examination.

But there is one thing, to come here you must participate in work.

And if you work, you will have a better life.

It's like District A of Gua Tian.

Rows of six-story residential buildings, asphalt roads, gorgeous commercial facilities, and brand-new buses.

Surrounded by green trees, with a green lake in the middle, the whole is simply a desert oasis.

The important thing is, except commercial, all free!

Because of this, District A, which can accommodate 3,000 families, was saturated as early as last year and no longer accepts new immigrants.

At the same time, the superior department set up a street office here, and the residents spontaneously formed a neighborhood committee...

However, this is a 'blue-collar city', where people are busy working during the day and studying in evening classes at night. Even the leaders of the sub-district office go to support other areas to handle immigration procedures.


When the vehicle arrived at the gate of District A, except for a few aunts and grandpas from the neighborhood committee who held a small red flag and shouted welcome, there was no other person to greet Boss Ge who came to us suddenly.

"Good job."

Ge Xiaotian didn't care about these, shook hands with the elders and aunts one by one, and walked into the neighborhood committee.

The entourage turned on the recording equipment, first took a picture of the scenery in Area A, and then aimed at Ge Xiaotian.

"I came here today, one is to pass by and have a look, and the other is to find out if we have any difficulties here."

"Of course not, how nice we are here..."

Uncle and aunt, you talk to each other, just like talking about homework, boasting about Guadain District to Boss Ge.

the end.

The staff first sent the video to Huaxia TV, and uploaded it to Zigbee Network at regular intervals...


Melon Field consists of five districts, mainly responsible for the 'Desert Watermelon Project'.

And outside of Guatian District, there are:

The 'Ginza District' invested by Shen Zhipeng is in charge of the desert lungfish project.

The 'rice field area' invested by the richest man in Beijing is responsible for the desert rice project.

The "medicine field area" invested by Chia Tai International is responsible for the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine in the desert.

The 'flower and grass area' invested by Tianmao is responsible for the harvesting of weeds in the isolation zone.

As well as the 'High-tech Zone' and 'Agricultural Machinery Zone' jointly invested by Tiannong Seeds, Tiancheng Electric Industry, Longtian Technology, and Weihua Technology, it is responsible for equipment maintenance, power communication, technical support, etc.

And the 'free trade zone' that the board of directors will invest in this year is responsible for coordinating the sale of agricultural and sideline products to West Asia, Africa, Europe and so on.

So many areas constitute the 'Sand City'.

It's not Sabak in the legend of Shenlong, but a city in the desert with a level similar to Qinggang.

The plan Ge Xiaotian submitted to his superiors was to develop it into the "Western Capital" of the Northwest region.

However, although the chairman did not refuse, his intention was towards Tacheng in the north.

This matter requires a long-term plan.

It took Ge Xiaotian and Li Xiuxiu five days to familiarize themselves with the surrounding industries in the desert and then came to the core area.

This is a special area independent of Shacheng, with a complete Tianwei security system.

Irrelevant personnel are prohibited from approaching, and casual personnel are sent to the polar region on the spot.

In other words, this is a restricted area.

Enter the 'core area'.

The first thing that appeared before the eyes were dozens of factory buildings covered with desert camouflage nets.

The machinery inside is roaring, some are producing equipment and vehicles needed by surrounding industries, some are producing rocket components, or producing satellite components.

All products continue the style of Maozi, huge and rough, ferocious and terrifying, and look extraordinarily scary, as if they are not products of this era.

Tiancheng's first space station will be born here.

The rear area is Tiancheng Space Center.

But this is a 'model'. To enter it, you need to take a special vehicle. Now drive ten miles underground, rush into the quicksand river with no sense of direction, drive another fifty miles, enter the underground and circle N circles, and arrive at the 'shielded area'.

All signals are shielded here, including satellites, magnetic fields, and human eyes. Only when you cross the 100-meter 'light curtain' can you see the true face of Tiancheng Aerospace Department.

A lonely steel frame...

Because all the fortifications are underground.

Ge Xiaotian led the dizzy Li Xiuxiu into the hall to check the progress of desert industrial deployment and technology projects.

At this time.

Dao Eleven took Tiancheng's dedicated satellite phone to report:

"Boss, the rich man in North America has already boarded the flight to Jifu."

"Let the staff take them to play in Daqingshan for two days, and I will go back after I am done."

As Ge Xiaotian said, he turned on the smart card, called out the staff to help him prepare bragging materials, and prepared to review his homework, but when he saw the group photos taken with Li Xiuxiu in the past few days, and how to look at it, how abnormal was the industrial plan, his eyes Turn around, "Let them come to the desert, and take a look at my Lao Ge's desert boat."

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