Build Madness

Chapter 891

Yumenguan is located in the northwest of Dunhuang, and Yangguan is located in the southwest of Dunhuang. The distance between the two is two hundred miles. Both are ancient Chinese military fortresses, and they have left countless well-known poems and allusions.

Advise you to drink more wine, go west to Yangguan without acquaintance.

Why bamboo flute complain willow, spring is not degree Pass.

Zhang Qian went out to the Western Regions, Huo Qubing went to Hexi, Zhao Ponu fought against his aunt, and Ban Chao served as the guardian.

But time has passed, Yangguan has long been corroded by wind and sand, and there is only half of Yumen's pass made of sand and corn.

After Tiancheng came here, he carried out a large-scale restoration project, and designated the Dunhuang area as a ground-effect transportation hub all the way to the west, and set up logistics, storage, and tourism distribution centers, as well as two ground-effect transportation lines.

One is to go northwest through here, go out of Yumen, pass through Hami, enter the Zhungeer Basin, go directly to Tacheng, and go to Ulu City in the middle.

The second is to go southwest through here, go out of Yangguan, pass through the Loulan ruins, enter the Tarim Basin, and reach the desert town in Taklamakan.

It can be said that this is the three forks of the New Silk Road.

The rich group passed by at low altitude in a ground-effect aircraft, and was immediately attracted by the brightly lit ground.

Hundreds of square box buildings are lined up horizontally and vertically, and the scale of a single building is far larger than that of a large gymnasium.

There are cars coming and going around, or they are busy loading and unloading, or they are busy with inspection, or they are busy with packing.

Iron ore, steel, plastic products...

Machinery, parts, semi-finished products...

Food, beverages, daily necessities...

Between the buildings, several internal freight trains criss-cross and run endlessly under countless gantry cranes.

And far away.

Huge duck-like ground-effect transport planes flew from the east, and another aircraft of the same model disappeared under the western sky full of cargo.

Even the rich, with billions of dollars in their pockets, were also shocked by such a spectacular sight.

No need for Horton to explain, everyone knows this is the 'Ark Project'.

"Great China!"

"Yes, and only they can make this happen."


early morning.

When the morning sun rises, the yellow dawn shines across the desert.

The rich group also arrived at the desert town airport.

Thanks to the hypnotic system of constant temperature suits and wide-area goggles, a group of people slept soundly and ate well.

A rich man stretches, "Damn it, I'm jet-lagged!

"Yes, I have never enjoyed such a wonderful trip."

"Is this also the 'Ark' function?"

Horton nodded, "As you can see, Mr. Ge told us with practical actions that his Ark plan is true."

"No, no, I never doubted the authenticity of the Ark. I just asked to come here out of curiosity."

Other billionaires responded.

Horton shrugged and unbuckled his seat belt, "Let's go guys, we're here."

According to Tiancheng's regulations, when entering the desert industry, one must wear constant temperature clothing and wide-area goggles.

Therefore, the rich people were all stunned when they saw the sci-fi level airport which was more gorgeous than Jifu Yaoqiang.

Holden was also bluffed, but as a seller, he quickly reacted, "Guys, calm down, just like the AR phantom we saw on the way here..."

"I understand, this is to enrich the life of the ark!"

"Congratulations, you will answer quickly."

Ge Xiaotian clapped his hands and walked from a distance, followed by two teams of burly Tianwei and more than a dozen two-legged robots.

Like the posture of a sci-fi film and television villain, everyone was immediately stunned.

Regardless of their status, or the energy and influence of their home planet, before the rich came to Huaxia, they felt that the formation of a group could make a 50-50 split between the two parties, but now...

It is no longer a level.

Some rich people even remembered the conflict in Pakistan.

The outside world knows that the North American Marine Corps expelled Harden and saved Ge Laoer, but in fact, the North American Marine Corps never encountered Harden at all, but had a real fight with a small team of Tianwei.

Without the use of two-legged robots, intelligent drones, and light curtain systems, Tianwei actually suppressed the opponent to fight. Its combat power can be imagined.

If you annoy this ruthless guy who always carries 'express' when he travels...

Of course, the two parties now belong to a cooperative relationship, and the rich people didn't think too much, but greeted each other.

"Ge, you are so handsome!"

"Ge, you are so young!"

A chubby white rich woman's eyes lit up: "Oh God, I've never seen a man as handsome as you, so cool!"

"Welcome to Sand City."

Ge Xiaotian was lukewarm, and said a word of welcome with a smile on his face, motioning everyone to board the dozens of desert revival buses that had been prepared earlier, "The place is simple, let's go and see the place where we live first, hoping to make people feel better." Everyone is satisfied."

