Build Madness

Chapter 890 Horton and the Rich Group


Jifu Yaoqiang Airport.

After the North American flight landed, countless biochemical white clothes, armed green clothes, burly black clothes, and two-legged robots immediately blocked the surrounding area.

Facing this scene, the overseas rich group who had just arrived was obviously at a loss.

"Huo, what happened?"

"Calm down, let's go through the process."

Horton shrugged and unbuttoned his jacket as he walked down the boarding ladder. When he reached the ground, he began to take off his pants again.

Just after the Spring Festival, the temperature in Dongshan was two or three degrees below zero, and the snot flowed out from the frozen guy.

Rich group: "???"

Soon, Horton, who was stripped naked, stepped into the small cylindrical house guarded by biochemical white clothes. Five minutes later, with a bald head and naked body, he stepped into the small rectangular house guarded by tall black clothes again.

Not long after, Holden appeared domineering and handsome a hundred meters away, wearing a super high-end suit, wearing shiny leather shoes, and holding a gold smart card.

"Guys, we have to hurry up, otherwise Ge waits in a hurry, and I suspect that the price of the ferry ticket will increase."

"Oh, the bloody process, but I like it!"

The rich people complained and took off their clothes quickly, and no one refused.

Because no one wants to bring the S-virus that is rampant around the world to the ark.

What? free?

People had to stay in the ark for at least three years.

Therefore, from now on, learn to be patient and learn to obey.

Seeing that the rich group stripped off one after another, and entered the epidemic prevention channel one after another, Horton dialed someone for a communicator.

To be honest, he really didn't want to come to Huaxia.

To be precise, I don't want to see someone.

Because every time they meet, it means that Tianwei will increase the price.

It has been raised five times in three years, and each time it has been raised by two-thirds. Who can bear this?

Holden also thought about recruiting North American veteran commandos, but after trying, he found that not only were those people useless, but the Tianwei became lazy.


It's like a Tianwei and five North American ex-commandos form a combat team. Tianwei is the uncle, and the latter is responsible for washing socks, scrubbing, organizing weapons, and finding girls and guarding the door.

Really, there is a clear division of labor, orders and prohibitions, and strict discipline...

The latter does not agree?

There was no need for Tianwei to beat them up, but with his unique skills, he tidied them up submissively, and kept calling the boss, ignoring him as the chairman.

Therefore, Holden dismissed all the retired commandos and brought in a large number of Tianwei.

Because of this, during this period of time, he was trying to reduce his sense of existence.

Everything related to Ge was handled perfectly, so that the other party would not think of him.

Including selling tickets, and finding scientists for the Ark.

However, the buyer is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and earthquakes and tsunamis broke out in various places. Perhaps for peace of mind, or perhaps worried about being deceived, a delegation was organized to find him and asked for an on-site inspection.

Holden was very tired.

The communication was connected, and the evil voice of the devil came from the opposite side:

"Huo, long time no see."

"Yes, Ge, miss me to death."

"I'm very happy to hear you say that."


"Where are you?"

"I am undergoing epidemic prevention inspection, I believe we will meet soon."

"That's good. I'll wait for you in the desert. Have a good trip."

"Wait, desert?"

"Yes, you know, the object has been exposed, and we must activate the emergency backup plan,"

"Makes sense."

At the end of the communication, more than 50 top rich people from the home planet also had their hair cut, no, they passed the epidemic prevention inspection.

At the moment, they are comparing their clothing fabrics with each other.

"Much more comfortable than my half a million Franklin suit."

"Yes, more comfortable than mine."

"Wow, so this is the real smart card?"

"My god, you guys turn on the cameras and screens and see what I found."


"No, this is AR, VR cannot see reality, this is virtual and reality."

"So funny."

"It's also very practical, and it will change our lives."

"Yes, but unfortunately, only inside the airport."

"I think we can cooperate very quickly to introduce this technology."

"Very good suggestion. Taking advantage of the ten-year preparation period, we can make more money and buy more tickets."

"You are so wise."

Horton stepped forward and clapped his hands, "Guys, it's time for us to go."


A group of people walked out of the airport along the dedicated channel that had been prepared long ago.

But when he saw the armored bus parked on the side of the road, which was different from conventional cars and looked like a mine cart, he was stunned again. (All the way to the West Expressway Harmony Interchange Bus)

Holden pondered for a while, "This is a special vehicle for boarding. Ge wants to ensure our safety. Looking at the tires and structure, it should be amphibious for water, land and air."

