Build Madness

Chapter 893: The Desert Ship - Longtian Press Conference

The desert environment is harsh.

During the development process, Tiancheng faced not only water resources, but also insects and ants, climate diseases, and gravel and quicksand that covered the entire surface and reached a temperature of 60°C to 80°C.

Although the third-generation constant temperature clothing has been developed, which can effectively prevent insect bites, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine can also deal with various sudden weather diseases.

However, the surface temperature of 60°C to 80°C and the pervasive fine sand severely restrict the use of mechanical vehicles.

Regardless of whether the desert revival bus with high-strength plastic tires or the ground-effect transport aircraft with high-strength alloys, the entire machine must be overhauled every night.

If he hadn't been promoted to the fifth level of the 'Intelligent Mechanical Repair Factory', Tian Cheng would definitely not be able to handle the growing 'All the Way Westward Project'.

With the second and third batches of employees arriving in the desert, and expanding the isolation belt and melon field planting projects in different areas, it is imminent to find a portable means of transportation that can be used without roads.

Therefore, Tian Cheng looked at the camel.

The camel, also known as the boat of the desert, has a gentle personality and can endure hunger and thirst. It can survive for two weeks without water and a month without food. It can be used for riding, carrying, pulling carts, Plowing, etc., is an indispensable partner for people in the Gobi desert, geological exploration and archaeologists.

According to Tian Cheng's experiments in the various deserts of his home planet, it was found that the Persian dromedary that is prevalent in Africa and West Asia, even if they do not transport goods, can only move around the Gobi Desert, and cannot cross the Sahara or Taklamakan at all.

Only Bactrian camels with huge physique and stronger survivability can meet the needs of Tiancheng's industry.

However, from the 1980s to the beginning of the new century, the climate and environment of the home planet took a sharp turn for the worse, causing countless species to be on the verge of extinction or even become extinct, and camels are no exception.

In particular, the Bactrian wild camels, now only a thousand survive in China, belong to the first-class protected animals, on the same list as pandas and golden monkeys.

In order to find a solution, at the beginning of last year, Tiancheng Animal and Plant Research Center formulated the "Desert Boat Project", and successfully cloned a batch of Bactrian camels through gene cloning and test-tube cultivation with the help of a magical stable that has never been understood.

In fact, strictly speaking, as long as the cloning technology is perfect and the telomeres of embryonic cells can be re-repaired through genetic programming, so as to restore them to the original level, there will be no longevity defects.

In the new century, many countries and regions have mastered this technology, such as the white mouse 'Kumlina' bred in North America, and the sheep 'Yangyang' cloned by Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in China.

Tiancheng 102 laboratory has cloned a long-lived Bactrian camel, which is not a big news.


Shacheng Animal and Plant Cultivation Center is located in the south of Shacheng, covering an area of ​​about 5,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to half of Jishi City.

The industries here include locust breeding and breeding, African lungfish breeding, sapling cultivation, melon seedling cultivation, rice seedling cultivation, desert biological research and so on.

Therefore, there are plastic greenhouses all around, warehouses in the middle, and underground research rooms full of bottles and jars and various organisms or organs soaked in nutrient solution.

The moment Li Xiuxiu came in, she threw up her helmet.

Ge Xiaotian asked people to take him out to change into a constant temperature suit, and took a look at the melon seedlings to relax, then endured the discomfort, and walked into the cloning area with Dao Shishi.

The camel itself is like a 'hybrid' species, with mouse ears, ox spine, tiger claws, hare lips, dragon neck, snake eyes, horse mane, sheep breast, monkey peaks, chicken phoenix, dog heels, pig tail, also known as 'full beast' , just like the legendary 'four different images'.

During the cloning process, Tian Cheng carried out genetic programming, which made the new Bactrian camel physically stronger.

If the Shuangfeng is removed, fish scales grow on it, and then traveled to ancient times, it is estimated that it will be regarded as an auspicious beast 'Kirin'.

Upon receiving the news of the arrival of the boss, the person in charge of the animal genetics of the 102 laboratory, an old professor from the Amgen Biotechnology Company in California, North America, stepped forward to report: "Boss, the first batch of 5,000 Bactrian camels has already arrived." One year and fifteen days old, 2,000 male camels need to be castrated."

Ge Xiaotian took off the wide-area goggles and helmet, and whistled to attract the Bactrian camels in the nearby underground fence.

The latter's eyes lit up, and he rushed over in unison, with his head raised, his chest up, and his body bent down, showing an expression of eagerness to be ridden.

"Oh my God!"

The blond old professor was dumbfounded: "What happened?"

"My children are very obedient and do not need to be castrated."

Ge Xiaotian opened the fence with the highest authority, looked around the herd of camels, "Line up, let's go out and get familiar with the world."


hula la...

Without the command of the staff, the camels stepped out of the fence one by one and walked towards the slope-style transportation channel.

