Build Madness

Chapter 894 Tianke Comes Back

In people's eyes, Lao Wang's Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship is very sharp.

Stuck in Tiancheng's weakness of no chip, no system, and no high-tech electronic research and development capabilities, first kill Baixiaotong, the external portal of Tianyu International, and replace it with the news group of Longtian Technology, and then chop Tiancheng's smart card to win a non-profit for Longtian Technology. The Tiancheng system's SG smart card market.

In this way, Longtian Technology not only owns the entertainment industry, but also owns the financial service industry that exceeds the scale of Tiancheng's industrial chain.

And all of this is entirely based on the operation foundation laid by Tiancheng.

In other words, Ge Lao Er charged forward and conquered Nuo Datian, but Lao Wang snatched the fruits of victory.

The reporters who participated in the press conference could completely imagine someone's stunned and confused emoji.

Some people have even made a draft and named it: Old Wang has lived hard for two and a half years, and now he dares to show his sword to the second child!

on the stage.

Lao Wang didn't know the ambiguity of the title, and at the moment he was proudly showing off the new product.

The third-generation SG handheld devices and SG wearable devices are one-fifth thinner than last year's old models, and their performance is improved by 50%.

Devices with loudspeakers have majestic and surging sound effects, wired in-ear headphones are attached to handheld devices, and all screens use multi-touch IPS hard screens...

New functions include multi-person voice, multi-person video, intelligent background program management, scene app self-starting, etc.

It can be said that the third-generation SG continues the intelligence of the second-generation SG, and makes the device more portable and easy to carry.

However, due to the backward chip production process of Wanshi Technology, the most advanced commercial technology announced to the outside world is as high as 75nm.

Even if the new-generation Soc chip uses superconducting material graphene, if you want to ensure that the performance of the chip is not lower than that of the technology alliance chip, or increase the number of transistors on the chip to the same level as the other, you need to use the superiority of the superconducting material to increase the performance of the chip. Large chip specification.

The chip specification affects the layout of the circuit board, which in turn affects the size of the device, and finally the SG device is a full three millimeters thicker than the product of the same phase of the Technology Alliance.

In addition, under the pressure of Longtian, the Science and Technology Alliance had to give up squeezing toothpaste, took out the 45nm chip that was the bottom line, and developed a multi-layer circuit board superposition packaging technology. This year's new generation of smart phones has appeared ultra-thin models.

Compared with the two, the SG equipment looks much bulkier.

However, the performance of the Soc chip is unmatched in the field of mother star technology. Compared with the 45nm chip of the Technology Alliance with the same number of transistors, the performance is nearly ten times ahead.

This is the result recognized by the Science and Technology Alliance, otherwise it would not go to acquire ARM and use it to sanction Longtian Technology.

It's a pity that ARM not only does not recognize that Soc adopts ARM architecture, but chooses to cooperate with Longtian to build the Dragon Ecosystem in Europe.

Based on the above, after explaining the advantages of the new generation of SG chips, Lao Wang uttered dirty words and belittled many companies in the technology alliance with the momentum of being barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Subsequently, a new generation of home consoles and a new generation of smart homes are listed.

Reporter: "Mr. Wang, Longtian and Tiancheng have cut off their cooperation. How can you sell your home console and smart home?"

"Look at the VIP seats, Mr. Shen."


Amid the warm applause from the audience, Shen Zhipeng stepped onto the stage with a smile on his face, and leaned in front of the microphone, "This year, our Jifu Chamber of Commerce will carry out a deeper strategic cooperation with Longtian Technology. Among them, Sanlian Home Appliances will uniformly purchase SG in the future. A series of electrical appliances, Sanyou Chemical Co., Ltd. uniformly purchases Longtian Technology’s precision instruments, Sanjiang Motorcycle is transformed into a Longtian power supplier, Sanquan Foods… including our Ginza industrial chain, will also launch a “smart life” that surpasses Tiancheng’s smart home brand.”


The applause resumed.

The reporters at the scene noticed that several other people in the VIP seats, such as Chen Donghai, Li Wei, Wei Changfeng, and Mr. Zhao who was almost caught in a movie, suddenly realized something.

Isn't this the 'anti-Ge alliance'?

Of course, things are different. The anti-Ge alliance has been disbanded. The members either ate peanuts, went to Neobras, or... went crazy.

But today's 'Anti-Ge alliance', both in terms of lineup and strength, is far beyond what it used to be.

Amid the applause, Chen Donghai stepped onto the stage.

"This year, our southern market will launch the SG smart refueling system in a unified way, and in the SG smart card, we will increase fuel price broadcasts at any time, preferential promotions, group refueling and other activities. I hope everyone will support Sinopec."