"so cool!"

A certain rich man stepped forward, touched the thick metal body, and then kicked the half-meter-wide tires. With a face full of surprise, he got up and was about to speak when he suddenly saw an identical bus parked beside him.

Originally it was nothing, the key is...

Many ordinary people carrying large bags and various bedding sacks are boarding the car.

Especially the look in the eyes of the other party, which is exactly like saying: I have no experience!


The wealthy people who were discussing a lot also noticed this scene and stared blankly at the other side.

Holden was silent for a moment, and said quietly: "Don't be surprised, they are doing experiments for us. After all, it is a newly developed model, and we have to find someone to test its safety and performance."

As he said that, Holden was filled with emotion, "Don't you think Ge is very smart? If you find this kind of 'refugee', even if there is an accident, you won't have much loss."

"Makes sense."

The rich people nodded one after another, and their gazes turned into pity.

On the opposite side, after the Spring Festival, people who are going to work in the Xiangxi Expressway Industrial Park, always feel that the brains of this group of foreigners who are bareheaded in winter are a little abnormal.

"Get in the car."

Holden helped the buyer make up his mind, walked into the shuttle bus, took out the smart card to swipe the card, and immediately remembered something, and explained: "Don't think this process is like taking a bus, but it is actually verifying our identity. Only people who buy tickets , to take this kind of car that really goes to the Ark. Others who don’t buy a boat ticket take this kind of car to go to other places, in Chinese language: fake ones.”



"Perfect plan!"

The rich look around the luxury seats, as well as the car drink cabinets, disinfection cabinets, and first-aid kits, and there is no doubt that he is there.


Start the vehicle, take the airport-only road to Qihe in Decheng, and then enter the expressway heading west.

The moment they saw the road plan, the rich were stunned.

Holden narrowed his eyes and asked the flight attendant for a loudspeaker, "The very wide two-way four-lane in the middle is for transportation, and the two-way six-lane on both sides is the same as the ordinary lane, for passenger transport. The entire expressway is called one way to the west. , actually called: Ark Road.

Everyone knows that Dongshan is a large industrial province with the most complete industrial types and industrial systems in China. Especially after the industrial innovation, two-fifths of the semi-finished products of the mother star are produced in Dongshan.

The construction of the Ark requires a large amount of steel, especially alloys, with a quantity of hundreds of thousands of tons, and this road bears the heavy responsibility of transportation.

However, Huaxia is different from North America. Authorization is required to build a highway. Mr. Ge personally donated to build this road on the grounds of developing the west.

Therefore, the ferry ticket is expensive for a reason.

Stop complaining to me. "

The flight attendant looked confused: "???"

What are you talking about?

The rich people nodded their heads one after another.

At this time.


A 32-wheel heavy transport vehicle galloped by.

The extra-long compartment is covered with camouflage canvas, but through the gaps, one can vaguely see that it is filled with steel pipes and wires.

This scene made the rich people believe in Horton's words even more.

Immediately afterwards, several heavy transport vehicles roared over.

But to the surprise of the rich, unlike the previous one, except for the leading car, the front and rear of the rear cars are almost stuck together.

And, no one in the cab!



"God, what did I see?"

The rich were all shocked.

Holden took a deep breath, "This is called intelligent driving, and it can only be used on the traffic lane all the way west, in order to save costs.

You think, people need rest, but vehicles can basically run non-stop except for maintenance.

Moreover, there is more than one ark, otherwise it would only contain people, so what would we eat? What to drink?

Therefore, the ark also has an auxiliary boat, which relies on intelligent driving to closely follow the ark and provide us with food and daily necessities.

What you see is the experimental project. "

The flight attendant fell silent after hearing the words, and quietly put on the headset.

The rich are excited.

One of them looked forward: "So, I can bring my favorite red wine?"

It's Holden's firm belief, and he's a little flustered at the moment.

Because Ge didn't say anything about Fuzhou at all.

But since it is possible to build an ark, as long as you have money, you can definitely build a secondary ark.

Immediately nodded, "Yes, but... what you bought is only a boat ticket, and luggage needs to be checked, just like freight, and checked needs money, especially, the Ark Project is to save your life, but you want to bring it to enjoy, the price must be higher. "

"Wai Ruigude, I'm not short of money."

The speaker snapped his fingers, "Send me the quote later."

Another rich man was so excited after watching the two talk, "Can I bring my Shar Pei baby? It's like my child."

"Yes, we have animal shelters."

"No no no, I want it to live with me."