The herd of camels in the rear is very quiet, lined up in an orderly manner...

This scene only caused the old professor to roll his eyes irritated and fainted.


Ge Xiaotian was startled, this is one of the most valuable scientists he has dug up.

Fortunately, Dao Shiyi helped him activate the emergency button of the thermostatic suit as quickly as possible.

The built-in intelligent system automatically injects colored bottles of brain-boosting and kidney-tonifying liquid according to the physiological condition of the user. No, it is a genetically engineered medicine.

Soon, the latter woke up slowly, looked at the fence for the first time, and then looked at someone again.

"This, this, this..."

Fingers and lips trembled.

"This is real."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly, turned around and rode on one of the strongest camels, leaving behind a handsome back, and immediately raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, "Work hard, I will guarantee your immortality."

"Yes, God!"

"Call me boss, I like this title."

"Yes, Boss!"

Thousands of camels walked out of the underground research institute in a long snake formation, which immediately alarmed the Tianwei in the area.

When he saw the boss coming on a camel, the Tianwei regional director stepped forward, straightened his helmet, and hugged his photoelectric weapon tightly on his chest, "Boss, are you going to launch a general attack?"

"Mud plays the game!"


Li Xiuxiu, who was eating melon seeds in the melon seedling area after changing into a constant temperature suit, stared blankly at the scene with the melon seeds in the corner of her mouth.

Like a western cowboy, Ge Xiaotian made an inviting gesture, "Beautiful girl, do you want to try the camel shock tonight?"


Walking out of the animal and plant research center and stepping into the scorching desert, the camels looked around curiously, but even though there were lush green plants around them, none of them lowered their heads to eat.

Ge Xiaotian hugged Li Xiuxiu, clamped his legs, and signaled the camel leader to approach Dao Shishi, "They need to get used to it, especially familiar with the square field area, where weeds can't be eaten indiscriminately."

"Don't worry, the camel trainers trained in the night school will tell them the rules of survival here."

"Very good. After a week, they will be dispersed to the operation area. If there are no problems, the second batch of one-year camels will be put into use directly, and the number will increase to 50,000 within two years."

"We need human resources, especially for the juvenile camels."

"The intelligent system can't complete it?"

"Unless all of them are No. 1 units, they are all artificially retarded. If you want to copy No. 1 unit, you need an optical core. But at present, the output of my senior brother's optical cores is only two per day, including the main functions. The buildings have not been transformed, not to mention these machines that can be replaced by human power."

"Well, it's also good, you can use jobs to attract the eastern population."

"Here comes the problem. The first batch of employees this year is 50,000, and the second batch of employees is 50,000. Even if you don't count the personnel recruited for the high-speed industrial park last year, you have to spend one billion yuan a year. If you count food, drink, and For the construction of supporting facilities, Tiancheng will lose tens of billions by the end of this year. But the desert project has invested trillions, and all industries are losing money and making money...Tiancheng's domestic accounts have no money, and all overseas accounts have been loaned out."

"The chairman dared to sell us the 50,000 square kilometers of land because I can afford to lose money, and I have no money to earn from overseas. The fight here is for the future, so why not be afraid."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he yelled at the vast desert around him, and continued: "Besides, it's just that Tian Cheng has no money. Longtian, Odyssey, Non-regional Alliance, Pirate Alliance, etc. have plenty of money."

Li Xiuxiu blinked, "Is their money related to you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Could it be that you still want Tianwei to snatch it?"

"No, you have to believe in your man's ability to speak. If our life is really difficult and we are trapped by money, they only need to use their words, and they will remit hundreds of millions of funds."

"I believe your evil!"


When Boss Ge rode a camel and took Li Xiuxiu to supervise the desert project.

February 16th, the second day of the Chinese Lantern Festival.

Longtian Technology held a press conference.

Lao Wang, who is full of farmer's atmosphere, appeared in person and announced the Longtian Star Chain plan at the beginning of the press conference with very down-to-earth words.

"We, Longtian, have always resisted monopolistic behavior. Zigbee Network... ah, bah, that's Ge Laoer's network. Whoever he wants to use can use it. If he doesn't want anyone to use it, he can't even watch the New Year's Eve party."

Longtian Technology is not a listed company, and its financial statements do not need to be disclosed. However, as China is moving towards the road of optoelectronic technology, especially many satellite components are labeled with Longtian R\u0026D, no matter domestic or overseas, they all suspect that Longtian Technology belongs to Huaxia officials.

In particular, Pharaoh used to be a soldier.

If according to this guess, Tian Cheng had conflicts with Long Tian, ​​but he helped Old King Long Tian to make a comeback, then it would make sense.

Because Tiancheng is a developer, he needs land, and the land belongs to the government. The latter can take cooperation, or some attitude, and ask Ge to help Lao Wang.

As for the grievances between the two, nine times out of ten, this is how it came about.

This is the unanimous guess at home and abroad.