"You are too kind, even if we live in a ground-effect aircraft, we will be very satisfied."

"Well, during this time, you will live in the ground effect aircraft."

"Oh no, I was just joking."

"lets go."


In Shacheng, in addition to the area Ge Xiaotian inspected before, there is actually a 'Mother Star Village' which is mainly based on real estate.

Enterprises such as Tianrong International, Zhengda International, Longtian Technology, Weihua Technology, Rice Technology, Nanbangzi KS Group, Taimei AS Group, Nanyang Goldlion Group, Nanyue Leather Group and other companies are all located in the desert.

Moreover, the desert villas purchased by Uncle Horton, the helm of Morgan, the Horton consortium, and the stock king Laoba are also located nearby.

Since the other areas are all "industrial chains", they are incompatible with the industry of Mother Star Village, and Uncle Horton, Morgan at the helm, etc., will most likely not come to live there, so the two sections are separated.

The convoy drove out of the desert town and crossed the busy isolation zone...

Seeing the construction team, the rich people became curious again.

"What is this doing?"

Holden: "Ten years, think about it, we need ten years to build the ark. If the ecological environment is not maintained, wouldn't the ark be buried by wind and sand?"

"Makes sense."

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

He has seen the monitoring of the vehicles and ground-effect aircraft used by the rich group, and knows that Holden almost blows the cowhide.

But... well done.

Ge Xiaotian looked around at the rich people who were talking about it, and motioned Horton to look at his own wide-area goggles.

"You texted that the arms dealer in Texas, Remington, is also building an ark?"

"I arranged for Huo Dun to investigate. The situation is true. In the middle of last year, they acquired a large shipyard in Houston, and then secretly invited shipbuilding experts, physicists, and meteorologists to participate in the project. At the beginning of this year, the 'Freedom Boat' project was officially launched. At the start, they acquired two more steel mills and purchased a large amount of iron ore. However, affected by our project, the price of iron ore on the parent planet has doubled, and they urgently need capital injection, otherwise they may face planned bankruptcy.”

"Who is the largest shareholder?"

"Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, and, it seems, my cousin, General Motors of North America."

"What's your relationship with your cousin?"

"If you want to deal with him, I can give you the Holden GM Canada."

"Not available for now."

Ge Xiaotian didn't doubt Horton's words.

After all, Huo Dun Group, from the sweeping aunt to the general manager, is all his own. If he wants to, he can even know how much paper Huo Dun used to go to the toilet in the morning, and how many rounds he played with the black girl last night.

Think for a moment, "Can you stir up the price of iron ore or steel in North America?"

"The rate of increase?"

"At least... double the current amount."

"It's difficult, as you know, the S virus affects the economy of all regions of the mother planet. The average price of steel that doubled last year has now begun to fall."

"We can do it like this. You buy a mine and export iron ore to Tiancheng International Holdings. The price is slightly higher than Remington's purchase price. The settlement method...go to Zhuang Lao's parent star development bank, use this year's Tianwei Labor dispatch expenses are deductible."

"How much iron ore do you want?"

"The more the better, if you can win 50% of North America's exports, even better."

"But Tianwei's labor dispatch costs are not so much."

"No, the price has increased this year."


"Don't worry, I will never treat my own people badly. If I can bankrupt Remington's Liberty Boat plan..."

As Ge Xiaotian said, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, "No, you can't play like this."


"Playing like this will easily expose my existence and make you think that I want to fight a steel trade war with you."


"let me see."

Ge Xiaotian flicked his fingers on his knees, and suddenly remembered the drawings of the engineering island revised by Dao Shishi, and his eyes lit up, "Do you know the specifications of their 'Freedom Boat'?"

"I know, like four aircraft carriers pieced together, it's far from the 'Ark' concept map released by Tianyu."

"That's no problem, I'll give you a set of blueprints, and you can find a way to sell them."


Holden was not stupid, he realized instantly, "You want to sell the 'Ark' blueprint?"

"The drawings of the old ark have been abandoned, but the structure is absolutely fine and reasonable."

"Why did you give up?"

"No engine."

The engineering island is the center of the town, and the company can reproduce the blueprints, but the core drive is protected by the system and cannot be cracked, and with the current technological strength, it is impossible to create an engine that can drive tens of millions of tons.

"However, I can give you a set of steam turbines that are reasonable from theory to experiment to drive the old ark."

"How much will it cost?"

"You can figure it out, if you sell more or less, it's all yours."

"Generous Ge!"

"But you have to tell them that you stole this set of blueprints back."

"Then you sue me for theft of trade secrets?"

"What are you thinking? Am I like that?"


"Don't worry, it won't, because if you get this set of drawings and want to build, you have to purchase my special steel."