Li Wei: "The real estate and commercial systems of Jingcheng Overseas Investment Company will support functions such as SG smart card access control and card-swiping shopping. Most importantly, we have launched the Zaoshi Xinglin International Renovation Project. According to the plan, it will have the current parent star The most complete intelligent supporting facilities, just like Mr. Wang said, make life convenient, relaxed and happy. Xinglin International looks forward to meeting you!"

Mr. Zhao: "There is nothing wrong with Chengji Center. We stick to our original promise. You can buy our two-square-meter house with the price of one square meter of commercial housing in the same location outside the world. We will improve the Galileo navigation system invested by Longtian Technology and the Longtian monitoring system in the community."

Long Tian broke up with Tiancheng completely, and he would definitely give up the GLONASS navigation invested by Tiancheng, and it was not a secret that Lao Wang discussed the Galileo plan with the European Union some time ago, so the reporters were not surprised to hear about the Galileo navigation.

The only pity is that the three major navigation systems in Europe, North America, and Ice Bear have risen one after another, but there is no news from Huaxia Navigation.

Some reporters thought of the identity of the Nine Institutes, and immediately turned the microphone, "Grandpa, when can we have our own navigation?"

"There will be. After launching Shenzhou V at the end of the year, next year we will focus on the 'Beidou Project'... Well, this is a secret."


The reporters suddenly regained their spirits and wanted to get closer to the interview, but were immediately stopped by the security guards.

At the same time, a large group of chairman of super enterprises, or leaders of government-owned enterprises sitting in the VIP area successively came to the stage to announce the cooperation plan with Longtian.

And the situation is becoming clearer.

Longtian Technology unites with these enterprises to encircle Tiancheng's industrial chain with non-Tiancheng industries...

Some journalists with a little bit of zzz consciousness instantly smelled something different: someone is going to take Ge Laoer for surgery!

That's right, Ge Laoer made a movie and almost made Mr. Zhao eat peanuts. Although Tianyu International clarified afterwards that "this story is purely fictitious", it also completely offended Mr. Zhao.

And according to the new novel 'In the Name of the People' written by Yu Yao, Zhao's old boss is at the Huaxia level...

A certain reporter: "I don't know where Ge Lao Er has gone. I really want to interview him."

The reporter next to him: "The second child is on his way here on a camel."


"Just kidding, this guy sang a new song after it was published on the web, Desert Camel, it's really touching, it's more brainwashing than Little Apple."


"I want to cross this desert to find my true self..."

"I listen."

"It's a video."

"Let me see."

In the vast desert, the sand dunes are undulating, the wind is blowing dust, and the eyes are full of earthy yellow.

Ge Lao Er, a cowboy in leather boots, was wearing a tattered windbreaker and sat straddling the humps, with a deflated flagon hanging by his side, and a small pipe hanging behind his buttocks.

The wind and dust are getting worse, and the camels are running fast...

A deep and hoarse voice, full of life and vicissitudes, came: I want to cross this desert...


The clear lyrics are matched with the boundless desert, the sky is full of dust and sand, which brings extraordinary shock to the viewers.

It is also far beyond the few classic songs that someone once sang.

Especially at this time, when someone was going to fuck him, he sang an inspirational song that was not afraid of hardships and dangers.

"artistic conception!"

A reporter murmured.

At this time, the press conference entered the reporter's questioning session again. The camera turned and just captured the screen image. The photographer subconsciously pulled into the lens...

Countless netizens who watched Longtian's press conference on the Internet instantly went viral.

"Second Ge?!"

"Fuck, how can you still enter in this way?"

"Maybe it was unintentional. After all, the second child's new song has never disappointed people. This time, when the new song was released suddenly, it was sold out... what the hell, broke the 100 million mark?"

"Nonsense, who won't download the free one?"

"No, it takes two yuan to buy the copyright. Ge Laoer said he has no money, and Lao Wang can prove it."



The main purpose of Longtian Laowang holding a press conference is not to release new products.

Because the third-generation SG products did not use the new smart one-card function demonstrated by Daoyi years ago.

The real purpose of Longtian is to strip the GLONASS navigation system in the SG equipment, because the European Union refuses to use the ice bear navigation system.

After the divestiture, the new SG equipment will use Galileo navigation in Europe, which can be used in July, so as to further expand the business in Europe.

In this way, Tiancheng uses GLONASS in the sub-region, Longtian uses Galileo in the European region, and wait until the nine institutes launch Beidou...

The first two are in trouble due to financial problems, a tripartite agreement, and a three-in-one navigation.

As for Longtian targeting Tianyu International...

Pharaoh no longer needs the Northland market, but needs to enter the South, West Asia and Europe.

Therefore, Long Tian would be beaten by Tian Cheng, and then driven out of the Northland.

Of course, if this business war is to become a classic case of the mother star, it still needs to be well staged.