Moreover, as the conflict between the two deepened, Wanshi Technology, one of the top ten electronic component manufacturing companies on the home planet that made a good deal with Tian, ​​had rejected Longtian's orders several times in favor of Weihua Technology and Rice Technology.

(Longtian Technology has shifted its market to the European region, and its business volume has increased, leading to the dominance of Wanshi Technology in China, which is not conducive to development in the long run. Therefore, Longtian Technology needs to support one or N manufacturing companies that compete with Wanshi Technology .)

on the stage.

"The Longtian Starlink project is earlier than Tiancheng's leaked Starlink project. There is also a big difference between the two. We are a network of four space stations, and the super-large base stations communicate with each other. It is not a starlink composed of hundreds or thousands of network satellites."

"To be precise, our plan is called 'Dragon Star Domain'."

"Its purpose is to establish a 'new field' that supports ultra-large bandwidth and ultra-fast network speed, far exceeding the Zigbee network, and can surf the Internet anytime, anywhere on the parent star or even the moon."

"Longtian Technology will invest 200 billion euros to complete the plan, and open applications for network access in mid-2005."

Reporter: "Mr. Wang, did you decide to invest in the Longxing field because of the failure of investing in the Galileo project in Europe?"

"Fart, we have reached a cooperation to fight Glonass."

Reporter: "Mr. Wang, as far as I know, Wanshi Technology once again rejected the new SG equipment order from Longtian Technology. What do you use to build the space station?"

"We have the support of the Huaxia Aerospace Department. The gray-haired old man sitting in the leadership seat is the veteran of our Huaxia Aerospace Department, the Ninth Institute."

Reporter: "Does this confirm that Longtian Technology is an official company of Huaxia?"

"No, we are a national joint-stock corporate enterprise. I am the chairman and the legal representative of the enterprise. I founded Longtian at the beginning with the purpose of revitalizing China. It is natural for us to do a patriotic cause. The outside world can say that I regard the technology alliance as an enemy, but I cannot Said that Longtian is an official company, because this is my personal behavior."

After Lao Wang finished speaking, he coughed and threw out the second sensational news, "Longtian Technology will cut off the cooperative relationship with Tiancheng International Holdings on June 30 this year, that is to say, from now on, Tiancheng's smart card will no longer be SG series. At the same time, SG devices will no longer use Baixiao UI.”

Reporter: "Does this mean that SG equipment cannot log into the Baixiaotong forum?"


Old Wang smiled strangely, "It's Baixiaotong Forum that lost its platform, or in other words, lost the SG market."

After the astonishment below, there was an uproar.

This means...

Longtian Technology used its own Shenlong system to sanction Tianyu International!

Immediately, some reporters reacted.

"So, Weihua Technology, which uses the Shenlong system, will also be removed from the Baixiaotong forum?"

"You guys are mistaken. Shenlong system is an open system, which can be used and researched by everyone. Weihua has never used Baixiao UI. They use EMUI, including Rice Technology, and they use MIUI."

Lao Wang played the projection, "I didn't mean to target Tianyu, or Ge Laoer. Our Longtian has a Shenlong system, but we use Baixiao UI as the page. Don't you think it's strange?"

Tianyu reporter: "Mr. Wang, you are too unkind. At the beginning, there was no market for SG equipment and Shenlong system. We Tianyu developed Baixiao UI and brought you countless users. Now that Longtian's wings are hard, you are against it. Stab us."

Lao Wang: "A reporter from Tianyu? Who let him in? Get out."


Other reporters: "Mr. Wang, the smart card uses the Shenlong system and the Shenlong account. If the SG equipment no longer includes the smart card, does that mean that Tiancheng will lose the functions of swiping cards and online shopping?"

"No, you misunderstood, 'smart card' is just a representative word, just like the word 'mobile phone', it is a representative of smart micro-terminal, our Longtian is only targeting Tiancheng smart card..."

"You just said that it wasn't aimed at."

"Did I tell you?"


"Everyone should know that the Tiancheng Smart Card can only be used within the Tiancheng industry chain, which is very bad."

Lao Wang said, taking out a touch-screen device, "After two years of deployment, the Longtian Business Development Department has won all the non-Tiancheng industry chain merchants, and we jointly launched the 'SG Smart Card'. From now on, SG users do not need to enter the Tiancheng industry Chain, you can enjoy a light life."

Reporter: "Mr. Wang, just now Mr. Ge posted a web message, threatening to acquire Longtian."

"Hahaha...he still has a lot of money."


Another reporter: "Mr. Wang, does SG equipment support Tianyun bus?"

"Does Ge Er Er dare to refuse? I'm afraid he will be sprayed to death by hundreds of millions of SG users."


"So, my SG Smart Card has the functions that the Tiancheng Smart Card has, and the Tiancheng Smart Card may not have the functions that the SG Smart Card has."

Lao Wang raised the device in his hand, "Let's move on to the next topic, the first SG smart card."

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