"I see, the purpose is to sell special steel!"

"No, it's to sell shipbuilding equipment and gantry cranes."


"Also, we can sell shipbuilding technology and outsource labor in the future."


"Of course, the ultimate goal is to wear them down, can't be made."


"The question is, can you fool them?"

"What do you mean by 'fudge'?"

"Oh, it's about the same as when you came here."


"Actually, it's not difficult to implement this plan. You can start with your cousin."

"North American General Motors?"

"I chatted with your Uncle Dupont, and he said that you have grown into a qualified successor."

"But GM's holdings are messy and divided into a dozen brands and regional companies."

In 2003, General Motors had not yet gone bankrupt and reorganized, and all the shares were in private hands. It was not until the 2008 economic crisis that the North American White House took over.

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, "What can't be broken can't be built. Only when GM goes bankrupt can it become your North American Holden GM. No, it's Holden GM. I've prepared all the new models for you."

Hearing this, Horton touched his pocket, as if he wanted to smoke, but the thermostatic suit was empty.

There was a moment of silence.

"2012 is coming, why do we make so much money?"


Ge Xiaotian's expression froze, and the smile froze on his face.

What the hell, the ticket sellers believe it, so how can you help yourself infiltrate North American business in the future?

But he couldn't say that 2012 was a fake, was Horton who believed that so many tickets were sold.

If Horton knew it was fake, he would lose the confidence to sell tickets in the future.

Ge Xiaotian took out a large No. 13 cigar, and gave each of them a cigarette. The voice that could be heard in the whole car: "Old Huo, what do you think we are most lacking after 2012?"


"This is not a problem. Look at the desert in the distance. Those watermelons in the square grids are the raw materials for the production of 'nutrient solution'. This year, 50 million acres will be expanded to Africa next year. After ten years of continuous planting, the production can support 100 million The population has taken five hundred years of nutrient solution."


The wealthy people in the carriages were full of gasps.

"So, in the New World, we have no shortage of food."

Ge Xiaotian put the materials he had prepared before into everyone's wide-area goggles, "What we lack is technology and resources. Think about it, floods, volcanic eruptions, crustal movements, and a combination of various disasters may cause' The absence of oxygen, or the presence of 'sulfur hydroxide' in the atmosphere makes it difficult to breathe, which is why we must wear constant temperature suits and adapt in advance."

"However, we are not sure how long we will be drifting at sea. If it is a hundred years, we will start the third set of preparation plans and enter space."

"But if you want to survive in space, you need more things, research and development of new engines, research and development of spaceships, construction of spaceships, construction of space ports..."

"So, buying a boat ticket is just a qualification to 'flee' and become a 'refugee'. If you want to become a plan implementer or a shareholder of the Ark project, you need to inject capital."

"This capital injection is not for everyone to spend money, but to collect resources."

"Of course, North America is far away. There is no need to transport them here. They can be gathered together and stored in a hidden place. After the disaster is over, we will drive the ark to run there."

Even if the rich believed in 2012 and came to Huaxia, they firmly believed that Tiancheng could build the ark, but they couldn't help frowning when they heard the capital injection.

Because there are contingencies in everything, and if 2012 does not happen, no one wants to waste money.

Buying a boat ticket is just a way out, not really wanting to put all the money on it.

However, when Ge Xiaotian said to concentrate resources in a hidden place in North America, everyone was collectively relieved.

This is undoubtedly a very safe way.

If there is no 2012, maybe rare goods can be lived in, and the price of materials can increase.

Horton realized something, "Ge, what do you mean?"

"From now on, we have to form a group to make money and store supplies!"

Then I drive the town center double over sometime and recover them all.

Ge Xiaotian clenched his fist and waved to everyone, "Remember, if you want to make a lot of money, you must be united!"

It's just hoarding goods, and it's not about letting everyone continue to pay.

And, combined, represent business.

The rich were immediately mobilized, "United as one!"

"Very well, do it again, United!"


Up to now, the Ark project is obviously not going to work.

Ge Xiaotian has the posture of smashing the cans and smashing the cans, and takes out the "reselling" routine of the future time and space, and starts to brainwash the rich group.

Then induce the other party to join the Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, to kill those giant companies on the home planet one by one, to add firewood and raise wages for Tiancheng.

"Our first plan is to use Remington's 'Freedom Boat' plan to drive up steel prices."

"Wait, Ge, the price has gone up, how can we collect resources?"

"If you buy it now, the price will go up. Isn't that the same as making money?"

"Makes sense."

If the price can’t go up, how can I ship so many mines?

Ge Xiaotian glanced out the window, it was the oasis area on the outskirts of Mother Star Village, "The place to live is here, let's get off."

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