Ge Xiaotian played with the camels for a day, and the latter were taken away by the staff.

Everyone went to Laboratory 102.

In fact, Tiancheng has chip technology, that is, an 'engineering-grade chip' that is equipped with GIS system and supporting servers, between automotive grade and military grade.

(According to the chip temperature and reliability, from low to high, it is divided into: commercial grade, industrial grade, automotive grade, military grade, aerospace grade, and engineering grade is customized by Tiancheng.)

Engineering-grade chips have powerful performance and stable operation, but they are expensive and cannot be commercially used on a large scale.

Therefore, Tiancheng Aerospace Department took out the basic materials for creating Soc chips and reconstructed a 'space-based' chip.

Unlike analog chips and digital chips, it is a radio frequency chip.

Strictly speaking, all three are integrated circuits, but the way of transmitting signals is different. Analog is arc wave, digital is dispersive wave, radio frequency is...shock wave, exactly like optical core technology.

In the future, there will be no strict classification of chips, and most of them will use half analog chips and half digital chips, whichever is used more will belong to that category.

If more radio frequency chips are used, this chip can be classified into the radio frequency category.

The use of radio frequency means that the chip supports very powerful "signal sending and receiving" capabilities, but the heat dissipation is not good and consumes a lot of power.

To this end, the Tiancheng Aerospace Department has developed a 4200mAh lithium-ion battery using graphene as the negative electrode material, and prepared a 6800mAh shared power bank.

In fact, 4200mAh is enough for heavy use of the new smart card for a day.

But most of the mobile phones these years can be used for ten days and half a month, and even the fighter among the hens has joined hands with Rice Technology to launch a "swipe card" that does not need to be charged for a year.

If the new smart card is not used for a day, it is estimated that all users will complain.

Moreover, the battery capacity of 4200mAh is also the largest capacity in the history of personal micro terminals and mobile phone series, because the general mobile phone is 650mAh or 800mAh, if it can reach 1350mAh, it can be called a large capacity.

However, such power consumption is not only due to the radio frequency chip, but mainly because of the functions supported by the new smart card and the display method.

Ge Xiaotian picked up a 6.3-inch smart card.

This device uses a waterfall screen for the first time. Unlike the curved screen, it has a greater curvature, and the two sides are almost completely occupied by the screen, so there is no physical button. Even if it is turned on, it will be turned on with a light-sensitive fingerprint.

For volume adjustment, brightness adjustment, and mute ringtones, tap the two sides of the upper half of the screen with your finger to pop up the operation button, and then slide your thumb up and down.

As for mishandling...

It depends on whether the system is perfect.

Ge Xiaotian tapped the virtual power button, and almost at the same time, the screen lit up.

The logo of the new smart card is no longer SG, but the anchor of Tiancheng, domineering and stable.

The system is no longer Shenlong, and the operation page is no longer Baixiao UI, but three vertical icon bars that can be customized to increase or decrease, or change the style, or change the display method.

According to a large number of studies by Tiancheng Aerospace Department, the left-right sliding operation page adopted by another space-time touch screen mobile phone is actually a mistake, which does not conform to ergonomics, is not conducive to human-computer interaction, and is not conducive to the development of left and right brains.

And adopting the "icon bar" of the "strip disk" style can perfectly solve these problems.

Classify the strip icon bar, commonly used on the left, games in the middle, office on the right, whatever you want to use, just push one of the strips up or down to find the corresponding icon.

Tap to start, exit is to push up from the bottom.

Swipe left and right for page return, or forward.

In this way, pure touch screen operation was born.

If you want to type, you can slide slightly inward from both sides, press and hold for a second, and bring up the virtual gossip shift key, which supports voice input and supports external physical gossip shift keys.

When the AR technology matures, the 88-degree curved screen can project an operable AR light-effect keyboard from the side...

But it is very difficult to achieve this step. After all, what I use now is digital holography, not virtual holography.

Ge Xiaotian played with the waterfall screen, and picked up another 5.5-inch smart card which is slightly smaller.

The screen is still eye-catching, but it does not use a raised waterfall screen, but a concave curved screen. The shape of the whole machine is like the word "concave".

Of course, only slightly concave, not deeply concave.

The operation method is the same as the waterfall screen, but it has a handheld AR function, which means that users can make Pokemon jump out of the screen without wearing a research device.

"How much does the waterfall screen cost?"

"Seven hundred and fifty red notes, the price must be set at more than two thousand six."

"What about this one?"

"Three thousand and five hundred red notes, the price is set at more than six thousand and five."

"How about the yield?"

"Wanshi Technology rejected all orders from Longtian Technology, Weihua Technology, and Rice Technology, and worked overtime to prepare 15 million units."

"Since Lao Wang is going to mess with me at the end of June, let's beat him up in March."

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