"Then you need to apply for a special biological ticket, the price..."

“Price is not an issue!”


The vehicles were galloping all the way on the dedicated transport lane, Holden was bragging all the way, until the end, he panicked.

Finally, three hours later, we arrived at the Taihang Tunnel.

Since it was not yet open to traffic and there was no direct flight to the desert, everyone transferred to a parallel twin-rotor transport plane and flew to the ALS ground effect transport transfer station.

There is no problem with safety in Tiancheng industry, therefore, there is still no staff to welcome the rich group.

And the rich don't care much about times.

Because it's so busy here.

Busy building, busy producing, busy transporting, busy mining...

Of course, all of this is for the Ark project.

"I finally understand why I am building an ark."

"Yes, only here can an ark be built."

"Ridiculous Remington, he also wants to start the North American Ark project..."


Holden looked at the speaker, "Remington? That Lexus arms dealer?"

"Yes, don't you know?"

"Sorry, I've been busy with the ark here."

"Oh, yes, he sanctioned the Horton Consortium, and it is impossible to tell you about it. That's right, at the end of November last year, during a business cooperation, he told me that he also has the Ark project, and the ticket price is half of yours .But that guy is doing everything he can in Chinese to do business, so I definitely won't believe him."

"It doesn't matter."

Horton made a gesture of reassurance with the other party, and secretly sent a message to communicate with Ge.

after an hour.

The parallel twin-rotor transport plane passed by Yinshan Mountain.

"My God, look, there are two large rockets over there."

"Fack, it's true!"

"What are they doing?"

"You're not going to hit us, are you?"

Horton, who was communicating with Ge Xiaotian, took the opportunity to send a text message to inquire, and finally raised his head and said: "Guys, calm down, this is for the bridge."


"You don't understand rocket bridge building...Of course, if you want to know more, you can come and watch it when the construction starts. The ticket price is 500,000."


You are addicted to selling tickets.

Another hour later.

The transport plane arrives at the ALS ground effect transport transfer station.

Even in winter, everyone has to wear constant temperature clothing and wide-area goggles when facing an environment of up to 50 degrees.

Therefore, the rich group saw more intuitive AR technology than using the smart card screen display.

From getting off the plane, walking on foot, to entering the ground effect airport, to going through the formalities, to changing boarding...


All shocked and speechless.

Horton looked at everyone's faces, shrugged, and asked the flight attendant to distribute drinks, "Come on, guys, try the pure coconut milk code."

"Huh... unbelievable."

"Huo, what project is this?"

Horton: "Don't be surprised, the civilization restart plan developed for the new world, you know, we don't know if there will be any mysterious creatures or supernatural phenomena after the disaster, we must make all preparations, just like Tiancheng's light curtain system, it It can form an array map in the ancient times of China, oh, you may not understand what an array map is..."

"Are those formations in Shenlong Cultivation?"

"Almost, but that's illusory. Our array is a technological product, just like Mr. Ge's theory of origin."

"I believe it."

"Then I have nothing to say."


At this time, the ground effect aircraft started, dragging a strong tail flame, and rushed to an altitude of 50 meters.

Fly out of the left flag, fly over the right flag, and arrive at Dunhuang at eight o'clock in the evening.

Under the dark night, an earthen city in the distance was brightly lit, and a large group of 'Buddha' and 'demon' hundreds of meters high floated around.

"God, what did I see?"

The rich group shouted collectively.

Holden worked hard all day and was a little tired. He had already taken off his wide-area goggles and was taking a nap on the table, chair and desk. When he heard this, he raised his head, but outside the window it was pitch black and there was nothing.


But the rich are talking like frying pans, and some have even untied their seat belts.

Horton was slightly startled, as if thinking of something, he quickly put on the wide-area goggles, "Oh, don't be surprised, this is... a game, you know, Tian Cheng has mature AR technology, and fortunately we spent at least three years in the ark Time, or even longer, if there are no entertainment items during the period, it is estimated that we will be suffocated, and this AR technology, if combined with the AR technology of the airport, can make a very real AR game, even like a science fiction game novel , As long as we lie in the biological cabin, wear a holographic helmet, and play a game, we can survive the disaster."

It seems to verify what Horton said.

The ground effect aircraft left Dunhuang and came to the Yumen and Yangguan areas, and everyone saw thousands of troops again.

"Perfect plan!"

After a certain rich man finished speaking, he held up his smart card, "How do you describe that the trip was not in vain?"

Elf: "It's a worthwhile trip!"

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